In the introduction, the concept of interactive trees is defined and the purpose of the study is presented. Then, the RGM-2 fuse is described, as are the results of its tests which served as a basis for building specific models. The types of ammunition in which this variation of an artillery fuse is used are listed. A method of building interactive classification trees, allowing the author of the model to interfere with its structure, is described as well. Models of interactive classification trees, such as C&RT, CHAID and XAID have been designed and built. For each model, a tree diagram, a predictor importance sheet, a risk assessment sheet, and a summary of the observed and predicted values are presented. The method of interacting with the constructed classification tree structures, whose task was to improve the designed models, is shown using the examples of two models. The analysis of the models built after the interaction has been performed and, based on the obtained results, the best designed model was selected.
W artykule we wstępie zdefiniowano pojęcie drzew interakcyjnych oraz określono cel artykułu. Następnie, scharakteryzowano zapalnik RGM-2, którego wyniki badań zostały przygotowane do budowy modeli oraz wskazano rodzaje amunicji w których występuje przedmiotowy zapalnik artyleryjski. Opisano metodę budowy interakcyjnych drzew klasyfikacyjnych, która umożliwia ingerencję autora modelu w jego strukturę. Zaprojektowano oraz zbudowano modele interakcyjnych drzew klasyfikacyjnych typu C&RT, CHAID oraz XAID. Dla każdego z modeli przedstawiono schemat zaprojektowanego drzewa, arkusz ważności predyktorów, arkusz oceny ryzyka oraz zestawienie wartości obserwowanych i wartości przewidywanych. Pokazano na dwóch modelach sposób interakcji w zbudowane struktury drzew klasyfikacyjnych, których zadaniem było poprawienie zaprojektowanych modeli. Dokonano analizy zbudowanych po interakcji modeli oraz na podstawie otrzymanych wyników, wskazano najlepszy zaprojektowany model.
Pomimo gwałtownego rozwoju graficznych technik i programów komputerowych w ostatnich latach wykonywanie makiet w tradycyjnej formie nadal jest często stosowane do przenoszenia informacji wizualno-przestrzennych o proponowanych rozwiązaniach projektowych, jak również do celów marketingowych oraz edukacyjnych. Wzmożone zainteresowanie osobami o stwierdzonej niepełnosprawności, w tym z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku, wpłynęło na coraz częstsze użytkowanie makiet jako pomoc w poznawaniu określonej przestrzeni i znajdujących się w niej obiektów przez osoby niedowidzące. Wymaga to jednak zindywidualizowanego podejścia do wykonania takiej makiety, zarówno pod względem technologicznym, jak i kompozycyjnym. Wymagania techniczno-eksploatacyjne są również w takim przypadku znacząco bardziej złożone ze względu na poszerzony sposób użytkowania tego typu miniatur. Makiety modułowe zajmują w tych i pokrewnych działaniach istotne miejsce poprzez związaną z nimi cechę ukazywania w miniaturze wielu rozwiązań alternatywnych. Ich właściwości związane z serwisowaniem w warunkach specyficznego użytkowania wymagają zastosowania zazwyczaj niekonwencjonalnych rozwiązań kompozycyjnych i dotyczących technologii ich wykonania. Stanowią również znaczący element w poszerzaniu całego spektrum zróżnicowanych sposobów przekazywania informacji na temat przestrzeni istniejącej lub projektowanej w kontaktach z osobami dotkniętymi dysfunkcją narządu wzroku.
Despite the rapid development of graphic computer techniques and programs in recent years, mock-ups in traditional form are still often used to convey visual-spatial information about proposed design solutions as well as for marketing and educational purposes. The increased interest of visually impaired people, including those with visual impairments, has resulted in the increasing use of mock-ups as an aid for visually impaired people to learn about a particular space and the objects within it. However, this requires an individualised approach to the making of such a mock-up both in terms of technology and composition. The technical and operational requirements are also significantly more omplex in this case due to the extended use of such miniatures. Modular mock-ups have an important place in these and related activities through their associated feature of presenting a range of alternatives in miniature. Their servicing qualities under conditions of specific use usually require the use of unconventional compositional and technology-related solutions for their manufacture. They are also a significant element in extending the entire spectrum of differentiated ways of communicating existing or designed space to visually impaired people.
