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Alphaviruses belong to the worldwide distributed Togaviridae family and Alphavirus genus. They are spherical, enveloped, single-stranded RNA arthropodborne viruses. Alphaviruses are mostly transmitted by mosquitoes (Aedes spp. and Anopheles spp.) and are geographically distributed in restricted areas where appropriate vectors are present (Fig.1.). The most recognized members of this genus are Sindbis (SINV), Semliki Forest (SFV), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEEV), Ross River (RRV), and Chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses. Alphaviruses are infection agents for humans and many animals. Clinically, most human infections with arthritogenic alphaviruses are associated with symptoms such as fever, headache, joint pain, rash, chronic arthritis, and encephalitis. Major events during the alphaviral infection are virus entry, replication, assembly, and budding of new virions. Alphaviral RNA encodes four nonstructural and five structural proteins. Nonstructural proteins are mainly involved in the replication process and virus pathogenesis, while structural proteins form new virions. Both groups of viral proteins are produced as single polyproteins which undergo autoproteolytic maturation. This process is carried out by the two viral proteases, cysteine protease nsP4 and C protein serine protease (CP), and is considered to be critical for virus replication. The capsid protease CP is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease with the catalytic triad including His145, Asp167, and Ser219. What is important, after a suicidal autoproteolytic event the side chain of Trp267 remains bound in a hydrophobic S1 pocket thus inhibiting further trans-proteolytic activity. Alphaviral capsid protein undergoes a single proteolytic reaction before maturation and then, after selfinactivation, it assembles to form a viral capsid shell. Inhibitors of the capsid protease have significant antiviral activity. Compounds belonging to this group can be good candidates for new antiviral drugs.
Proteolytic enzymes are molecular scissors that are responsible for the amide bond breakdown in peptide and protein substrates. Over the years, the view on proteases has been considerably changed from non-specific digestive enzymes to sophisticated biocatalysts, which by performing limited proteolysis control virtually all biological processes. In order to better understand how proteases work and what are their biologically relevant target substrates, it is indispensable to determine their catalytic preferences. This knowledge can be further utilized to develop selective substrates, inhibitors and activity-based probes (ABPs) enabling the monitoring of proteases activity in various settings, from in vitro analysis on recombinant enzymes or cell lysates to ex vivo and in vivo imaging at the single cell level. Among many chemical-based approaches that have been developed and applied over the years, the Hybrid Combinatorial Substrate Library (HyCoSuL) technology has emerged as one of the most powerful one. HyCoSuL is a combinatorial peptide-based library of fluorogenic substrates, that comprise natural and unnatural amino acids, that can deeply explore the chemical space in proteases active site, providing a structural framework for the development of highly-selective chemical tools. In this review we present the most prominent examples of proteolytic enzymes that have been profiled with HyCoSuL approach yielding selective substrates, potent inhibitors, and very sensitive activity-based probes.
Effect of selected urea and formaldehyde concentrations on glucose yield of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was investigated. Urea and formaldehyde were added separately at the concentrations of 0.001, 0.002 and 0.005 g/cm3. Glucose was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that the used concentrations of urea didn’t influence glucose yield. In the case of formaldehyde, the results vary between used concentrations. The glucose yield of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose with the highest investigated concentration of formaldehyde (0.005 g/cm3) decreased by 50 %.
Wpływ mocznika i formaldehydu na hydrolizę enzymatyczną celulozy. Prezentowane badania miały na celu określenie wpływu wybranych dodatków mocznika i formaldehydu na wydajność glukozy w enzymatycznej hydrolizie celulozy. Mocznik oraz formaldehyd dodano osobno w stężeniach 0,001, 0,002 i 0,005 g/cm3. Wydajność glukozy po hydrolizie enzymatycznej oznaczano za pomocą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HPLC). Stwierdzono, że zastosowane stężenia mocznika nie miały wpływu na wydajność glukozy. W przypadku formaldehydu wyniki różnią się między zastosowanymi stężeniami. Wydajność glukozy hydrolizy enzymatycznej celulozy z największym badanym stężeniem formaldehydu (0,005 g/cm3) była prawie o połowę mniejsza w porównaniu do hydrolizy enzymatycznej celulozy bez formaldehydu.
