Warianty tytułu
Opór osoby radzącej się i doradcy w sytuacji poradniczej
Języki publikacji
In the psychological literature the problem of the resistance presents too one-sided perspective. Usually the work with the client who makes some difficulties is analyzed, the conception how to overcome his resistance is presented and the guidelines how to cope with concrete situations are formulated. Seldom can we find the descriptions relating to the difficult counselor and his resistance. In fact besides the reaction on the client's resistance or the counter- resistance, only the professional burnout is discussed. In the authoress opinion the problem of the resistance in counseling situation is more complex and it refers to both sides. We can recognize many sources of the resistance and we can observe different symptoms of defensive behaviors in case of the person who needs an advice, as well as the counselor. The main aim of this study is to draw our attention to the problem of the resistance in an counseling situation. The observation of this phenomenon, the analysis of its sources and the observation of the client's defensive behaviors and our own reactions can be the important element in the help being offered. It allows applying appropriate measures which can reduce the negative effects of resistance in order to make the further cooperation in solving problems effective possible and effective.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Rodzaj publikacji
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