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nr 83-84
W historii kina można znaleźć kilka zaskakująco podobnych scen z końmi, krowami czy kozami stojącymi lub leżącymi sobie jakby nigdy nic na meblach w mieszczańskich wnętrzach. Najbardziej znane pochodzą ze "Złotego wieku" Luisa Buñuela ("L’Age d’or", 1930), "I znowu źle" z Flipem i Flapem ("Wrong Again", 1929) oraz "Świat się śmieje" Grigorija Aleksandrowa (1934). Wydaje się, że siła oddziaływania i popularność tych scen leży w tym, iż łamią one społeczne tabu – normy współżycia między ludźmi i czworonogami, co prowadzi do komicznych sytuacji, ale również i w tym, że odwołują się do tradycji baśni, proponując nam łagodne oderwanie się od rzeczywistości.
In the history of the cinema there are several surprisingly similar scenes with horses, cows or goats standing or lying in a relaxed fashion on furniture in bourgeois interiors. The most famouscome from "L’Age d’or" (1930) by Luis Buñuel, "Wrong Again" (1929) with Oliver and Hardy and "Moscow Laughs" (other English title: "Jolly Fellows" /1934/) by Grigori Aleksandrov. It seems that the impact and popularity of these lies in the fact that they break the social taboo dealing with the standards of coexistence between humans and animals, which leads to comic situations, but the popularity lies also in the fact that this is a link to the tradition of fairy tales, offering us a gentle detachment from reality.
Content available remote Kam dosáhne „lidský předsudek“
tom 63
nr 5
This study critically reacts to the article “Etický význam lidství” (“The Ethical Significance of Humanity”) by Kamila Pacovská (Filosofický časopis, 62, 2014, No. 6, s. 863–875), and it discusses some relevant facts about the extrapolations of “human prejudice” to the domain of animal ethics that remain unnoticed in that article. It is shown that any attempt to found a responsible relation to animals on the basis of anthropomorphising criteria of “species” will be problematic, for the relevant concepts of “fairness” and “respect” will be applied with absurd consequences. An indiscriminate prohibition on killing all animals without distinction, although it may not be easy to justify philosophically, has the advantage of avoiding those absurd consequences.
nr 15
This paper aims at reading Shakespeare’s play Othello through the prism of cognitive linguistics, more specifically through the lens of conceptual metaphor theory. Metaphorical linguistic expressions that have animals in the source domain are extracted from the play so that matters of race and gender could be discussed from below the level of words, where cognition and conceptualization occur. As the analysis of metaphorical linguistic expressions progresses, the representation of evil will appear to be intertwined with the perception of gender and race, becoming yet another cognitive interest of the literary text. While African American studies, critical race theory, post-colonial studies, Marxist and feminist readings have immensely benefitted the comprehension of the play, conceptual metaphor theory promises to explore and explain how a derogatory perception of “Other” emerges in Othello, along with the offensive language that embodies it. Additional relevant concepts that account for the disturbing pace of the plot towards the catastrophe and tragic end are indoctrination and manipulation. These are specifically related to Iago’s perceptual playing around with unstable and highly sensitive notions such as race, gender, fallen virtue, degraded and demonic human nature, which he presents through disquieting mental images conveyed by powerful metaphorical language.
Content available The laws protecting pets in Poland
tom 40
nr 113
The paper tackles the issue of regulations protecting pets in Poland. The paper presents the development and current status of legislation in this area. The aim of this paper is to analyse the regulations and the available literature and analysis of the activities of state authorities in the supervision of animal protection laws.
nr 5
In Henryk Sienkiewicz’s literary works motifs of animals appears in some displays. The map and typology of animals arise from topography and serve principle of realism as a way of describing reality. The writer exposes “duels” between animals and a human being. The animals (bull, bear, lion) are treated as a threat to human beings, but Sienkiewicz is also sensitive to their suffering and death. Apart from hunter’s perspective and weakly used formula per analogiam ad humanum in Sienkiewicz’s works considerable dose of “imagination of sympathy” according to J.M. Coetzee’s idea is visible.
W pisarstwie Henryka Sienkiewicza motywika animalna przejawia się w kilku odsłonach. Mapa występowania i typologia zwierząt wynikają z uwarunkowań topograficznych i służą przyjętej zasadzie realizmu jako sposobowi oglądu i opisu rzeczywistości. Ze szczególnym upodobaniem eksponuje pisarz pojedynki człowieka ze zwierzęciem, który stanowi dla niego zagrożenie (bykiem, niedźwiedziem, lwem), ale również podejmuje temat cierpienia zwierząt „stowarzyszonych”, zwłaszcza konających na oczach czytelnika. Mimo fokalizacji męskiej (perspektywa myśliwego) i raczej miernie wykorzystanej formuły per analogiam ad humanum, jest jednak w dziełach autora Trylogii doza „wyobraźni współczującej” (Coetzee).
