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The aim of this article is to present its own proposals on the general requirements to be used to construct the implementation instructions. This proposal was developed with detailed algorithm of conduct investigator, who in collaboration with the farmer implements the novelties. The basis for its creation were information obtained from a review of literature and the author’s practical knowledge acquired during long-term cooperation with the public agricultural advisory service in their self-directed extensions activities and implementations activities in collaboration with science. In this article a basic conceptual apparatus concerning one of the innovation processes, which is the process of the formation of agricultural innovations, has been arranged. Also noted on the unfortunate circumstances for the achievement of the implementation phase by science, caused by the current system of parameter evaluation of the scientific units, which according to the author, should be immediately changed.
The Baltic Sea Region is an area with huge potential but it still can not develop as expected internal cooperation. This article aim is to determine the competitive position of the regions bordering the Baltic Sea and - by using hierarchical cluster analysis - to identify networks of regional cooperation possible to develop.
The conducted investigations concern pedagogical innovation and their conditionings. The article presents the factors, which weaken and strengthen innovation activity. It also seeks an answer to the question: 'what conditions have to be met so that Polish schools become more innovative'.
In this paper competitive ability was defined as long term skill of delivering products or services, accepted by market. Model of this ability is described by function of environment conditions, their perception by management, awareness of this management, innovative reaction time, resources (especially HR and intellectual capital) and motivation. Innovation was showed as instrument of building of competition advantages. HR was showed not only as a field of competition advantages but also as creating power of innovation. The analysis of industrial enterprises points to the managerial staff attitudes as a decisive factor of enterprises innovation activities and economic status.
Broadly defined innovation and creativity are, nowadays, the key factors of economic growth. They are the main driving force of development. Since there is a positive correlation between innovation and an economy's efficiency or its attractiveness for investors, implementation of novel and creative solutions can help achieve enhanced business results. Innovation and creativity are instrumental in creating a sustainable competitive advantage in the global market. The ability to create, implement and promote innovation depends largely on the available resources and on the state innovation policy. In the coming years, Poland is going to face the problem of low level of innovation, as well as the dearth of innovation factors. Among the weaknesses of the Polish innovation system are: inefficient utilisation of human capital, low expenditure on R&D activity, considerable dependence on budgetary financing, weak self-innovation ability of small and medium-sized enterprises, poor cooperation between businesses and research institutions, and the mismatch between research activities and the needs of the manufacturing and service sectors. The low level of innovation hampers economic growth and threatens sustainable development. In view of the above, there is a need to define the directions of innovation policy of the state and to improve the conditions for innovation in Poland.
The main aim of this article is to assess the impact of the global crisis on innovation. The comparative analysis of business R&D expenditures in the world economy shows that firms from Japan and the USA had the strongest slowdown in the growth rate of R&D spending in response to the current economic crisis. European enterprises to a lesser extent limited the increase of their R&D budgets, while firms from the emerging markets decided to boost innovation and increase their R&D expenditures.
The article shows results of the survey carried out among the top managers of enterprises functioning in the former European Union on the 'Innovation in 2003': Experiences and Priorities of European Managers'. In particular the author concentrated on interpretating answers to the question concerning new approaches to innovation management which would require special attention of enterprise. The answers received were considered as the measure of the interest of the managers in the development of the innovation activity. Level of this measure is presented for the European Union as a whole, for each of its 15 Member States and for enterprises analysed in regard to their sector of activity, size, age and share of export in their turnover.
The paper is describing the current state of intermediation services in CZ NUTS 2 Region Prague, based on results of ongoing SUPER-SME Project of FP6. It is possible to identify an important role of intermediaries in research, development, and innovation activities. The intermediation aims at optimizing supply of scientific and technological services, with demand of RTDI companies and organizations or any other actors using or interested in using these services, e.g. national or regional stakeholders. S&T intermediary is defined as a public, private, or public/private (non-profit) institution with a mission of optimizing interface between supply of scientific and technological services and demand of an enterprise, groups of enterprises, or any institution in this respect. Universities, research centers, private companies, or technology transfer centers can play a role of S&T intermediary.
