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Content available remote Problematyka HIV/AIDS w krajach europejskich - wybrane zagadnienia
W niniejszym artykule zostały zaprezentowane niektóre aspekty epidemii HIV/ AIDS istniejącej na kontynencie europejskim. Opracowanie składa się z dwóch części posiadających wewnętrzną systematykę. Część pierwsza zawiera opis epidemii HIV/AIDS począwszy od lat osiemdziesiątych (czyli od momentu kiedy pojawiły się pierwsze przypadki choroby na świecie), aż po sytuację dzisiejszą. W części drugiej omówione są regulacje prawne instytucji europejskich, dotyczące poruszanej problema-tyki; regulacje które w ramach tzw. Soft law wyznaczają kierunki prac ustawodawczych poszczególnych państw członkowskich w kwestii HIV/AIDS. Spośród wymienionych dokumentów europejskich na szczególne zainteresowanie zasługuje Wspólne stanowisko Wspólnoty Europejskiej w sprawie działań dotyczących HIV/AIDS w krajach rozwijają-cych się, co zostało odzwierciedlone w artykule. Niniejsze opracowanie zostało za-mknięte wnioskami końcowymi.
This paper presents some aspects of HIV and AIDS epidemics in Europe. Jt consist of two main parts and several sub- chapters. Part one contains a description of the disease from the first records of the virus until today. The second part deals with a thorough examination of laws and regulations issued by main European institutions. These regulations are supposed to be adopted and observed attentively by all the members countries of the EU. One of the decrees that is worth men-tioning concentrates on the problem of HIV/AIDS is developing countries . In the end all the main points of the paper are summed up.
Content available Stigma of people living with HIV/AIDS
A specific character of HIV/AIDS has caused numerous complications either medical, legal or social. HIV infection exposes its carriers to frequent acts of intolerance or stigma by the healthy part of the population. Negative social consequences found after detection and disclosure of HIV perfectly match the theory of stigma by Goffman. This theory elucidates mechanisms of stigma or self – stigma affecting these members of the society that via their behavior or life style break the basic social, moral and religious norms. Despite numerous achievements, this disease cannot be overcome completely. People living with HIV/AIDS are still stigmatized and discriminated in the society. They suffer being rejected and isolated by a family, partners and friends. The results demonstrated in the present review, obtained from the examinations conducted among people with HIV/AIDS, in Poland and abroad, attesting stigma, discrimination, low evaluation of the quality of life are the basis for further in-depth studies concerning this issue. This must reinforce educational efforts which will constrain inequality of people with HIV/AIDS, in Poland and abroad. The aim of this study is to inform and sensitize a recipient about stigma among people with HIV/AIDS.
This study examined the validity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revised (WAIS-R) for the assessment of neurocognitive changes and their relationships with quality of life in HIV seropositive men. It was of interest to determine the sensitivity of additional performance parameters (the time of completion) for the identification of HIV-related cognitive deficit. Results indicated a progressive increase in the prevalence of HIV+ subjects with neuropsychological impairment. The most severe deficits in HIV+ groups were observed on Performance WAIS-R subtests and one Verbal subtest (Vocabulary). The scores on the Performance Intelligence Quotient were significantly correlated with several areas of daily function measured by the Sickness Impact Profile. The findings were comparable to the data demonstrated in previous investigations, some of which included extensive batteries of neuropsychological tests. Thus, the WAIS-R may be effective in some clinical or experimental settings, as a brief, yet relatively comprehensive evaluation of the cognitive deficits associated with HIV infection.
Literatura podaje wiele definicji narkomanii, odwołując się do cech uzależnienia fizycznego, psychicznego i społecznego. Obraz narkomanii w Polsce na przestrzeni dwudziestu lat bardzo się zmieniał. Polski rynek narkomanii stał się obecnie typowym rynkiem zachodnioeuropejskim, tak pod względem produkcji jak i konsumpcji środków odurzających. W artykule rozpatrzono czynniki kształtujące współczesny wizerunek tego negatywnego społecznie zjawiska w kontekście epidemii HIV/AIDS. W opracowaniu dokonano analizy poszczególnych okresów rozwoju narkomanii, biorąc pod uwagę istniejącą w tych okresach rzeczywistość społeczno-gospodarczą Polski.
