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Przedkładana publikacja stanowi swoistego rodzaju próbę naukowo uzasadnionej identyfikacji wiedzy (w ujęciu retrospektywnym, obecnym i prospektywnym), odnoszącej się wprost do drogowych odcinków lotniskowych (DOL1 ) – jako elementów infrastruktury lotniskowej państwa. Wzajemne i trwające przez dekady oddziaływanie treści niejawnych o DOL, w zderzeniu z marginalnym ich wykorzystywaniem podczas różnego rodzaju ćwiczeń wojskowych – wygenerowało sytuację, w której zagadnienia ogniskujące się wokół DOL i ich literacka prezentacja może być postrzegana na poziomie niemalże marginalnym. Z kolei doświadczenia wojenne z terytorium Ukrainy (zwłaszcza po 24. lutego 2022 r.) wskazują, że obiekty te są ważnymi elementami szeroko postrzeganego systemu obronnego państwa. Przywoływana ważność stała się tym samym impulsem do przeprowadzenia adekwatnych badań naukowych, których pisemne opracowanie przedkładane jest w niniejszym opracowaniu.
The submitted publication is a kind of scientifically justified attempt to identify knowledge (in retrospective, present and prospective terms), relating directly to road sections of the airports (RAS) – as elements of the state's airport infrastructure. Mutual and decades-long influence of classified content on RAS, in a collision with its marginal use during various types of military exercises, has generated a situation in which issues focusing on RAS and their literary presentation can be perceived at an almost marginal level. In turn, war experiences in Ukraine (especially after February 24, 2022) indicate that these facilities are important elements of the widely perceived defence system of the state. The invoked importance became the same impulse to conduct scientific research, the written study of which is presented in this study.
The safety risk management is crucial for aviation industry companies. Each of aviation organizations (i.e. airlines, aerodrome operators, General Aviation entities, etc.) has different specificity and deals with different factors. Numerous studies on safety risk management have been conducted, however authors of presented paper have seen a need to review one of the its’ numerous aspect - the risk assessment from the perspective of aerodrome operator. The variety of risk assessment tools and techniques gives many possibilities, but can also cause disarray if rules or selection criteria for their use have not been developed. The aim of the article is to present the risk assessment tools and techniques, that may be the most beneficial and useful for selected safety aspects of aerodrome functioning. For this purpose, existing risk assessment techniques and tools were collected and briefly reviewed, as well as their usefulness for the aerodrome operator was verified according to the proposed issues related to the safety of aerodrome operations. Analysis have shown that a manual summarizing and reviewing risk assessment tools and techniques could be useful for aerodrome operators.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę zjawiska mgły w aspekcie wykonywania operacji lotniczych na wybranych lotniskach w Polsce w latach 1971-2020. Uzasadnieniem wyboru tematu jest praktyczne wykorzystanie uzyskanych wyników w lotnictwie. Operacje startów i lądowań są uzależnione przede wszystkim od warunków pogodowych. Do jednych z najważniejszych należy mgła ograniczająca widzialność do poniżej 1000 m. Podczas występowania ograniczenia widzialności statki powietrzne oraz lotniska powinny być wyposażone w systemy umożliwiające wykonywanie procedur odlotu i podejścia do lądowania bez widzialności. W innym przypadku operacje lotnicze należy wstrzymać, ze względu na duże prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia sytuacji niebezpiecznych. W związku z powyższym opracowanie statystyczne częstości i czasu trwania mgły oraz wyznaczenie okresów ich nasilenia stanowi istotną wiedzę w aspekcie zarządzania ruchem lotniczym. Założono, że realizacja celu artykułu będzie oparta o analizy zmienności czasowej oraz jej regionalnym zróżnicowaniu, wyrażonym w rozkładzie przestrzennym liczby i czasu trwania mgieł na wybranych lotniskach w Polsce. Dynamiczne ujęcie wybranego elementu jest bardzo istotnym problemem, którego rozwiązanie pozwoli na określenie indywidualnych cech wieloletniej zmienności mgieł.