A “green city” – attractions, animals and modernity: The establishment of the Warsaw Zoological Garden in independent PolandThe article describes the history of establishing the Warsaw Zoological Garden in independent Poland after the First World War, a watershed period when it was possible to implement modern designs not only in the broader, national context, but also in the local and urban environment. Intensive discussions on the form of modernity attempted to find its version which would combine European and local inspiration. To some extent, the establishment of a modern zoo also defined the place of animals in the urban space. While some species were excluded from the city centre, others were put in the sphere of leisure time. „Zielone miasto” atrakcji, zwierzęta i nowoczesność. Powstanie warszawskiego ogrodu zoologicznego w odrodzonej PolsceArtykuł dotyczy założenia warszawskiego ogrodu zoologicznego po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości. Był to moment przełomowy, pozwalający na wprowadzenie istotnych zmian modernizacyjnych zarówno w kontekście narodowym, jak i lokalnym, miejskim. Toczyły się wówczas dyskusje na temat wizji nowoczesności, poszukiwano takiej jej wersji, która łączyłaby trendy europejskie i lokalne inspiracje. Założenie ogrodu zoologicznego jako nowoczesnej instytucji określało w pewnym stopniu także miejsce zwierząt w przestrzeni miejskiej. Zauważalne były wówczas procesy rugowania niektórych gatunków zwierząt z miasta czy sytuowania innych w obrębie kultury czasu wolnego.
nr 3(322)
Wychodząc od zagadnienia długofalowych konsekwencji działalności Martina Lutra, artykuł pragnie rozważyć je w relacji do tego, jak rozwijały się i z jakiego sposobu myślenia wyłoniły się współczesne wizje ekoteologiczne – zadając pytanie, czy protestantyzm i reformatorskie idee religijne miały na ich kształtowanie istotny wpływ i, jeśli tak, to dlaczego etyka środowiskowa znajduje bardziej żyzną glebę w takim typie religijności. Czy pierwotna postawa Martina Lutra ma tu jakieś znaczenie (włączając w to także refleksję nad eschatologicznym losem ukochanego psa Tölpela)? Na czym w istocie miałby polegać długofalowy efekt reformacyjnej zmiany myślenia, która zaowocowała najpierw, jak się często podkreśla, Weberowskim odczarowaniem świata i rozkwitem nowoczesnego kapitalizmu, by następnie, w późnej nowoczesności, przynieść wewnętrzną krytykę tego procesu oraz pojawienie się bardziej odpowiedzialnych postaw wobec przyrody i innych niż człowiek bytów? Chcąc udzielić odpowiedzi na te pytania, autorka dokonuje analizy dzieł Martina Lutra pod kątem ich zawartości ekoteologicznej, a następnie rozważa kształtowanie się w ramach współczesnego protestantyzmu religijnie motywowanej etyki środowiskowej, rozpatrując przedstawiane przezeń rewizyjne powroty do myśli Martina Lutra, w szczególności do proponowanej przez niemieckiego reformatora lektury tekstu biblijnego w zakresie relacji między Bogiem, człowiekiem i stworzeniem, tak jak zawiązuje się ona w świecie pierwotnej harmonii, w świetle późniejszego upadku, oraz w perspektywie przyszłego zbawienia.
With the problem of the long-term consequences of the activity of Martin Luther as its point of departure the article wishes to consider them in relation to the manner in which contemporary eco-theological visions developed and the sort of reflections they originated from by asking whether Protestantism and the religious ideas of the Reformation exerted a fundamental impact upon their shaping and if so then why does the natural-environment-oriented ethics find a more conducive base in this type of religiosity. Is the original attitude of Martin Luther significant in this case (including reflections on the eschatological fate of his beloved dog Tölpel)? What essentially would the long-term effect of the Reformation change of thought consist of? First, it produced, as is often stressed, a Weberian disenchantment of the world and the flourishing of modern capitalism so as to subsequently, in the late modern age, bring an inner critique of that process as well as the appearance of more responsible attitudes towards Nature and beings other than man. In order to reply to this question the author analysed works by Martin Luther from the viewpoint of their eco-theological contents, and then considered the progress of religiously motivated environmental ethics within contemporary Protestantism by examining its returns to the thought of Martin Luther, and in particular to reading the Bible, proposed by the German reformer, in a reference to the relation between God, man, and creature, the manner in which it comes into being in a world of primary harmony, in the light of the subsequent fall, and in the perspective of future salvation.
