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2011 | 9 | 4 | 501-548
Tytuł artykułu

Crystallographic and structural characterisation of heterometallic platinum compounds: Part I. Heterobinuclear Pt compounds

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This review covers almost 290 heterobinuclear Pt derivatives. When the heterometals (M) are non transition and the binuclear are found both with and without a metal to metal bond. Where M is a transition metal or actinide, only those with a metal-metal bond have been included here. There are thirteen non-transition metals (Sn, Hg, Ge, Sb, Tl, Zn, Pb, Cd, Na, K, Ga, Ca and In). The shortest Pt-M bond distance is 235.2(1) (Pt-Ge). There are eighteen transition metals (Fe, W, Rh, Re, Pd, Ag, Ir, Mo, Mn, Re, Co, Cu, Cr, Au, Ni, Ti, Ta and V). The shortest Pt-M bond distance is 249.5(2) pm (Pt-Cr). There is one example of an actinide, Pt-Th at 298.4(1) pm. The Pt atom has oxidation numbers 0, +2 and +4. The Pt coordination geometries include square planar (most common), trigonal bipyramidal, pseudo octahedral (Pt(IV)) and a few prevalently capped trigonal prismatic seven coordinate species. There are at least two types of isomerism distortion and polymerisation. Factors affecting bond lengths and angles are discussed and some ambiguities in coordination polyhedra are outlined. [...]
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Opis fizyczny
  • Department of Chemistry, York University, North York, M3J 1P3, Ontario, Canada
  • Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Technical University, 81237, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, milan.melnik@stuba.sk
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