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Suwnica 3D jest obiektem stosowanym w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Z punktu widzenia sterowania, jest to system dynamiczny, nieliniowy i wielowymiarowy. W artykule zaprojektowano dwa układy regulacji: z klasycznym regulatorem PID oraz z regulatorem PID ułamkowego rzędu. Przedstawiono analizę porównawczą zaprojektowanych układów regulacji.
The 3D crane is an object used in various industries. From a control point of view, it is a dynamic, non-linear and multidimensional system. In this paper, two control systems are designed: with a classical PID controller and with a fractional-order PID controller. A comparative analysis of the designed control systems is presented.
The paper describes the implementation of a PI controller autotuning procedure based on the doublet-pulse method. The doublet-pulse method is used as a tool to identify the control object. Its main advantage is its simplicity, requiring only two parameters to be declared, i.e., the amplitude and duration of the two step signals. We combined the Doublet-Pulse method with the Approximate M-constrained Integral Gain Optimisation tuning rules and implemented this combination as a stand-alone autotuning procedure in Siemens S7-1200 PLC controller. The procedure was tested for three types of simulated plant models. The simulated models were diverse in terms of dynamics, as we used lag-dominated, balanced, and delay-dominated models. We compared the doublet-pulse method with the classical identification method in the form of step response, i.e. method of moments. We conducted tests for three scenarios, i.e., a step change in the set point, set point trajectory tracking and load disturbances. To assess the control quality, we used integral index IAE. The described method is universal and can also be implemented in controllers from other manufacturers.
Laser beam intensity stabilisation is an essential process in most quantum applications. Laser light intensity is a critical parameter in many quantum experiments, such as quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum metrology. Even small fluctuations in laser intensity can lead to errors in the results of these experiments. This paper presents robust laser beam intensity stabilization methods using open-source tools: Sinara modules and ARTIQ software.
Stabilizacja intensywności wiązki laserowej jest niezbędnym procesem w większości zastosowań kwantowych. Intensyw ność światła laserowego jest krytycznym parametrem w wielu eksperymentach kwantowych, takich jak obliczenia kwantowe, komunikacja kwantowa i metrologia kwantowa. Nawet niewiel kie fluktuacje intensywności lasera mogą prowadzić do błędów w wynikach tych eksperymentów. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia skuteczną metodę stabilizacji intensywności wiązki laserowej z wykorzystaniem narzędzi open source: modułów Sinara i opro gramowania ARTIQ.
The design of active vibration reduction systems usually consists in selecting a control algorithm and determining the value of its settings. This article presents the results of research on the concept of using genetic algorithms to induce the settings of control systems. To test the concept, a simple pulse-excited flat bar model was selected. The vibrations were suppressed by the PID controller. Genetic algorithms with two types of crossover were tested - arithmetic and uniform. As a result, the settings for the PID controller were obtained, enabling effective reduction of vibrations in a short time.
Aiming at the problems of delay and couple in the sintering temperature control system of lithium batteries, a fuzzy neural network controller that can solve complex nonlinear temperature control is designed in this paper. The influence of heating voltage, air inlet speed and air inlet volume on the control of temperature of lithium battery sintering is analyzed, and a fuzzy control system by using MATLAB toolbox is established. And on this basis, a fuzzy neural network controller is designed, and then a PID control system and a fuzzy neural network control system are established through SIMULINK. The simulation shows that the response time of the fuzzy neural network control system compared with the PID control system is shortened by 24s, the system stability adjustment time is shortened by 160s, and the maximum overshoot is reduced by 6.1%. The research results show that the fuzzy neural network control system can not only realize the adjustment of lithium battery sintering temperature control faster, but also has strong adaptability, fault tolerance and anti-interference ability.
