Background: The importance and market share of e-commerce has been increasing with the COVID-19 pandemic in recent days. Employees sometimes cannot go to the workplace due to epidemics such as COVID-19 that is spreading rapidly around the world, natural disasters and accidents. Companies can continue to serve their customers with the internet infrastructure and computer technologies they will provide to their employees. Thus, e-commerce companies can provide a sustainable competitive advantage in the sector. Working with the right suppliers is one of the important decisions that will improve the service quality of the firms and affect the sustainability of the enterprise. Methods: This study aims to select the best laptop for a company in the online trade industry using Entropy-based EDAS, CODAS and TOPSIS methods. In the study, 6 alternative laptops have been evaluated according to hard disk capacity, ram, battery power, processor speed, weight, price criteria. The Entropy method has been used to identify the weights of the criteria in the study. These criteria weights have been used in EDAS, CODAS and TOPSIS methods. TOPSIS, EDAS and CODAS methods have been used to determine the best alternative. Also, the correlation between the results of the TOPSIS, EDAS and CODAS methods has been examined with the Spearman Correlation approach. Results: As a result of the Entropy method, it has been determined that the most important criterion is the hard disk capacity criterion. TOPSIS, EDAS and CODAS method results have been compared and the most suitable alternative has been selected. According to the results of the study, the best alternative has been selected as A5. Spearman Correlation analysis results show that there was a strong positive relationship between the methods used and the results obtained. Conclusions: The study differs from existing studies in the literature in that it is the first study in which laptop selection was made using TOPSIS, EDAS and CODAS methods together. The results of this study can be compared with the results of future studies that will be carried out using different MCDM methods and different data.
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The development of ICT facilitates replacing of traditional buying-selling processes withe-commerce solutions. Waiving the direct buyer-seller communication creates risks for both the buyer and the seller. If several customers are served at the same time, processes can interference each other. The paper offers a method to identify purchase/sale risks: (1) in single-customer, (2) in simultaneous multi-customer service processes. First, a model of the buying-selling process is created and conditions for the correctness of process execution are formulated. Then an analysis of all possible scenarios is performed using a symbolic execution. The obtained result allows to identify risks of e-commerce solution.
Purpose: The paper presents the issues related to the development of electronic commerce. Design/methodology/approach: The study used world-bank reports from statista portal. Findings: The purpose of this article is to present the development of electronic commerce and investment climate of Poland on the example of Lower Silesia created by economic, social, political and legal-administrative conditions. The economic conditions inform the foreign investor about the condition of the economy of the country receiving the investment. Functioning types of e-business and basic business models used in e-commerce were also presented. Furthermore, they were characterized by payment methods used in online sales. Based on a chart developed on the basis of statistical data analysis of consumer-preferred online payment methods was also made. Originality/value: The publication presents the results of research conducted on the basis of statista international portal.
The shops of today mostly support the customer by offering him or her products based on basic relationships between products viewed or ordered by users with similar tastes. This common approach may fail in many cases especially when the user does not have sufficient knowledge about the market, or when he or she wants to build a set of products in more than one shop. New categories of smart shop services are proposed in order to execute such customer-oriented scenarios where recommended products do meet mutual dependencies with products previously ordered by the customer. An attempt is made to collect additional information about the behavior of users (from past and current contexts) and represent it in a targeted graph called the customer-oriented scenario. Four types of such scenarios are distinguished depending on how many shops have been visited by the user before buying the expected products and how many products the user wants to buy. Moreover, the proposed scenario model provides the possibility of showing which services had been used by the user before the selection was made. Customer-oriented scenarios may be created post factum based on event data logs or before the user will use the shop, which means that it can be arranged which information, knowledge sources (internal or external), products or categories should be suggested in some context of the user's decision. The possibility of leveraging additional smart services into a traditional trading platform may help users, especially when they want to implement a complex scenario and order many products with mutual dependencies or in a situation when the user wants to understand the market before buying something. Using internal and external services allows creating a network for distributing knowledge focused on the actual customer context in a shop.
