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The paper describes the course of research on surface and interfacial phenomena as well as the obtained results, which were initiated by Professor Andrzej Waksmundzki in 1945 in the Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry organized by him at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. It has been developed over the years and is still being developed today. The Research Group of Interfacial Phenomena and Flotation was established in the Department, which was at that time headed by doc. Jerzy Szczypa. Then, in 1997 the Department of Interfacial Phenomena was established and currently, because of the reorganization of UMCS it functions as the Department of Interfacial Phenomena at the Institute of Chemical Sciences. Initially, the Group Research was focused on the problems of mineral enrichment using the flotation and foam separation methods. This also involved the research on the wettability of various solids, their surface free energy and methods of its determination, both theoretically and experimentally by measuring contact angles. The research on the electric a double layer and electrokinetic phenomena was also carried out. There were applied also gas chromatography and adsorption methods, as well as modern equipment for examining surface properties of solids and liquids. Over the years, the scope of research on these phenomena has expanded to include superhydrophobic surfaces, the use of plasma for solid surface modification, investigations on layers of biologically active substances on various substrates, and biopolymer films in terms of their biocompatibility and use in pharmacy and medicine. The stability of dispersed systems and emulsions, as well as the influence of external fields (electric and magnetic) on the stability of dispersed systems in terms of the scale deposition were studied. In parallel, extensive research was carried out on the adsorption, aggregation and wetting properties of different surfactants, sugar surfactants, biosurfactants, their multi-component mixtures and those with organic additives such as short-chain alcohols, which being developed. The details of the research and its published results can be found in the extensive bibliography attached to the paper.
In this work, activated nanocarbon derived from lignocellulose-rich groundnut shells was synthesized by KOH impregnation to enhance surface area and porosity, resulting in Groundnut Shell Activated Nanocarbon (GSANC) and thoroughly characterized for its porosity, particle size, crystallinity, combustion profile, functional groups, and surface morphology. It exhibited a type I N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm with an H4 hysteresis loop, indicative of a mix of micro and mesopores, with a high specific surface area of 665.80 m² g-1 and an average pore diameter of 2.97 nm. This nanoparticulate activated carbon exhibited exceptional performance in methylene blue (MB) dye adsorption, achieving a maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) of 212.76 mg g-1. The adsorption mechanisms included electrostatic interactions, π-π stacking, and hydrogen bonding, contributing significantly to its efficacy as an adsorbent highlighting its potential for applications in wastewater treatment.
Przegląd literaturowy dotyczący zastosowania materiałów mezoporowatych MCM-41 i MCM-48, także modyfikowanych organicznymi grupa mi funkcyjnymi, jako adsorbentów wybranych substancji o właściwościach przeciwutleniających. Dyskutowano zastosowanie adsorbentów jako nośników służących uwalnianiu wybranych kwasów fenolowych lub flawonoidów. Przedstawiono także adsorbenty o strukturze organicznej, dla substancji o charakterze flawonoidów.
A review, with 22 refs., of the use of MCM-41 and MCM-48 mesoporous materials, also modified with org. functional groups, as adsorbents of selected substances with antioxidant properties. Adsorbents with org. structure applied to flavonoid compds. were also presented. The use of adsorbents as carriers for the release of selected phenolic acids or flavonoids was discussed.
Porównano właściwości adsorpcyjne mezoporowatej krzemionki MCF oraz krzemionki koloidalnej (Aerosil®) wobec lidokainy jako modelowego leku miejscowo znieczulającego. Przeprowadzono matematyczną interpretację procesu adsorpcji, stosując modelowe izotermy Langmuira, Jovanovicia oraz Dubinina i Raduszkiewicza. Wykazano (izoterma Langmuira), że krzemionka MCF charakteryzuje się ponad dwukrotnie większą pojemnością adsorpcyjną (193,4 mg/g) wobec leku aniżeli krzemionka koloidalna (92,1 mg/g). Stosowane adsorbenty wykazały niewielką wydajność adsorpcji lidokainy w środowisku acetonitrylu, zaś dominującą siłą oddziaływania leku z powierzchnią krzemionek była adsorpcja fizyczna.