Literature gives a lot of definitions of drug abuse based on phychical, physical and social addiction. Since the 80 s the reprezentation of drug addiction has changed diametriccaly. Nowdays Poland is a typical West European country as for as drug production and consumption are concerned. The paper has analysed particular periods of drug addiction development considering Poland social and economic situation.
This paper aims at discussing certain problems related to the effectiveness of prevention campaigns as observed during the programme against HIV/AIDS which took place among empoverished populations in a peri-urban part of Beira in Mozambique. As far as the evalution study of the programme has shown, the resistance to some messages diffused during the prevention campaigns cannot be explained only in terms of vulnerability of people concerned, nor as a problem of local culture. On the contrary, there should be more concern for complex solutions to the epidemic since it represents a fait social total.
The realities of HIV/AIDS have been one of the major developmental challenges of developing nations. The pernicious scourge is accountable for enormous death tolls and morbidity. It also has explosive power which sets all nations in health crisis. HIV/AIDS affects all facets of the society but with the youth bearing the greatest of the brunt. The Nigerian youth are also immersed in the causal web of HIV/AIDS pandemic. Hence, they are grossly devastated by the increasing rate of the scourge. Unfortunately, the pandemic does not only depict a vicissitude of kind of sexual relation but also incorporates the implosion of other social correlates which are vital but often neglected in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The youth strives in the positive and definite hypothesis of the social correlates which deeply explain their immense vulnerabilities. It is within this web of social correlates that HIV/AIDS survives and threatens the overall development process. The paper conceives HIV/AIDS as a social problem but with peculiar manifestation as embodiment of influence of other social ills. The paper therefore provides an analytical framework which explains vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS among the youth. The polemics dwell on the notion that the social conditions of the youth provide permissive epidemiological stance for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Structured within a political economy perspective, the paper explores the multiple indicators in the social production of HIV/AIDS and provides a more holistic approach in HIV/AIDS mitigation among the youth.
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between temperament and social support and the level of quantitatively rated PTSD symptoms in a sample of HIV+ and HIV/AIDS men and women. A total of 310 men and women, including 182 HIV+ and 128 HIV/AIDS, were studied. Social support was assessed with the Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS). Temperament was assessed with the Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory (FCBTI). Intensity of PTSD symptoms was assessed with the PTSDF (PTSD Factorial Version inventory). The best predictors of intensity of PTSD symptoms in HIV+ participants were support seeking and sensory sensitivity. Support seeking was positively associated, and sensory sensitivity was negatively associated with intensity of PTSD symptoms.
Content available remote Comparison of Sojourn Time Distributions in Modeling HIV/AIDS Disease Progression
An application of semi-Markov models to AIDS disease progression was utilized to find best sojourn time distributions. We obtained data on 370 HIV/AIDS patients who were under follow-up from September 2008 to August 2015, from Yirgalim General Hospital, Ethiopia. The study reveals that within the “good” states, the transition probability of moving from a given state to the next worst state has a parabolic pattern that increases with time until it reaches a maximum and then declines over time. Compared with the case of exponential distribution, the conditional probability of remaining in a good state before moving to the next good state grows faster at the beginning, peaks, and then declines faster for a long period. The probability of remaining in the same good disease state declines over time, though maintaining higher values for healthier states. Moreover, the Weibull distribution under the semi-Markov model leads to dynamic probabilities with a higher rate of decline and smaller deviations. In this study, we found that the Weibull distribution is flexible in modeling and preferable for use as a waiting time distribution for monitoring HIV/AIDS disease progression.
