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Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie szacowania za pomocą trzech metod wydatku energetycznego (WE) podczas różnych form treningu stosowanego w rehabilitacji kardiologicznej. Materiał i metoda: badaniu poddanych zostało 40 kolejnych mężczyzn uczestniczących w programie wczesnej rehabilitacji po ostrym zespole wieńcowym. Program rehabilitacyjny składał się z 12-13 sesji treningowych obejmujących Nordic Walking (NW), ćwiczenia ogól-nousprawniające (Ćw) i trening na cyklergometrze (R). U każdego pacjenta 4-krotnie oszacowano WE za pomocą 3 prostych metod: z wykorzystaniem rejestratora częstotliwości rytmu serca z wbudowaną funkcją kalkulacji WE (CRS), akcelerometru i obliczanego na podstawie średniej treningowej CRS w odniesieniu do wartości CRS podczas kolejnych obciążeń w trakcie próby wysiłkowej. Wyniki: w przypadku wszystkich rodzajów treningu wartość WE oszacowanego za pomocą akcelerometru była istotnie mniejsza niż na podstawie obliczeń wykonywanych w odniesieniu do próby wysiłkowej, a w przypadku Ćw i R była także mniejsza niż oszacowana za pomocą rejestratora CRS. Szacowania WE za pomocą rejestratora CRS i obliczeń na podstawie średniej treningowej CRS różniły się istotnie jedynie w przypadku treningu na cykloergometrze. Niezależnie od zastosowanej metody, największy średni WE uzyskali pacjenci podczas NW. Wnioski: użycie rejestratora CRS wyposażonego w funkcję kalkulacji WE umożliwia wiarygodne porównanie WE związanego z różnymi formami aktywności fizycznej. Pomiar WE za pomocą akcelerometru jest przydatny wyłącznie do oceny niezłożonych czynności odbywających się z dużym przyspieszeniem liniowym ciała.
Aim: to compare estimated energy expenditure by means of three simple methods during various forms of training used in cardiac rehabilitation. Material and methods: the examined group consisted of 40 men involved in early cardiac rehabilitation following acute coronary syndrome. The rehabilitation program consisted of 12-13 sessions comprising Nordic Walking (NW), calisthenics (Cal), and cycle ergometer training (Erg). In each subject, energy expenditure was measured four times using a heart rate monitor with inbuilt function for calculating energy expenditure (CRS), an accelerometer, and heart rate calculated from mean exercise heart rate value based on the data from the treadmill exercise test. Results: for all types of training, the energy expenditure value assessed with an accelerometer was lowerthan calculated based on data from the treadmill exercise test. For Cal and Erg, it was also lower than estimated with the heart rate monitor. The assessment of energy expenditure with the heart rate monitor and calculated based on the data from the exercise test differed exclusively in the case of ergometer training. For all methods of assessment, the energy expenditure was highest during NW. Conclusions: the use of the heart rate monitor enables reliable comparison of energy expenditure during various forms of physical activity. The accelerometer may be useful in assessment of energy expenditure only during simple activities with high linear acceleration.
Study aim: To assess the somatic and fitness changes in semisedentary boys persuaded to undertake Nordic Walking activities throughout a school year.Material and methods: Two groups of schoolboys aged 17 - 18 years were studied: regularly attending physical education (PE) classes (Group A; n = 46) and those who avoided PE classes by submitting sick note ors excuses signed by parents (Group N; n = 29). The latter ones undertook Nordic Walking training (3 sessions a week throughout the school year). Group A undertook no motor activities except regular PE classes. At the beginning (Pre) and at the end of the study (Post) all boys were subjected to 7 fitness tests: 50-m run (50 m), shuttle run 4×10 m (SR4), 1000-m run (LDR), sit-ups (SUP), standing broad jump (SBJ), pull-ups (PUP) and stand-and-reach (STR).Results: Mean Post-Pre changes in Group N evidenced significant improvements, compared with Group A, in most studied variables - body mass, body fat content, 50-m dash velocity, PUP, SUP, STR, SR4 velocity, no significant, unfavourable changes being noted.Conclusions: Nordic Walking, being an attractive form of activity, may be an easy way to encourage people to undertake motor activities thus improving the health status.
Content available remote Nordic Walking - A New Form of Adapted Physical Activity (A Literature Review)
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to analyze scientific evidence on the effects that Nordic Walking (NW) has on the human body. Basic procedures. A comprehensive search of computer databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, and SPORTDiscus) was conducted to identify relevant English and Polish studies on NW that were published from 1995 to 2009 and based on scientific research. Main findings. A total of 26 studies met the inclusion criteria. The majority of studies (12) discussed physiological issues, eleven studies were dedicated to NW as a form of rehabilitation (including one case study), and three studies focused on biomechanical issues present in NW. Conclusions. Not all of the widely promoted benefits of NW were confirmed in the results of the found scientific studies. Often analyzed issues did not provide sufficient explanation. There is a large discrepancy in the results of physiological responses during NW in a variety of conditions (on a treadmill with/without grade; field - uphill/downhill/horizontal level terrain). The results of studies analyzing the effects of NW training as a form of rehabilitation particularly in the areas of cardiology confirmed the positive aspects of including NW towards a patient's rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome, with intermittent claudication, and after coronary artery disease, or after myocardial infarction. Contrary to popular belief and previously done studies, recent research has shown that NW does not reduce the loading of the knee joint.
