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In order to create economy basing on wide knowledge and efficiency, recruitment of highly qualified employees is necessary. Hence, human resources constitute one of the main factors determining enterprises' development, as they determine management efficiency and decide upon competitiveness' increase of enterprise on the market. Therefore, the aim of the following study is to asses the work efficiency within Polish economy, including factors conditioning it during the years 2002 - 2008.
tom 62
nr 4
411 – 424
The public expenditure programs create an integral and very important part of public expenditure. Their efficiency is greatly influenced by the value of transaction costs. This issue is currently being widely discussed both on the theoretical and the practical level. The aim of presented paper is to define the position of the transaction costs in methodological framework of 3E and to summarize the results of their measurements in the Czech Republic. The article divides transaction costs into two groups: administrative (expended by the program administrators) and compliance (expended by recipients). Presented results of empirical research clearly show that size of transaction costs is certainly significant. The value of relative administrative costs is between 0.1 and 4%. Significantly higher are, however, relative compliance costs; in some cases even reach 28%.
The problems of effectiveness of scientific and rational methodology in the context of modern social and intellectual practices are considered in this paper. It is shown that a kind of methodological crisis that has emerged in connection with this fact can be solved not by separation and counterposition of scientific and non-scientific components in the content of the rational, but on the basis of revelation of the values of the integral forms of consciousness that characterize the integrity of human world outlook. Attention is drawn to the necessity of changing the strategy of organization and development of science in the contemporary global society.
The article presents the correlation between the effectiveness of the decision making process at a public university and the its adopted methods and conditions. A prerequisite for focusing on this topic are the changes implemented to Polish higher education system, particularly broadening universities' autonomy in the didactic by providing them with a freedom to create a major individually.
tom 5
nr 1
The aim of the undertaken research was to assess the regional diversification in economic effectiveness of private enterprises in Poland. The assessment was conducted at NUTS II regional level encompassing the voivodships for two selected years - 1999 and 2006. The studies confirmed that regional diversification is indicated by all three indicators of the economic effectiveness of enterprises, i.e. labor productivity, gross return on capital employed and return on equity. However the scale of that diversification measured by the variability coefficient level decreased during the period covered. For example, in 1999 the variability coefficient for the ROE was as much as 75.5%, which means high diversity of voivodships as, concerns the level of that indicator. On the other hand, in 2006 that indicator was at the level of 18,9% and the voivodships proved less diversified as concerns that indicator.
(Polish title: Efektywne wdrazanie polityki spojnosci - doswiadczenia dotychczasowych okresow programowania w wojewodztwie opolskim a nowa wizja Polityki Spojnosci po 2013 roku). The article raises that in discussing the future of the Cohesion Policy, an important argument is the effective use of EU funds by Poland from the previous programming periods, i.e., 2004-2006 and 2007-2013. The financial and material results obtained in the Opolskie voievodeship within the Integrated Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013, and the Regional Operational Programme for the Opolskie voivodeship 2007-2013 have been analysed. It has been proven that, under both programmes, the region achieved significant successes, such as: within the RPO WO 2007-2013 in the competition for additional funds from the National Performance Reserve took the first place. This demonstrates the effectiveness of regional absorption. Effectiveness of this type should be recognized in the implementation system based on efficiency. The article attempts to prove that it is a sufficient argument, for the next programming period, to maintain, among others, the Cohesion Policy and the instrument of National Implementation Provisions.
Content available remote Efektywnościowy system wynagrodzeń w przedsiębiorstwie
Zarządzanie i Finanse
tom 1
nr 3
Establishing of criterion is very hard in practice showing effective system of reward. Situation such is caused in big measure in range of forming of reward existing legal limitations, that limits capabilities of coherence of wages in consequence with effects of work. The present elaboration concentrate note on method of effective creation of system of reward, as capital human motivate, and attempt of accustoming . Algorithm is implication of elaboration on assignment of wage also allowing being repercussion effect work. Besides, there is purpose of article on trends within politics of reward advisable getting and features system reward forceful
The article presents the results of research into the effectiveness of working capital management in the food industry. The research was carried out within a set of 30 sectors (classes) of the food industry in the period from 2005 to 2009, on the basis of unpublished data of the Central Statistical Office. The effectiveness of working capital management was assessed using the inventory, receivables and payables cycle and the cash conversion cycle as well as with regard to the rates of return achieved on assets and own capital. The research indicated that in sectors where the cycles mentioned were the shortest the rates of return were the highest. The advantageous impact of shortened working capital cycles on economic viability was also verified by means of the correlation and regression analysis.