With the introduction of the concept of the industry 4.0, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, communication methods, automotive engineering, mechanics, construction and operation of automotive vehicles, and so on, as well as the methods of corporate management are changing. Following this concept, new risks emerge, when workers have to cooperate with collaborative robots, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning and learn new methods different from previous processes and systems. The paper first presents the theoretical background related to the topic addressed. The next sections encompass the literature review, including a list of references relevant to achieving the main objective of the paper, as well as a description of the research methods used in the paper. With regard to the main objective, quantitative research concerning the vehicle construction systems' safety issues in industry 4.0 was conducted; i.e., a questionnaire survey was developed within a sufficiently representative sample of respondents. After conducting the survey, the risk assessment model of vehicle construction systems' safety under the conditions of Industry 4.0 was proposed while applying the principles of system dynamics. An integral part of the paper is represented by the discussion of the obtained results and benefits, as well as the formulation of relevant conclusions.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the analyzes and surveys carried out, a set of conclusions can be presented, the most important of which include conclusions relating to social issues – implementation of the economic transformation in mining communes and poviats is possible in the coming years, but the communes are not prepared for the transformation. The negative effects of the employment restructuring process on the local economy may be noticeable in significant liquidation of enterprises cooperating with entities restructuring industry, reduction of revenues to the budget of local government authorities and reduction of demand on the local market. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. The attempt to capture the phenomena and processes presented here that may result from the transformation of hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at a better comprehension of the task that may be played by the local government in the area of which operating or closed mines and mining companies are located. On the basis of the results of the survey, it is mainly noticed that there is a need to define the challenges and tasks that should be undertaken in real action by the institutions responsible for the transformation of mining communes – especially due to the need to limit the social and economic consequences that may appear in the transformation process, both in the area of mining communes mining and in their surroundings.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the interviews carried out, it seems that all the expert assessments and opinions expressed confirm thesis that if the changes related to the just transition process cannot be stopped, then one must learn to take advantage of it. The view expressed above regarding the process of just transformation, which implies both economic and social challenges that are important for mining communes, among which the following deserve special attention as increasing the importance of the participation of mining communes in making government decisions, more friendly conditions shaping cooperation, need for mining communes to implement projects based on local mobility, adaptability and social sensitivity, need to increase social awareness related to mining in mining communes with responsibility for the just transition process, disappearance of state policies in the implementation of social functions in the phase of ongoing changes and taking them over by the local society. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. Based on the assessments and opinions of experts, it seems that in the perspective of the predictable occurrence of the transformation process, it could be important for local governments, and in particular mining communes, to promote actions for an evolutionary, not short-term shift from coal-based energy to low-emission sources - striving to make it a multi-stage and long-term process. Equally important may be the pursuit of solutions according to which the principle of introducing funds directly to individual communes for the implementation of the just transformation process will be adopted. Must be considerated need for local governments, including mining communes, to obtain state intervention appropriate to the scale of the challenges, while equipping them with reliable and comprehensively planned proposals for transformational activities limiting their spontaneity.
The aim of this paper was to describe the random phase of the E6 signal, the Galileo satellite navigation system. Based on the available information, mathematical models of the measurement signals of the Galileo system were created. The frequencies of individual signals were determined and their structure visualized. A block diagram of the generation of individual signals is also shown. The main contribution of the paper is the creation of a random phase model of the E6 signal from the Galileo system. In accordance with the technical data of the Galileo system, the parameters of the random phase model were determined. The simulation results confirmed that the frequency instability of the continuous signal E6 n received from the satellite is a stationary process. The short-term stability of the frequency ranges from 10-13 to 10-14. The simulation results confirmed that the Doppler effect significantly affects the random phase of the E6 signal. This phenomenon can affect the results of navigation measurements using the E6 signal. The modeling and simulation results of the random phase of the E6 signal presented in the paper can be used to evaluate the immunity of the Galileo navigation system to interference.