tom 28(2)
The paper discusses funeral practices with regard to animals in ancient Berenike, investigated in two seasons of exploration, 2018 and 2019 (trenches BE18/19-107, BE01/19-48 and BE19/132). Three groups of animals are represented almost exclusively in the burials. These are cats, dogs and monkeys, buried mainly around the top and on what was the eastern slope of a sand dune. In the mid 1st century AD, an enclosure wall roughly 0.50 m thick was built enclosing a space of about 20 m2 with no apparent floor surface inside it. Outside the wall, a clay pavement surrounded the enclosure on at least three sides. Animal burials accumulated around this enclosure for the next century or so, achieving the greatest density close to the feature. By the 2nd century AD urban rubbish had encroached heavily upon the area taken up by the burials. Most likely in the beginning of the 3rd century AD, the wall was dismantled, perhaps together with the features that had been inside the enclosure (statue, column, tree?). Interestingly, two goats were buried by the two excavated corners (northeastern and northwestern ones) in this period. One of these represented a variant of the species not typical of Northeastern Africa.
Creating Laterculus, Polemus Silvius, a 5th-century author, was the first to attempt to integrate the traditional Roman Julian calendar containing the pagan celebrations and various anniversaries with new Christian feasts. Laterculus, as it should be remembered, is a work that bears the features of a liturgical calendar. In addition to dates and anniversaries related to religion and the state, the calendar contains several other lists and inventories, including a list of Roman provinces, names of animals, a list of buildings and topographical features of Rome, a breviary of Roman history, a register of animal sounds and a list of weights and sizes. Therefore, Laterculus, just like a traditional Roman calendar, was also used for didactic purposes. This paper aims to refer in detail to the zoological vocabulary, specifically the register of animal names and sounds included in this source. Laterculus contains in total over 450 words divided into six groups, including 108 words in the four-legged animal section, 131 in the bird section, 11 crustaceans, 26 words for snakes, 62 words for insects and 148 for fish. The sounds of animals, which are also included in one of the lists added to this calendar and titled Voces variae animancium, are also worth mentioning. A brief discussion on the history of the Roman calendar and the liturgical calendar certainly helps to present the issue referred to in the title to its fullest extent. Keywords: Polemius Silvius, calendar, animals, early Christianity, ancient history, liturgical calendar.
tom nr 6
Zdarzenia drogowe z udziałem zwierząt są bardzo ważnym zagadnieniem w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego. W ich efekcie corocznie odnotowuje się wysoką ilość zdarzeń drogowych, w efekcie których traci życie lub ponosi trwały uszczerbek na zdrowiu około 30 tys. Osób. Wysokie są również straty finansowe związane z likwidacją skutków społecznych jak również środowiskowych. Z uwagi na skalę zjawiska w wielu krajach świata wdrożono efektywne metody pozwalające w istotny sposób ograniczyć liczbę zdarzeń drogowych z udziałem zwierząt jak również ograniczyć ich skutki. Głównymi metodami przeciwdziałania zdarzeniom drogowym z udziałem zwierząt w chwili obecnej są metody opierające się na projektowaniu i tworzeniu korytarzy ekologicznych, oraz poprawną ewidencje zdarzeń drogowych z udziałem zwierząt, grodzenie dróg od terenów, na których żyją zwierzęta oraz stałe monitorowanie odcinków dróg, na których te zdarzenia mają miejsce. Uzyskana dzięki tym metodom wiedza umożliwia sprawniejsze projektowanie nowych szlaków komunikacyjnych z uwzględnieniem korytarzy ekologicznych dla zwierząt. Dodatkowo prowadzenie akcji uświadamiającej kierowców – zwłaszcza młodych lub z niewielkim doświadczeniem – o konsekwencjach kolizji ze zwierzętami jest również istotne w kontekście przeciwdziałania zdarzeniom drogowym z udziałem zwierząt.