Corporate capital structure has been the subject of extensive research in the last decades. The article briefly examines the existing theories of corporate capital structure. However, applying those concepts in practice has brought mixed results. This study is another attempt to determine capital structure in selected companies as well as analyze impact of the pre-defined debt level on effectiveness of economic entity. Variables like size and sector and their influence on debt-raising ability have also been verified. 10 companies permitted to trade on NewConnect stock market constituted the sample for this study.
Content available remote Efektywność organizacji z perspektywy modelu dojrzałości procesowej
The article concentrates on the analysis of the suitability of process maturity models in assessing the effectiveness of the organization. Two models are described widely: Process and Enterprise Maturity Model (PEMM) developed by M. Hammer and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) applied by computer scientists. Then, on the basis of these models, determinants of efficiency at different levels of process maturity are presented.
nr 2 (39)
Managers managing storage, seeking to maximize profits, are looking for solutions to reduce the high costs associated with storage. To ensure customer satisfaction, services must be provided at a very high level, which translates into costs associated with this. Market forces the use of modern technologies. They allow tracking inventory in real time and enable to increase productivity. Supervision over a commodity, a full identification warehouse's employees and of the goods, their destinations and history of the operations are just some of the advantages of the use of information technology related to inventory management. Standardization of information in the form of bar codes contributes to the reduction of costs as well as enhances the competitiveness of firms at the market. Today's market requires managers to automate the processes inside the warehouses, and therefore innovative solutions to meet the demands of customers are more heard of. Barcodes are to be displaced by radio tags and RFID technology, while people are to be replaced by machines or voice technology. The authors of this work present today's trends in warehouse automation and bring the selected method of increasing the efficiency of storage, exemplified by the cases of Polish and European companies.
nr 1(46)
The assessment of the investments' effectiveness is a key element of investment processes. In order to be comprehensive and exhaustive, it should go beyond the scope of the microeconomic assessment and take into account the macroeconomic calculation of effectiveness. The prerequisite for the effectiveness of investment decisions implemented by private companies is the maximization of the investments return. When attempting to evaluate the effectiveness of investments, on the scale of the economy, it seems significant to look not only for the economic benefits but also for the social advantages that they generate. Undoubtedly, an increase of employment in the economy can be regarded as one of the latter and is a result of the strong correlation between the creation of jobs and economic growth, which in turn depends on the level of investments. However, one should remember that this relationship does not occur in every case; there is a certain level of investment rate, specific for each economy at a given time, which generates jobless economic growth. The reason for this phenomenon is the need to achieve the desired level of investments necessary for a given economy to recreate the previous capital-labour ratio as well as to implement modernisation investments which will result in the modernisation of the economy and an increase of labour productivity, and not in the employment growth. The purpose of this study is to assess the macroeconomic efficiency of investment in the selected EU economies.
Intensive financial investments in marketing communication of museums are connected, in parallel, to their visual presentation as well as to strengthening the communication efficiency toward public. However, the unresolved question remains whether these finances are spent effectively or rather whether the communication strategy plan attracts the adequate target audience. How many visitors did react to a given campaign? Unfortunately, there is no single and definite answer on how to measure the efficiency of marketing communication in museums. The aim of the study is to use the Data Envelopment Analysis method to introduce a model for helpful assessment of the marketing communication efficiency within museums. While searching for the solution, we were inspired by the production economics, from which we chose the statistical method of Data Envelopment Analysis. This allowed us to evaluate the efficiency of production units and also to identify inefficiencies. In the public and non-profit sector, this methodological approach appears very rarely, and according to our findings, it has not been applied yet in the museum sphere in Slovakia.
The small enterprises' activities on the regional service's market (on the example of the Transcarpathian region) were analysed as well as features of the effective small business formation in conditions of market transformations of economy of the region. The economic and social efficiency of small enterprises on the regional market of services is assessed. Contradictions in activities of small enterprises are exposed on analysing the indices of their effectiveness.