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The main aim of this article is to identify customers' opinions concerning the place, role and influence of electronic marketing tools on making purchases on the Internet. The authors have applied the division of e-marketing into its traditional and electronic forms, on desktop computers and mobile devices, which was significant due to diversified opinions of clients concerning its use. The studies have been carried out with the application of a CAWI method examining a convenient, randomly selected sample of clients who are active in the Internet. The studies were aimed at evaluating specific e-marketing media and techniques which, in the customers' view, influenced shopping on the Internet. In particular, the respondents commented on the advantages, disadvantages and benefits resulting from the application of e-marketing on mobile devices. The conclusions and recommendations from the study may contribute to better use of these factors in order to facilitate consumers' purchases, not only in the Internet.
Dynamika rozwoju e-commerce jest generatorem zmian w podejściu do obsługi klienta i produkcji towarów. W artykule wymieniono główne kierunki rozwoju handlu elektronicznego oraz przedstawiono możliwości ich wykorzystania w koncepcji przemysłu 4.0. W artykule przedstawiono główne kierunki rozwoju e-commerce oraz możliwości ich wykorzystania w koncepcji przemysłu 4.0. Artykuł zawiera szczegółową dyskusję na temat problemów związanych z połączeniem koncepcji ecommerce i Industry 4.0. Głównym celem badań jest wyjaśnienie, w jaki sposób cyfrowy proces sprzedaży może w przyszłości wspierać przemysł wytwórczy. Przedstawiono najważniejsze czynniki i stymulatory wpływające na rynek e-commerce. Ponadto, opisano te, które mają na niego największy wpływ oraz możliwości wykorzystania ich w e-commerce.
The dynamics of e-commerce development is a generator of changes in the approach to customer service and production of goods. In the article the main directions of development of ecommerce and the possibilities of their using in the concept of Industry 4.0 are presented. The paper is providing a detailed discussion of the issues surrounding a join of e-commerce and the Industry 4.0 concept. The main aim of the research is to explain how the digital sales process can support the manufacturing industry in the future. The most important factors and stimulators affecting the ecommerce market were listed. In addition, those that have the most impact on it and the possibilities of using them in e-commerce are described.
The purpose of the article is to study the structure and capacity of the Ukrainian logistics market. Based on the use of statistical methods, mathematical modeling, forecasting, the main development trends of the market of logistics services in Ukraine are determined. The research results can be used both in scientific sphere and for making investment decisions in the practice of players of the Ukrainian market.
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Jakość jest różnie definiowana w literaturze, może także być inaczej postrzegana przez klienta i usługodawcę. Niemniej jednak w każdym rodzaju działalności gospodarczej dostrzega się konieczność zapewnienia jakości na jak najwyższym poziomie. W handlu internetowym jakość również staje się standardem. W artykule ograniczono się do detalicznego handlu internetowego oraz perspektywy sprzedawcy on-line. Celem opracowania jest wykazanie, że jakość w handlu internetowym z punktu widzenia usługodawcy to nie tylko konieczność, nakłady i nieustanne działania doskonalące, ale także wielokrotnie większe korzyści, takie jak wzrost satysfakcji klienta i jego lojalności, zwiększenie poziomu konkurencyjności i rynku zbytu przedsiębiorstwa handlowego oraz poprawa jego efektywności i produktywności usług.
Quality is defined differently in the literature, may also be differently perceived by the customer and the service provider. However, in any kind of business, there is recognized the need to ensure quality at the highest level. Also, the quality of online trading is becoming the standard. This article is limited to the retail Internet trading and perspective of on-line seller. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the quality of Internet commerce from the perspective of the service provider is not only a necessity, effort and continuous improvement actions but also many times greater benefits such as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase the level of competitiveness and market for the trading company and improving its efficiency and productivity services.
This article is dedicated to the development of standardized methods and software for information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS). In this paper an actual scientific problem of methods and tools development and research of information resources processing in ECCS was solved with the use of designed classification, mathematical tools, software and generalized ECCS architecture.