Traffic incidents involving animals are a very important issue in terms of road safety. As a result, every year appears to be a high amount of traffic incidents, which resulted in lost lives or accepts any permanent health for about 30 thousand people. Financial costs associated with the liquidation of the social effects as well as environmental are also very high. Due to the scale of the phenomenon many countries implemented effective methods to significantly reduce the number of road accidents involving animals as well as reduce their impact. The main methods to prevent road incidents involving animals are methods that are based on the design and creation of ecological corridors, correct records of road accidents involving animals, fencing of roads from the areas where they live animals and constant monitoring of road sections in which these events take place. Obtained by the methods knowledge enables efficient design of new routes, taking into account ecological corridors for animals. In addition, conducting of awareness of drivers - especially young or with little experience - the consequences of collisions with animals is also important in the prevention of road incidents involving animals.
tom Nr 1
Wkroczenie do miast i nauczenie się życia w pobliżu człowieka to najbardziej stresująca decyzja dla każdego zwierzęcia. Złamanie bariery strachu przed ludźmi jest bardzo trudne dla wszystkich gatunków. Prawda to, czy fałsz? Prawda? To proszę wyjrzeć za okno. Zobaczą tam Państwo ptaka, który udowadnia, że to fałsz.
Content available Why Can´t We Regard Robots As People?
nr 1
With the development of autonomous robots, one day probably capable of speaking, thinking and learning, self-reflecting, sharing emotions, in fact, with the raise of robots becoming artificial moral agents (AMAs) robot scientists like Abney, Veruggio and Petersen are already optimistic that sooner or later we need to call those robots “people” or rather “Artificial People” (AP). The paper rejects this forecast, due to its argument based on three metaphysical conflicting assumptions. Firstly, it is the idea that it is possible to precisely define persons and apply the definition to robots or use it to differentiate human beings from robots. Further, the argument of APs favors a position of non-reductive physicalism (second assumption) and materialism (third assumption), finally producing weird convictions about future robotics. Therefore, I will suggest to follow Christine Korsgaard’s defence of animals as ends in themselves with moral standing. I will show that her argument can be transmitted to robots, too, at least to robots which are capable of pursuing their own good (even if they are not rational). Korsgaard’s interpretation of Kant delivers an option that allows us to leave out complicated metaphysical notions like “person” or “subject” in the debate, without denying robots’ status as agents.
W pracy przedstawiono ocenę zakresu oraz sposobów wykorzystania zwierząt w turystyce na podstawie analizy ofert internetowych gospodarstw prowadzących działalność turystyczną na obszarach wiejskich województwa lubelskiego i podlaskiego. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje na niedostateczne wykorzystanie zwierząt w turystyce wiejskiej zarówno w odniesieniu do liczby oferowanych gatunków, jak i sposobów ich udostępniania w celach turystycznych. Zwierzęta mogą być tematem przewodnim tworzonego produktu turystycznego, ale należy wprowadzić nowe, mniej znane gatunki zwierząt, w tym zwierzęta żyjące na wolności i poszerzyć zakres ich wykorzystania. Innym sposobem zwiększenia atrakcyjności produktu turystycznego jest wykorzystanie właściwości terapeutycznych zwierząt.
The paper presents the evaluation of the scope and ways of animals use in tourism on the basis of tourist farm`s Internet offers operating in rural areas of Lublin and Podlasie voivodships. The analysis points to the inadequate use of animals in rural tourism both in the number of available species and ways to make them available for tourism. Animals may be the theme of the tourism product, but the new, lesser-known species of animals, including animals living in the wild should be placed on the tourist farms. Another way to increase the attractiveness of the tourism product is the use of therapeutic properties of animals.
tom 26(1)
The project “Mammals in the iconography of the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut”, initiated by the author in the 2011/2012 season, encompasses a detailed documentation of the animals depicted in various parts of Hatshepsut’s temple in Deir el-Bahari as a prerequisite for in-depth research. The study follows a multi-disciplinary approach within faunal analysis, and is complemented with technological observations on the execution of relief representations from the temple. At this stage of the project, a general taxonomic identification of the animal representations is nearly complete and a further detailed study of each taxon has been undertaken. Both complete animals (mainly mammals for now) and animal raw materials were studied in addition to the contexts and scenes in which they appear.
nr 15
In the present review, an attempt to define the animal kingdom against a background of other kingdoms in the domain of eukaryotic organisms is presented,showing the common features linking the animal kingdom with the kingdom of fungi.The animals were clearly separated from other kingdoms through two unique systemscharacteristic of them: nervous and muscular. The matter is complicated by the fact that in the four types of the animal kingdom (Porifera, Placozoa) the nervous and muscular systems are absent. Therefore, zoologists proposed the name Metazoa multicellularanimal – for the animal kingdom. The main problematic issues of monophyly based onselected phylogenetic groups and phyla are discussed. In addition to the phylogenetictree (based on monophyly) the punctuated equilibrium was established for four independentgroups: Porifera, Cnidaria, Protostomia, Deuterostomia. Finally, the position ofthe animal kingdom in the monophyletic point of view and against a background of all other organisms is presented.