The development of blended learning and e-learning causes the increase in the significance of their effectiveness and suitability in higher education. The lack of complex studies in this subject hampers persuading the decision makers to invest in e-learning and is a barriers in establishing goals and development tracks for this form of education. The author describes the research he has been conducting form 2007 to 2010. The main aim of the study was to evaluate and to compare traditional as well as electronic forms of teaching economic subjects.
The article presents the findings on the effectiveness and competitiveness of Polish crop-oriented farms in comparison with corresponding farms in Hungary and Germany. The basis for the study was crop-oriented farms: those producing cereal and those producing other crops, under the FADN system between 2006 and 2008 by economic size units 2-4; 4-8; 8-16; 16-40; 40-100, and above 100 ESU. German farms were represented by units over 16 ESU. Polish and Hungarian holdings were similar in size and markedly larger than those in Germany, where a higher level of production intensification was observed, along with greater land productivity, measured in crop volume and production value per 1 ha of arable land, and higher work efficiency with lower asset productivity and lower management income at the same time. According to the cumulative evaluation index Polish cereal farms classified 4-100 ESU proved competitive in relation to the equivalent farms in other EU Member States.
In the paper we consider selected formal models, coming from the field of 'pure' mathematics, as well as from some related areas, in which the notion 'efficiency' appears. The presented essay may be seen as a continuation, development and (at the same time) specification of same ideas discussed in the previous article of the author: On manysideness, relativity and complexity of the 'efficiency' (as a category) (in Polish: O wielostronnosci, relatywizmie i zlozonosci kategorii efektywnosci). In addition to the proposals formulated in the above cited paper (concerning the classification and explanation of various 'kinds' of efficiency) we introduce some new ways of meaning of this term, which we suggest to call: (a) basis-type efficiency, (b) sup (inf)-type efficiency, we also define and shortly discuss the following three types of efficiency, related to partial (pre)orders and formal logics, (c) informative capacity (reflecting the 'richness' of an information contained in formulas defining given order), (d) linear similarity - efficiency (expressing a 'distance of the (pre)order from the linear part' of the order in mind), (e) logical efficiency. In the final part we put together (and compare) 'official' terms denoting 'efficiency' and related notions presently functioning in economics, management and praxeology. The further forms of the meaning of notion 'efficiency' are discussed in the 'twin' paper submitted for publication in the present issue of Mathematical Economics.
nr 5
437 – 452
Recently the popularity of fiscal rules has been increasing also due to the impact of the macroeconomic and financial shocks on fiscal sustainability. This paper reviews supranational and national fiscal rules implemented in the Visegrad countries (V4). Namely, we base the review and comparison of fiscal rules on the existing literature and the empirical data from the European Commission. According to the Fiscal Rule Strength Index developed by the European Commission, Poland’s debt rule as of 1997 received the highest ranking. Poland also received the highest score based on the aggregated Fiscal Rules Index in 2009. The most influential in this respect is the application of an early adjustment mechanism which is triggered once the debt to GDP ratio exceeds 50%. Empirical analysis showed that effectiveness of fiscal rules differs across selected groups of countries.
nr 1
86 – 104
Within the context of reverse logistics (RL), only a few studies have focused on the management characteristics that lead to effectively implementing RL. From the myriad of potential factors of effective RL, the paper focuses on the role of knowledge management, 1st-tier integration and the extent of RL planning, as these factors and their mutual relations have been neglected by empirical research to date. The paper develops a theoretical model to fill this gap and tests it using structural equation modelling on primary data. The findings based on 146 cases support that knowledge management, the extent of RL planning and the level of integration with the 1st-tier supply chain members are the factors related to the effectiveness of RL. The study underpins the importance of long-term RL planning and deeper integration and collaboration with customers and suppliers for effective RL and so to reduce the negative impact of product returns.
Slovakia, as well as other European countries in the last decade, tries to increase its innovation effectiveness. One of the tools used to increase the effectiveness and competitiveness is to create a cluster as a form of partnership. The scientific work also focuses on the clustering. In the first part of this scientific work the theoretical basis and opinions of the authors focusing on clusters and cluster initiatives are shown. The analytical study of creation of Wood-processing Cluster in the region of Banska Bystrica (BBK) is the second part of the scientific work.
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