Artykuł jest poświęcony rozwojowi znormalizowanych metod i oprogramowania do przetwarzania zasobów informacyjnych w systemach handlu treścią elektroniczną (ECCS). W artykule pokazano rozwiązania aktualnego problemu naukowego projektowania i badań przetwarzania zasobów informacyjnych w ECCS z wykorzystaniem metod i dedykowanych narzędzi matematycznych, oprogramowania i uogólnionej architektury ECCS.
The development of electronic commerce over the past several years has progressed very rapidly. On 25 December 2014 the Consumer Rights Act, which applies, among others, to e-commerce, came into force. The act introduces new rules for consumer protection as a consequence of the implementation of the Directive 2011/83/EU into the Polish legal system. This implementation resulted in, among others, changes in the formulation of rules and regulations of electronic services, intensification of the information obligation and abolition of legal barriers to crossborder e-commerce. The need to adapt websites is often troublesome for entrepreneurs, however the increase in the catalogue of consumer rights should increase the number of electronic transactions.
W artykule omówiono zasady działania e-biznesu jako rodzaju rozwijającej się działalności gospodarczej, która w swoim zasięgu i istnieniu posługuje się Internetem. Czynnikiem, który sprzyja powstawaniu takich przedsiębiorstw transportowych i spedycyjnych jest bardzo szybki rozwój technologii informatycznych, sieci komórkowych, w tym również sieci internetowych, w wyniku czego takie podmioty stają się ważną częścią gospodarki narodowej. Powoduje to bardzo wyraźny wpływ na tworzenie nowoczesnych technologii systemów transportowych oraz zintegrowanych systemów transportowych. Wspólnie z rozwojem technologii informatycznej i jej zastosowań biznesowych wyraźnie zmienił się sposób prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Zmniejszyła się ilość dokumentacji i polepszyła się jakość komunikacji zarówno w biznesie, jak i w życiu prywatnym, co spowodowało powstanie nowego rodzaju działalności przedsiębiorstw, jakim jest elektroniczny biznes, określany także skrótem e-biznes. Rynek elektroniczny wspomaga i automatyzuje działalność przedsiębiorstwa transportowego poprzez wykorzystanie systemów informatyczno-telekomunikacyjnych w planowaniu przebiegu operacji transportowych, znajdowaniem zleceń, monitorowania pojazdu i jakości przewożonego ładunku, zabezpieczenia fizycznego naczepy ciężarowej przed kradzieżą, zabezpieczenia przewożonego towaru, przesyłanie do rozliczania dokumentacji przewozowej oraz całościowe monitorowanie przewozu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zintegrowanego narzędzia informatycznego, jego możliwości technicznych i sposobu wykorzystania giełdy transportowej WTRANSNET jako podstawowego narzędzia pracy spedytora drogowego.
Together with the development of information technology and its business applications clearly has changed the way of doing business. Decreased amount of documentation and improved quality of communication both in business and in private life, which has resulted in the emergence of a new kind of business, which is an electronic business, also called an abbreviation for e-business. This article describes the principles of e-business as a kind of growing a business, which in scope and existence is the Internet. A factor that favors the formation of such transport companies is very rapid development of information technology, including Internet network, with the result that such entities have become an important part of the economy. This causes a very clear impact on creating a modern transport technologies and integrated transport systems. The market for electronic supports and automates the activities of the transport undertaking through the use of information systems-telecommunications planning min. transport operations, finding jobs, and monitoring.
Znaczenie internetowych serwisów aukcyjnych nieustannie rośnie ponieważ portale aukcyjne stanowią jedno z wielu rozwiązań handlu elektronicznego. Serwisy aukcyjne oferują możliwość łączenia tradycyjnej licytacji z opcją zakupu natychmiastowego. Artykuł przedstawia logistykę handlu elektronicznego wybranym portali aukcyjnych, z uwzględnieniem analizy przebiegu transakcji, obsługę klienta, funkcjonalność witryny internetowej oraz oferty serwisów aukcyjnych.