The manuscript describes the problem of boiling heat flux determination with the focus on nucleate boiling mode. It presents the boiling phenomenon on the bare surface and provides a review of the correlations that can be used for modelling purposes. Two most commonly applied correlations were validated against the experimental results. One of them showed significant discrepancies, which might be attributed to the conditions of the research and possible variations in the morphology of the heater. The other correlation proved to be successful in determining heat flux.
The paper presents the application of the pantograph-overhead contact line interaction simulation, which is carried out to assess the fulfillment of the essential interoperability requirements for the interoperability component, which is the overhead contact line. According to the paper's authors, carrying out model validation according to the EN 50318:2002 standard indicated in the technical specification for interoperability does not exhaust the question of the correctness of the method used. This fact is also confirmed in the literature discussed in the paper. To substantiate the above thesis, a numerical simulation was carried out in MATLAB/Simulink using a two-mass model of the pantograph and overhead contact line. As a result of the sensitivity analysis of the influence of the input data on the simulation results, conclusions were formulated to confirm the thesis in question.
W pracy przedstawiona została problematyka zastosowania symulacji współpracy pantografu z siecią trakcyjną, która realizowana jest w celu oceny spełnienia wymagań zasadniczych interoperacyjności dla składnika interoperacyjności, jakim jest sieć trakcyjna. Zdaniem autorów pracy, przeprowadzenie walidacji modelu według wskazanej w technicznej specyfikacji interoperacyjności normy EN 50318:2002, nie wyczerpuje kwestii prawidłowości zastosowanej metody. Fakt ten jest również potwierdzony w literaturze, która została omówiona w pracy. Dla potrzeb uzasadnienia powyższej tezy, przeprowadzona została w programie MATLAB/Simulink symulacja numeryczna z wykorzystaniem dwu-masowego modelu pantografu i sieci trakcyjnej. W wyniku analizy wrażliwości wpływu danych wejściowych na wyniki symulacji zostały sformułowane wnioski potwierdzające przedmiotową tezę.
This work focuses on the fact that the realities of today’s Ukrainian economy require not only recovery but also an increase in the volume of production of products produced by energy-intensive enterprises in the industry to the pre-crisis level, which stimulated the following: an increase in the demand for fuel and energy resources (FER); the increase in the cost of imported natural gas and oil, which became an excessive burden for domestic economic entities and the state budget and led to increased dependence on the geopolitical influence of the Russian Federation; the weakening of Ukraine’s position on the global energy market as a transporter of energy resources; increased competition in the global, national and regional markets of FER under the influence of the growth of general demand, etc. It was confirmed through analysis that the priority of the state policy in the field of the energy security of Ukraine will continue to be the stimulation of the implementation of energy-saving measures and the improvement of the efficiency of the use of FER by attracting all possible incentives at all levels of management. A visualized model is proposed which will make it possible to systematically manage the processes of the effective use of FES; an action algorithm has been developed that will allow solving problems that arise in changing external and internal environments, simplifying the decision-making procedure regarding the effectiveness of the use of FER, and reducing their specific costs. The assessment and forecasting of the energy efficiency of Ukraine’s economy was conducted using additive and multiplicative convolutions, which made it possible to forecast the energy efficiency index until 2035 in accordance with the adopted energy strategy of the state. It was determined that the strategic directions of increasing energy efficiency and realizing the energy potential of Ukraine remain the technological and structural restructuring of the economy, social infrastructure, and the creation of the economic, managerial and legal mechanisms necessary for the implementation of the state energy efficiency policy.
Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na założeniu, że realia dzisiejszej ukraińskiej gospodarki wymagają nie tylko ożywienia, ale także zwiększenia wielkości produkcji wyrobów wytwarzanych przez przedsiębiorstwa energochłonne w przemyśle do poziomu sprzed kryzysu, który stymulowały następujące czynniki: wzrost popytu na paliwa i surowce energetyczne (FER); wzrost kosztów importowanego gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej, który stał się nadmiernym obciążeniem dla krajowych podmiotów gospodarczych i budżetu państwa oraz doprowadził do zwiększenia zależności od geopolitycznych wpływów Federacji Rosyjskiej; osłabienie pozycji Ukrainy na światowym rynku energetycznym jako przewoźnika surowców energetycznych; wzrost konkurencji na światowych, krajowych i regionalnych rynkach FER pod wpływem wzrostu ogólnego popytu itp. W wyniku analizy potwierdzono, że priorytetem polityki państwa w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Ukrainy będzie nadal stymulowanie wdrażania środków oszczędzania energii i poprawa efektywności wykorzystania FER poprzez przyciąganie wszelkich możliwych zachęt na wszystkich poziomach zarządzania. Zaproponowano wizualizację modelu, który umożliwi systematyczne zarządzanie procesami efektywnego wykorzystania FES; opracowano algorytm działania, który pozwoli na rozwiązywanie problemów pojawiających się w zmieniających się środowiskach zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych, upraszczając procedurę podejmowania decyzji dotyczących efektywności wykorzystania FER i zmniejszając ich specyficzne koszty. Ocenę i prognozowanie efektywności energetycznej gospodarki Ukrainy przeprowadzono przy użyciu splotów addytywnych i multiplikatywnych, co umożliwiło prognozowanie wskaźnika efektywności energetycznej do 2035 roku zgodnie z przyjętą strategią energetyczną państwa. Ustalono, że strategicznymi kierunkami zwiększania efektywności energetycznej i realizacji potencjału energetycznego Ukrainy pozostają technologiczna i strukturalna restrukturyzacja gospodarki, infrastruktury społecznej oraz stworzenie mechanizmów ekonomicznych, zarządczych i prawnych niezbędnych do realizacji państwowej polityki efektywności energetycznej.
Ściśliwość porowa skał jest jednym z istotnych parametrów wykorzystywanych w trakcie badań złóż węglowodorów. Nieprawidłowe oszacowanie tego czynnika, a co za tym idzie – porowatości pierwotnej w warunkach in situ, prowadzi do błędów w szacowaniu zasobów złóż węglowodorów. Dotychczasowe próby opisania zależności pomiędzy porowatością mierzoną w ramach rutynowych badań petrofizycznych a ściśliwością porową doprowadziły do powstania szeregu modeli umożliwiających oszacowanie współczynnika ściśliwości porowej. Niestety, w trakcie prac zaczęto zauważać, że wyniki otrzymane na podstawie modeli nie mogą zastąpić badań laboratoryjnych, a jedynie służyć jako narzędzie pomocnicze. Dodatkowo wykazano, że uzyskane rezultaty różnią się w zależności od litologii, miejsca pochodzenia próbek i ciśnień, w jakich były badane. Doprowadziło to do powstawania coraz większej liczby modeli o różnym przeznaczeniu. W artykule użyto kilku najpopularniejszych modeli służących do oceny współczynnika ściśliwości piaskowców, które próbowano dopasować do uzyskanych wyników eksperymentalnych. Obiektem badań było 20 próbek piaskowców i heterolitów z rejonu zapadliska przedkarpackiego o porowatości od kilku do dwudziestu kilku procent. Przebadano je pod kątem właściwości petrofizycznych takich jak porowatość i przepuszczalność, a także dokonano analizy petrograficznej. Następnie przeprowadzono badanie ściśliwości porowej i wykonano analizę zależności pomiędzy ściśliwością a porowatością. Po uzyskaniu wyników eksperymentalnych porównano je z wynikami otrzymanymi na podstawie modeli literaturowych. W wyniku analizy statystycznej wytypowano najlepszy z modeli, który następnie został zmodyfikowany z wykorzystaniem języka R i środowiska Posit w celu jak najlepszego dopasowania do danych laboratoryjnych. Pozwoliło to na opracowanie modelu, który w porównaniu z dostępnymi modelami pozwala z dużo większą dokładnością przewidzieć współczynnik ściśliwości porowej piaskowców i heterolitów z zapadliska przedkarpackiego.