W pracy przedstawiono przegląd niektórych podejść związanych z problematyką pochodnych ułamkowych w ujęciu teorii sterownia. Zaprezentowano popularne w przemyśle algorytmy sterowania z użyciem pochodnych ułamkowych, wraz z metodami projektowania. Stosowanie rachunku różniczkowego o niecałkowitym stopniu jest stosunkowo nowym podejściem, lecz zyskującym na zainteresowaniu. Rozważania w ostatnich latach wskazują, że wiele problemów np. termodynamicznych, czy biologicznych może być z powodzeniem rozpatrywanych za pomocą po chodnych ułamkowych. Na rynku dostępne są już narzędzia, które wspomagają proces identyfikacji oraz projektowania regulatorów w oparciu o dane eksperymentalne. Jednym z takich narzędzi jest CRONE, będącym zestawem narzędzi w Matlabie, który zawiera trzy moduły: matematyczny, identyfikacyjny, projektowania systemu sterowania. Umożliwia zaimplementowanie autorskich regulatorów CRONE o różnym stopniu złożoności. Innym z narzędzi jest FOMCON, który również jest zestawem narzędzi w Matlabie i jest oparty na istniejącym wcześniej narzędziu FOTF. FOMCON umożliwia identyfikację systemu oraz zaprojektowanie regulatora PIλDµ . Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie obecnego stanu wiedzy, omówienie podstawowych narzędzi i pojęć związanych z pochodnymi ułamkowymi oraz ich zastosowaniem w sterowaniu, takimi jak: funkcja gamma postacie pochodnej i całki o stopniu niecałkowitym, transformata Laplace’a i podstawy teorii sterowania
In the paper is presented review of some approaches corelated with subject of using fractional derivatives in control system theory. Popular algorithms used in the industry are presented, along with relating designing methodology. Using of fractional derivatives calculations is relatively new concept, but constantly getting increasing interest. Deliberation in recent years indicate that many scientific problems like thermodynamic or biology problems can be well considered and modeled by fractional order derivatives. On the market there is available tools that support a processes of identification and regulators designing, based on experimental data. One of such tools are toolbox CRONE for MATLAB, which contains three modules: mathematical, identifying, system control designing. That toolbox allows implementation of CRONE regulators with different level of complexity. Other tool is FOMCON, which also is a toolbox for MATLAB and it is based on already existed toolbox FOTF. FOMCON allows to identifying of control system and PIλDµ regulator designing. This article is aiming to present current state of art, discussion about existing tools and concepts correlated with fractional order derivatives and their usage in control system theory, like: gamma function, definition of fractional derivative, Laplace transform and basics of control system theory.
The aim of the study is to compare Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based tuning methods for controller tuning in the driving mechanism of prosthetic limbs. By adopting suitable control strategies like P, PI and PID in the driving system, the positioning of knee and hip joints can be attained in the ideal time of 1.4s for completing one locomotion cycle. The gain constants (KP , KI , and KD) of the controllers were tuned manually and also using Z-N and PSO; thereby appropriate constants were determined so that the joints could be moved to the desired position. The performance of P, PI, and PID controllers were compared and PID was identified as the ideal control strategy which exhibited least error and good stability. It was observed that the conventional Z-N method produced a big overshoot, and so a modern approach called PSO was employed to enhance its capability. The PSO based PID controller optimization resulted in less overshoot as well as it helped in optimizing the gain constants so as to improve the stability of the system when compared to the classical method.
Układy sterujące typu PID są jednymi z najbardziej popularnych regulatorów wykorzystywanych w układach regulacji. W związku z tym znanych jest szereg metod doboru wartości ich parametrów (nastaw). Obok różnych metod inżynierskich czy analitycznych strojenia tego typu regulatorów, dostępne są również podejścia bazujące na optymalizacji. Wskaźnikiem jakości znajdującym w nich zastosowanie jest np. całka z kwadratu uchybu. W artykule przedstawiono alternatywny sposób wyznaczania nastaw regulatora z rodziny PID bazujący na rozwiązaniu liniowokwadratowego zadania optymalizacji wykorzystującego kryterium energetyczne. Uszczegóławiając, pokazano możliwość transformacji optymalnych nastaw regulatora bazującego na sprzężeniu zwrotnym od stanu obiektu w nastawy regulatora w klasycznym układzie regulacji. Jako aplikację wykorzystano nieliniowy matematyczny model dynamiki podwójnego odwróconego wahadła.
