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Content available remote Superconducting state parameters of binary metallic glasses
Open Physics
tom 6
nr 2
Ashcroft’s empty core (EMC) model potential is used to study the superconducting state parameters (SSPs) viz. electron-phonon coupling strength λ, Coulomb pseudopotential μ*, transition temperature T C, isotope effect exponent αand effective interaction strength N O V of some binary metallic glasses based on the superconducting (S), conditional superconducting (S’) and non-superconducting (NS) elements of the periodic table. Five local field correction functions proposed by Hartree (H), Taylor (T), Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU), Farid et al. (F) and Sarkar et al. (S) are used for the first time with EMC potential in the present investigation to study the screening influence on the aforesaid properties. The T C obtained from the H-local field correction function are in excellent agreement with available theoretical or experimental data. In the present computation, the use of the pseudo-alloy-atom model (PAA) was proposed and found successful. Present work results are in qualitative agreement with such earlier reported experimental values which confirm the superconducting phase in all metallic glasses. A strong dependency of the SSPs of the metallic glasses on the valence ‘Z’ is identified.
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