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The recycling of lithium and iron from spent lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries has gained attention due to the explosive growth of the electric vehicle market. To recover both of these metal ions from the sulfuric acid leaching solution of spent LiFePO4 batteries, a process based on precipitation was proposed in this study. Since ferric and ferrous ions coexisted in the leaching solution, all the ferrous ions were first oxidized to ferric ions by adding H2O2 to the leaching solution. About 99% iron(III) was recovered as iron phosphate by adjusting the solution pH to 2 at 25°C for 30 mins. After the precipitation of iron phosphate, the remaining Li(I) in the filtrate was recovered as lithium carbonate by precipitation with Na2CO3 as a precipitant. Addition of acetone to the filtrate at room temperature greatly enhanced the precipitation percentage of Li(I). Moreover, solid Na2CO3 was better than Na2CO3 solution in precipitating Li(I). About 95% of lithium ions was recovered as carbonate precipitates under the optimum conditions: solution pH = 11, 3.0 molar ratio of solid Na2CO3 to Li(I), 7/5(v/v) volume ratio of acetone to the filtrate, 25°C, 300 rpm for 2 hrs.
The NdFeB sludge is a secondary rare earth resource abundant in both REEs and Fe elements. However, there tends to be a focus on recovering only high-value rare earths while neglecting the recycling of high-content iron, leading to a low comprehensive utilization of this secondary rare earth resource. The present study builds upon previous research on the separation and coextraction of REEs and Fe from NdFeB sludge, further investigating the phase transformation behavior during oxidation roasting and elucidating the kinetics of simultaneous leaching of REEs and Fe. The results suggest that NdFeB waste exhibited a loose morphology and demonstrated high susceptibility to dissolution in hydrochloric acid when subjected to roasting temperatures below 500℃. The morphology of NdFeB waste becomes denser and more spherical, hindering its dissolution in hydrochloric acid when the roasting temperature exceeded 500C, resulting in a reduction in the leaching efficiencies of both roasting. The co-leaching of REEs and Fe in NdFeB sludge is governed by internal diffusion for REEs and chemical reaction for Fe, as evidenced by the kinetic results. Furthermore, it is observed that the apparent activation energy of rare earth surpasses that of iron, leading to the attainment of equilibrium for rare earth prior to that of iron during the synchronous leaching process. The findings of this study hold theoretical significance in enhancing the overall efficiency of secondary rare earth resource utilization.
After a series of extreme weather events (drought, bushfires and floods), iron flocs were seen at ephemeral springs in quartz sandstone in the Blue Mountains National Park, New South Wales, Australia. Naturally burnt areas allowed better viewing of small sandstone caves. This paper discusses some of the processes operating within the quartz sandstone, leading to the attractive and unusual shapes, and how extreme weather led to the mobilisation and redeposition of iron minerals.
The aim of the four-year field experiment was to determine the effect of the foliar application of auxin, a synthetic growth hormone, used on its own and in combination with various iron concentrations on the yield and forage quality of Medicago× varia T. Martyn, the Kometa cultivar. The research was conducted in three replications at the experimental facility of Siedlce University (52°10′03”N; 22°17′24”E, Poland) between 2014 and 2017. The treatment combinations were as follows: K – control (distilled water); A – indole-3-butyric acid (IBA - synthetic auxin); A+F1 – auxin (indole-3 butyric acid) with iron (II) sulphate (IV) heptahydrate at 3% concentration; A+F2 – auxin (indole-3 butyric acid (IBA)) with iron (II) sulphate heptahydrate at 5% concentration; A+F3 – auxin (indole-3 butyric acid (IBA) with iron (II) sulphate heptahydrate at 7% concentration. Between 2014 and 2017 hybrid alfalfa was harvested at the beginning of the bud stage, three times a growing season. Each growth cycle, plants were sprayed once at the 9-leaf stage. During a harvest 0.5 kg of fresh matter was collected from each plot to determine the content of aboveground dry matter and to perform chemical analyses. The highest yield, 44% higher than for control plants, was noted on the plot treated with auxin applied together with iron sulphate at 5% concentration, and the lowest on the control plot. Foliar application of auxin with iron improved the quality of alfalfa forage, affecting the content of total and digestible protein and crude fibre and dry matter digestibility.
