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2011 | 25 | 4 | 27-33
Tytuł artykułu

Evaluation of functional fitness’ participants of the Universities of the Third Age University of Physical Education in Warsaw

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Introduction: The assessment of functional fitness of older people, who took part in different forms of activities e.g. in programs which are offered by UTW, together with the information about the fitness level, can have a great importance in optimization of motor activation of older people. The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes in the level of functional fitness and basic parameters of the anthropometric parameters of older women after 16-weeks activity program offered by University of the Third Age (UTW) at the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw. Material and methods: Ten women at the age of 72,0±5,40 who attended UTW 1,7±0,48 years took part in the study. Women participated in the activities 2-3 a week, and the major activities were Nordic Walking and gymnastics. Moreover they had a chance to attend Tai Chi, swimming and dancing classes. The Fullerton Functional Fitness Test was used to assess women’s functional fitness. Test was done twice - during the second week and at the end of first semester. Results were evaluated with the usage of norms described for particular test trials and age groups (Jones and Rikli 2002). Measurements and evaluation of basic anthropometric parameters were done as well as Body Mass Index was calculated. Results: At the end of the cycle of activities, it turned out that women achieved better results during the fitness tests than they had after the first test. During evaluation with the usage of norms of Fullerton Fitness Test good level of aerobic endurance, strength and coordination of tested women was noted, however the flexibility test results gave evidence of negligence in this area. It was also discovered that participation in the cycle of physical activities might have been one of the elements that caused positive, considering health, changes in anthropometric parameters of tested women. Reducing of the body mass and the percentage of the fat tissue and regular physical activity had an influence on lean body mass increase. onclusions: Physical activities done by UTW participants during the program, where the major activities were Nordic Walking and gymnastics, had the influence on improvement of their fitness and positive changes in their anthropometric parameters.
Słowa kluczowe

Opis fizyczny
  • Zakład Teorii i Metodyki Wychowania Fizycznego Niepełnosprawnych AWF Warszawa
  • Wydział Rehabilitacji AWF Warszawa
  • Wyższa Szkoła Hotelarstwa, Gastronomii i Turystyki
  • Zakład Adaptowanej Aktywności Fizycznej AWF Warszawa
  • Zakład Teorii i Metodyki Wychowania Fizycznego Niepełnosprawnych AWF Warszawa
  • Zakład Problemów Społecznych, Psychoterapii i Rehabilitacji Seksualnej AWF Warszawa
  • Zakład Teorii i Metodyki Rekreacji Ruchowej
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