The pore compressibility of rocks is a crucial parameters used in studying hydrocarbon deposits. Inaccurate calculations of this parameter, along with the initial porosity of reservoir rocks under geostatic pressure conditions, can result in errors when estimating the capacity and potential scale of hydrocarbon accumulation. Owing to the challenges associated with conducting these measurements and their time-consuming nature, for more than fifty years, several authors have endeavoured to describe the relationship between the initial porosity measured from the obtained cores in surface conditions and the pore compressibility. These efforts led to the development of many models that allow for the calculation of the pore compressibility coefficient using the initial porosity as a basis. Unfortunately, during the course of these studies, it became evident that the results derived from models cannot substitute laboratory tests but only serve as an auxiliary tool. In addition, the results vary depending on the lithology, and the pressures applied during testing. This has led to the creation of an increasing number of models for various purposes. In the following article, multiple well-known sandstone models were used and compared with laboratory test findings. Finally, a new model was formulated, tailored to the examined rock samples. The study focused on 20 samples of sandstones and heteroliths sourced from the Carpathian Foredeep with a porosity spectrum ranging from a few to twenty percent. The samples were tested to assess their petrophysical characteristics, including porosity and permeability alongside a petrographic analysis. Then, pore compressibility tests were conducted, and an examination of the correlation between compressibility and porosity was carried out. After obtaining the experimental data, a comparatice analysis was performed, contrasting the obtained results with those derived from existing literature models. As a result of a statistical analysis, the best model was identified and subsequently adjusted using the R language and the Posit environment to optimize its alignment with the laboratory data. This resulted in the creation of a model that, in contrast to existing models, allows for significantly enhanced accuracy in predicting the pore compressibility coefficient for selected sandstones and heteroliths originating from the Carpathian Foredeep.
The negative impact of global and regional climate changes upon the crop yields leads to the violation of the crop production stability. The development of reliable methods for assessment of the climatic factors by the reaction of the crops to them in order to minimize the impact of climatic stresses upon the sustainability of food systems is an urgent scientific task. This problem was studied on the example of growing corn. A mathematical analysis of the main meteorological indicators for 16 years of research has been performed on the basis of which the frequency and direction of the occurrence of atypical and extreme weather conditions in various periods of the corn vegetation season were established by the coefficient of significance of deviations of the weather elements from the average long-term norm. It has been proved that the probability of occurrence of such weather conditions in the period from April to September is 38–81% in terms of the average temperature of the month, and 31–69% in terms of precipitation. By using the information base of the corn yields in a stationary field experiment with the gradations of factors: A (the fertilizer option) – A1-A12, B (the crop care method) – B1-B3, C (the hybrid) – C1-C7, the most critical month of the corn ontogeny was established when the weather has a decisive influence upon the formation of the crop. With the help of the correlation-regression analysis it was proved that the corn yield most significantly depends on the average monthly temperature in June, and for the hybrids with FАО 200–299 – on the amount of precipitation in the month of May. The obtained mathematical models make it possible to predict the yield of corn at a high level of reliability depending on the indicators of the main climate-forming factors in June, that is, even before the flowering of the plants (before the stage of ВВСН 61).
In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning. In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to reoffend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general.
In modern conditions in the field of medicine, raster image analysis systems are becoming more widespread, which allow automating the process of establishing a diagnosis based on the results of instrumental monitoring of a patient. One of the most important stages of such an analysis is the detection of the mask of the object to be recognized on the image. It is shown that under the conditions of a multivariate and multifactorial task of analyzing medical images, the most promising are neural network tools for extracting masks. It has also been determined that the known detection tools are highly specialized and not sufficiently adapted to the variability of the conditions of use, which necessitates the construction of an effective neural network model adapted to the definition of a mask on medical images. An approach is proposed to determine the most effective type of neural network model, which provides for expert evaluation of the effectiveness of acceptable types of models and conducting computer experiments to make a final decision. It is shown that to evaluate the effectiveness of a neural network model, it is possible to use the Intersection over Union and Dice Loss metrics. The proposed solutions were verified by isolating the brachial plexus of nerve fibers on grayscale images presented in the public Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation database. The expediency of using neural network models U-Net, YOLOv4 and PSPNet was determined by expert evaluation, and with the help of computer experiments, it was proved that U-Net is the most effective in terms of Intersection over Union and Dice Loss, which provides a detection accuracy of about 0.89. Also, the analysis of the results of the experiments showed the need to improve the mathematical apparatus, which is used to calculate the mask detection indicators.