Content available Nie-ludzkie emocje
nr 71
This article is a review of Frans de Waal's book Mama's Lust Hugs. Animal Emotions and what They Tell Us about Ourselves, which was released in Polnad in 2019. The book deals with the problem of animal emotionality. One of the conclusions reached by the author and which was emphasized in the review is the thesis that there is no such thing as unique human emotions that animals would not have. Emotions are universal; they are shared both by humans and animals. The review noted that although the book is interesting, it is not new in terms of content, because it deals with issues that de Waal wrote about many times in his earlier publications. On the other hand, thanks to the collection and inclusion in one book of the issues related to emotionality in animals, the publication can be a good starting point for reflection not only on animals (their emotionality and rights), but also on humans and their place in the world. It puts the reader in facing the question of human nature. For this reason, what has been tried to show in the review, Frans de Waal's book is a good example of how scientific issues lead to philosophical reflections.
nr 3
The paper discusses and criticizes views on various aspects of the situations of animals within human societies offered by authors presenting at the seminar held at the Research Centre for Public Policy and Regulatory Governance. They include legal, ethical as well as socio-psychological problems about animal welfare and the attempts to improve the conditions in which animals are treated. The author hints at the theoretical background as well as implications of some of the ideas that are advocated in the ongoing legal and ethical debates over animal welfare. The discussion aims to shed some light on how the cross-disciplinary studies and exchanges that include biologists, psychologists, sociologists as well as legal researchers may contribute to numerous controversies in the contemporary animal law scholarship.
nr 1
Music and animals have been in a close relationship in the history of music: starting from musical instruments made of birds’ bones, through animal voices illustrated in medieval songs and presented in later instrumental music up to chirping and trilling written by Olivier Messian in his birdlike pieces and animal sounds recorded and matched with ideas of the 21st century composers. The purpose of this article is to show the change of the context in which animals were introduced in music from the ancient to contemporary period.
tom 16
nr 2(28)
The aim of this article is to reflect on the method of argumentation undertaken by the authors of moral theology textbooks at the turn of the 19th and 20th century in the field of human relations with animals and defining the limits of their use. The analysis of a dozen or so studies representing various trends has led to the conclusion that most statements are a repetition of civil and canon law or commentary on them. Including only these data did not allow the moralists to formulate a coherent concept that would answer the more and more frequently emerging questions and doubts about the scope of man's domination over the created world.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest podjęcie refleksji nad sposobem argumentacji podejmowanym przez autorów podręczników teologii moralnej przełomu XIX i XX wieku w zakresie relacji człowieka do zwierząt i określenia granic ich wykorzystania. Analiza kilkunastu opracowań reprezentujących różne nurty doprowadziła do stwierdzenia, że większość stwierdzeń stanowi powtórzenie przepisów prawa cywilnego i kanonicznego albo komentarz do nich. Uwzględnienie tylko tych danych nie pozwoliło moralistom na sformułowanie spójnej koncepcji, która stanowiłaby wyczerpującą odpowiedź na pojawiające się w tym czasie coraz częściej pytania i wątpliwości o zakres panowania człowieka nad światem stworzonym.
nr 7
In her early short story entitled Ultimus Konopnicka accomplished the concept of Falkentheorie by Paul Heyse in an original way, using the motif of a crane as the thematic and composition keystone. Inspired to a large extent by Orzeszkowa’s Romanowa, Konopnicka writes about moral depravation of a young nobleman, using parallelism: man-animal in two orders – naturalistic and symbolic. The empathic reception of the text diverging from previous interpretations allows to place Ultimus among texts which stand up for miserables personas.
W swojej wczesnej noweli Ultimus podjęła Konopnicka oryginalną realizację koncepcji Falkentheorie Paula Heysego, wykorzystując motyw żurawia jako tematyczny i kompozycyjny zwornik. Konopnicka, zainspirowana w dużej mierze Romanową Orzeszkowej, opowiada o deprawacji moralnej młodego szlachcica, wykorzystując paralelizm: człowiek-zwierzę w dwu porządkach: naturalistycznym i symbolicznym. Empatyczny odbiór lektury odbiegający od interpretacji dawnych pozwala usytuować Ultimusa w przestrzeni tekstów, które upominają się o miserables personas.
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