The article presents an analysis of the phenomenon of fog in terms of the performance of flight operations at selected airports in Poland in 1971-2020. The rationale for choosing the topic is the practical use of the results obtained in aviation. Takeoff and landing operations depend primarily on weather conditions. Among the most important is fog that limits visibility to less than 1000 meters. During the presence of visibility limitation, aircraft and airports should be equipped with systems that allow departure and landing approach procedures to be performed without visibility. Otherwise flight operations should be halted, due to the high probability of dangerous situations. In view of the above, the statistical study of the frequency and duration of fog, as well as the determination of periods of their severity, constitutes important knowledge in the aspect of air traffic management. It was assumed that the realization of the purpose of the article will be based on the analysis of temporal variability and its regional variation, expressed in the spatial distribution of the number and duration of fog at selected airports in Poland. The dynamic inclusion of the selected element is a very important problem, the solution of which will make it possible to determine the individual characteristics of multi-year fog variability.
This article discusses in a simplified manner how to use the multiple functions of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to support the engineering decision for vital and important sites that require the decision-maker to have a high degree of certainty, such as the decision related to choosing the best location for the airport among several sites. This paper aims to provide a practical model that allows for a decision support system on how to adopt a GIS software by both its part Arc-Map and Arc-Catalog combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to make strategic decisions by spatial and non-spatial analysis to choose the appropriate site for the project as those related to choosing an airport location. Nineteenth criteria were considered to analyze the study area which is represented by three governorates of the middle Euphrates region in Iraq, Babil, Kerbala, and AL-Najaf. Finally, the research presented a practical and efficient approach for the decision maker to select the appropriate location for the airport based on the value of the highest suitability index.
The development of measures in civil aviation protection against illegal acts is based on the analysis of incidents, which can be divided into four development stages. Before 9/11, civil aviation entities were mostly reactive; only new threats warranted a proactive approach to mitigating air threats. The present article’s aim was to analyse the development of methods for checking passengers and objects intended for air transport. The analysis of selected incidents, control processes, and the level of security achieved confirm that the implemented security methods and proactive approach to working with air traffic risks are a suitable compromise between passenger comfort, technological development of detection devices, and processes at the airport.
One of the basic elements inseparably connected with air communication is the security control of persons and luggage which is performed by certified OKBs entered on the list of the President of the Polish CAA. An area of ​​interest is the security check of hand baggage passengers take with them on board the aircraft. This control is carried out based on current legal regulations in the field of civil aviation security and is designed to detect prohibited and dangerous items hidden in the passenger's luggage specified in these legal acts. Due to the fact that the catalogue of these items is not included in an enumerative way, the security control operator assesses the possibility of using any item other than that specified in the document in terms of the possibility of making an act of unlawful interference. However, the skills of the security control operator are only one of the elements affecting the effectiveness of the security check being performed. The technical background and degree of technical sophistication are no less important in the control process. This paper aims to indicate possible organizational solutions to be applied in practice, which have a measurable impact not only on the effectiveness of the security control performed but also on the throughput at the security checkpoint, which in turn determines the operational readiness of the entire airport. The authors, through empirical studies carried out at airport security checkpoints equipped with different technical and technological solutions, quantitatively indicate the benefits of using new technologies and the possibility of choosing the organization of work at the security checkpoint, depending on the needs arising from the nature and number of flight operations.
Rozwój bezzałogowych platform oraz ich bezpieczne wykorzystywanie stanowi jeden z istotnych aspektów polityki rozwoju transportu lotniczego w Unii Europejskiej. Szereg nowych europejskich unormowań prawnych przewiduje użytkowanie takich platform w określonych strefach przestrzeni powietrznej i na ściśle określonych warunkach. W 2020 roku konsorcjum złożone z 10 międzynarodowych podmiotów uzyskało pozytywną opinię European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency oraz finansowanie projektu „5 services of drones for increased airports and waterways safety and security – 5D AeroSafe”. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono założenia projektu, stan jego realizacji oraz najważniejsze osiągnięcia.