A person with Parkinson's disease has bigger problems with maintaining the stability than the healthy person. Nordic Walking is a safe kind of physical activity for elderly people. The aim of this study is to present the influence of a 6-month therapy of the Nordic Walking on the imbalance and the risk of falls for 66-years-old patient with Parkinson's disease. On the basis of results of 4 tests, performed both at the beginning and at the end of the Nordic Walking therapy, we have made a comparison of patient’s changes before and after 6 months of rehabilitation. the DGI test, the PD patient received 18 points. After he got 22 points. In the Functional Reach Test ( FR), while attempting to reach forward, reached out for 23 cm before the therapy, and 31 cm after the therapy. In the test and go up the patient got a time of 63 seconds, after therapy the time was reduced to 45 s. Nordic Walking is a safe kind of physical activity for people with Parkinson's disease. It reduces muscle tension, and improves joint function.
Content available remote Motivations and effects of practicing Nordic Walking by elderly people
Background: As a result of numerous advantages of Nordic Walking such as the movement simplicity, its affordability and availability for people of various ages and with different levels of fitness, this relatively young physical activity has been developing remarkably for several years. It has the potential of increasing physical activity among elderly people. Defining to what extent practicing Nordic Walking (NW) influences the general level of physical activity and the quality of life of elderly people. Material/Methods: 161 people were examined (93 women and 68 men) at the age of 60 or above. In this group 48 practised NW: 33 women and 15 men. Health self-assessment was determined using the SF-36 questionnaire, whereas the level of physical activity using the SEWL questionnaire. Results: Statistically significant differences were noted (p <0.05) between respondents practising NW and the control group at the level of both physical activity and health selfassessment. Conclusions: Practising NW positively influences the increase of elderly people’s physical activity, translating to the level of health self-assessment.
W pracy podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące wpływu Nordic Walking na pracę pompy mięśniowej kończyn dolnych oraz czas wypełniania się żył krwią, a także zbadania, czy istnieją istotne różnice w omawianych parametrach u osób trenujących Nordic Walking w porównaniu z nietrenującymi. Badaniem objęto grupę 30 kobiet (średnia wieku 61,6 lat). Grupę badaną stanowiło 15 kobiet z Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim, trenujących Nordic Walking. 15-osobową grupę kontrolną natomiast stanowiły kobiety pracujące przewlekle w pozycji siedzącej, w administracji, nieuprawiające aktywności ruchowej. W celu dokonania diagnostyki układu żylnego kończyn dolnych przeprowadzono badania fotopletyzmograficzne kończyn dolnych za pomocą aparatu Rheo Dopplex II PPG firmy Huntleigh Diagnostisc (Wielka Brytania). Mierzono parametry przepływu żylnego tj. pracę pompy żylnej – VP (ang. Venous Pump) oraz czas wypełniania się żył krwią – RT (ang. Refilling Time). Do opracowania statystyki wykorzystano program STATISTICA 10, stosując test t-Studenta dla grup niezależnych. Wyniki badań wskazują na istniejące różnice w obrazie dynamiki odpływu krwi z kończyn dolnych u kobiet trenujących i nietrenujących Nordic Walking, przemawiając na korzyść grupy aktywnej fizycznie.
The goal of this research was to assess the influence of physical activity on women representing the University of Third Age. The Nordic Walking as the physical activity was examined, whereas venous blood flow in the lower limbs, was measured. The assess the Nordic Walking impact on both: the muscle pump of lower limbs and the time when veins are filled with blood. The research group consisted of has thirty women, mean age 61.6. Half of them (active group) were representing the University of Third Age (linked to the University of Wroclaw), whereas the other half were women, office workers, not training Nordic Walking. The photoplethysmographic examination of lower limbs, were performed by means of Rheo Dopplex II PPG apparatus (UK). The parameters of venous flow, including the work of VP (Venous Pump) and the venous blood RT (Refilling Time), were measured. The analysis exploited the STATISTICA 10 software. For the independent class, the t-Student test was utilized. It was shown that the dynamics of the blood outflow from the lower limb is different in these two groups, pointing out the benefits of the physically activity in terms of Nordic Walking.
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A lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are a burden to the public health system throughout the world. An insufficient amount of exercise contributes to the development of conditions, troublesome ailments, and a reduction in the quality and length of life. Walking training is based on the natural movement of walking. There have been many studies showing the benefits of Nordic Walking training for individual conditions. Physical activity has a therapeutic effect if the form of physical exercise is matched properly to the specific case. It is recommended that appropriate tests be carried out in advance to determine the appropriate intensity of training. Scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals were reviewed. The online databases PubMed, NCBI, PMC, ScienceDirect, Oxford Academic Journals and MDPI include research and review papers written in Polish and English.
Konsekwencje braku aktywności fizycznej oraz siedzącego trybu życia coraz większego kręgu ludzi stanowią obciążenie systemu zdrowia publicznego w skali światowej. Niedostateczna ilość ruchu sprzyja powstawaniu wielu chorób, uciążliwych dolegliwości, obniżeniu jakości i długości życia. Trening marszowy bazuje na naturalnym ruchu, jakim jest chód. Przeprowadzono wiele badań wskazujących na korzyści płynące z treningu nordic walkingu w poszczególnych jednostkach chorobowych. Aktywność fizyczna ma działanie terapeutyczne wówczas, gdy forma ćwiczeń ruchowych zostanie dobrana stosownie do konkretnego przypadku. Poleca się wcześniejsze wykonanie odpowiednich badań oraz ustalenie właściwej intensywności treningu. W artykule dokonano przeglądu publikacji naukowych dotyczących wpływu nordic walkingu na zdrowie, opublikowanych w recenzowanych czasopismach, z wykorzystaniem baz PubMed, NCBI, PMC, ScienceDirect, Oxford Academic Journals i MDPI.
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