The paper focuses on the transformation of human capital in the Silesia province and the formation process of the creative class. In the first part are described some theoretical assumption of human capital and creative class, and the history and specifics of the most important social groups in Silesia. In the second part the authors cite the main results of their research conducted in 2010–2011. In interviews, entrepreneurs, experts and policy makers recognized the existence of regional professionals and active individuals who operated at the level of enterprises and local communities. This confirms the assumption of the enclave nature of the formation process of the creative class in Silesia.
The paper presents a methodology for analysing and designing an innovation management system. The reflections are preceded by the interpretation of key terms associated with the innovation management system in an enterprise, a synthetic characteristic of modern models of the innovation process and a presentation of a model of innovation management in an enterprise.
Incubation has become in recent years a generic term with a meaning much wider than the term 'incubator house' current in Hungary. It frames many means of company development, especially small, technology-oriented firms. It seems an urgent task to spread the new interpretation -combining market-developing company development with innovation policy - as this policy means is gaining importance in EU business policy. The first part draws on published international findings to support the need for technology-oriented incubation. The article goes on to present a new systematization of incubator services and the local business environment. The local business environment is examined in the light of incubation success, in terms of the ability of the services to add value and treat market deficiencies. Finally, an attempt is made to fit business incubation to two basic paradigms of business development - market-substituting and market-developing - and draw conclusions about its economic-policy applications.
National economies are looking for ways to stabilize their performance and ensure continuous economic growth. Innovative environment that supports innovation activity of enterprises can stimulate firms to increase efficiency and finding new business opportunities. Strategic innovation and continuous process of innovation are the determinants of sustainable competitive advantage. The authors of this paper prove on the base of the empirical study the existence of causal relationship between the implementation of the principles of knowledge management and the innovation potential of enterprises. Thus they indirectly demonstrate the existence of a causal nexus between the change towards a learning organization and the sustainable competitive advantage achievement. Knowledge management can be then designated as an important determinant of the sustainable competitiveness.
Changes in approach of management of organizations to human resource management in generations Y and Z are also a very significant trend. An organization must use all possible stimulation tools to ensure knowledge continuity and to help with effective knowledge sharing between generations and support sustainable business. The goal of this article is to identify the benefits that an organization derives from ensuring knowledge continuity, and to identify the strategic documents of an organization that support it and support sustainable business. Data were obtained using quantitative research within selected Czech companies (n = 207) and qualitative re-search (8 interviews and one focus group). The results showed that 69.6% of the surveyed organizations ensure the knowledge continuity between generations of employees to some (varying) degree, which is influenced by the existence of a human resources management strategy (56.0%) and of an appropriately set organizational culture strategy (52.7%).
The aim of the study was to provide guidance activities undertaken in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Agricultural Advisory Centre for the transfer of technological innovations to the farms. The data source was KPODR documents from the years 2011-2013. KPODR plays an important role in the region for the transfer of technological innovations to farms. Advisors take a lot of activities (including advice, training, conferences, studies, audits on farms, shows, demonstrations and competitions) which aim in overcoming farmers resistance to changes, introduce them to new production technologies and to convince them to use the solutions on their farms. As a result, farmers of this region gain important knowledge which allowes them to use the innovation actions on their farms.
The paper presents the results of empirical studies on cooperation of enterprises with other entities in the area of innovation activity that involved 156 enterprises from the region of northeastern Poland. It was studied whether enterprises cooperate in the area of innovation with three groups of partners, i.e. their suppliers and buyers, with other enterprises and with scientific institutions (institution carrying scientific research) as well as organizations dealing with transfer of innovations. Attempts were made to obtain an answer concerning the objective of cooperation and its subject. The cooperation was much more frequently undertaken by larger entities and it involved a wide range of partner institutions. Quite frequently other enterprises with the same or similar type of activity were partners. The cooperation occurred most frequently within the chain of supplier-processor-buyer, which is consistent with the global trends. The cooperation with suppliers most frequently focused on searching for new raw materials of better quality than those used so far while that with the buyers focused mainly on obtaining knowledge on expectations and preferences of clients. Unfortunately small and medium enterprises represent a low level of cooperation with innovation transfer institutions. As a consequence, activities supporting that transfer are necessary.