With the emergence of COVID-19 in the U.S., many LGBTQ people found ourselves reflecting upon the early years of HIV/AIDS and how our communities responded to the lack of robust federal and state response to this preceding public health crisis. As the leaders of the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center (BSC) in eastern Pennsylvania became a central resource for our community sharing up-to-date information about COVID-19 and organizing vaccine clinics, they also recognized the historic nature of this moment as many elders in our community consistently tried to make sense of the current crisis by contemplating their past AIDS activism and organizing. In March of 2020, BSC staff and archivists received grant funding to conduct an oral history project called “40 Years of Public Health in the LGBTQ Community: Collecting and Curating Local LGBTQ Health Experiences From HIV/AIDS to COVID-19,” which recorded both timely commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ people and memories of HIV/AIDS organizing that seemed urgent and relevant to our contemporary moment. Offering excerpts from oral histories collected in 2020, this piece explores how COVID-19 spurred LGBTQ people in the Lehigh Valley to share stories about communal grief, health inequity, political responses to pandemics, and organizing to support the health of minoritized communities.
Risks of occupational and non-occupational HIV/AIDS infection, adequacy, access and efficiency of preventive measures for workers (health and engineering-technical personnel) of preventive treatment establishments of the health system of Ukraine have been defined in the study. Recommendations have been developed for adapting of the system for organization of preventing HIV/AIDS infection at workplace in the health system of Ukraine to international standards, proposed by ILO, WHO and UNAIDS.
Badania dotyczyły określenia zawodowego i niezawodowego ryzyka zakażenia wirusem HIV/AIDS a także adekwatności i skuteczności metod zapobiegania tym zakażeniom wśród pracowników (personel opieki zdrowotnej oraz inżynieryjnotechniczny) ośrodków profilaktycznych w ramach ukraińskiego systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Opracowano zalecenia dla dostosowania systemu zapobiegania zakażeniom HIV/AIDS w miejscach pracy ukraińskiej służby zdrowia do standardów międzynarodowych w tym zakresie zaproponowanych przez ILO, WHO i UNAIDS.
In Poland the activities in the field of HIV/AIDS information, education and prevention have been carried out for 30 years. Thanks to them the HIV/AIDS epidemiological situation is relatively good. In the article the authors have analysed the changes which happened in the field of epidemiology, HIV testing, anti- retroviral therapy, the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge of Poles who are in their reproductive years as well as their attitude to HIV positive people. The authors also presented a number of recommendations concerning the necessary changes in financing, planning and carrying out HIV/AIDS educational activities. Such activities must be treated as a very important component of lifelong education.
The paper reflects on the censorship after 1989 in the context of its ability to create and paradoxically legitimise the otherness. As an example the author uses Polish imagery around the HIV/AIDS epidemics with special focus on two artistic exhibitions from the early 1990s with the epidemic as the subject. One of them was quite successful, but it is forgotten today; the other is remembered to this day and often mentioned in the context of 1990s art even though it was censored back then. Showing the relations between censorship and discourses of otherness the paper reflects on different political possibilities inscribed in the history of transition.
Content available remote Diskurs rizika v prevenci AIDS/ HIV
This text presents an analysis of the recent emphasis in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns: the discursive constructions of HIV/AIDS as an issue of risk and its management. Specifically, the text discusses the prevention materials produced by state-funded institutions in the Czech Republic. The aim of the text is twofold: First, it analyses the specific discourse (and rationality) of risk that permeates HIV/AIDS prevention in relation to and as a part of modern biopolitics and (self-)governance. Second, the text examines the discourse of risk for its gendered implications and its re-inscription of gendered power inequalities.
The main aim of this research was to check the association between EAS temperament traits, social support dimensions and the level of life satisfaction among HIV+ individuals. The second goal of this research was to examine sex differences in the temperament traits level and social support dimensions. The research sample comprising 283 HIV+ individuals (including 250 men and 33 women) aged 20 to 74 years diagnosed with HIV-positive. The variables were assessed with the EAS-D Temperament Survey, the Berlin Social Support Scale (BSSS), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) as well as demographical survey which was created for the purpose of this research. The statistical analysis demonstrated the association between temperament traits, social support dimensions and the level of life satisfaction. Distress, fear and anger correlated negatively, while activity and sociability correlated positively with social support dimensions and the life satisfaction level. Additionally, significant differences between HIV+ and HIV/AIDS patients in sociability and some social support dimensions and the level of life satisfaction were observed.
