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The paper presents the research studies carried out on the reverberation time of rooms, in terms of theoretical aspects and applicability potentials. Over the last century a very large number of scientists have been attempting to work out models describing the reverberation time in enclosed rooms. They have also been trying to apply these models for the description of various acoustic parameters of the interior, i.e. the intelligibility of speech, clarity, articulation, etc. In fact, all these models are based on the Sabine’s statistical method. The paper presents the work of the scientists working on this problem, together with prospective applicability potentials. Such a review may be helpful for researchers, designers or architects involved in the discussed subject.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy teoretycznej i badań eksperymentalnych, wpływu stosunku długości pomieszczenia do jego wysokości na czas pogłosu. Wyniki wstępnych badań pokazują, że poza wielkością pomieszczenia stosunek tych dwóch długości liniowych może mieć wpływ na szacowanie czasu pogłosu w pomieszczeniu. Analizę teoretyczną przeprowadzono przy pomocy symulacji komputerowych, zmieniając odpowiednio wymiary pomieszczenia prostopadłościennego przy stałym stosunku długości do wysokości. Kolejnym krokiem było zweryfikowanie wyników symulacji za pomocą pomiaru. W tym celu budowano w komorze bezechowej kolejne modele pomieszczeń i mierzono ich czasy pogłosu.
The results of theoretical analysis and experimental studies, the impact of the ratio of length to height of the room reverberation time. Results of preliminary tests show that beside the size of the room, the ratio of these two line lengths can affect the estimation of reverberation time in the room.
nr 3
The acoustical properties of an irregularly shaped room consisting of two connected rectangular subrooms were studied. An eigenmode method supported by a numerical implementation has been used to predict acoustic characteristics of the coupled system, such as the distribution of the sound pressure in steady-state and the reverberation time. In the theoretical model a low-frequency limit was considered. In this case the eigenmodes are lightly damped, thusthey were approximated by normal acoustic modes of a hard-walled room. The eigenfunctions and eigenfrequencies were computed numerically via application of a forced oscillator method with a finite difference algorithm. The influence of coupling between subrooms on acoustic parameters of the enclosure was demonstrated in numerical simulations where different distributions of absorbing materials on the walls of the subrooms and various positions of the sound source were assumed. Calculation results have shown that for large differences in the absorption coefficient in the subrooms the effect of modal localization contributes to peaks of RMS pressure in steady-state and a large increase in the reverberation time.
The results of the research, which aimed to analyze the acoustic properties of selected sacred buildings located in the city of Częstochowa, Poland are presented in the paper. Three architecturally unusual and completely different from each other churches were selected for the study. The churches differed in shape of their buildings, cubic volume, years of construction, interior furnishings, etc. Nine different objective parameters were used to describe the physical properties of acoustical field in the studied churches. Various factors characterizing the acoustic properties of each building were determined, such as the distribution of sound pressure level (SPL), reverberation time T30, definition D50. Next, they were thoroughly analyzed, so as to ultimately obtain distributions of individual acoustic parameters in the space of the tested building. It allowed to evaluate the quality of the received verbal or musical message depending on the place where the listener was. Further research on speech intelligibility and the musical quality of churches was performed by determining the averaged values of next four objective acoustic parameters: centre time Ts, speech clarity C50, music clarity C80, and speech transmission index (STI). A new approach to analyzing the objective physical parameters describing the sound field was presented in Sec. 4. Mean free path length and critical distance were determined for the investigated acoustic fields in each church and they were associated with a general geometric factor characterizing the complexity of the room shape. The final part of the work presents a comparative analysis of the obtained results of acoustic quality tests of the temples, and thus their usefulness in terms achieving a maximum intelligibility of speech and music. The interesting similarities were found in the spatial distribution of individual acoustic parameters characterizing the distribution of the acoustic field in temples with completely different architecture.