Content available remote Warszawski Metropolitalny Węzeł Komunikacyjny w oparciu o lotnisko Modlin
Użyteczność transportu jest tym większa, im silniejsze i bardziej systemowe są powiązania między jego poszczególnymi formami, aż do zintegrowania jego poszczególnych elementów (sieć i infrastruktura, taryfy i systemy biletowe, informacja i marketing) w ramach poszczególnych rodzajów transportu obsługiwanych przez różnych operatorów. Rezultatem zintegrowania jest poprawa poziomu i jakości usług komunikacji publicznej.
The paper presents assumptions and selected results of research aimed at determining the impact of flight operations on noise in the neighborhood of a selected airport. The presented results have a preliminary character, in view of the form of research realization - it took place within the research team established in the Student Research Group "Zębatka" within the program Excellence Initiative - Research University. Researching the nuisance of aircraft noise is an important phenomenon and regulated by law. The study was preceded by an analysis of the literature, especially standards and legal acts, to determine the acceptable levels of noise near airports. Obtained measurements were analyzed using methods of processing acoustic signals to determine whether the activity of the airport does not cause exceeded appropriate standards in the study area.
W pracy zostały zaprezentowane założenia oraz wybrane wyniki badań mających na celu określenie wpływu realizacji operacji lotniczych na hałas w otoczeniu wybranego lotniska. Zaprezentowane wyniki mają charakter wstępny, co wynika z formy realizacji badań – odbywały się one w ramach zespołu badawczego powołanego w Studenckim Kole Naukowym „Zębatka” w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza. Prowadzenie badań uciążliwości hałasu lotniczego jest zjawiskiem ważnym i uregulowanym prawnie. Badania zostały poprzedzone analizą literatury, przede wszystkim norm i aktów prawnych, pod kątem określenia dopuszczalnych poziomów hałasu w pobliżu lotnisk. Otrzymane wyniki pomiarów analizowano z użyciem metod przetwarzania sygnałów akustycznych celem określenia, czy działalność lotniska nie powoduje na badanym obszarze przekroczenia właściwych norm.
In the daily operation of an airport, there are a multitude of hazards that can compromise operational safety; therefore, it is critical to monitor and identify these hazards as well as the associated risks. This work's main objective was to assess the operational risks and hazards that may arise from construction works in the airport environment by applying a methodology for the risk assessment based on historical data of aircraft incidents obtained from SKYbrary Aviation Safety and The Aviation Herald from 2000 to 2015. For this study, it was taken as a reference the expansion work at Jorge Chávez International Airport in the city of Lima, Peru. This is a large-scale project, with the construction of a second runway, a new control tower, taxiways, parking aprons, etc. Ten generic hazards were identified, from which thirty-seven potential risks were derived. However, most of them had a low probability of occurrence, so an "acceptable" tolerability prevailed. Among the recommendations presented (ATIS, NOTAM, visual signs, phraseology, signage, procedures, etc.), these are mainly focused on human factors and in phases 1 and 2 of the construction works, the critical phases where the current runway section is connected to the new taxiways giving access to the second runway.
Content available remote Totalna eksmisja a odszkodowania
This study assesses the operational safety and security of a category one airport in Nigeria, using the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja (NAIA) as the case study airport. Data were sourced using structured questionnaire and oral interviews. A total of 180 questionnaires were administered and 165 questionnaires were retrieved, amounting to a 91.7% rate of response. The structured questionnaire used aimed at identifying various safety and security parameters in the study area. This study examined the trend of the effectiveness of safety and security variable in airport operations, safety and employee’s attitude towards safety risk management using the Multicriteria Decision Analysis model to achieve this objective. The results show the weighty level, satisfaction index and effective index of the safety and security parameters used in the analysis with their score and effective index graph. Recommendation on how to improve the airport safety operations were made following policy implication on how to improve the safety management system of the airport.
