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Introduction: The resin infiltration technique, a minimally invasive method, involves the saturation, strengthening, and stabilization of demineralized enamel by a mixture of polymer resins without the need to use rotary tools or the risk of losing healthy tooth structures. Aim of the study: 1. To design and synthesize an experimental infiltrant with potential bacteriostatic properties. 2. To compare the depth of infiltration of the designed experimental preparation with the infiltrant available in the market using a scanning electron microscope. Material and Methods: Composition of the experimental infiltrant was established after analysis of 1H NMR spectra of the commercially available compounds that can penetrate pores of demineralized enamel. As the infiltrant should have bacteriostatic features by definition, an addition of 1% of monomer containing metronidazole was made. Thirty extracted human teeth were soaked in an acidic solution, which was to provide appropriate conditions for demineralization of enamel. Afterward, each tooth was divided along the coronal-root axis into two zones. One zone had experimental preparation applied to it (the test group), while the other had commercially available Icon (the control group). The teeth were dissected along the long axis and described above underwent initial observation with use of a Hitachi S-4200 scanning electron microscope. Results: It was found that all samples contained only oxygen and carbon, regardless of the concentration of additions introduced into them. The occurrence of carbon is partially because it is a component of the preparation in question and partially because of sputtering of the sample with it. Hydrogen is also a component of the preparation, as a result of its phase composition; however, it cannot be detected by the EDS method. Conclusions: 1. SEM, in combination with X-ray microanalysis, does not allow one to explicitly assess the depth of penetration of infiltration preparations into enamel. 2. In order to assess the depth of penetration of infiltration preparations with use of X-ray microanalysis, it is recommended to introduce a contrast agent that is approved for use in dental materials, such as ytterbium III fluoride.
Opis fizyczny
of Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics, Medical University of
Silesia in Katowice, Plac Akademicki 17, 41-902 Bytom
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