Risk, as an effect of uncertainty, is associated with every human activity. Like any other industry, construction companies are eager to reduce the uncertainty of reluctant events. A well-planned risk communication system could contribute to the success of a construction project. A proper announcement protocol could be a mitigating lever for identified or unidentified risks during planning and monitoring processes. This research aims to present a risk communication management system (RCMS) for construction companies involved in large projects. The proposed model includes a step-by-step communication procedure considering the authority level within the organisational hierarchical structure. The model aims to remove the ambiguity of risk communications during the construction process under uncertain conditions. It leaves no or little room for the emergence of unplanned risks. The proposed communication structure has been implemented in GRC cladding construction projects, and the risk communication time and response have been significantly improved.
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The electrical resistivity is an important property for the structure concrete of metro track. In this work, the effect of dynamic flexural load on the electrical resistivity of concrete was investigated. Results show that the electrical resistivity of concrete first rapidly decreased and then slowly decreased with loading cycles; The higher the stress level and loading frequency, the greater the attenuation of concrete resistivity, the maximum value reached 33%. Acoustic emission test showed that the electrical resistivity is related to the damage of concrete. According to the theory of concrete fatigue damage, a new model was proposed to characterize the relationship between the dynamic damage of concrete and the electrical resistivity, R2 > 0.98. This work provides insight into development of the theory of electrical conductivity in concrete, and novel strategy for the dynamic damage monitoring of concrete.
This paper presents a mathematical model for a hydromechanical fuel governor pump, to be used in parametric diagnostics. The design and operation of the governor are described. The main requirements of the model are formulated, its structure is determined, corresponding to the specifics of the diagnostic task, and assumptions to make the model simpler are presented (single-dimensional flow and absence of heat exchange). The presented model consists of idealized elements with lumped parameters (such as pressure and mass consumption of the working fluid), accounting for the compressibility of the substance and the design arrangement of the governor (presence of mechanical rests, metering orifices of complex shapes, relay switchers, etc.). Equations of elements with lumped parameters, linked by hydraulic channels in one node, are presented. The model - a system of first-order differential-algebraic equations - is solved and the parameters of the governor pump are determined for different steady-state and transient operation modes. We compare our results to the requirements for the corresponding parameters outlined in the Engineering Specifications. The model is matched to the specifications by correcting setting parameters (tightening of elastic springs, areas of throttles, etc.), and a method of initial model linearization is developed. Based on the results, we conclude that our model can be used as a diagnostic algorithm for a governor pump, at the testing and development stages, during manufacturing, repair and maintenance.
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The necessity of proper health security management is determined by its decisive role in ensuring survival conditions. Estimating the risk in the area of health security and striving to implement appropriate models of the health security system seems to be crucial in the process of managing it. The aim of this study is to propose a model of the health security system, taking into account the dynamics of changes in its determinants caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The intention of the presented solutions is to optimize the use of available resources during the health crisis. The main research problem is the question: how would the new model of the health security system take into account the needs of health care in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic? Using the observational method, available research as well as exploratory and intervention data related to COVID-19, an attempt was made to propose a model aimed at efficient management of medical care provided to patients. Focusing on technology-oriented models together with a well-matched infrastructure may result in better results in the prevention and care of COVID-19 patients. The aforementioned technological development will also serve the implementation of new models enabling the application of genomics, proteomics, nanotechnology, materials science and digital devices for early diagnosis and infection control. The presented model has been developed taking into account various factors and conditions that may affect its efficiency, as well as the proper functioning of the health security system.