tom Vol. 39, No. 4
Chinese is a tonal language, which differentiates it from non-tonal languages in the Western countries. A Chinese character consists of an initial, a final, and a tone. In the present study, the effects of noise and reverberation on the Chinese syllable, initial, final, and tone identification in rooms were investigated by using simulated binaural impulse responses through auralization method. The results show that the syllable identification score is the lowest, the tone identification score is the highest, and the initial iden- tification scores are lower than those of the final identification under the same reverberation time and signal-to-noise ratio condition. The Chinese syllable, initial, and final identification scores increase with the increase of signal-to-noise ratio and decrease of the reverberation time. The noise and reverberation have insignificant effects on the Chinese tone identification scores under most room acoustical environ- ments. The statistical relationship between the Chinese syllable articulation and phoneme articulation had been experimentally proved under different noise and reverberation conditions in simulated rooms.
Content available remote Comparison of Methods for Measuring Reverberation Time
The article presents the results of an experimental evaluation of the reverberation time of the lecture auditorium in the Lviv Polytechnic National University. For their further analysis, a sub-system of batch processing of audio files with a registered response of the room for excited impulse noise has been developed. To determine the bypass signal, Schroeder method was used, and the least squares method was improved by pre-processing of the signal using the MM method. The influence of the number of neighboring points of the MM method on the accuracy of the reverberation time by the least squares method is investigated. A comparison of the Schroeder method and the least squares method is made, which makes it possible to establish that Schroeder method is more precise. The average error of this method for 6 experiments against the Dirac system was 0.02 sec, whereas for the least squares method it was 0.06 seconds. The developed subsystem of the batch analysis of the registered response of the premises for pulsed noise makes it possible to increase the speed and efficiency of processing the results of experiments.
Content available remote Statistical verification of the reverberation time models in small box rooms
The paper presents the results of measurements and theoretical calculations for little room models. Five room models have been prepared for analysis and they were placed in a chamber adopted as reverberationless. Measurements of reverberation time in these rooms were made in two variants; first in isotropic sound field, the second in the field disturbed by elements made of mineral wool. Then for all models in both variants theoretical calculations were made by means of three models: Neubeauer’s, Sabine’s, Eyring’s. All the results have been analysed by means of STATISTICA software and based on them statistical inference of theoretical models was made against the measurements for little box rooms.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń teoretycznych dla małych pomieszczeń pudełkowych, które umieszczone były w komorze bezpogłosowej. Pomiary czasu pogłosu wykonane były w dwóch wariantach; najpierw w polu akustycznym izotropowym a następnie w polu zaburzonym. Pole zaburzono płytą z wełny mineralnej umieszczoną na przegrodach ograniczajacych pomieszczenie. Obliczenia teoretyczne wykonano za pomocą Modelu Neubauera, Sabine’a i Euringa. Otrzymane wyniki poddano analizie w programie STATISTICA.
Content available remote An attempt to determine impact of a room shape on the reverberation time
One on the most important parameters defining acoustics of the interior is time of reverberation which determines all other parameters defining e.g. quality of speech, articulation, clarity of music, basses ratio, warmth of sound, etc. The authors of the paper made an attempt to determine impact of a room shape, length to height ratio on the reverberation time. After first simulations and studies it seams that not only room acoustic absorption and capacity influences reverberation time but also a room shape.
Jednym z najważniejszych parametrów określających akustykę wnętrza jest czas pogłosu, który to determinuje wszystkie inne parametry określające choćby: zrozumiałość mowy, wyrazistość, klarowność muzyki, stosunek basów, ciepło brzmienia itp. Autorzy niniejszego opracowania podjęli próbę określenia wpływu kształtu pomieszczenia, stosunku długości do wysokości na czas pogłosu. Po pierwszych symulacjach i badaniach wydaje się, że czas pogłosu zależy nie tylko od chłonności akustycznej pomieszczenia i jego wielkości, ale również kształtu pomieszczenia.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz teoretycznych czasu pogłosu w wybranych trzech aulach. Na podstawie tych analiz wyznaczono różnice pomiędzy stosowanymi modelami a pomiarem w warunkach rzeczywistych. Wyznaczone różnice posłużą do opracowania nowej metody szacowania czasu pogłosu.