W przemyśle naftowym istnieje wysokie ryzyko wytrącania się osadów nieorganicznych na różnych etapach wydobycia ropy naftowej ze złoża, jak również podczas zabiegów intensyfikacyjnych i transportu ropy. Aby spowolnić, opóźnić lub znaczne zminimalizować (czasem praktycznie do zera) proces wytrącania się osadów, optymalnym rozwiązaniem jest zastosowanie odpowiednich inhibitorów. Dzięki zastosowaniu metody przedstawionej w pracy weryfikuje się skuteczność działania inhibitorów osadów siarczanu baru i strontu w warunkach dynamicznych z uwzględnieniem wpływu temperatury, ciśnienia i warunków przepływu. Oprócz testu statycznego, test w warunkach dynamicznych jest podstawowym badaniem pozwalającym na ocenę inhibitorów przed ich zastosowaniem w warunkach przemysłowych.
Four com. inhibitors were used to avoid pptn. of CdSO₄ and SrSO₄ after mixing of incompatible water from oil industry with seawater. The tests were carried out according to a developed method at 70°C under pressure 50 bar, at flow 2 cm³/min and for 50 min. For 2 inhibitors, a min. concn. 50-60 ppm was detd. at which easy brine flow for 50 min was possible. For 2 other inhibitors, even the increase of their dose to 1000 ppm did not protect the mixt. against pptn.
Content available remote Osady nieorganiczne w procesach wydobycia ropy i gazu. Cz. 2, Inhibitory
Praca jest kontynuacją przeglądu literaturowego dotyczącego problematyki występowania osadów nieorganicznych w przemyśle wydobywczym ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego. Najskuteczniejszą metodą pozwalającą na ograniczenie lub wyeliminowanie problemu tworzenia się osadów jest stosowanie inhibitorów. Dokonano przeglądu związków chemicznych stosowanych jako inhibitory najczęściej występujących osadów.
A review, with 32 refs., of advantages and disadvantages of various types of inhibitors used in the petrochem. industry.
The phenomenon of corrosion is a serious problem in the natural gas production industry and is the result of chemical or electrochemical reactions of metal elements with the environment. In order to prevent corrosion in gas wells, corrosion inhibitors reducing the corrosive action of produced natural gas on steel parts of equipment and pipelines are used. Liquid corrosion inhibitors of varying chemical nature are used as corrosion inhibitors: most frequently quaternary ammonium salts, imidazoline derivatives, fatty acid salts, and protective gaseous inhibitors, usually volatile amines. In our studies, new corrosion inhibitors used to protect surface and subsurface installations were developed. These corrosion inhibitors are based on alkylsuccinic acid derivatives and are adapted to the operation gas from Polish shale formations. Additionally, research was focused on obtaining high performance and environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors. In order to assess the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors, static and dynamic corrosion tests as well as corrosion tests under elevated pressure conditions were performed. All functional tests: static method involving the immersion of metal plates in corrosive medium (e.g. brine) at the selected temperature (60°C), dynamic test; so-called "Wheel Test" and pressure method using the CoreLab RDA-100 apparatus, have shown, that the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitors obtained is very high. Developed corrosion inhibitors can be used successfully in gas wells, and they can successfully compete with commercial corrosion inhibitors available on the market.
Subsea transmission pipelines (STP) are designed to transport liquids, gases or solid/liquid mixtures over some distances. STP are buried underground or submerged in water for transportation of natural oil and gas (O&G) products. A Vernonia amygdalina (VA) solution is prepared to act as an inhibitor. The specimens are kept in a workable state. Steps are taken to prepare each specimen. All cuts and sheared edges were ground out to prevent them from becoming sites for preferential attack. The finishing of the specimen surface with grit abrasive paper (sand paper) and rinsing of the specimens in distilled water are carried out. Then, degreasing of specimen in acetone and air-dried are carried out. Upon drying, the specimens are immediately weighed to obtain their initial weights. Twelve specimens are used for the test as follows: 6 Aluminum (Al); and 6 mild steel (MS) samples. With a 2M concentration of VA solution, the MS and Al samples are immersed in different plastic containers containing 400ml of seawater with pH value of 7.25 with no (0%) inhibitor added to it. A 5% (400ml) of the VA solution is poured into the measuring cylinder for each sample-Al and MS. The specimens are suspended by the strings and completely immersed in the different percentage test media. The same procedure is carried out for each of the different percentages (i.e. 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%) and a total of 12 solutions are set up. The seawater used has 7.25 pH. At the end of every week (168 hours), the specimens are removed from the corrosive media. Observation and recording of appearance of the specimen, noting sites are done to analyze the effect of the VA solution on the AL and MS used for the STP. Values are obtained and graphs plotted on weight loss (WL) and corrosion rate (CR) versus the time. It is observed that the VA solution has different effect on the STP at different time and percentage of the VA solution introduced into the environment of the pipe. It was also observed that optimum inhibition of coupons is obtained between 15-25% of VA solution during the first four weeks of testing. At the fifth week, the inhibitor was gradually losing its effectiveness. This means that more inhibitor needs to be added at regular intervals in order to sustain the effectiveness of the inhibitor.