Content available Position of central European regional airports
This article focuses on the position of regional airports in the countries of Central Europe, with a focus on the airports of the Visegrád Group, especially the airports in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The authors explain the financing of the airports and provision of state aid to these entities according to European legislation. This article reports differences in the national implementation processes of the same Europeans rules in the V4 Member State and compares the regime of financing of the regional airports. Subsequently, we analyse the economic situation of regional airports and their state based on financial indicators. In general, the current COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated their situation. Many countries still adhere to strict regulations or international travel bans so as not to spread the virus. The sharp decline in the number of passengers and flights has begun to have an impact on the financial viability of regional airports; therefore, financial assistance for regional airports will be more than necessary in the coming years.
Nawierzchnie lotniskowe stanowiące naziemną część pola manewrowego przeznaczonego do ruchu, postoju i obsługi statków powietrznych są niezwykle istotnym elementem infrastruktury lotniska. Głównym zadaniem nawierzchni jest przenoszenie obciążeń użytkowych od poruszających się lub stojących na nich statków powietrznych. Stan techniczny nawierzchni lotniskowych, który nie powinien budzić żadnych wątpliwości, jest elementem kluczowym dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa wykonywania operacji lotniczych. Metoda naprawcza polegająca na zastosowaniu prefabrykowanej płyty lotniskowej w miejscu nadmiernej degradacji płyt istniejących wprowadza pionierski sposób połączenia płyt z płytami sąsiednimi stwarzający nową jakość konstrukcyjną zwiększającą przestrzenną sztywność całego elementu funkcjonalnego nawierzchni. Przeprowadzone wymiarowanie oraz analiza statyczno-wytrzymałościowa prefabrykowanej płyty lotniskowej metodą elementów skończonych w aspekcie globalnego stanu wytężenia konstrukcji potwierdziły, że zastosowane rozwiązanie techniczne z wykorzystaniem połączenia dyblowanego zostało właściwie zaprojektowane, ponieważ korzystnie wpływa na redystrybucję obciążeń między współpracującymi płytami prefabrykowanymi. Przeprowadzone badania laboratoryjne i poligonowe w zakresie cech materiałowych oraz eksploatacyjnych dały jednoznacznie pozytywne wyniki, które przesądzają o celowości zastosowania i upowszechnienia przedmiotowej metody naprawczej. Doświadczenia wykonawcze zebrane w toku prowadzonej pracy pozwalają na stwierdzenie całkowitej sprawności technicznej zaproponowanego rozwiązania konstrukcyjnego. Biorąc pod uwagę stosunkowo szybką i łatwą wymianę płyt bez konieczności wprowadzania dłuższych przerw w ruchu lotniczym, technologia ta może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywana zarówno w lotnictwie cywilnym, jak i wojskowym, a potencjał zastosowania tego rozwiązania technicznego może być również wykorzystany w naprawach betonowych nawierzchni drogowych.
Airport pavements, constituting the ground part of the maneuvering area intended for the movement, parking and servicing of aircraft, are an extremely important element of the airport infrastructure. The main task of the pavement is to transfer utility loads from moving or standing aircraft. The technical condition of airport pavements, which should not raise any doubts, is a key element for ensuring the safety of air operations. The repair method consisting in the use of a prefabricated airport slab in the place of excessive degradation of existing slabs introduces a pioneering method of connecting slabs with adjacent slabs, creating a new construction quality that increases the spatial stiffness of the entire functional element of the pavement. The performed dimensioning and static - strength analysis of the prefabricated airport slab using the finite element method in the aspect of the global state of effort of the structure confirmed that the technical solution with the use of a dowel joint was properly designed, because it has a positive effect on the redistribution of loads transfer between cooperating prefabricated slabs. The conducted laboratory and field tests and operational features gave clearly positive results, which determine the purposefulness of the application and popularization of this repair method. The implementation experience gathered in the course of the work carried out allows to state the complete technical efficiency of the proposed design solution. Considering the relatively quick and easy replacement of the slabs without the need to introduce longer breaks in air traffic, this technology can be successfully used in both civil and military aviation. The potential of this technical solution can also be used in the repair of concrete road surfaces.
