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2011 | 9 | 5 | 798-807
Tytuł artykułu

Determination of 137Cs and 85Sr transport parameters in fucoidic sand columns and groundwater system

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The determination is based on the evaluation of experimentally obtained breakthrough curves using the erfc-function. The first method is founded on the assumption of a reversible linear sorption/desorption isotherm of radionuclides on solid phase with constant distribution and retardation coefficients, whereas the second one is based on the assumption of a reversible non-linear sorption/desorption isotherm described with the Freundlich equation, i.e., with non-constant distribution and retardation coefficients. Undisturbed cores of 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm long were embedded in the Eprosin-type cured epoxide resin column. In this study the so-called Cenomanian background groundwater was used as transport medium. The groundwater containing radionuclides was introduced at the bottom of the columns at about 4 mL h−1 constant flow-rate. The results have shown that in the investigated fucoidic sands: (i) the sorption was in principle characterized by linear isotherms and the corresponding retardation coefficients of 137Cs and 85Sr, depending on the type of sample, were approximately 13 or 44 and 5 or 15, respectively; (ii) the desorption was characterized by non-linear isotherms, and the retardation coefficients of the same radionuclides ranged between 23–50 and 5–25, respectively. The values of the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients of these radionuclides varied between 0.43–1.2 cm2 h−1. [...]

Opis fizyczny
  • Waste Disposal Department, Chemistry of Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division, Nuclear Research Institute, 250 68, Husinec-Řež, Czech Republic, pas@ujv.cz
  • Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 115 19, Prague, Czech Republic
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