The paper presents the results of theoretical analysis of the reverberation time in three selected auditoriums. Based on the analysis the differences between the models used and measurements in real conditions were determined. Designated differences will be used to develop new methods for estimating the reverberation time.
The objective of the residual minimization method is to determine a coefficient correcting the Sabine’s model. The Sabine’s equation is the most commonly applied formula in the designing process of room acoustics with the use of analytical methods. The correction of this model is indispensable for its application in rooms having non-diffusive acoustic field. The authors of the present paper will be using the residual minimization method to work out a suitable correction to be applied for classrooms. For this purpose, five different poorly dampened classrooms were selected, in which the measurements of reverberation time were carried out, and for which reverberation time was calculated with the use of theoretical methods. Three of the selected classrooms had the cubic volume of 258.5 m3 and the remaining two had the cubic volume of 190.8 m3. It was sufficient to estimate the correction for the Sabine’s equation. To verify the results, three other classrooms were selected, in which also the measurements of reverberation time were carried out. The results were verified by means of real measurements of reverberation time and by means of computer simulations in the program ODEON.
Content available Przewidywany czas pogłosu w salach dydaktycznych
Artykuł dotyczy przewidywanego czasu pogłosu za pomocą znanych modeli teoretycznych. Wykonano pomiary czasu pogłosu w ośmiu salach dydaktycznych Wydziału Budownictwa Politechniki Śląskiej. Następnie przeprowadzono obliczenia czasu pogłosu za pomocą znanych formuł teoretycznych. Wyniki obliczeń teoretycznych porównano z wynikami pomiarów i określono najlepszy model szacujący czas pogłosu dla przedstawionych pomieszczeń. Ponadto dokonano oceny badanych pomieszczeń ze względu na zrozumiałość dźwięku słownego. Analizowane pomieszczenia były podzielone ze względu na kubaturę na dwie grupy. W pierwszej grupie znajdowały się cztery pomieszczenia o średniej kubaturze 190,8 m3, natomiast w drugiej również cztery pomieszczenia, ale o kubaturze 258,5 m3. Pomiary realizowano w pustym pomieszczeniu przy użyciu metody szumu przerywanego. Tak przedstawione wyniki posłużą do wielokryterialnej oceny pomieszczeń szkolnych oraz do określenia współczynnika korygującego model Sabine’a dla tego typu pomieszczeń.
The Chinese word identification and sentence intelligibility are evaluated by grades 3 and 5 students in the classrooms with different reverberation times (RTs) from three primary school under different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The relationships between subjective word identification and sentence intelligibility scores and speech transmission index (STI) are analyzed. The results show that both Chinese word identification and sentence intelligibility scores for grades 3 and 5 students in the classroom increased with the increase of SNR (and STI), increased with the increase of the age of students, and decreased with the increase of RT. To achieve a 99% sentence intelligibility score, the STIs required for grades 3, grade 5 students, and adults are 0.71, 0.61, and 0.51, respectively. The required objective acoustical index determined by a certain threshold of the word identification test might be underestimated for younger children (grade 3 students) in classroom but overestimated for adults. A method based on the sentence test is more useful for speech intelligibility evaluation in classrooms than that based on the word test for different age groups. Younger children need more favorable classroom acoustical environment with a higher STI than older children and adults to achieve the optimum speech communication in the classroom.
tom R. 86, nr 9
W pracy zaprezentowano koncepcję, konstrukcję oraz właściwości przenośnego analizatora, umożliwiającego badanie właściwości akustycznych nagłaśnianych pomieszczeń (sal koncertowych, audytoryjnych, budynków sakralnych itp.) oraz obiektów otwartych (stadiony, muszle koncertowe itp.) Mobilność urządzenia pozwala na analizę właściwości akustycznych w wybranych miejscach nagłaśnianego obiektu. Urządzenie dokonuje analizy widmowej sygnału akustycznego, który powstaje po doprowadzeniu do systemu nagłośnieniowego określonego sygnału testowego, np. szumu różowego, białego czy sygnału sinusoidalnego lub dowolnego sygnału, utworzonego przez użytkownika i zapisanego na karcie pamięci flash. Dodatkowo analizator realizuje pomiar czasu pogłosu pomieszczeń zamkniętych oraz wyznacza współczynnik zrozumiałości mowy (RASTI).