The importance of online auction sites is constantly growing because auction sites are one of the many e-commerce solutions. Auction services offer the possibility of combining traditional auction with option to purchase immediately. The article presents the selected e-commerce logistics auction portals, including the analysis of transactions, customer service, website functionality, and offers auction services.
Niniejsza praca naukowa przedstawia aspekty dotyczące elektronicznych systemów płatniczych. Zaprezentowano i przeanalizowano w niej kilka wybranych i istniejących systemów. Systemy płatnicze są istotnym elementem w procesie handlu elektronicznego. Handel elektroniczny lub w skrócie e-handel jest pojęciem, które oznacza proces kupna-sprzedaży lub wymiany produktów, usług i informacji, z wykorzystaniem różnych sieci komputerowych włącznie z Internetem. W większości przypadków, e-handel jest ściśle związany z systemami płatności, które prowadzą do tworzenia niektórych rodzajów pieniądza elektronicznego oraz niektórych specyficznych usług płatniczych. W tej pracy zostały opisane mechanizmy płatności, architektura i funkcje elektronicznego systemu płatności i e-pieniądza. Wraz z elektronicznym systemem płatności, pojawiły się również przestępstwa i nadużycia internetowe.
The paper presents aspects concerning online payment systems. Several selected and existing systems are presented and analyzed. Payment systems are vital elements in the process of e-commerce. The electronic commerce or E-Commerce is a concept that represents the buy and sale process or exchange of the products, services, information, using a computer network, inclusively the Internet. In the majority of cases, E-Commerce is closely linked to payment systems that lead to creation of kinds of electronic money and specific payment services. The payment mechanisms, the architecture, the functions of the online payment system and E-Cash are described. Along with the online payment systems Internet fraud and cheating appeared. To prepare this article, information available from the Internet, as well as the official websites of government institutions, banks, portals, European Union, national and international media was used.
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The article includes presentation of poll research results done among customers and owners of internet shops. The main differences amongst traditional and internet commerce were marked out. Development directions of electronic commerce were formulated on the basis of research results.
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The aim of this article is to present the results of the author's own research on electronic commerce and electronic business utilisation, carried out amongst Polish enterprises from the textile and clothing sector. The most important statistical data obtained from the research and overall conclusions based on them are presented.
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Praca dotyczy badań nad stopniem wykorzystania handlu i biznesu elektronicznego w przemyśle tekstylno-odzieżowym oraz ich wpływu na ten przemysł. W tym celu przeprowadzono badania empiryczne wśród polskich przedsiębiorstw ww. sektora, przeanalizowano uwarunkowania prawne dotyczące handlu i biznesu elektronicznego międzynarodowych organizacji zajmujących się handlem (takich jak Światowa Organizacja Handlu - WTO, Unia Europejska, i inne), a także przeanalizowano wszystkie dostępne programy Unii Europejskiej pod kątem ich przydatności w finansowaniu projektów związanych z handlem elektronicznym oraz technologiami ICT (ang. information and communication technologies) dla firm sektora tekstylno-odzieżowego.
The structure of the thesis was subordinated to the specific goals and research hypotheses. It consists of four main chapters and conclusions. Chapter one is of an introductory character. It presents a short history of internet, basic aspects of electronic commerce and business, such as its models or unique features with respect to traditional commerce. Basic statistical data concerning the electronic commerce with particular reference to trade of products from textile and clothing sector, as well as those concerning the number of users of internet in the world and in Poland are given. The conclusions from the report concerning the electronic commerce in the textile and clothing sector in the European Union prepared by the eBusiness W@tch organization in 2005 with the comments of the author, and the new ICT paradigm are also presented. Chapter two is devoted to the legal aspects of electronic commerce. At first the regulations of the international organizations such as the WTO, OECD and UNCITRAL are presented. In the next part of this chapter the EU directives are thoroughly described, as Poland is a member of this organization and its regulations are the most important for our country. The last part of the chapter is devoted to the analysis of Polish legal system and its adjustments to the regulations of international organizations. Chapter three is dedicated to presenting and analyzing the empirical research carried out on the basis of questionnaires among enterprises from Polish textile and clothing sector, and drawing conclusions from those results. The research was aimed at checking the level of utilization of electronic commerce and business in those companies and evaluation if their influence on the firms was positive. From the point of view of the main goal of the thesis it is the most important chapter. Chapter four presents the analysis of a wide range of the EU programs with respect to their usefulness for companies from textile and clothing sector in order to achieve direct (financial) and indirect assistance for projects connected with ICT. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the final conclusions and summary of the performed researches and analyses.
