The lexical unit bílé zlato (white gold) has two meanings in the draft version of the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech, where it is included in the noun-phrasemes category. Based on ae corpus-based analysis of the meaning of bílé zlato, the article suggests that this lexical unit should be included in the transferred meanings category and proposes a new treatment of its meaning.
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In Czech dictionaries, usage notes (UN) are not a completely unknown lexicographic asset; nevertheless, most Czech academic dictionaries seem to neglect them. This fact is symptomatic of the mainstream approach to lexicography as a strictly linguistic discipline that views the dictionary as being an artefact of linguistic analysis rather than a tool used for solving language problems. Within the lexicographic process, the target users and their needs – or dictionary functions – play an important role. Against the background of an analysis of the present practice in selected dictionaries, we attempt some concrete design proposals for the UN in an emerging Czech academic dictionary. In this respect, different questions arise, for instance: Which concrete phenomena should be addressed in the UN? Which type of UN do dictionary users expect?
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The article deals with conceptions used for the purpose of determining and presenting pronunciation forms in the entries of Czech monolingual dictionaries. This topic is currently of increasing importance, as a new dictionary is being developed at the Institute of the Czech Language. Data from commonly available dictionaries have shown that the conception in use is far from unified, and the approach chosen by the individual manuals is not always upheld; moreover, it is often considerably obscure and inappropriate (e.g. the transcription of foreign loan words with the combination of i + vowel). From the point of view of transcription, problematic phenomena include the sound [x], voiced affricates, terminal consonants, the groups di, ti and ni, the glottal stop, or recording of stress. The main aim of the text is not to determine definitive unambiguous rules (though many such rules are outlined), but rather, to initiate a broader discussion concerning suitable types of transcription, methods of gathering the necessary data, and the general approach used for the transcription of orthographic doublets.
The aim of this paper is to reflect on a lexicographical work that can be regarded as exceptional (not only in the context of German-Russian lexicography), and to show how its concept could be refined for a new bilingual dictionary of word-forming elements. The Slovar’ slovoobrazovatel’nyh elementov nemeckogo iazyka (SSENI, M. D. Stepanova et al., 1979) can be characterized as a specialized bilingual word-formation dictionary containing 770 entries of word-forming elements of contemporary German and listing Russian equivalents of the respective lexical items. The paper offers a short discussion of word-forming elements in the framework of monolingual and translation lexicography, from the perspective of both general and specialized (word formation) dictionaries. After this exposition, the paper focuses on the characteristics and description of the approach taken by the SSENI. It is posited that the dictionary is outstanding in many respects and that it can, even forty years after its publication, serve as an inspiration for similar dictionaries of other language pairs. Along with the analysis of the SSENI, the paper puts forward some specific suggestions for the treatment of wordforming elements.
The article recalls the memorable events of 2017 relating to the history of German orthography. It focuses on the last (4th) edition of Deutsche Orthographie by Dieter Nerius (Ed.) published in 2007. From a non-German Germanist’s point of view, there are some key points which make this standard work an indispensable resource for university-level German Studies.
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The article presents information about the preparation of the Dictionary of Early Modern Czech taking place at the Department of Language Development of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Lexical Database of Humanistic and Baroque Czech is the basic material source for the creation of the planned dictionary. The authors evaluate the present state of knowledge in the field and describe the methodological and technical constraints given by the nature of historical texts. However, the structural method elaborated by Igor Němec makes it possible to sufficiently reconstruct objectively defunct parts of the lexical system that refer to extralingual reality which no longer exists. The authors conclude by defining the necessary technical, personnel, and institutional support required.
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The aim of this study is to describe the making of a hydronomastic lexicon. There are differences between ordinary lexicographic work and onomastics lexicography, the reason for these being the specificity of proper names, in this case hydronyms. In addition to the Hydronymia Slovaciae methodology project, which was written as an adaptation of the Hydronymia Europaea project, this study presents some methodological problems and their solutions. Every solution is illustrated with examples.
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This article discusses the role of the dictionary user in meta/lexicographical research. The user, usability and utility are key concepts of modern lexicography that aim to create dictionaries as an informative and user-friendly digital environment. However, Czech lexicography has been limited by the tradition of printed dictionaries so far and the user-related issues have not been thoroughly investigated. We propose some of more ways to “let dictionary users into the dictionary” and to make for them available more advanced and highly specialized methods of searching and language data sorting.
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The present study addresses primarily the question of how vulgarisms are treated in various dictionaries, classifying taboo words into four main classes (etymological, euphemistic, terminological, and informal/vulgar). The main focus here is on sexual vulgarisms, as sexuality can be regarded as a multifaceted taboo established by various factors such as religion, psychology and the like. Our claim is that there exist certain taboo mechanisms within the lexicographic process that influence the design of particular dictionary entries. Supported by original research, our study illustrates how these mechanisms apply in the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary and the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech. Challenges in the description of vulgarisms, e.g. orthography, definition or exemplification, are presented. It is posited that the user aspect must be given enhanced status within the dictionary-making process and that lexicographers often have to base their decisions on common sense rather than a general methodology that often cannot account for various special cases and exceptions.
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The aim of the article is to propose a suitable system of usage classifications for a Czech monolingual dictionary in preparation. We presuppose that the labeling of linguistic items should reflect the situation of their typical usage rather than their association with a structural variety of Czech (e.g. Standard Czech, dialects or Common Czech). The proposed system is based on our understanding of the Czech language situation as consisting of two basic communicative domains (or sets of communicative situations): (1) everyday communication and (2) the realization of higher communicative aims. Other criteria of distinction applied within both domains are: the spoken or oral form of the utterance, typically Bohemian or Moravian use, the position of the linguistic item on the axis of high, medium and low style, expressiveness of the linguistic item, its position on the temporal axis (archaic, historical, new…), and its affiliation with a social sphere (subject field). The combination of these criteria yields many categories, some of which are empty, irrelevant or marginal to the classification of lexical items. In reducing these categories to those relevant for lexicographic description, we propose and define eleven basic labels and eight two-part label combinations (though other, multi-part combinations are also possible).
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The article deals with the meanings and the lexicographical treatment of the word mše ‘Mass’. This word is defined in general monolingual and in theological dictionaries as the main liturgical ceremony of the Roman Catholic Church. In reality, however, the word is often used in a broader sense, generally denoting any religious ceremony. In the article, I recommend using the word bohoslužba ‘service’ instead of the word mše ‘Mass’ in these cases.
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The considerable development of medical science during the last century, as well as growing public interest in health issues, are reflected in lexicography. In Czech monolingual dictionaries, the amount of headwords from medicine and related fields is steadily increasing. The Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech (ASSČ) brings a new approach to terminology (e.g. corpus-based selection of headwords, autonomization of headwords, unification of the explanation of meanings, exemplification of all one-word units). The ways of explaining the meanings of the names of diseases, types of medical treatment and the names of people suffering from a disease in the ASSČ are also presented.
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The article deals with the meaning of the Czech noun lauf. The relevant dictionaries state only slang meanings ‘(gun) barrel’ and ‘rapid series of tones’. Nevertheless, that does not meet the present word usage. The paper focuses on sports environment, where lauf is commonly used synonym for long-distance run. It also notices nouns laufař/laufařka and observes the usage and meaning of phrases like být v laufu (‘to be in lauf’) and dostat se do laufu (‘to get into lauf’).
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