The paper presents the concept, structure and properties of a portable analyzer, allowing the study of the sound-profile of enclosed spaces (concert halls, auditorium, religious buildings, etc.) and open facilities (stadiums, concert shells, etc.) The portability of the analyzer allows for analysis of acoustic properties in selected locations of sound-reinforced object. The device performs a spectral analysis of the acoustic signal, which arises after connecting a particular test signal to the sound-reinforcement system, such as pink noise, white or a sinusoidal signal or an arbitrary signal, created by the user and stored on flash memory. In addition, the analyzer carries out the measurement of reverberation time and indoor sets rate speech intelligibility (RASTI).
tom Vol. 8, no. 3
W artykule przedstawiono badania pogłosowości wnętrza zabytkowej kaplicy Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Warszawie, nazywanej również Res Sacra Miser (ubogi jest świętością). Celem przeprowadzonych pomiarów było określenie podstawowych parametrów akustycznych wnętrza (w tym czasu pogłosu) oraz próba określenia jakości akustycznej. Pomiary czasu pogłosu prowadzone były metodą zanikową przy wykorzystaniu źródła dźwięku generującego szum różowy. Czas pogłosu dla wnętrza niewypełnionego słuchaczami wyniósł 2,11 s (2,31 s dla 500 Hz). Wypełnienie wnętrza słuchaczami wpłynie pozytywnie na pogłosowość poprzez skrócenie czasu pogłosu we wnętrzu (preferowany zakres dla muzyki wynosi 1,6-1,8 s). Poprawie ulegnie również w takim przypadku zrozumiałość mowy.
Paper presents reverberation time investigations for interior of the monumental chapel of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s in Warsaw, also called Res Sacra Miser (miserable is sainthood). Aim of measurements was determining acoustic parameters of interior (incl. reverberation time), and attempt to determines acoustic quality. Measurements were done with using decay method and sound source generating pink noise. Reverberation time for empty interior was 2.11 s (2.31 s for 500 Hz). Interior’s filling by listeners will have positive effect on reverberation time by his shortening (optimum range for music is 1.6-1.8 s for this interior), also speech intelligibility will be better.
tom Vol. 32, nr 2
art. no. 2021213
Implementation of the new standard PN-B-02151-4 - Building Acoustics - Protection against Noise in Buildings, Part 4: Requirements for Reverberation Conditions and Indoor Speech Intelligibility and Testing Guidelines imposes on architects an obligation to design interiors in compliance with acoustic requirements. The above regulations give rise to the need to educate future architects so that the standard can be practically employed in their professional career. The aim of the article is to describe a teaching method tailored for students of architectural design compliant with the standard requirements without using specialized software programmes. The paper presents two types of design tasks that form a basis for teaching students within the framework of design practice in building physics - acoustics. The article shows how to teach students to facilitate full acquisition of the rules governing interior design compliant with reverberation parameters suitable for the assumed function, and to enable thorough comprehension of interior design.