The PID-type regulators are one of the most commonly used in control systems. Therefore, there are many different methods of selecting values of their parameters. Apart from various engineering or analytical methods of tuning such controllers, there are also approaches based on optimisation. In the latter case, a typical performance index is integral square error (ISE). In this paper, an alternative method of PID parameters tuning has been presented. This approach is based on a solution of the linear-square optimisation task with energy-based performance index. In the result, a state-feedback controller is obtained. Subsequently, the state-feedback gains are translated into PID regulator parameters. The proposed approach has been illustrated using a non-linear mathematical model of a double inverted pendulum.
Opracowano polimorficzny model reaktora biologicznego z logiczną reprezentacją wiedzy o obiekcie sterowania i sterowaniu, dla których proces uczenia się polega na sukcesywnej walidacji i uaktualnianiu wiedzy oraz wykorzystywaniu wyników tego uaktualniania do wyznaczania decyzji sterujących. Na podstawie ciągłego pomiaru stężenia fosforu (jako PO4-P) określono ładunki fosforu jako iloczyn przepływu i stężenia. Różnicę pomiędzy fosforem całkowitym a PO4-P określono empirycznie zgodnie z klasyczną analityką. Zastosowany system sterowania, poza efektem energetycznym, pozwalał również na optymalizację.
An advanced model for the optimization of the title processes was developed by using a multi-threaded predictive control system. The activated sludge method was used in 2 biol. reactors, where denitrification and nitrification and removal of org. C compds. and dephosphatation took place. A sewage aeration and movement in bioreactors was generated by using agitators or sludge recirculation. The computer model of the wastewater treatment plant was developed in a com. environment. An activated sludge model was used to model biochem. processes, including org. C and N removal and transformations involving bacteria using the ability to store P in cell biomass. Then, quantitative and qualitative parameters were identified and the model was calibrated by det. the agreement of simulation results with measured data.
Content available remote Czasy realizacji algorytmów PID2DOF w sterownikach serii S7
Celem artykułu jest analiza szybkości działania algorytmu PID napisanego w języku Structured Control Language (SCL) i porównanie go z dostępnym w TIA Portal rozwiązaniem. Porównanie zostało wykonane na kilku platformach CPU S7 oraz na symulatorze sterowników PLCSIM. Jednocześnie artykuł powinien zachęcić producentów PLC do wdrożenia nowych prostszych rozwiązań algorytmów regulacyjnych oraz sterujących.
The aim of the article is to analyze the speed of the PID algorithm written in Structured Control Language (SCL) and compare it with the available solution in the TIA Portal. The comparison was made on several CPU S7 platforms and controllers simulator PLCSIM. At the same time, the article should encourage PLC manufacturers to implement new simpler solutions, ie many available algorithms control algorithms. “The times of PID2DOF algorithms calculation in S7 controller”.
This paper proposes a newly adaptive single-neuron proportional integral derivative (SNPID) controller that uses fuzzy logic as an adaptive system. The main problem of the classical controller is lacking the required robustness against disturbers, measurement noise in industrial applications. The new formula of the proposed controller helps in fixing this problem based on the fuzzy logic technique. In addition, the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize parameters of the SNPID controller. Because of the high demands on the availability and efficiency of electrical power production, the design of robust load-frequency controller is becoming increasingly important due to its potential in increasing the reliability, maintainability and safety of power systems. So, the proposed controller has been applied for load-frequency control (LFC) of a single-area power system. The effectiveness of the proposed SNPID controller has been compared with the conventional controllers. The simulation results show that the proposed controller approach provides better damping of oscillations with a smaller settling time. This confirms its superiority against its counterparts. In addition, the results show the robustness of the proposed controller against the parametric variation of the system.