Content available remote Integracja lotnisk w Polsce z lokalnym transportem szynowym
Spośród 15 polskich lotnisk obsługujących regularne połączenia pasażerskie tylko 5 jest zintegrowanych z lokalnym pasażerskim transportem szynowym, przy czym integracja ta ma różną skalę, co przekłada się na efektywność połączeń intermodalnych i ich popularność wśród podróżnych. Istnieją także liczne plany budowy lub modernizacji linii kolejowych, a incydentalnie także tramwajowych celem usprawnienia dostępności portów lotniczych. Autor omawia istniejące i planowane (a także potencjalne) rozwiązania koncentrując się na transporcie lokalnym (aglomeracyjnym). Zagadnienie integracji CPK z siecią kolei dalekobieżnej jest tylko zarysowane jako temat o odmiennej specyfice i jako taki zasługujący na odrębną publikację.
Out of 15 Polish airports serving regular passenger connections, only 5 are integrated with local passenger rail transport, and this integration has a differ scale, which translates into the efficiency of intermodal connections and their popularity among travelers. There are also numerous plans to build or modernize railway lines and, incidentally, also tram lines to improve airport accessibility. Author of this paper discusses the existing and planned (as well as potential) solutions, focusing on local (agglomeration) transport. The issue of integration of CPK (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny = Central Transportation Hub) with the long-distance rail network is only outlined as a topic with different specificity and as such deserves a separate publication.
Content available Efficiency analyse of airport commercial area
The article is focused on analysis of financial cost effectiveness and the utilization of business premises in the terminal building of Bratislava Airport. Our analysis is based on a comparison of sales, profitability, and number of customers of individual newsagents of the GGT a. s. company, which operates three such newsagent stands at the examined airport. Each of the newsagents are located in a different part of the airport terminal, namely Schengen, non-Schengen and check-in area. The examined shops will serve as a practical example of the usability of these areas, and our goal is to find out which of these parts of the Bratislava Airport terminal building is most used by passengers and airport visitors. The data was collected for the period from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018, covering one full calendar year, which is a sufficient period for our analysis.
Artykuł koncentruje się na analizie opłacalności finansowej wykorzystania lokali użytkowych w budynku terminalu lotniska w Bratysławie. Nasza analiza opiera się na porównaniu sprzedaży, rentowności i liczby klientów poszczególnych kiosków firmy GGT a. s., która prowadzi trzy takie kioski na badanym lotnisku. Każdy z kiosków znajduje się w innej części terminala lotniska, a mianowicie w strefie Schengen, non-Schengen i strefie odpraw. Zbadane sklepy posłużą jako praktyczny przykład użyteczności tych terenów, a naszym celem jest dowiedzieć się, z której z tych części budynku terminalu lotniska w Bratysławie najczęściej korzystają pasażerowie i goście lotniska. Dane zostały zebrane za okres od 1 stycznia 2018 roku do 31 grudnia 2018 roku, obejmujący jeden pełny rok kalendarzowy, który jest wystarczającym okresem do naszej analizy.
This article presents the construction and technical concept for the use of an innovative repair of the airport pavement. It consists in embedding a prefabricated concrete slab in place of the excessively degraded surface of the existing slabs. In addition, the introduced technology of connecting adjacent panels together increases the spatial stiffness of the entire functional element and significantly increases the load-bearing capacity of the pavement. The results of laboratory and field tests presented in the article confirm the effectiveness of the technology used. As a result, the application of the reconstructing technology ensures the safety performance of aircraft operations at airports facilities.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została konstrukcyjno-techniczna koncepcja dotycząca zastosowania nowatorskiej naprawy nawierzchni lotniskowej. Polega ona na wbudowaniu prefabrykowanej płyty betonowej w miejscu nadmiernie zdegradowanej nawierzchni płyt istniejących. Ponadto wprowadzona technologia połączenia ze sobą płyt sąsiednich zwiększa przestrzenną sztywność całego elementu funkcjonalnego oraz znacząco wpływa na wzrost parametru nośności nawierzchni. Przedstawione w artykule wyniki przeprowadzonych badań laboratoryjnych i poligonowych potwierdzają skuteczność zastosowanej technologii. W rezultacie stosowanie przedmiotowej technologii napraw zapewnia bezpieczne wykonywanie operacji statków powietrznych na obiektach lotniskowych.