tom z. 61, nr 3/II
Praca przedstawia badania akustyczne przeprowadzone w zabytkowym kościele pw. Wszystkich Świętych zlokalizowanym w powiecie gliwickim, w miejscowości Sieroty. Pierwsze ślady bytności kościoła datowane są na początek XIII wieku. Na przestrzeni wieków kościół był wielokrotnie przebudowywany. Konstrukcja obiektu w obecnym kształcie ma charakter mieszany. Część zawierająca prezbiterium jest murowana. Nawa główna oraz chór z wieŜą (zawierającą przedsionek i wejście) są drewniane. Wieżę dobudowano do istniejącej części kościoła w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku. Jednym z obszarów prac prowadzonych na obiekcie była ocena jakości akustycznej wnętrza obiektu. W tym celu przeprowadzono pomiary czasu pogłosu wewnątrz kościoła. Czas pogłosu jest podstawowym parametrem służącym do oceny danego wnętrza pod kątem jego akustyki. Badania wykonano przy pomocy metody tzw. zanikowej z wykorzystaniem widma szumu różowego. Sprzęt pomiarowy składał się z części nadawczej w postaci generatora dźwięku i kuli głośnikowej. Cześć odbiorczą stanowił zestaw mikrofonów wraz miernikiem poziomu dźwięku. W oparciu o uzyskane krzywe zaniku czasu pogłosu oraz metodologię normową wyznaczono charakterystyki czasu pogłosu w funkcji częstotliwości dla poszczególnych punktów pomiarowych. Następnie wyniki uśredniono. Uzyskany w ten sposób średni czas pogłosu badanego wnętrza posłużył do jego oceny pod kątem akustyki. Powyższe badania wpisują się w szereg działań prowadzonych przez Katedrę Budownictwa Ogólnego i Fizyki Budowli w różnych obiektach o charakterze zabytkowym, dotyczących problemów utrzymania i użytkowania tego typu obiektów.
The paper presents acoustic researches in historic All Saints church localized in Gliwice country area, in Sieroty. First traces of All Saint church are dated on beginning of XIII century. Over the centuries, church was many times redevelopment. Construction of the church in current form is mixed. Chancel’s part is build of brick. Main nave and choir with tower (contain vestibule and entrance) are wooden. Tower was added to existed part of the church in second part of XVIII century. One of the investigations areas in church was assessment of the acoustic quality of church’s interior. In this aim measurements of reverberation time were made inside of the church. Reverberation time is a basic parameter served to acoustic evaluation of interior. Measurement was made by fade out sound method with using of pink noise spectrum. Measurement‘s equipment contain transmitting part includes sound generator and speaker (special sphere shape). Receiver part includes set of microphones and noise level meter. Base on reverberation time fading curve and standard methodology, characteristics of reverberation time depend on frequency was determined to each measurement point. Next, results were averaged. Obtain average reverberation time for investigated interior was used to acoustic evaluation of this interior. Program of investigations, make by chair of Building Engineering and building physics, includes in numbers of activities in different types of historical buildings concerning maintenance and utilization of these kind of buildings.
tom Vol. 33, nr 1
art. no. 2022103
There are still discrepancies in the measurement results despite the standardized methods of measuring the sound absorption coefficient in the reverberation room. They appear especially in interlaboratory tests. The research used the method included in the EN-ISO 354: 2003 standard to determine the sound absorption coefficient. The subject of scientific research was to investigate the impact of measurement techniques (Maximum Length Sequence method and interrupted noise method for both T20 and T30 evaluation ranges), humidity in the test room, sample seasoning and sample fitting, and finally the influence of room variability on the measurement results. The tests were performed in two reverberation chambers. The study included two types of materials. Samples (1) made of identical pieces of mineral wool (ISOVER glass wool and ROCKWOOL rock wool) and (2) of fibreboard. Mineral wool was of different thicknesses. Among the measurement techniques, the smallest dispersion of the reverberation time results was obtained with the MLS -T30 method, and the highest differences in the results were caused by the test being performed in another room (reverberation chamber). There was no significant influence with the increase in humidity or the careful arrangement of the test sample from the components on the measurement result.
Content available Czas pogłosu w pomieszczeniach – wymagania
W artykule przedstawione zostaną wymagania dotyczące kształtowania warunków pogłosowych w pomieszczeniach. Wymagania te wynikają z nowelizacji rozporządzenia w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie z dnia 12 marca 2009 r. Przedstawione zostaną wyniki obliczeń czasu pogłosu dla przykładowych pomieszczeń przeznaczonych do odbioru mowy i porównane z wartościami optymalnymi zaproponowanymi w założeniach do normy PN-B-02151-4 [1].
This paper will present the requirements for the formation conditions of reverberation in rooms. These requirements result from the amendment to the Regulation on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location on 12 March 2009. Will present the results of calculations of the reverberation time for the example of spaces available for the reception of speech and compared with the optimal values suggested assumed in the standard PN-B-02151-4 [1].
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