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w słowach kluczowych:  Flame-furnace atomizer
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Direct solid sampling analysis in atomic absorption spectrometry using flame-furnace atomizer allows to significantly decrease analysis duration, to avoid sample pollution and to exclude toxic reagents. The choice of chemical modifiers that decreases the detection limit and improves the repeatability of results is based on the mechanism of analyte-free atom formation. The kinetic approach developed here allows determination of pre-exponential factors k0 and apparent activation energies Ea of the atomization processes for Pb(II) and Cd(II) compounds and enables use of CaCO3 and KHF2 as effective chemical modifiers for soil samples. A fast and precise technique for lead and cadmium determination in soils using the proposed chemical modifiers was developed.
Direct atomic absorption solid sampling analysis using flame-furnace atomizer enables a significant decrease in the analysis duration, to avoid sample pollution and to exclude toxic reagents. The selection of the chemical modifiers decreasing the detection limit and improving the results repeatability is based on the analyte’s free atoms formation mechanism. The developed kinetic approach has allowed to determine pre-exponential factors k0 and apparent activation energies Ea of atomization processes for Pb(II) and Cd(II) compounds and to propose effective chemical modifiers sodium N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate and urea for food samples. The express and precision technique for lead and cadmium determination in food, using proposed chemical modifiers and carbonization techniques was developed.
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