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Pavol Uher was born on 4th November 1948 in Svit. His journey to theatre was leading through recitation, own literary creation, violin playing, and director recalls also a meaningful experience earned from visiting a circus performance. After school leaving examinations in Poprad he started studying marionette dramatic art at the Theatrical Faculty of Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. After a year he changed to study marionette stage direction and dramaturgy. He had finished study on 1971 and soon after became an internal director of the Regional Marionette Theatre in Banska Bystrica, later he started working in the State Marionette Theatre (SMT) in Bratislava. Even in his first stagings Uher indicated a wide range of his creativity. At the age of 33 in 1982 he emigrated to Germany. According to his own words, he had left his country not only due to political reasons, but also due to bad working conditions and also because of the fact that the theatre (SMT) was then headed by people who though having been professionally on a low level, had the power to decide what and how had to be done. The authoress of the study (a selection from the bachelor thesis work at the Theatrical Faculty of University of Fine Arts) is focusing at the reconstruction and analysis of the cycle of Uher's 'Botafogo stagings', and is dealing with plays by L. Feldek which are connected through the character of the main hero - Botafogo. The cycle is composed from five theatrical texts: Botafogo, Botafogo in Boots, Play where Sleeping Is Taking Place, Botafogo's Wealth and the fifth part dedicated to an adult spectator (later on remade into a play Metafora) Botafogo without a Head. Pavel Uher worked up several important stagings. He was fortunate to have strong dramatic personalities around him (Jozef Mokos, Katarina Revallova) and also thanks to cooperation with them he could produce interesting and original titles.
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- L. Dzadikova, Divadelna fakulta VSMU, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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Identyfikator YADDA