Licodaine was adsorbed from its solns. in MeCN on a mesoporous MCF silica and colloidal Aerosil. A math. description of the adsorption process was performed using the Langmuir, Jovanovic and Dubinin-Radushkevich model isotherms. MCF silica was characterized by twice the adsorption capacity (193.4 mg/g) as compared to colloidal silica (92.1 mg/g). Used adsorbents revealed low adsorption capacity towards lidocaine in MeCN. Phys. adsorption was the main force of the drug-silica surface interactions.
Content available remote Symulacja adsorpcji Au na TS-1 z wykorzystaniem reakcji HOPO
Obliczono energię adsorpcji atomów Au na sitach tytanowych wyko rzystywanych do epoksydacji propylenu do tlenku propylenu. War tości energii porównywano, wykorzystując moduły sorpcji i Forcite. Adsorpcja była głównie fizyczna, ale zaobserwowano również transfer elektronów na powierzchni styku Au-Ti, czyli adsorpcję chemiczną. Stanowiło to podstawę teoretyczną i kierunek dalszej optymalizacji struktury sita TS-1 z ładunkiem Au poprzez rozproszenie większej liczby cząstek Au w kanałach sita.
Adsorption energy of Au atoms on Ti sieves used for HOPO reaction was calcd. and compared by using the sorption and Forcite modules. The adsorption was primarily phys. one, but some electron transfer at the Au-Ti contact surface was also obsd. as chem. adsorption. This provid ed a theor. basis and direction for further optimizing the Au-loaded TS-1 structure by dispersing more Au particles into the sieve channels.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących zastosowania mezoporowatej krzemionki SBA-15 jako adsorbentu lidokainy. Przeprowadzono modelowanie procesu adsorpcji z zastosowaniem wielu równań izoterm (Freundlicha, Langmuira, Jovanovicia oraz Dubinina i Raduszkiewicza). Wartości parametrów modeli matematycznych oszacowano metodą dopasowania nieliniowego. Izoterma Jovanovicia najlepiej opisywała adsorpcję lidokainy na krzemionce SBA-15. Wykazano (model Dubinina i Raduszkiewicza) fizyczny charakter odziaływań leku z powierzchnią adsorbentu SBA-15.
Lidocaine was adsorbed from its solns. in MeCN on a SBA-15 mesoporous silica. The modeling of adsorption exptl. data was performed using several adsorption models such as Freundlich, Langmuir, Jovanovich and Dubinin-Radushkevich. The values of the math. model parameters were estimated using the nonlinear fitting method. The adsorption process onto SBA-15 silica was best described using Jovanovich isotherm. The phys. nature of the drug interactions with the SBA-15 adsorbent surface was demonstrated (Dubinin and Raduszkiewicz model).
W badaniach właściwości adsorpcyjnych stosowano trzy adsorbenty (mech torfowy, polioctan celulozy i diatomit), dla których wyznaczono wielkość adsorpcji oleju napędowego. Do celów opisu kinetyki adsorpcji wykorzystano model izotermy Langmuira. Przeanalizowano strukturę zewnętrzną poszczególnych adsorbentów metodą mikroskopii skaningowej SEM i analizę pierwiastkową SEM-EDS. Adsorbenty charakteryzowały się znaczną zawartością węgla, tlenu i krzemu. Zauważalne były również śladowe ilości innych pierwiastków.
Three adsorbents (peat moss, polycellulose acetate and diatomite) were used in the studies of adsorption of diesel oil at temp. of 293.15, 303.15 and 323.15 K. The Langmuir isotherm model was used to describe the adsorption kinetics. The anal. of the external structure of individual adsorbents was carried out using SEM, and the elemental anal. using SEM-EDS.
Content available remote Analiza wybranych konstrukcji wielozłożowego adsorpcyjnego układu chłodniczego
Omówiono budowę i funkcjonowanie prostego, jednozłożowego adsorpcyjnego układu chłodniczego. Dokonano analizy wybranych konstrukcji układów wielozłożowych. Zweryfikowano opracowany prototyp własnego rozwiązania systemu adsorpcyjnego. Zaprezentowano przykładowe wyniki z weryfikacji układu, dla którego osiągnięto temperaturę w parowniku na poziomie ok. 6°C. Innowacyjnym elementem tego układu był kształt prototypowych adsorberów ze stali nierdzewnej, które są wykonane jako dwa różne rozwiązania konstrukcyjne: walcowo-krzyżowy i walcowo-rurowy. Prezentowane systemy adsorpcyjne, ze względu na swoje parametry pracy, mogą być wykorzystywane do zagospodarowania niskotemperaturowego ciepła odpadowego w przemyśle.
