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tom 25
nr 1
The statutory concept of justification in public finance discipline comes down to clear exclusion of unlawfulness of discipline’s tort. It is assumed that the reason for the existence of justification of torts is a collision of interests and resulting from it, the necessity to indicate the interest excluding unlawfulness, and later waiving liability for breaching law. Justification behavior refers to actions which in typical situations are incorrect and unwanted, but because of special circumstances may constitute justification and hence need to be tolerated, accepted or even approved in the legal order. Regulations shaping the new premises excluding liability for breaching public finance discipline in connection with COVID-19 are included in legal regulations included in so called Anti-Crisis Shield. The aim of the study is to analyze the established legal solutions and to formulate de lege ferenda postulates.
nr 1(13)
This paper is an analysis of the category of power in Michel Foucault’s philosophy. In the whole work of the philosopher it is definitely abused and often used as a hyperbole or a metaphor only, not as a specific social relation. I argue that especially in Foucault’s writings of 1970s the category of power is used not only as a hypothesis, but also as a justification, which makes much of Foucault’s interesting analysis only a postmodern narrative. In this respect philosophy of Foucault remains Hegelian, trying to enclose the rich experience of European modern culture in one mind, with one superior rule.
Content available remote Neskorý Wittgenstein a problém vonkajšieho sveta
The aim of this article is to determine how useful to us are the notes from the late work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, On Certainty, in dealing with one of the modern sceptical problems. By determining the usefulness I have in mind whether or not his thoughts and descriptions of everyday linguistic practice help solve the sceptical problem and, if so, in what way. The sceptical problem in question is the Cartesian argument about the external world – the argument of ignorance. We will endeavour to show that if we accept Wittgenstein’s remarks as adequate descriptions of epistemic practice, they will help to make it possible to block the argument in question. However, there arise questions of whether Wittgenstein’s descriptions of epistemic practice are adequate, on the one hand, and whether the sceptical claims about the external world really spring from this practice, on the other hand. I hold the view that these questions are basically empirical. This has the relatively unusual consequence that the worth of Wittgenstein’s thoughts, as well as the cogency of the problem of the external world, cannot be judged in a purely philosophical way.
nr 38
The debate between Habermas and Rawls that took place in 1990s concerned how philosophy can justify the principles of justice under the conditions of pluralism of different and irreconcilable moral, philosophical, and religious doctrines. The context of the debate was mainly Rawls’ Political Liberalism and Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms as well. This paper argues that a wider geo-cultural perspective is pertinent in order to better comprehend the different justification strategies in Habermas and Rawls, concerning the principle of justice. This goes for their different geo-cultural experiences and presuppositions – in short, Rawls living in a self-confident North America in the post-war period versus Habermas’ German experience of civilization breakdown. However, it might also be relevant for the assessment of these two strategies in our time, faced with new kinds of geo-political differences and conflicts.
nr 34
The so-called debate between Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls concentrated mainly on the latter’s political liberalism. It dealt with the many aspects of Rawls’s philosophical project. In this article, I focus only on one of them, namely the epistemic or cognitivistic nature of principles of justice. The first part provides an overview of the debate, while the second part aims to show that Habermas has not misinterpreted Rawls’s position. I argue that Habermas rightly considers Rawls’s conception of justice as a moral one. In the last part, I discuss two key questions raised by Habermas. The first concerns the relation between justification and acceptance of the principles of justice. The second concerns the relation between two validity terms: truth and reasonableness.
tom 1 (27)
nr 1
The following article aims at discussing the attributes of the directness of attack and the commensurateness of the means of necessary self-defense, which constitute the most significant, but also the most controversial, prerequisites for the justification of necessary self-defense. The author conducts his study on the basis of selected case law of appeal courts and the Supreme court, dating back four years. In this way, the article allows to delineate the limits of necessary self-defense, as well as present particular cases of exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense.