Konieczność właściwego zarządzania bezpieczeństwem zdrowotnym determinowana jest jego decydującą rolą w zapewnieniu warunków do przetrwania. Szacowanie ryzyka w obszarze bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego oraz dążenie do implementacji właściwych modeli systemu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego wydaje się kluczowe w procesie zarządzania nim. Skuteczne zarządzanie opieką zdrowotną jest jednym z głównych elementów zdrowszego społeczeństwa, w którym pozytywne działania w zidentyfikowanym segmencie badań, technologii oraz zarządzania, mają ogromny potencjał, aby poprawić globalną reakcję na potencjalne przyszłe kryzysy zdrowotne. Celem opracowania jest zaproponowanie modelu systemu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego, uwzględniającego dynamikę zmian jego determinantów, spowodowaną trwaniem pandemii COVID–19, a intencją zaprezentowanych rozwiązań jest optymalizacja wykorzystania dostępnych zasobów w okresie kryzysu zdrowotnego. Głównym problem badawczym artykułu jest: W jaki sposób nowy model systemu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego uwzględniałby potrzeby opieki zdrowotnej w warunkach trwania pandemii COVID-19? Stosując metodę obserwacyjną oraz wykorzystując dostępne badania oraz dane eksploracyjne i interwencyjne związane z CO-VID-19, podjęto próbę zaproponowania modelu, którego celem jest sprawne zarządzanie opieką medyczną świadczoną dla pacjentów, w tym właśnie z COVID-19 i innymi chorobami oraz osób zdrowych, w ramach zintegrowanych ram szeroko rozumianej profilaktyki. Ukierunkowanie się w stronę modeli zorientowanych na technologię, z dobrze dopasowaną infrastrukturą, może skutkować lepszymi wynikami w profilaktyce i opiece nad chorymi na COVID-19. Rozwój technologii służyć będzie również implementacji nowych modeli, umożliwiających zastosowanie: genomiki, proteomiki, nanotechnologii, materiałoznawstwa oraz urządzeń cyfrowych dla wcześniejszej diagnozy i kontroli zakażeń. Przedstawiony model opracowano przy uwzględnieniu różnorodnych czynników oraz uwarunkowań, które mogą mieć wpływ na jego wydajność, a także prawidłowe funkcjonowanie systemu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego.
The present work aims to propose a new analytical model intended to predict the water retention curves for granular materials based on data from tensiometric tests. Different analytical models have been used for the evaluation of soil water retention curves so far. It should be noted that the proposed model considers only one criterion in the selection of soils. This criterion is the physical property of particle distribution curve that can be used to determine the values of D50 and CU. In this study, the pore-access size distribution is investigated considering the effect of the coefficient of uniformity of sandy soils that were prepared with different density indexes (0.5, 0.7, and 0.9). Moreover, the proposed model equation is based on the physical properties of soil. This equation made it possible to describe the water retention curve and to estimate the pore-access size distribution without performing any experimental tests. The findings allowed asserting that the uniformity of the particle size curves corresponds to a good uniformity of the pore-access size distribution. In addition, it was revealed that the suction increased as the density index went up, which matches well with the experimental data. Moreover, it may clearly be noted that the distinctive retention properties of unsaturated soils can be observed on the above-mentioned curves. Further, it was found that the ratio of the grain size over the pore-access size increased as the uniformity coefficient augmented.
Obowiązkiem środowisk technicznych jest dbałość o dobra kultury materialnej mijających pokoleń dla zachowania w pamięci tego, co było kiedyś wielkimi osiągnięciami techniki. Poziom rozwoju konstrukcji maszyn ewoluował przez wieki we wszystkich dziedzinach gospodarki, stale poprawiając sprawność i efektywność. Takim spektakularnym przykładem postępu techniki w papiernictwie, z uwagi na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na papier, było stopniowe przejście z techniki ręcznego czerpania masy papierniczej na bardziej wydajne metody produkcji.
The essence of the concept of circular economy was determined. The processes of transition to a circular economy are analyzed, as a result of which three levels are distinguished: efficient use of materials; product life extention; smart production and use of products. The connection between the circular economy and sustainable development was implemented. The main business models of the circular economy are considered: Resources recovery, Sharing platforms, Product life extension, Product as a service, Circular suppliers. Strategies and tools of circular economy are developed. The world experience of waste utilization is considered.
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