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Background. Many recent studies revealed that the single nucleotide polymorphisms have considerable effects on the susceptibility of cancer, such as prostate cancer, lung cancer and gastric cancer. The E-cadherin, a calcium-dependent transmembrane glycoprotein encoded by CDH1 gene, is critical for epithelial construction, intercellular adhesion and cell migration. Some associations have been reported between single nucleotide polymorphisms and gastric cancer in the Chinese population. Objective. To investigate whether the single nucleotide polymorphism in CDH1 gene is associated with the susceptibility of gastric cancer in the Chinese population. Material and methods. The genotypes of 5 known single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs33935154, rs121964871, rs121964874, rs121964875, rs121964876) were determined in 359 gastric cancer patients and 368 healthy controls. High resolution melting curve detection and sequencing analysis were used in the present study. Results. There is a statistical significance in the rs121964871 C>G polymorphism between gastric cancer patients and healthy controls (OR=1.769, 95%CI: 1.051-2.976). Elderly male individuals (>50 years of age) carrying this risk factor may be more susceptible to gastric cancer. Conclusions. The results indicated that the rs121964871 C>G polymorphism is associated with the susceptibility of gastric cancer in the Chinese population, with some age and sex-dependent tendencies observed.
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Opis fizyczny
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang Blood Center of Jiangsu Province, Danyang,
Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
Danyang People’s Hospital of
Jiangsu Province, Danyang, China, Danyang Hospital affiliated to
Nantong University, Danyang, Jiangsu 212300, China
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