Minerals present in potato tubers are of particular interest due to the value of this crop as a food crop. The purpose of the three-year study was to evaluate the effects of herbicide treatment and foliar feeding with organic biostimulants on the content and uptake of sodium and iron in tubers of two varieties of edible potato (Oberon and Malaga). The Malaga variety accumulated significantly more sodium and iron than the Oberon variety. On the other hand, higher tuber yield uptake of these components was recorded in the Oberon variety. Treatment with a weedkiller and a stimulant fertilizer increased the content and uptake of sodium and iron compared to tubers harvested from the control object, and the most favorable effect was shown by the mixture of the weedkiller with the biostimulant AgroSorb Folium. It is also worth noting that weather conditions had a significant effect on mineral content and uptake.
Biogenic synthesis of iron and zinc nanoparticles from carob seed extract (Ceratonia siliqua L.) and their antibacterial activity were studied. The characteristics of the prepared nanoparticles were evaluated shapes and sizes by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) analysis with mapping technique and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the functional group that contributes to the biogenic and antibacterial activity. The appearance of metal-oxygen bonds for both ZnO NPs and Fe2 O3 NPs in spectra and the presence of zinc, iron, and oxygen in varying proportions confirm the success of the biosynthesis of the nanoparticles. Ceratonia siliqua L. extract, iron, and zinc showed high effectiveness in removing bacteria from polluted water.
Content available remote Uwalnianie jonów żelaza(III) do środowiska pod wpływem roztworów kwaśnych
Artykuł porusza kwestię wymywania żelaza z odpadów przemysłowych. Badaniom zostały poddane trzy próbki: piaski formierskie, żużel ze spalarni odpadów oraz żużel stalowniczy. Na każdą z próbek działano roztworami kwaśnymi imitującymi kwaśne deszcze. Następnie przeprowadzono pomiary wykorzystując metodę spektrometrii UV-Vis, aby sprawdzić ile żelaza (III) uwalnia się z tego typu odpadów.
The article addresses the issue of iron leaching from industrial waste. Three samples were examined: foundry sands, slag from waste incineration, and steel slag. Each sample was treated with acidic solutions simulating acid rain. Subsequently, measurements were conducted using the UV-Vis spectrometry method to determine the amount of iron (III) released from these types of waste.
The manuscript explores the feasibility of recovering zinc and iron from waste galvanic sludge generated during galvanic plating processes. Galvanic sludge, characterized by elevated concentrations of heavy metals, represents a suitable candidate for hydrometallurgical recycling. The primary objective of the experimental and practical phases was to extract zinc and iron through the leaching of galvanic sludge. Leaching procedures were conducted using sulfuric acid at varying temperatures and time durations, augmented by the introduction of oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide or ozone. Subsequent separation of the leach and filtrate was achieved through filtration. The leachate underwent additional processing involving the precipitation of iron and other metals, employing diverse agents. Following further filtration, electrolysis was employed to attain pure zinc on the cathode, utilizing an electrical voltage of approximately 3 V. Comprehensive chemical analyses were conducted on all intermediate products, including the leachate, leach liquor, filtrate, solid precipitate, and the separated metal on the cathode. The outcomes of these analyses are meticulously presented in tables and graphs.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na problem występowania w dawnych papierach fotograficznych (XIX-wiecznych) metali przejściowych, szczególnie żelaza. Papiery fotograficzne były produkowane ze szlachetnych mas – szmacianych (len, bawełna), jednakże podczas przetwarzania tego surowca jak również podczas produkcji papieru mogło dochodzić do zanieczyszczania się drobinkami metali. Zanieczyszczenia metaliczne znajdujące się w papierach fotograficznych ujawniały się szczególnie w procesie uczulania papierów azotanem srebra. Tworzyły się wtedy czarne produkty reakcji dostrzegalne w badaniach mikroskopowych, a nawet okiem nieuzbrojonym. Również podczas przygotowywania papierów światłoczułych mogło dochodzić do kontaktu z elementami metalowymi (haczyki, pinezki, gwoździki) i powstawania ciemnych produktów reakcji. Zmiany te mogą budzić niepokój opiekunów zbiorów fotograficznych, konserwatorów podczas badania techniki wykonania lub oceny stanu zachowania, gdyż w pewnym stopniu przypominają zniszczenia biologiczne (ciemne kolonie grzybów). Produkty te były przedmiotem badań z użyciem mikroskopu elektronowego wyposażonego w detektory pierwiastków. Badania przeprowadzono na własnoręcznie wytworzonych odbitkach solnych, które po uczuleniu suszono w formie przypiętej żelaznymi szpilkami. Papiery solne to rodzaj papieru fotograficznego wynaleziony jeszcze w 1. poł. XIX w., powszechnie używany. W badaniach wykazano, że obecność żelaza w procesie uczulania może powodować powstawanie czarnych plamek/struktur w postaci nawet rozległych wykwitów srebra metalicznego. Na zbadanych obszarach wykwitów wykryto także inne pierwiastki – szczególnie złoto (z procesu tonowania) oraz siarkę (z procesu utrwalania). W badaniach potwierdzono część przewidywalnych mechanizmów tworzenia się ciemnych produktów reakcji, na których tworzenie się wywarły m.in. właściwości elektrochemiczne metali. Wskazano także na konieczność prowadzenia dalszych badań.