The construction and operation of a simple single-bed adsorption refrigeration system were discussed. Selected designs of multi-bed systems were analyzed. A verified prototype of our own soln. of a threebed adsorption refrigeration system was presented. Examples of results from the verification of the system for which the temp. in the evaporator was reached at the level of approx. 6°C were presented. An innovative element of the system was the shape of the prototype stainless steel adsorbers, which were made in 2 different design solns.: cylindrical-cross and cylindrical-tube. Due to their operational parameters, the presented adsorption systems can be used for the management of low-temp. waste heat in industry.
This study focuses on the removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solutions using rice husk activated carbon (RHAC). The RHAC was subjected to characterization via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and X-ray florescence (XRF) to ascertain its functional groups, surface morphology, and oxide/elemental composition, respectively. Batch experiments were conducted to assess the impact of nitrate concentration, bed height, and number of packing layers on removal efficiency. FTIR spectra revealed favorable sorption-related functional groups within RHAC, while SEM analysis indicated the presence of effective sorption sites on its surface. EDS analysis of the rice husk adsorbent before adsorption (RHBS) demonstrated a significant composition of Si (42.20%), O (35.30%), and Ca (12.33%). The batch study unveiled a concentration-dependent decrease in nitrate removal efficiency, alongside the enhanced performance with increased bed height and number of packing layers. Kinetic data fitting favored the Yoon–Nelson and Adams–Bohart models. Overall, RHAC exhibited efficient nitrate ion removal, with column performance notably improved by utilizing multiple packing layers. These results will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in removing nitrate ions and highlight the potential effectiveness of RHAC, especially when utilized with multiple packing arrangements in column setups.
Currently, adsorption stands as a viable technique for the effective removal of pollutants such as heavy metals from water. Within this research endeavor, adapted green algae (Coelastrella sp.) have been harnessed as a sustainable and environmentally conscious adsorbent, employed in the removal of Hg(II) ions from a simulated aqueous solution via employment of an Airlift bioreactor. The analysis of the attributes of adsorbent was conducted through the utilization of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The examination of residual concentrations of Hg(II) ions in the treated solution was accomplished through the utilization of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The impact of various experimental factors, including the duration of contact (ranging from 10 to 90 minutes), initial concentrations of Hg(II) ions (ranging from 500 to 2000 μg/l), quantity of adsorbent introduced (ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 g per 250 ml), temperature variations (ranging from 20 to 40° C), and airflow velocity (ranging from 200 to 300 ml/min), was systematically examined. For the optimization of adsorption efficiency, MINITAB 18 software was employed. The equilibrium data was subjected to analysis using the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherm models. Employing the framework recommended by MINITAB 18, the optimal parameters for adsorption were identified as 2000 μg/l for initial concentration, 90 minutes for contact time, 40° C for temperature, and 300 ml/min for airflow rate. The Langmuir equation yielded the highest adsorption capacity, measuring 750 μg/g at a temperature of 40° C.