Jakość regulacji jest kluczowym zagadnieniem w nowoczesnym przemyśle. Zadaniem inżyniera jest nie tylko dobór parametrów regulacji, ale również bieżące nadzorowanie jej jakości tak, aby maksymalizować wydajność procesu a także dbać o stan aparatury i urządzeń wykonawczych. W zdecydowanej większości rozwiązań praktycznych stosowany jest kwadratowy wskaźnik jakości, zarówno w procesie strojenia jak i oceny jakości regulacji. W artykule zostały zaproponowane inne wskaźniki, cechujące się większą odpornością. Zostały one zastosowane do dwóch zadań: projektowania nastaw regulatora oraz oceny jakości już pracującej struktury sterowania. W pracy uwzględnione zostały rozwiązania dla różnych wersji podstawowego algorytmu regulacji w przemyśle procesowym, tj. PID. Różne strategie regulacji PID zostały również porównane z algorytmem sterowania predykcyjnego typu MPC. Analiza symulacyjna wykorzystuje przemysłowy benchmark układu sterowania systemem chłodniczym wykorzystującym zjawisko kompresji pary.
Control quality is a crucial issue in modern industry. The engineer’s goal is to set control parameters and assess it constantly in order to maximize the efficiency of the process and watch the condition of actuators. The article describes a number of Control Performance Assessment indexes. They are applied to two tasks: controller tuning and the assessment of the quality of an already tuned control strategy. It presents a comparison between different indexes applied to various structures of the PID control algorithm. Finally the results are compared with Model Predictive Control. The analysis uses well known nonlinear industrial benchmark of a refrigeration system based on vapour compression.
This paper presents a feasible design for a con- trol algorithm to synthesize an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-based PID continuous sliding mode control system (ANFIS- PIDCSMC) for adaptive trajectory tracking control of the rigid robot manipulators (RRMs) in the joint space. First, a PID sliding mode control algorithm with sliding surface dynamics-based continuous proportional-integral (PI) control action (PIDSMC-SSDCPI) is presented. The global stability conditions are formulated in terms of Lyapunov full quadratic form such that the robot system output can track the desired reference output. Second, to increase the control system robustness, the PI control action in the PIDSMC- SSDCPI controller is supplanted by an ANFIS control signal to provide a control approach that can be termed adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-based PID continuous sliding mode control system (ANFIS-PIDCSMC). For the proposed control algorithm, numerical simulations using the dynamic model of RRM with uncertainties and external disturbances show high quality and effectiveness of the adopted control approach in high-speed trajectory tracking control problems. The simulation results that are compared with the results, obtained for the traditional controllers (standalone PID and traditional sliding mode controller (TSMC)), illustrate the fact that the tracking control behavior of the robot system achieves acceptable tracking performance.
The aim of this study is to design a control strategy for the angular rate (speed) of a DC motor by varying the terminal voltage. This paper describes various designs for the control of direct current (DC) motors. We derive a transfer function for the system and connect it to a controller as feedback, taking the applied voltage as the system input and the angular velocity as the output. Different strategies combining proportional, integral, and derivative controllers along with phase lag compensators and lead integral compensators are investigated alongside the linear quadratic regulator. For each controller transfer function, the step response, root locus, and Bode plot are analysed to ascertain the behaviour of the system, and the results are compared to identify the optimal strategy. It is found that the linear quadratic controller provides the best overall performance in terms of steady-state error, response time, and system stability. The purpose of the study that took place was to design the most appropriate controller for the steadiness of DC motors. Throughout this study, analytical means like tuning methods, loop control, and stability criteria were adopted. The reason for this was to suffice the preconditions and obligations. Furthermore, for the sake of verifying the legitimacy of the controller results, modelling by MATLAB and Simulink was practiced on every controller.