Poster przedstawia wyniki badań szybkości korozji gatunków stali J-55 i L-80 w 3 rodzajach cieczy nadpakerowych. Przebadano również skuteczność 4 inhibitorów korozji. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było wytypowanie środków ochronnych zapobiegających zjawiskom korozji zachodzącym w rurach okładzinowych i wydobywczych odwiertów naftowych w wyniku działania cieczy nadpakerowych. Testy prowadzono przez okres 97 dni w temperaturze 80°C. Szybkość korozji oraz skuteczność ochrony inhibitorowej określono na podstawie ubytków masy oraz oceny powierzchni kuponów po teście. Na podstawie ww. badań zostały wytypowane inhibitory zapewniające najlepszą ochronę.
Poster presents the results of corrosion rate of steels J-55 and L-80 on 3 types of packer liquids. The effectiveness of 4 corrosion inhibitors was also tested. The aim of this study was to nominate protective measures to prevent corrosion phenomena occurring in the pipes and lifting casing of oil wells as a result of packer liquids. Tests were run for 97 days at 80°C. The rate of corrosion inhibitor and the effectiveness of protection was determined from the weight loss and coupons surface evaluation after the test. On the basis of above mentioned study were identified inhibitors to provide the best protection.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of six metals: chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, copper and zinc (possible inhibitors of enzymatic hydrolysis of wood) in samples of two poplar species, Populus trichocarpa and Populus maximowiczii, was performed in order to check which of them collect more of the metallic inhibitors during tree growth and steam explosion pretreatment. The XRF point scan (for solid and ashed wood) and mapping (for stem cross-sections) options were used. Samples of the different parts – stem, branches, leaves and bark were studied. Steam explosion at 130°C, 160°C and 190°C was performed on both species and the influence of steam on the chosen metals content was analysed. On the basis of the results, P. trichocarpa is the species which accumulates a higher amount of the metals during tree growth and P. maximowiczii – during steam explosion.
Content available remote Volcanic tuff as an inhibitor of corrosion in aqueous environment
The aim of the studies was to examine the applicability of volcanic tuff as a corrosion inhibitor in aqueous systems and to identify the mechanisms owing to which the tuff is acting as an inhibitor of corrosion. The scope of research includes: examinations of the structure and selected properties of the tuff from Filipowice, including fractographic examination of the Filipowice tuff rocks, X-ray diffraction analysis, and thermal analysis; study of the corrosion resistance of DC01A low-carbon steel in aqueous systems without and with inhibitor, which is volcanic tuff.
Celem badań było określenie możliwości zastosowania wulkanicznego tufu jako inhibitora korozji w środowiskach wodnych oraz określenie mechanizmów, które powodują, że tuf wulkaniczny działa jako inhibitor korozji. Zakres badań obejmuje: badania struktury i wybranych właściwości tufu z Filipowic, w tym faktograficzne badania tufu w postaci skał, analizy dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej i analizy termicznej; badanie odporności na korozję DC01A stali niskowęglowej w środowiskach wodnych bez oraz z inhibitorem, którym jest tuf wulkaniczny.