Content available remote Skepticizmus – rôzne podoby, rôzne problémy
This article focuses on the presentation of the basic forms of scepticism and sceptical argumentation denying the possibility of gaining knowledge in the sense of its tripartite definition (justified true belief). The author presents a selection of historical objections to the attainability and knowability of truth and the possibility of gaining complete or adequate true justification of knowledge, but also objections concentrating on the understanding of knowledge as conscious and fully-reflected true belief. In the second part of the article the author attempts to argue against advocates of the unjustifiability of knowledge (holding that there do not exist any sufficient or partly good reasons for knowledge) by pointing to the existence of various levels of persuasiveness of particular opinions and beliefs and by showing the meaninglessness of the distinction between knowledge and supposition in conceptions that deny knowledge any kind of good reasons. In conclusion there is an attempt to demonstrate that falsification of a certain piece of knowledge is itself a piece of knowledge that is grounded on the adequate reasons of its soundness.
nr 2
In the first part of the article the concept of associative duties and their justification as distinctive from general moral duties are analyzed. The second part considers associative duties to fellow citizens and distinguishing features of those duties such as reciprocity, mutuality and equal status. In the final part the author deals with specific cases concerning refugees and stresses arguments as to why the associative duties of co-citizens should overcome duties to refugees, as well as the failures of those arguments. It is argued that the status of refugees is different from the status of other non-citizens, such as immigrants, due to the lack of institutional representation and protection.
Content available remote Problém poznání v kriticko-racionalistickém pojetí Hanse Alberta
This article presents the particular treatment of selected epistemological problems in the framework of Hans Albert’s critical rationalism. The first part examines the question of whether true knowledge is possible. In his endeavour to address this question, Albert firstly distinguishes himself from classical epistemologists who connect true knowledge with the justification of certain truth. He shows that the requirement that knowledge must provide final justification leads to irresolvable paradoxes, if not to dogmatism. The justifying claims of classical epistemology, therefore, are strictly rejected in the framework of critical rationalism, and Albert postulates the permanent openess of all knowledge to critique. In the second part, the paper then focuses on Albert’s specific understanding of the question of whether pure theory of knowledge is possible. Albert, in looking for an answer to this question, distinguishes his own approach from that of Immanuel Kant’s transcendental idealism. At the same time, however, he is to an extent inspired by Kant, and he describes his own position as trancendental realism.
The paper presents the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with the makespan minimization criterion. To solve the problem, the authors propose insertion algorithms that generate schedules with the use of forward serial and parallel decoding procedures. Schedules are improved with the use of the double justification by the extremes technique (first right and then left justification). The efficiency of the procedures proposed is tested on standard test problems from the PSPLIB library.
Content available remote Kant’s Critique of Religion: Epistemic Sources of Secularism
The secular interpretation of Kant is widespread and Kant is viewed as the most prestigious founding father of liberal secularism. At the same time, however, commentators note that Kant’s position on secularism is in fact much more complex, and some go as far as to talk about an ambiguous secularism in his work. This paper defends a refined version of the secular interpretation. According to this refined version, Kant can offer a limited, political secularism on the basis of a simple argument which focuses on the distinct epistemic statuses of political and religious claims; however, the paper argues, a more general secularism is unwarranted on the basis of the same argument. If my argument is correct, then it will account at least in part for the plurality of interpretations. Moreover, any further attempt to show that Kant’s relation to secularism is ambiguous or dismissive should take into consideration the argument from epistemic grounds presented here.
nr 1
The article reviews the book by Andrzej M. Gieniusz, CR, “Inesperto nell'arte di parlare”? (2 Cor 11, 6). Retorica al servizio del Vangelo (Percorsi culturali 25; Roma: Urbaniana University Press 2018). The author begins by discussing the publication in detail, and then proceeds to the specific issues related to it. These include Rom 7:1-6 read as transitio, Rom 8:12 as the test case of orality and literacy in Paul, the category of “religious experience” in Paul, the apocalyptic background of Paul’s attitude toward work, and the role of 1 Cor 15:8 in constructing the apostle’s ethos. The main characteristic of the book by Prof. Gieniusz is a creative combination of rhetoric and theology, discussed in the last part of the article. The book shows how to do theology focused on the newness of the Christian life, the primacy of grace and the uniqueness of Christ’s way (solus Christus).