In the abstract have been described basic kinds of information systems of e-procurement type. Have been showed capabilities of their utilization and advantages and disadvantages of adopted solutions. Author started discerning analysis of systems from revealing the capabilities that systems carry along during realization of bids. On the occasion of the theme there were showed conditionings and directions of development of those systems. In the following chapters of the article have been appeared other forms of e-procurement. In the first place it has been described as a system supporting, in the broad sense of the term, process of supplies in the firm, after words have been given advantages of enlargement of interactions' spectrum on whole company. In the recap there were showed aspects confirming advisability of creating B2B systems, which support activity of operators in the time of market economy. In the second part of article have been showed aspects of modeling and implementation of systems under discussion. Author, step by step, will present factors, which are essential for creation of fully functional e-procurement service. Also descriptions of programming tools, used for building those applications, will be the part of aspects under consideration. Author will use a short comparison to show the best, in his opinion, tools and to present methods of their use in order to produce correctly implemented system.
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The aim of this work is presentation of AJAX framework and its using for building e-commerce information system to aid enterprise activity. AJAX technology enables to base on existing and tested standards without requiring creating new tools to menage of AJAX. Application e-commerce contains, managing template, besides client-side standard template, that is substituted for additional programms.
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Globalizacja jest jednym z najistotniejszych zjawisk zachodzących we współczesnym świecie, kształtuje bowiem nową rzeczywistość społeczno-ekonomiczną. Rewolucja komunikacyjna i informacyjna, z jaką mamy do czynienia, zmienia sposoby prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Coraz więcej firm przenosi swoje procesy biznesowe do Internetu. Jednym z istotnych nowych zjawisk jest dynamiczny rozwój handlu elektronicznego. Celem artykułu jest analiza procesów rozwojowych w obrocie handlu elektronicznego w Polsce i w świecie.
Nowadays globalization is one of the most important processes in the world. Internet has madę that the borders between countries have lost their earlier meaning. Internet is successfully used as a new delivery vehicle. The propose of this article is to analyze the main trends in developing of electronic commerce Poland comparison then with world trends.
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Since the introduction of the Internet and e-commerce in the mid 1990s, there has been a lot of hype surrounding e-business and the impact that it will have on the way that companies do business and how it will change the global economy as a whole. After the crash of the dotcom's in 2001 there has been much less hype surrounding the use of the Internet for business. There seems to have been a realization that e-business may not be the answer to all of a company's problems, but can be a great asset in the struggle to increase the efficiencies in daily business dealings and that the Web is primarily a new way of relating to customers and suppliers. This paper categorizes and discusses the different types of business-to-business electronic business models currently being used by businesses and discussed in the academic literature and shows how these business models are being implemented within the textile industry. This paper is divided into three parts. Part I gives an overview and some important definitions associated with business-to-business e-business and discusses some characteristics that are unique to doing business on the Internet. Risks and benefits associated with doing business online are also discussed. Part II analyzes the different types of e-business models seen in the academic literature. Based on the analysis of the literature, a taxonomy of e-business models was developed. This new classification system organized e-business models into the following categories: sourcing models, ownership models, service-based models, customer relationship management models, supply chain models, interaction Models and revenue models. Part III reviews how these e-business models are currently being used within the textile industry. A preliminary analysis of 79 textile manufacturing companies was conducted to identify the applications of e-business.
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