W trakcie eksploatacji połączeń tarciowych w czynniku smarującym zachodzą procesy fizykochemiczne powodujące zmiany podstawowych własności oleju, takich jak lepkość i smarność. Zmiany te powstają na skutek wzajemnego oddziaływania elementów układu smarującego i mają często charakter trwały. Efekt degradacji oleju polega między innymi na spadku jego lepkości i decyduje o jego przydatności w procesie użytkowania. Specyfika zanieczyszczenia olejów silnikowych polega na ciągłym gromadzeniu się w nich zanieczyszczeń, ponieważ układy smarowania są układami o obiegu zamkniętym. Intensywność zanieczyszczania oleju silnikowego zależy między innymi od takich czynników jak: stan techniczny i warunki eksploatacji silnika, rodzaj i stan układu filtracji, rodzaj stosowanego oleju i ilość inhibitorów. Niniejsza praca podaje metody remodelingu i odnowy olejów smarujących węzły tarcia ślizgowego na bazie kilku charakterystyk uzyskanych w trakcie badań doświadczalnych. Przedstawione zostaną tak zwane wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne charakterystyki. Do wewnętrznych charakterystyk należą między innymi zmiany lepkości dynamicznej wynikające z własności nienewtonowskich olejów oraz powiązane z nimi zmiany reologiczne oleju w trakcie czasu trwania eksploatacji. Do zewnętrznych charakterystyk zaliczyć można skutki oddziaływania pola elektromagnetycznego i działania fal akustycznych.
During the lubrication of frictional connections, physical and chemical processes causing changes in the fundamental properties of oil, such as lubricity and viscosity, take place. Such changes are from mutual interactions of the considered lubrication system and have a permanent state. The effect of the oil degradation denotes the decrement of oil viscosity, which denotes the decease in the usability of the oil in lubrication process. Motor oil contamination denotes the continuous accumulation of impurities, because the lubrication system works in a closed circuit. Motor oil contamination intensity depends on the following: the technical state, operational conditions, the kind of filtration, the kind of the lubricant, the volume of inhibitors, and others. The paper shows the methods of oil remodelling for sliding frictional nods based on some characteristics obtained during the experimental performances. This paper also presents the internal and external characteristics already mentioned. The internal characteristics include the changes of oil viscosity for non-Newtonian oil properties connected with the rheology features during the operational time. The external characteristics include the electro-magnetic field and acoustic waves.
Management of acute and chronic pain has always been a key area of clinical research. Pain and stress stimulation may cause an increase in the level of endogenous opioids in the body. Endogenous enkephalins activate opioid receptors in the brain, leading to the analgesic effect. Enkephalinases inactivate endogenous opioids, abolishing their activity. Enkephalin degrading enzyme inhibitors (EIs) in turn inhibit these enzymes, preventing them from degrading endogenous enkephalins what leads to analgesia. The enkephalin degrading enzyme inhibitors seem to be promising analgesic agents [2]. Analgesic effect of EIs has been discovered recently and their therapeutic potential has not been effectively investigated yet. The main advantage of enkephalinase inhibitors is that they do not show adverse effects characteristic for opioids. EIs play an important role in modulating nociception, so they are potential agents for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. They often possess also additional antidiarrheal, antidepressant and anticancer properties [3]. The potential EIs targets appear to be aminopeptidase N (APN), dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) [4]. EIs may be broadly classified as endogenous and those that are obtained synthetically [4]. The purpose of this work is to present a review of endogenous enkephalinase inhibitors: sialorphin, opiorphin, and spinorphin. Sialorphin (Gln-His-Asn-Pro-Arg) is synthesized predominantly in the submandibular gland and prostate of adult rats in response to androgen steroids and is released locally and systemically in response to stress. Sialorphin protects endogenous enkephalins released after nociceptive stimuli by inhibiting NEP in vivo. Sialorphin prevents spinal and renal NEP from breaking down substance P and Met-enkephalin in vitro. Sialorphin suppressed pain sensation for both chemical- -induced inflammation and acute physical pain [8, 9, 12]. Opiorphin (Gln-Arg-Phe-Ser-Arg) is an endogenous chemical compound first isolated from human saliva. Opiorphin is a natural analgesic. Opiorphin protects enkephalins from degradation by human neutral endopeptidase and aminopeptidase N. Opiorphin is closely related to the rat sialorphin peptide [12, 13, 19]. Spinorphin (Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr) has been isolated from the bovine spinal cord as an endogenous inhibitor of enkephalin - degrading enzymes. Spinorphin is an antagonist of the P2X3 receptor and a weak partial agonist/antagonist of the FP1 receptor [24, 25, 26].
Prawidłowy dobór oraz pobranie materiału biologicznego mają kluczowe znaczenie dla właściwego wykonania badania laboratoryjnego oraz otrzymania wiarygodnego wyniku. W pracy opisano powszechnie stosowane dodatki do probówek do pobierania krwi - antykoagulanty, aktywatory/inhibitory oraz dodatki separujące.