Idea of regionalism appeared in Province in late nineteenth century in a particular cultural moment in the history of France. At the turn of century it spread across the Europe. In Poland ‘regionalism’ became popular during the interwar period as it has been adopted in institutional and organizational way. However, the term has begun to function in an ordinary usage and became a part of the common-sense only since last two decades. Nowadays, the term ‘regionalism’ exists in three meanings: (1) regional ideology, consciousness, or identity; (2) overall of cultural efforts undertaken within a region which determine its uniqueness and originality (such efforts continue spontaneously although they may be also guided institutionally and purposely in order to preserve the identity of region); (3) sociocultural movement whose activities seek to popularize regional consciousness. The contemporary regional movement declares to fulfill tasks which represent continuation of the aims of regional activity in Second Polish Republic. However, it focuses on spreading regional tradition rather than on activity aiming at ‘creation of present day’, i.e. on attempt to intervene in social processes within local or regional boundaries (e.g. transformation and modernization which constitute the contemporary reality and regional differentiation). According to sociologists, present ‘Wielo-Polska’ (‘Multi-Poland’) encompasses fields defined by wealth, inhabitants, citizen activities and absenteeism, development and level of education among the population, level and scale of foreign investment, and technological innovation. The contemporary regional movement should consider this matter. It has to try to activate local and regional communities, promote enterprise, civic engagement, pro-innovation attitudes, and educational aspirations. Nonetheless, it has also to take into account regional and local traditions. This general and complex task defines the sense of contemporary regionalism.
The European Union aims to become the leading knowledge-based region of the world by 2010. Innovation as a major source of competitiveness and economic growth has been brought to the center of regional development policies. After joining the European Union this constitutes a serious challenge for Hungary since the country's competitiveness depends not only on the effectiveness and development level of its innovation system but also on the extent to which the country is capable of a successful integration to the European Research Area. After surveying the international (i.e., the US and the EU) experience and the relevant literature this paper provides an analysis on the prospect of an innovation-based regional development strategy for Hungary particularly on the role universities might play in that. The main focus is on the institutional and regulatory frameworks of innovation with a special attention to the characteristics of university R&D financing.
Development of scientific and technical knowledge has become the prime growth factor behind modern economies. A big part in economic development is therefore played by universities, as institutions expanding and disseminating such knowledge. There is an extensive literature underlining the key role of local universities in establishing areas, such as Silicon Valley, Boston's 128th Street or the environs of Cambridge, UK, which remain the most important concentrations of peak technology. The paper's account of the wide international literature on this subject seeks to shed light on whether the economic effect of these university knowledge transfers can be replicated, or whether they were one-off occurrences. The nature of the spatial dissemination of knowledge has a decisive bearing on this. The literature can be divided into two schools, concentrating on location choice and direct knowledge-transfer researches respectively.
The aim of the paper is to present the changes in importance of the intangible economic factors such as knowledge and level of innovation in relation to the currently observed institutional transformation of the economic system, which leads to development of the 'new global knowledge-based economy'. The article attempts at confronting the theoretical considerations with the empirical data based on the aggregated data for the OECD countries. The paper makes use of the statistical materials collated by the Eurostat and OECD. The analyzed data may suggest that widely treated innovation represents one of the most important elements determining the economic potential.
Regional Research and Innovation Policy in Action - the Efficient Tools for Regional Catching-up in New Member States (Regions of Knowledge - FP6). The regional practices of innovation policy in eight EU member states are presented in case studies, elaborated for one region in each country with South Moravia representing the Czech Republic. South Moravian innovation policy is analyzed in three fundamental dimensions: strategy formation, policy deployment, and practices at the programme level. These are the constituent elements of the process that was defined by the ProAct consortium as so called 'ProAct policy learning cycle'. The benchmark methodology (The ProAct Benchmarking Framework) was applied in the case studies to explore good practices in regional innovation and research policy. In the study, the role of South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC - Jihomoravske inovacni centrum) is highlighted.
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