Air transport consists in moving people or goods by air. Aircrafts, known as the main means of air transport, can be divided into two categories: airplanes and helicopters. Such transport is the most modern and the most dynamically developing branch of transport. It is also considered to be the safest mode of transport, even though, for various reasons, aviation accidents still occur. Security in aviation has various connotations. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), it is a state in which the possibility of damage to persons or property is minimized and is maintained as part of a continuous process of hazard identification and safety risk management at an acceptable level or below this acceptable level. Aviation security includes flight safety and aviation security against acts of unlawful interference. There is a significant difference between the meaning of "safety" and "security". The first of these concepts means preventing unintentional damage, while the second refers to the procedures undertaken in order to prevent deliberate damage resulting from an intentional act. As it appears from the abovementioned information, the immovable part of aviation safety is aircraft protection, including the protection of civilian airports.The aim of the article is to draw attention to the problems of air transport security, including the security of airports, related to the evolution of threats and the functioning of the airport security system. The problem that the authors address is expressed in a question: in what directions should the current solutions in the field of air transport security be improved in order to effectively prevent acts of unlawful interference in the future? Theoretical research methods, such as the analysis and synthesis of information contained in literature and source materials, inference, comparison, were used to develop the article.
In the past, it was enough for the airport to have a runway and a modest terminal. The development of air traffic has also increased customer requirements (passengers, airlines, etc.), which has affected the need for airport infrastructure development. Throughout the world, passenger terminals have been built, many of which, according to architectural solutions, represent works of art. The design and functionality are tailored in such a way as to enable longer stay and meet the requirements of passengers and other users. Content and concept offer solutions that airport operators provide for additional revenue. One part of the content and service is offered in passenger terminal buildings, while the other part is provided outside them, whether in or outside the airport. Part of this content is offered by Airport City (AC). AC phenomenon represents the integration of infrastructure, superstructures, information and operations. It represents a part of the Supply Chain (SC) and usually includes facilities such as: passenger terminals, runways and other airport activities such as: ground handling, logistics, office space, shops, hotels, etc. In this paper, authors use a method of systems theory, a modeling method and a comparative method as a general and some specific scientific methods of cognition, to researching the problem to which different AC models and their structure can contribute to the optimal SC flow as its essential part and bring the results of the AC phenomenon as a part of the SC.
At present, airports are one of the few transport infrastructure facilities where we can see significant passenger comfort restrictions. In addition to several legal acts regulating precisely the rules of using this form of communication, we also deal with a continuous process of passenger flow management, broadly understood logistics and investment works, which significantly affect the airport's operational readiness. One of the essential elements related to air transport is the need to ensure air operations safety. The requirements and limitations associated with the transporting specific objects and substances and the tools for their detection are quite precisely defined in the applicable legal acts. These activities serve one purpose: to prevent acts of unlawful interference. However, the work indicates another element, perhaps less visible in the entire security control process, but equally crucial for the proper functioning of the security system. It is access control. The work shows the method of access control management in the context of an airport's functioning with many thousands of users. Bearing in mind the need to verify people moving around the airport and immediately react to all kinds of staff and structural rotations that directly affect people's rights to stay in specific airport zones, we can assess airport security level. Notably, the work shows the dependence of the entire airport's safety on managing its single link, which is the airport pass. This article also shows the impact of the automation of the access control management process on work efficiency and the effectiveness in achieving its primary goal, which is to protect the airport against unauthorized entry into the protected area.
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