Proper selection and collection of biological material is crucial for the performance of laboratory test and to obtain reliable results. This paper describes commonly used additives to blood collection tubes - anticoagulants, activators/inhibitors and separating substances.
Przeprowadzono badania korozji stali zbrojeniowych w uszkodzonych płaszczach chłodni kominowej w środowisku wody chłodniczej, uzdatnianej związkami siarczanu i chlorku amonu. Badania prowadzono normową metodą grawimetryczną i elektrochemiczną z wykorzystaniem potencjostatu. Badania wykazały, że odporność korozyjna w roztworach zawierających sole amonu o stężeniu 0,15 mola/dm3, obliczona na podstawie szybkości korozji, była podobna i wyniosła 6 (w skali od 1 do 10). Stal S235JRG2 wykazała nieco wyższą odporność w tych środowiskach.
Corrosion testing was performed on structural steel of a cooling tower in the environment of cooling water containing ammonium sulfates and ammonium chloride. The test were performed using gravimetric and electrochemical methods with the application of a potentiostat. The analyses clearly showed that the corrosion rate is higher in solutions that contain ammonium sulfate and that the S235JRG2 steel exhibits higher corrosion resistance in this environment.
Durability of concrete structures decrease due to corrosion in structures exposed to corrosive conditions. Several methods are adopted to minimize corrosion of steel in concrete; one of the methods is the use of inhibitors. In this work, the effect of inhibitor addition on corrosion of steel in concrete was investigated. Inhibitors added to concrete mix in different ratios, samples then immersed in 3.5% NaCl, and in Dead Sea Water for 15 months. Potential of steel reinforcement was measured by copper sulfate electrode according to ASTM C876. Results showed that an addition of 2% calcium nitrate or more was acceptable for adequate protection.
Substancje hamujące są to związki o charakterze natywnym, zanieczyszczeń lub zafałszowań, których celem jest hamowanie procesów biochemicznych zachodzących między składnikami mleka lub wywołanych aktywnością mikroorganizmów. Konieczność monitorowania tych substancji wynika z bezpośredniego lub pośredniego wpływu na bezpieczeństwo zdrowotne konsumenta. Obecność natywnych substancji hamujących pomaga kontrolować skuteczność procesów technologicznych. Z kolei kontrola poziomu pozostałości po antybiotykoterapii zwierząt lub myciu i dezynfekcji układu dojnego oraz substancji fałszujących jakość mleka pozwala ocenić jakość technologiczną i spożywczą mleka oraz jego produktów.
Inhibitors are the native substances, contaminants or adulterants, the aim of which is to inhibit the biochemical processes occurring between milk components or those induced by microorganisms' activity. The necessity of monitoring these substances results from their direct or indirect influence on the consumer's health safety. The presence of native inhibitors helps to control the processes' efficiency, warranting the safety of the final product. The control of the residues' level after antibiotic therapy, cleaning and disinfection of the milking system or substances, adulterating milk quality, allows evaluating the technological and nutritional quality of milk and dairy products.
Urządzenia do gaszenia pożarów powinny charakteryzować się wysoką skutecznością i niezawodnością działania. Jednym z problemów związanych z jego poprawnym działaniem jest ograniczenie rozwoju korozji przez odpowiedni dobór materiałów, z którego wykonane są detale lub zastosowanie optymalnych metod ochrony przed niszczeniem korozyjnym. W artykule przedstawiono rodzaje korozji, jakim mogą ulegać poszczególne elementy instalacji gaśniczych i armatury pożarniczej narażone na działanie wody i wodnych roztworów środków gaśniczych. Omówiono m.in. korozję ogólną (równomierną), korozję międzykrystaliczną, korozję wżerową (pitting), korozję naprężeniową, korozję selektywną, korozję szczelinową, korozję gazową (wysokotemperaturową). Przedstawiono także najważniejsze metody ochrony przed korozją, które mogą być zastosowane do sprzętu stosowanego przez straż pożarną. Opisano sposoby związane zarówno z doborem lub modyfikacją materiału, jak i środowiska korozyjnego tj. ochronę elektrochemiczną oraz ochronę materiału przez zastosowanie powłok ochronnych lub inhibitorów korozji. Poznanie mechanizmów powstawania korozji oraz jej zwalczania jest niezwykle istotne, w aspekcie ograniczenia strat materialnych a także zapewnienia efektywnego wykorzystywania armatury pożarniczej i instalacji gaśniczych.