Quadrotors represent an effective class of aerial robots because of their abilities to work in small areas. We suggested in this research paper to develop an algorithm to control a quadrotor, which is a nonlinear MIMO system and strongly coupled, by a linear control technique (PID), while the parameters are tuned by the Genetic Algorithm (GA). The suggested technique allows a decentralized control by decoupling the linked interactions to effect angles on both altitude and translation position. Moreover, the using a meta-heuristic technique enables a certain ability of the system controllers design without being limited by working on just the small angles and stabilizing just the full actuated subsystem. The simulations were implemented in MATLAB/Simulink tool to evaluate the control technique in terms of dynamic performance and stability. Although the controllers design (PID) is simple, it shows the effect of the proposed technique in terms of tracking errors and stability, even with large angles, subsequently, high velocity response and high dynamic performances with practically acceptable rotors speed.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób modelowania dynamiki quadrocoptera oraz zaprezentowano metodę doboru nastaw regulatorów PID. Dynamikę quadrocoptera wyprowadzono w oparciu o równania Lagrange’a II rodzaju. W postaci wykresów przedstawiono wyniki symulacji dla nastaw dobranych metodą optymalizacji wykorzystując pakiet Wolfram Mathematica.
The article presents the method of modeling the dynamics of a quadrocopter and presents a method for the selection of PID regulators. The quadrocopter's dynamics were derived based on the Lagrange equations of the second type. In the form of graphs, the simulation results were presented for the settings selected using the optimization method using the Wolfram Mathematica package.
W pracy przedstawiono sterowanie klasycznego obiektu oscylacyjnego przez człon korygujący z wielokrotnym opóźnieniem. Pozwala to na zamianę oscylacyjnej odpowiedzi skokowej obiektu w odpowiedź zbliżoną do odpowiedzi układów inercyjnych oraz wyznaczenie zastępczego modelu wieloinercyjnego o jednakowych stałych czasowych. W oparciu o taki model uproszczony można łatwo określić np. parametry odpowiedniego regulatora PID gwarantujące krótki czas regulacji przy małym przeregulowaniu.
The paper presents the control of the classic oscillatory object by the corrector with multiple delays. The oscillatory response is converting into the response similar to the inertial systems. It allows to replaced the system by the multi-inertial model with equal time constants. The parameters of the PID controller, for such system, can be easily determined by using one of the well known methods.
Content available remote Dobór nastaw regulatorów ciągłych z wykorzystaniem środowiska Scilab / Xcos
W pracy przedstawiono sposoby implementacji wybranych algorytmów doboru nastaw regulatorów ciągłych typu PI oraz PID przy pomocy środowiska SCILAB/XCOS. Użyto metod: Ziegler-Nicholsa, autorskiej oraz wykorzystującej wybrane metody optymalizacji. Przedstawiono i porównano wyniki symulacji.
The paper deals with implementation methods of algorithms of tuning of continuous controllers using SCILAB/XCOS environment. Following procedures are shown: Ziegler-Nichols, authorial and the procedure using chosen optimization method. Simulation results are shown and compared.
Artykuł opisuje zmodyfikowany system bezzałogowego pojazdu latającego potocznie zwanego dronem, który został rozbudowany o system automatycznego lądowania. Rozbudowa wymagała modyfikacji sprzętowych oraz ingerencji w system sterowania pojazdem. Wykorzystane zostały metody cyfrowego przetwarzania obrazu oraz algorytmy wykorzystywane w automatycznym sterowaniu.
The article describes modified system of unmanned flying vehicle commonly known as drone, which has been upgraded with an automatic landing system. This expansion required hardware modifications and interference in the control system of the vehicle. Have been used methods of digital image processing and algorithms of standard automatic control.
Statistical approach to Control Performance Assessment (CPA) is of great practical importance. This is particularly visible in process industry, where there are many PID loops. They are often assessed with measures derived from the Gaussian probabilistic density function. Standard deviation, variance, skewness or kurtosis form the majority of applied indexes. The review of data originating from process industry shows, however, to the contrary, that these signals have rather non-Gaussian properties and are mostly characterized by fat-tailed distribution disable the ability. Investigations show that strong disturbances may significantly disable the capacity of proper assessment. Standard measures often fail in such cases. It is shown that non-Gaussian measures can help with this problem. Various disturbances are tested and compared. Results show that fat-tailed distributions are an interesting alternative. They are less sensitive to disturbance shadowing and still make possible loop dynamic assessment.
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