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An example of missed Down syndrome with congenital heart defect by prenatal ultrasound evaluation was presented. A jury of 12 physicians, experts in prenatal ultrasonography and echocardiography were asked in questionare was this malpractice or not. The answers were very different. The results of the questionaires were discussed with the background to the selected data from Eurocat, from Polish National Prenatal Cardiac Registry, from Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations by 2nd year of life, and financial data of the Polish Prenatal Program in Lodz Region. Should we increase the cost of screening or the cost of ultrasound and echo training ? Or just provide patients with better knowledge regarding the differences between expertise of primary care obstetricians and experts in referral centers
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Prenatal Cardiology, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute, Department of Diagnoses and Prevention of Fetal Malformations Medical University of Lodz, Poland,
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