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w słowach kluczowych:  micronutrient fertilizer
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Content available remote Innovative bio-products for agriculture
The paper reports state of the art research in the field of novel bio-based products for agriculture. Biopesticides, biostimulants and biofertilizers were shown as a potential alternative or additional products to the currently used agrochemicals. The present situation on the market of agrochemicals was discussed. Difficulties related to products registration were taken into account. Research on supercritical algal extracts as a biostimulant of plant growth and health supporting feed additive for laying hens was presented, as well as the perspectives of the use of biomass as the carrier of fertilizer nutrients. The method of production of new fertilizer components with micronutrients was biosorption. The concept of new phosphorus biofertilizers containing living microflora that solubilizes phosphorus was reported.
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