With the paramount development of industry and agriculture sector, levels of different pollutants like, heavy metal ions, pharmaceuticals, organic dyes, biological waste and other pollutants are becoming serious. The ecosystem and human health suffered greatly from the adverse effects of these pollutants. The disposal of these pollutants has become an urgent issue for the human society. Graphene oxide base nanocomposites have generated an excellent extent of focus as desirable alternatives for the adsorptive elimination of contaminants from aqueous systems owing to their enhanced surface area and multiple functional groups for adsorption. Graphene oxide (GO) as a graphene derivative exhibited superior features as obtainable in a graphene sheet. Moreover, the addition of oxygen functional group at the edges and basal plane of graphene further enhanced the efficiency of the graphene by providing sites for the attachment of different metals on the surface. On the underlying adsorption processes, graphene-based nanocomposites for specific contaminants are designed and currently employed for wastewater treatment. This review presents the ongoing development of GO base nanocomposites and their useful applications, understanding how well graphene-based nanocomposites adsorb pollutants and how that relates to the ways in which pollutants interact with adsorbents is crucial. This study highlights newly developed trends in the creation of graphene oxide based nanocomposites to eliminate different heavy metal ions, dyes, pharmaceuticals, and oils spills from effluent water. The focus is on various graphene oxides nanocomposites application for the removal of different pollutants and regeneration of graphene oxide base nanocomposites after several adsorption cycles. Other challenges and potential directions for designing efficient GO based nanocomposites as adsorbents are also presented along with the problems of current studies.
Dolomite is a common carbonate mineral that can release CO2 gas under acidic conditions. The formation of bubbles on the dolomite surface might play a critical role in the flotation separation of dolomite from apatite. In this study, the CO2 bubbles formation due to CO2 gas releasing from the dolomite surface under acidic condition was observed using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The influence of CO2 bubbles on flotation behavior and surface wettability of dolomite was evaluated through micro-flotation test, contact angle measurement and molecular dynamics simulation. The results indicate that no gas phase points were observed on the dolomite surface in deionized water or sodium oleate (NaOL) solution. CO2 nanobubbles were observed on the dolomite surface treated with NaOL solution at pH 5, with an average size of 44 nm. The presence of CO2 gas layers has a shielding effect on the adsorption of water molecules on the dolomite surface, potentially enhancing the surface hydrophobicity of dolomite. Therefore, CO2 bubbles are beneficial for improving flotation recovery of dolomite. This study inspires the idea of utilizing the released CO2 bubbles in the flotation process of dolomite.
Rare earths (REs) are primarily adsorbed in ionic form on the surface of clay minerals such as halloysite in ionic rare earth ores. As a result, understanding the adsorption and desorption behaviors of RE ions on the surface of the halloysite may contribute to clarifying the mineralization process of ionic rare earth ores and provide a theoretical framework for the optimization of the extraction process. The adsorption and desorption characteristics of light (Nd3+), medium (Eu3+), and heavy (Lu3+) RE ions on the surface of halloysite-10 Å were comprehensively examined in this study. Because REs are more inclined to form an outer layer and inner layer adsorption when halloysite is protonated and deprotonated with the range of pH, respectively, pH has a significant impact on how halloysite adsorbs and desorbs. The experiment findings indicate that RE concentration, duration, and pH all increased the adsorption capacity of light, medium, and heavy REEs, and exhibited some selectivity for heavy REEs. Nd3+, Eu3+ and Lu3+ ions adsorption processes on the surface of Halloysite-10 Å are consistent with the Langmuir isothermal adsorption model and pseudo-second-order kinetic equations. The desorption efficiency of Lu3+ decreases dramatically with increasing pH due to hydrolysis and more inner layer adsorption than that of Nd3+ and Eu3+.
Adsorption methods are widely used in the removal of heavy metals from aquatic environments, and adsorbents are crucial for adsorption efficiency. In this study, a magnetic nanoparticle composite material, Fe3O4@PEG@IL, modified with an imidazole-based ionic liquid [Cn MIm ]HCO3 (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) was used as an adsorbent to adsorb the heavy metal chromium (Cr(vi)) in aquatic environments, and the adsorption conditions were optimized. Moreover, the selective adsorption of Cr(vi) by the adsorbent was explored. The results show that when the pH value of the aqueous solution was 3.0, the solution temperature was 65℃, the amount of Fe3O4@PEG@IL added was 25 mg, and the time of adsorption reaction was 2.5 h, a good adsorption effect would be achieved, with an adsorption rate of 99.5%. Meanwhile, Fe3O4@PEG@IL had high adsorption selectivity for Cr(vi), and heavy metal cations, such as Pb2+, Hg2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+, did not interfere with the adsorption of Cr(vi). Moreover, the adsorbent was easy to recover and had good reusability.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a crucial role in soil ecosystems by significantly impacting their stability and functioning. This study aims to analyze the practical application of AMF by combining them with environmental nanomaterials (ENs) to create AMF–EN. This study investigated the ecotoxicological effects and pollutant adsorption properties of this material. From the biotoxicity experiments on the composite, it was determined that the growth rate of plant cells under the influence of the nanocomposite was 7.49%, notably surpassing that of titanium dioxide (TD) nanomaterials, which was estimated to be 5.58%. Additionally, the adsorption properties of AMF–ENs were examined. The results showed that the concentration of soil pollutants under the influence of AMF–TD nanocomplexes in the tested soils was 58.6 mg/g, which was significantly lower than that of TD nanomaterials. The outcomes demonstrate that the physiological toxicity and adsorption properties of environmental nanocomplexes with AMF have been optimized. Consequently, the combination of AMF and environmental nanocomplexes in the preparation can efficiently enhance the ecological effect of ENs.
