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The aim of the study was to identify the level of isokinetic strength and power of lower limbs in 13-year- old untrained boys (n=22, height: 158.5±8.0 cm, mass: 49.1±12.6 kg), to determine bilateral deficit between the limbs in the tests and examine their mutual relationship. Maximum peak muscle torque of knee extensors (PTQ) and flexors (PTH) on dominant (DL) and non-dominant leg (NL) were measured by isokinetic dynamometer. Three types of a vertical jump: countermovement jump with (CMJFA) and without arms (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) were performed on two force platforms. We found the significant effect (p<.01) of independent vari- ables (knee extensors, flexors, AV) and their interaction on PT. AV did not indicate any significant effect on bilat- eral ratio of knee extensors (F4,84=.74, p>.05, ηp2=0.03), however a significant effect of AV was found in knee flexors (F4,84=2.70,p<.05, ηp2=.114). The type of jump had no effect on the difference between force exerted by DL and NL (F1,21=.102, p>.05, ηp2=.01). Bilateral deficit (Q:Q, H:H) did not significantly correlate with bilateral deficit in jumps (p>.05). Despite the possibility of identifying muscle asymmetries in the sense of strength imbalances, their mutual relation- ship with results in isokinetic dynamometry and power jump tests is still unclear.
Słowa kluczowe
Faculty of Physical Education
and Sport, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Sport Research Centre, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague, Czech
Sport Research Centre, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague, Czech
Department of Sport Kinanthropology, Faculty of Sports,
University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic
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