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w słowach kluczowych:  Caputo derivative
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This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the nonoscillatory solutions of the forced fractional differential equation with positive and negative terms of the form [formula] where t ≥ c ≥ α ∈(0, 1), η ≥ 1 is the ratio of positive odd integers, and [formula] denotes the Caputo fractional derivative of y of order α. The cases [formula] are considered. The approach taken here can be applied to other related fractional differential equations. Examples are provided to illustrate the relevance of the results obtained.
The time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with the Caputo derivative is considered. The typical features of the solution to the Cauchy problem for this equation are discussed depending on values of the order of fractional derivative.
Content available remote Two dimensional fractional projectile motion in a resisting medium
In this paper we propose a fractional differential equation describing the behavior of a two dimensional projectile in a resisting medium. In order to maintain the dimensionality of the physical quantities in the system, an auxiliary parameter k was introduced in the derivative operator. This parameter has a dimension of inverse of seconds (sec)−1 and characterizes the existence of fractional time components in the given system. It will be shown that the trajectories of the projectile at different values of γ and different fixed values of velocity v 0 and angle θ, in the fractional approach, are always less than the classical one, unlike the results obtained in other studies. All the results obtained in the ordinary case may be obtained from the fractional case when γ = 1.
Content available remote An approximation method for fractional integro-differential equations
In this work, an approximation method is proposed for fractional order linear Fredholm type integrodifferential equations with boundary conditions. The Sinc collocation method is applied to the examples and its efficiency and strength is also discussed by some special examples. The results of the proposed method are compared to the available analytic solutions.
Content available remote Fractional thermal diffusion and the heat equation
Fractional calculus is the branch of mathematical analysis that deals with operators interpreted as derivatives and integrals of non-integer order. This mathematical representation is used in the description of non-local behaviors and anomalous complex processes. Fourier’s lawfor the conduction of heat exhibit anomalous behaviors when the order of the derivative is considered as 0 < β,ϒ ≤ 1 for the space-time domain respectively. In this paper we proposed an alternative representation of the fractional Fourier’s law equation, three cases are presented; with fractional spatial derivative, fractional temporal derivative and fractional space-time derivative (both derivatives in simultaneous form). In this analysis we introduce fractional dimensional parameters σx and σt with dimensions of meters and seconds respectively. The fractional derivative of Caputo type is considered and the analytical solutions are given in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function. The generalization of the equations in spacetime exhibit different cases of anomalous behavior and Non-Fourier heat conduction processes. An illustrative example is presented.
Content available remote RLC electrical circuit of non-integer order
Open Physics
tom 11
nr 10
In this work a fractional differential equation for the electrical RLC circuit is studied. The order of the derivative being considered is 0 < γ ≤ 1. To keep the dimensionality of the physical quantities R, L and C an auxiliary parameter γ is introduced. This parameter characterizes the existence of fractional components in the system. It is shown that there is a relation between and σ through the physical parameters RLC of the circuit. Due to this relation, the analytical solution is given in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function depending on the order of the fractional differential equation.
Content available remote Numerical approach to the Caputo derivative of the unknown function
Open Physics
tom 11
nr 10
If a function can be explicitly expressed, then one can easily compute its Caputo derivative by the known methods. If a function cannot be explicitly expressed but it satisfies a differential equation, how to seek Caputo derivative of such a function has not yet been investigated. In this paper, we propose a numerical algorithm for computing the Caputo derivative of a function defined by a classical (integer-order) differential equation. By the properties of Caputo derivative derived in this paper, we can change the original typical differential system into an equivalent Caputo-type differential system. Numerical examples are given to support the derived numerical method.
In this paper, we present fractional B-spline collocation method for the numerical solution of fractional differential equations. We consider this method for solving linear fractional differential equations which involve Caputo-type fractional derivatives. The numerical results demonstrate that the method is efficient and quite accurate and it requires relatively less computational work. For this reason one can conclude that this method has advantage on other methods and hence demonstrates the importance of this work.
In this paper, we study the modern mathematical theory of the optimal control problem associated with the fractional Roesser model and described by Caputo partial derivatives, where the functional is given by the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral. In the formulated problem, a new version of the increment method is applied, which uses the concept of an adjoint integral equation. Using the Banach fixed point principle, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the adjoint problem. Then the necessary and sufficient optimality condition is derived in the form of the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. Finally, the result obtained is illustrated by a concrete example.
