The paper is devoted to one of the oldest and major organs of the European Union, namely the European Parliament. It presents the origin and development of this institution dating back to the first European Communities i.e. the European Coal and Steel Community of 1952 and the European Economic Community of 1957. The author describes the prerogatives of the Parliament acquired progressively together with the development of the European Communities and the EU, its members and structure and the organization of work. A lot of emphasis is put on the role of the European Parliament in the integration process and building the united Europe. The paper also contains a lot of Polish aspects e.g. it describes the Polish road to the EU and the European Parliament and the course and results of the election to this EU institution in June 2004 when Poles (for the first time in history) elected their members of the European Parliament. The author also attempts to present the perspectives of the European Parliament in the enlarging European Union stressing the fact that before it is possible a new vision of the EU and the uniting Europe has to be worked out, the vision which does not seem to be easy to achieve. The concept like this is still non-existent and he doubts that we can soon expect its creation.
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