nr 4
Alvin Plantinga kwestionuje zakorzenioną tradycję myślenia o uzasadnieniu jako spełnieniu przez podmiot swojego obowiązku epistemicznego. Staram się wykazać, że pod kilkoma względami Plantinga błędnie interpretuje ideę obowiązków epistemicznych i w związku z tym jego argument przeciwko deontologizmowi nie jest poprawny. Rozpoczynam od zaprezentowania przyjętej przez Plantingę interpretacji deontologizmu epistemologicznego, a następnie przeprowadzam jej krytykę. Skupiam się przy tym na pięciu kwestiach: problemie rozpoznawalności obowiązku epistemicznego, utożsamianiu obowiązku epistemicznego z obowiązkiem subiektywnym, przyjmowaniu przez Plantingę zasady oczywistości, rozumieniu uzasadnienia jako braku winy oraz kwestii woluntaryzmu przekonaniowego.
Alvin Plantinga challenges the rooted tradition of thinking about justification as the subject’s fulfillment of his or her epistemic duty. I try to show that, in several respects, Plantinga misinterprets the idea of epistemic duties and that, consequently, his argument against deontologism is not sound. I begin by summarizing Plantinga’s understanding of epistemological deontologism and then offer my own critique of this interpretation, which focuses on five issues: the problem of recognizability of epistemic duty, describing epistemic duty as subjective, Plantinga’s assumption of the principle of obviousness, the understanding of justification as absence of guilt, and the issue of doxastic voluntarism.
nr 2
Writing strategic documents is a major practice of many actors striving to see their educational ideas realised in the curriculum. In these documents, arguments are systematically developed to create the legitimacy of a new educational goal and competence to make claims about it. Th rough a qualitative analysis of the writing strategies used in these texts, I show how two of the main actors in the Czech educational discourse have developed a proof that a new educational goal is needed. I draw on the connection of the relational approach in the sociology of education with Lyotard’s analytical semantics of instances in the event. Th e comparison of the writing strategies in the two documents reveals diff erences in the formation of a particular pattern of justifi cation. In one case the texts function as a herald of pure reality, and in the other case as a messenger of other witnesses. Th is reveals diff erent regimens of proof, although both of them were written as prescriptive directives – normative models of the educational world.
Psaní strategických dokumentů je zásadní praxí mnoha aktérů usilujících o to, aby jejich vzdělávací ideje byly realizovány v učebních osnovách. V těchto dokumentech jsou argumenty systematicky rozvíjeny tak, aby se vytvořila jak legitimita nového vzdělávacího cíle, tak i kompetence těch, kteří tyto cíle prosazují. Na kvalitativní analýze strategií psaní použitých v textech tohoto druhu ukazuji, jak dva hlavní aktéři českého vzdělávacího diskurzu vytvořili důkaz, že je zapotřebí nový vzdělávací cíl. Studie vychází ze spojení relacionistické sociologie vzdělávání s Lyotardovou analytickou sémantikou pozic v určité události. Porovnání strategií psaní ve dvou dokumentech odhaluje rozdíly ve formování konkrétního vzorce ospravedlnění. V jednom případě text funguje jako ohlašovatel čisté reality a v druhém případě jako posel jiných svědků. Studie odhaluje různé režimy dokazování v těchto dokumentech, ačkoli oba byly psány jako preskriptivní směrnice – normativní modely vzdělávacího světa.