Open Physics
tom 11
nr 10
This paper provides an analysis in the time and frequency domain of an RC electrical circuit described by a fractional differential equation of the order 0 < α≤ 1. We use the Laplace transform of the fractional derivative in the Caputo sense. In the time domain we emphasize on the delay, rise and settling times, while in the frequency domain the interest is in the cutoff frequency, the bandwidth and the asymptotes in low and high frequencies. All these quantities depend on the order of differential equation.
tom Vol. 18
The time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with the Caputo derivative of the order 0 < α ≤ 2 is considered in a domain 0 ≤ r < R, 0 < ϕ < ϕ0 under different boundary conditions. The Laplace integral transform with respect to time, the finite Fourier transforms with respect to the angular coordinate, and the finite Hankel transforms with respect to the radial coordinate are used. The fundamental solutions are expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function. The particular cases of the obtained solutions corresponding to the diffusion equation (α = 1) and the wave equation (α = 2) coincide with those known in the literature.
In the paper, a solution of the time-fractional single-phase-lagging heat conduction problem in finite regions is presented. The heat conduction equation with the Caputo time-derivative is complemented by the Robin boundary conditions. The Laplace transform with respect to the time variable and an expansion in the eigenfunctions series with respect to the space variable was applied. A method for the numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms was used. Formulation and solution of the problem cover the heat conduction in a finite slab, hollow cylinder and hollow sphere. The effect of the fractional order of the Caputo derivative and the phase-lag parameter on the temperature distribution in a slab has been numerically investigated.
In this paper, we propose an “informatic” interpretation of the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo derivatives of non-integer orders as reconstruction from infinite sequence of standard derivatives of integer orders. The reconstruction is considered with respect to orders of derivatives.
A comparative analysis of a model of thin viscous fluid sheet flow between Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio derivative with fractional order was performed in this work. Sides-by-sides we presented some properties of both derivatives, and then we examined the existence of the exact solution of both nonlinear equations via the fixed-point theorem. A detailed study of the uniqueness of analysis for both models is presented. Numerical simulations are presented to access the difference between both models.
Content available remote Bifurcations of the time-fractional generalized coupled Hirota-Satsuma KdV system
tom 3
nr 1
The Hirota-Satsuma model with fractional derivative is considered to provide some characteristics of memory embedded into the system. The modified system is analyzed analytically using a new technique called residual power series method. We observe thatwhen the value of memory index (time-fractional order) is close to zero, the solutions bifurcate and produce a wave-like pattern.
In this paper, the effect of the fractional order of the Caputo time-derivative occurring in heat conduction models on the temperature distribution in a finite cylinder consisting of an inner solid cylinder and an outer concentric layer is investigated. The inner cylinder (core) and the cylindrical layer are in perfect thermal contact. The Robin boundary condition on the outer surface and the Neumann conditions on the ends of the cylinder are assumed. An internal heat source is represented in the mathematical model by taking into account in the heat conduction equation of a function which depends on the space and time variable. An analytical solution of the problem is derived in the form of the double series of eigenfunctions. Numerical examples are presented.
In this paper an analytical solution of the time-fractional heat conduction problem in a spherical coordinate system is presented. The considerations deal the two-dimensional problem in multilayer spherical bodies including a hollow sphere, hemisphere and spherical wedge. The mathematical Robin conditions are assumed. The solution is a sum of time-dependent function satisfied homogenous boundary conditions and of a solution of the steady-state problem. Numerical example shows the temperature distributions in the hemisphere for various order of time-derivative.
In the paper positive fractional continuous-time linear systems are considered. Positive fractional systems without delays and positive fractional systems with a single delay in control are studied. New criteria for approximate and exact controllability of systems without delays as well as a relative controllability criterion of systems with delay are established and proved. Numerical examples are presented for different controllability criteria. A practical application is proposed.
The time-fractional heat conduction equation with the Caputo derivative of the order 0 ˂ α ˂ 2 is considered in a bounded domain. For this equation different types of boundary conditions can be given. The Dirichlet boundary condition prescribes the temperature over the surface of the body. In the case of mathematical Neumann boundary condition the boundary values of the normal derivative are set, the physical Neumann boundary condition specifies the boundary values of the heat flux. In the case of the classical heat conduction equation (α = 1), these two types of boundary conditions are identical, but for fractional heat conduction they are essentially different. The mathematical Robin boundary condition is a specification of a linear combination of the values of temperature and the values of its normal derivative at the boundary of the domain, while the physical Robin boundary condition prescribes a linear combination of the values of temperature and the values of the heat flux at the surface of a body.
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