Equipment for fire fighting should be characterized by high efficiency and reliability of operation. One of the problems associated with correct operations is to reduce the development of corrosion by a suitable choice of materials, which are mage the detal or the use if optimal methods of protection against corrosive destruction. In article it collates some kind of corrosions which may be subject to individual elements of fire fighting fittings and fire extinguishing systems which are exposed to water or aqueous solutions of fire fighting agents. Discussed included general corrosion (uniform), intergranular corrosion, pitting corrosion (pitting), stress cracking corrosion, selective corrosion, crevice corrosion, gas corrosion (high temperature). Also showed the most important methods of protection before corrosion which can be applied to equipment used by fire brigades. Described by methods of protection before corrosion by selection suitable material or modification of material chemical composition, as well as modification of corrosion environments, this is the electrochemical protection and the protection of the material by the application of protective coatings or corrosion inhibitors Knowledge of mechanism of corrosion generation in aspect of limitation of material losses as well as effective using of fire fighting fittings and fire fighting systems is extremely important.
Większość rop naftowych zawiera parafiny, które krystalizują w niskich temperaturach i wytrącają się w postaci osadów, utrudniając tym samym swobodny przepływ ropy naftowej. Tworzące się kryształy wykazują tendencję do aglomeracji oraz osadzania na powierzchniach aparatury wydobywczej, rurociągów i zbiorników. Powoduje to trudności eksploatacyjne związane ze wzrostem oporów przepływu, a nawet blokowanie rurociągów w ekstremalnych przypadkach. W celu ochrony rurociągów i urządzeń wydobywczych przed tworzeniem osadów, wprowadza się do ropy naftowej inhibitory parafin. Referat przedstawia wyniki badań prowadzonych w Pionie Technologii Nafty INiG, w celu uzyskania technologii nowej generacji inhibitorów parafin. W ramach badań zastały opracowane dwie technologie efektywnych inhibitorów parafin, przeznaczonych do wysokoparafinowych rop naftowych (> 5% parafin) oraz niskoparafinowych rop naftowych (~2% parafin). Opracowane inhibitory parafin zapobiegają osadzaniu parafin na powierzchni maszyn, rurociągów i zbiorników, jak również zmniejszają lepkość ropy naftowej, ułatwiając jej swobodny przepływ. Praca jest współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego, w ramach Programu Operacyjnego „Innowacyjna Gospodarka", na lata 2007-2013.
Most crude oils include paraffin that crystallize in low temperature, precipitate in the form of sediments, making the free flow of oil more difficult. The crystals deposit on the surfaces of mining equipment, pipes and reservoirs. This phenomenon causes exploitation difficulties connected with increased flow resistance and in consequence, decrease or lack of oil flow in pipelines. To protect pipes and machinery against the creation of sediments, a paraffin inhibitor must be introduced. This paper discusses the results of research conducted in the Oil and Gas Institute in Poland, with the aim of inventing technology for the new generation of paraffin inhibitors. INiG developed two technologies of effective paraffin inhibitors, one to be applied to high-paraffin crude oil (> 5% of paraffin), second to low-paraffin crude oil (~2% of paraffin). The paraffin inhibitor prevents paraffin deposits on the surfaces of machinery and pipelines as well as lowers crude oil viscosity which facilitates free flow. The work is co-sponsored by the European Union, from the European Fund of Regional Development within the framework of the Operational Programme "Innovative Economy", 2007-2013.
Content available remote Kompleksnyj ingibitor gidratoobrazovania i korrozii na osnove bisofita
The complex inhibitor of hydrate and corrosion is developed on the basis оf bischofite to protect equipment in gas and gascondensat mining wells. Following results of lаboratory research the working agents for preparation of bishophit to be applied during production and preparation of gas for the transport are selected, and the mechanisms of an operation оf reactants are offered.
The short review of complex inhibitors and reagents of complex action used for fighting water encroachment of wells, hydrate build-up, scalings and / or deposition of asphaltene, resin and paraffin substances (ARPS) and corrosion of equipment of gas and gas condensate wells has been performed. The composition and the percentage of the components of сотрlех inhibitors, selected in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas for fighting СО2-corrosion and other complications have been given. On the results of laboratory researches and field tests of the offered complex inhibitor the conclusions about its efficiency have been done.
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