nr 9
s. 131-145
Artykuł porusza problematykę prawnej dopuszczalności chirurgicznego zabiegu „zmiany płci”, poprzez wyłączenie odpowiedzialności karnej lekarza. Tematyka zabiegu uzgodnienia płci budzi kontrowersje w obszarze prawa karnego z punktu widzenia wyłączenia bezprawności dokonania tego rodzaju zabiegu. Część badaczy stoi na stanowisku, że to zjawisko powinno być traktowane jako zabieg medyczny i w konsekwencji opowiada się za pierwotną legalnością chirurgicznej zmiany płci. Z drugiej strony, powyższe stanowisko jest niekoherentne z tendencją do zaprzestania klasyfikowania transseksualizmu jako choroby psychicznej, która ma na celu ograniczenie stygmatyzacji osób transpłciowych. Tym samym należy zaprezentować inne koncepcje uzasadniające wyłączenie bezprawności zabiegu adaptacyjnego wypracowane przez polską naukę prawa karnego, które są związane z tematyką kontratypów. Owe koncepcje obejmują przede wszystkim kwestie zgody dysponenta dobrem oraz stanu wyższej konieczności. Jednocześnie, rozwiązania prezentowane przez doktrynę nie wydają się być adekwatne dla praktyki w tym zakresie, co uzasadnia konieczność omówienia potencjalnych zmian legislacyjnych w analizowanym obszarze.
This paper contains an analysis of the legality of the sex reassignment surgery by excluding criminal liability of a doctor. The issue of sex reassignment in the area of criminal law raises controversies due to the exclusion of the unlawfulness of doctor’s activity. Some scholars share the point of view that presented matter should be concerned as a medical treatment and thus be recognized as primarily legal. Nevertheless, such standpoint may be incoherent with the tendency to exclude transsexualism from the catalogue of mental diseases and to prevent transgender population from stigmatization. Therefore, Polish doctrine of criminal law aims at finding other potential solutions in order to exclude unlawfulness of doctor’s behavior. Consequently, the theories of justifications are presented, particularly with an analysis that concerns the consent of the owner of the good and the force majeure concept. However, presented solutions do not seem to be adequate and comprehensive enough, hence the authors concluded with the necessity of legislative activity in this sphere and eventually pointed out possible de lege ferenda postulates.
nr 3
This study concerns the legal nature of the so-called counter-types and is a response to polemical remarks by Mikołaj Iwanski, Mikołaj Małecki, Szymon Tarapata and Witold Zontek. The considerations are conducted on the basis of the rules of the derivational theory of legal interpretation, the concept of the interpretation of law, and the principles of legislative technique, and in the light of the issues associated with basic legal modalities. On this basis, it is established that the provisions establishing countertypes are modifiers of the content of incomplete central provisions, and that they change the scope of application of norms sanctioned in criminal law, but do not modify sanctioning norms. Conduct performed under the conditions of the countertype does not involve exceeding the sanctioned norm and is an act that is legally indifferent, but not legally neutral. The proposed approach cannot be equated with the theory of negative elements of a prohibited act.
Niniejsze opracowanie dotyczy charakteru prawnego tzw. kontratypów i jest odpowiedzią na uwagi polemiczne autorstwa Mikołaja Iwańskiego, Mikołaja Małeckiego, Szymona Tarapaty oraz Witolda Zontka. Rozważania prowadzone są zgodnie z regułami derywacyjnej koncepcji wykładni prawa, zasady techniki prawodawczej oraz zagadnienia podstawowych modalności prawnych. Na tej podstawie ustalono, że przepisy statuujące kontratypy są modyfikatorami treściowymi przepisów centralnych niepełnych i zmieniają zakres zastosowania norm sankcjonowanych w prawie karnym oraz nie modyfikują norm sankcjonujących. Zachowanie zrealizowane w warunkach kontratypu nie wiąże się z przekroczeniem normy sankcjonowanej i jest czynem indyferentnym prawnie, ale nie jest nieobojętnym prawnie. Proponowane ujęcie nie może być utożsamiane z teorią negatywnych znamion czynu zabronionego. 
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