The growth of the laundry business increases every year along with population growth, however the laundry waste produced is generally thrown straight into the drain and flows into water bodies without prior treatment. The threshold limits for laundry wastewater quality standards for phosphate content, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solid (TSS) are 10 mg/L, 250 mg/L and 100 mg/L respectively based on East Java Governor Regulation No. 72 of 2013. Disposing of laundry waste directly in large quantities into water bodies can have negative effects on the ecosystem in water bodies and water pollution problems. This research aims to determine the efficiency of using GAC and zeolite adsorbents in reducing phosphate, COD and TSS levels in laundry liquid waste. Based on the impact that can pollute water bodies, it is necessary to process laundry liquid waste. One of the processing methods used is the adsorption method, the adsorption process is carried out using granular activated carbon (GAC) and zeolite with a batch system. This research uses liquid wastewater samples from laundry businesses. The variations used in this research are the adsorbent mass, and contact time. The results obtained from this research include Scanning Electron Microscope test results and the percentage reduction in phosphate, COD and TSS levels using GAC and zeolite adsorbents in batch systems. The research results show that the optimum adsorbent mass is 12 grams of adsorbent mixed with GAC and zeolite with a contact time of 150 minutes with a percentage reduction in phosphate levels of 57.14%, a percentage reduction in COD levels of 63.11% and a percentage reduction in TSS levels of 53.11%. The phosphate, COD and TSS values of laundry liquid waste after processing with adsorbent mass, adsorbent composition and optimum contact time are 6.5 mg/L and 383.5 mg/L and 84.5 mg/L.
In the current study, a novel composite (Fe3O4 @MnO2@Al2O3) was prepared to remove crystal violet dye and cadmium from aqueous solutions. The coprecipitation method was utilized to synthesize the composite. Batch studies were carried out using a contact period of 0.5–3 hours, an initial crystal violet and cadmium content of 50–200 mg/L, an agitation speed of 50–200 rpm, a pH of 4–12, and a composite dosage of 0.2–1.0 g per 50 mL of contaminated solution. The isotherm and kinetics models were formulated the experimental data. XRD, SEM-EDS, and FTIR analyses were utilized for composite characterization. The results revealed that the removal efficacy of crystal violet dye was 99.311% at 1 g of adsorbent, pH 12, 50 mg/L, 1 hour, and 200 rpm. The removal efficacy for cadmium (Cd) is 99.7296% at 1 g of sorbent mass at pH 6, 50 mg/L, 1 hour, and 200 rpm. The outcomes demonstrated that the Langmuir model could accurately depict the sorption of crystal violet dye onto the composite with R2 (0.9882) and SSE (0.7084). On the basis of Freundlich, the capacity of the composite to reflect cadmium sorption was assessed by its highest R2(0.8947) and lowest SSE (8.5149). The pseudo-second-order model is a more realistic way to explain how cadmium and crystal violet dye sorb onto the composite. The results showed that the composite is effective in eliminating target pollutants, since cadmium has a maximum adsorption capacity of 48.5052 mg/g and crystal violet dye has a capacity of 40.9682 mg/g. Therefore, (Fe3O4 @MnO2@Al2O3) can be used as efficient sorbent for removing Cd and crystal violet dye from synthetic industrial wastewater.