Podstawowym celem pracy było sprawdzenie związku pomiędzy cechami temperamentu, wymiarami wsparcia społecznego i poziomu satysfakcji z życia wśród osób zakażonych wirusem HIV. Drugim celem było sprawdzenie różnic międzypłciowych w zakresie nasilenia cech temperamentu oraz wymiarów wsparcia społecznego wśród osób badanych. W badaniu uczestniczyły 283 osoby (w tym 250 mężczyzn i 33 kobiety), w wieku od 20 do 74 lat, z klinicznym rozpoznaniem zakażenia wirusem HIV. Do diagnozy badanych zmiennych użyto Kwestionariusza Temperamentu EAS-D, Berlińskich Skal Wsparcia Społecznego (BSSS), Skali Satysfakcji z Życia (SWLS) oraz ankiety demograficznej, stworzonej na potrzeby niniejszego badania. Uzyskane rezultaty potwierdziły istnienie związku pomiędzy cechami temperamentu a wymiarami wsparcia społecznego oraz związku pomiędzy wymiarami temperamentu a poziomem satysfakcji z życia. Niezadowolenie, strach i złość korelują ujemnie z wymiarami wsparcia społecznego i satysfakcji z życia, natomiast aktywność i towarzyskość dodatnio. Zaobserwowano różnice w zakresie towarzyskości, niektórych wymiarów wsparcia społecznego oraz poziomu satysfakcji z życia pomiędzy osobami zakażonymi HIV w fazie AIDS i bez tej fazy.
The article gives an introduction to the issue of the specifics of residential care in Cambodia. It considers the rising number of orphans in the country, despite the world-wide trend of transition to family or community care. Simultaneously, the author asks the reasons for this phenomenon and gives answers from personal practice and the practice of other organisations working in this area. The article also describes a project by St. Elizabeth’s University of Health and Social Work in Bratislava, House of Family as an orphanage, which has been helping Cambodian children with HIV/AIDS since 2003.
The aim of the article is to present the idea of counselling accompanying HIV testing procedure, named voluntary counselling and testing (VCT). The author defines and discusses the philosophy of HIV counselling, its objectives, assumptions and specificity. It the article there is also an overview of the process of conducting HIV counselling and its process. In particular the focus is made on the pre-test HIV counselling and post-test HIV counselling, accompanying the release of the HIV test result. The author describes the assumptions and conditions for effective HIV counselling and its certain procedures. There has also been discussion about the limitations of this counselling and the difficulties that may be associated with both: the patient and the counsellor.
The aim of this article is to look at the categories of homo and heteronormativity with their resonance in Polish society. To visualise the specific strategies of identity performance beyond these concepts the author uses two main artistic examples created around the subject of HIV/AIDS - Angels in America directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski (2007) and An Ongoing Song by Szymon Adamczak (2019). Starting from the reconstruction of the debate about homoidentity on Polish ground, the article comes across topics such as living with the virus and struggling with gay self-identity, to finish with the new idea of moving forward from the strict categories of homo and hetero.
Over the past several decades, understandings of what it means to have contracted the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have shifted so that an infection once viewed as deadly and ultimately terminal is now largely regarded as chronic and manageable, at least in the West. Yet, the shift has not been complete. There are arenas of discourse where understandings of what health implications HIV carries with it are contested. One such space is the debate concerning the appropriate response to cases of HIV non-disclosure, that is, situations where individuals who are HIV-positive do not disclose their health status to intimate partners. This paper examines the competing constructions of HIV found within this debate, particularly as it has unfolded in Canada. Those who oppose the criminalization of non-disclosure tend to construct HIV as an infection that is chronic and manageable for those who have contracted it, not unlike diabetes. Those who support criminalization have mobilized a discourse that frames the infection as harmful and deadly. We use the case of the HIV non-disclosure debate to make the argument that representations of health conditions can become mired in larger social problems debates in ways that lead to contests over how to understand the fundamental nature of those conditions.
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