Referring to the oil and industrial development, contamination of water streams and soil by heavy metals becomes severe issue. Biochar has consider as cheap and ecofriendly adsorbent for heavy metal ions removal. As well as, the development and modification of biochar has been a center point of many researches. In this study it has been suggested to develop novel biochar from Peganum harmala seed precursor and evaluate the heavy metal ions adsorption performance. Chemical activation process was adopted to prepare biochar with different concentrations (20%, 30%, and 40%) of phosphoric acid followed by pyrolysis in a laboratory horizontally tube furnace underneath an N2 blanket at 600°C for 3 hours. The physical and chemical properties of biochar have been assessed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, pore structure, and Fouriertransform analysis. The prepared biochar was investigated to absorb three different heavy metal ions Fe(III), Ni(II) and Pb(II) from an aqueous solution under varied conditions. Heavy metal concentration (20–100 ppm), adsorbent dosage (0.25–0.75) g/L, contact duration (0–560 min), and solution pH (2–9) were examined. The results show that the largest BET surface area (691.58 m2/g) was achieved with activation conversation of 40% H3PO4 and 600°C for 3 hours, compared to other samples. The maximum adsorption capacities were 113.4096, 112.3355, 180.3478 mg/g for Fe(III), Ni(II) and Pb(II) respectively. Finally, Freundlich isotherm model shows better describe the adsorption equilibrium data, while adsorption kinetic data shows the pseudo-first-order model fits more with Fe(III) ions which shows that chemisorption was controlled in the adsorption process, additionally the pseudo-first-order model fits more with Pb(II) and Ni(II) ions this mean the physisorption has been controlled in the adsorption process.
Heavy metal pollution, mainly originating from textile waste containing synthetic dyes and stabilizers such as Fe, alum, and lime, poses serious risks to health and the environment. To overcome this problem, this research explores the use of activated carbon for heavy metal reduction. Empty palm oil fruit bunches (EFB) offer a promising source of activated carbon due to their high lignocellulose content and functional groups (-OH and -COOH) that enhance heavy metal adsorption. In addition, carbide waste, which is classified as hazardous and toxic waste, poses an ecological threat if disposed of incorrectly. This research focuses on the use of EFB waste and carbide to reduce Fe metal in Fe metal synthesis waste. Various adsorbent ratios (2:2.5, 2.5:2, and 2.5:2.5) and contact times ranging from 30 to 150 min were investigated, with an initial metal synthesis waste concentration of 40 mg/L. The findings showed that longer contact times resulted in the removal of large amounts of Fe(II) metal, with rates reaching 94.325%. The increase in the pH of the adsorbent mixture is caused by the alkaline nature of carbide waste in activated carbon. The Langmuir isotherm model provided the best fit to the data, with a correlation Equation of y = 0.3882x + 1.4823 (R2 = 0.995, RL = 0.556), which shows the effectiveness of the TKS-carbide waste mixture in reducing Fe(II) ions in the waste textile. The Freundlich isotherm model also showed a reasonable fit, with a correlation equation of y = -0.2804x – 0.0133 (R2 = 0.95). In summary, EFB-carbide waste adsorbent is a successful, consistent, and environmentally friendly solution for the reduction of heavy metals in textile waste.
In this article, buckthorn twigs were used to prepare activated carbon preparation by chemical activation with a microwave technique for removing diesel oil from water. buckthorn twigs and activated carbon were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis techniques. Design-Expert (13 Stat-Ease) with response surface methodology (RSM) was selected to identify and analyze the effects of activated carbon preparation factors. These factors include impregnation ratio, impregnation time, and microwave power with exposure time on the adsorption of methylene blue dye. Likewise, the effects of adsorption factors including; diesel oil concentration, pH, adsorption time, and adsorbent dosage on the removal efficiency were studied. The results showed that the maximum removal efficiency was 96.0823% with the significance of all adsorption factors. The adsorption data were fitted with the adsorption isotherm and kinetics models. The results showed that Freundlich and second-order kinetic models well described diesel oil adsorption, thus elucidating the applicability of multilayer and chemosorption processes. In addition, the thermodynamics parameters of diesel oil adsorption were determined, and the results demonstrated a spontaneous and endothermic adsorption process.
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