The article draws attention to the problem of the occurrence of transition metals, especially iron in the form of micro particles, in old photographic papers (mainly from the 19th century). Photo papers were made of precious pulp – rags (linen, cotton), however, during the processing of rags as well as during the production of paper, they could be undesirably contaminated with metals. Also some photographic processes - in particular the use of metal elements (pins, tacks, hooks) during the drying of photographic papers in the process of formation of silver chloride (halide) caused direct, fatal contact of iron with the paper. Metallic impurities in photographic papers were revealed especially in the process of sensitizing papers with silver nitrate. Then, black reaction products were formed, visible in microscopic examinations and even with the naked eye. These changes may cause anxiety to the curators of photographic collections, conservators when examining the technique of making or assessing the state of preservation, because to some extent they resemble biological damage (dark colonies of fungi). These products were examined using an electron microscope equipped with element detectors. The research was carried out on hand-made salt prints (a type of photographic paper invented in the first half of the 19th century, widely used). Studies have shown that the presence of iron in the sensitization process can cause the formation of black spots/structures in the form of even extensive silver efflorescence. Other elements were also detected in the examined areas of silver - especially gold (from the toning process) and sulfur (from the fixing process). The research confirmed some of the predictable mechanisms of dark spot/structure formation caused by the electrochemical properties of metals. The need for further research was also indicated.
The article is devoted to the experimental determination of thermokinetic parameters of oil sludge thermal degradation using the model-free Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method in the presence of a nanocatalyst (nickel, cobalt and iron-supported microsilicate) by calculating Arrhenius kinetic parameters (activation energy and pre-exponential factor). The phase composition of the reflex microsilicate was established – 4.12; 2.51 Å – SiO2, nickel-supported microsilicate reflexes: 2.09; 1.48 Å – NiO, reflexes: 4.25 Å – SiO2 and acid numbers of microsilicate – 64 μmol/g of prepared nanocatalysts. Using the method of Brunauer, Emmett and Teller, the specific surface area of the microsilicate was established – 18.3 ± 0.3 m2 /g, the microsilicate with nickel applied – 20.9 ± 0.2 m2 /g and the adsorption isotherm of the prepared nanocatalysts (microsilicate with nickel, cobalt and iron). Thermokinetic parameters of thermal decomposition of oil sludge without a catalyst and with a catalyst at an increment of 0.9 are 99.0 and 93.3 kJ/mol nickel-supported microsilicate, 51.9 kJ/mol cobalt-supported microsilicate, 111.3 kJ/mol iron-supported microsilicate and non-metal-supported microsilicate 173.7 kJ/mol, respectively. The study of the kinetic parameters of pyrolysis of oil sludge using various catalysts makes it possible to assess their influence on the process of decomposition of organic components. The results of the experiments showed that the use of catalysts significantly affects the destruction of oil sludge. Dynamic thermal analysis at different heating rates studied the dynamics of oil sludge decomposition. The study of the effect of catalysts on the kinetic parameters of oil sludge pyrolysis is an important step in the development of new methods for the disposal of petroleum products and the reduction of their negative impact on the environment. The obtained experimental data on thermal degradation kinetics of oil sludge will find application in designing a reactor for the process of destructive hydrogenation of heavy hydrocarbon raw materials.
The representative of natural layered clays, bentonite, was modified according to two routes and tested as a new catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia (NH3-SCR). The natural acid-activated clay was ion-exchanged with Na+ or remained in H-form and pillared with metal oxides. In order to limit the number of synthesis steps, iron as an active phase was introduced simultaneously with Al2O3 during the intercalation procedure. Additionally, the samples were doped with 0.5 wt% of copper to promote low-temperature activity. It was found that the performed modifications resulted in disorganization of the ordered layered arrangement of bentonite. Nevertheless, acid activation and pillaring improved structural and textural parameters. The results of catalytic tests indicated that the samples containing Fe2O3 pillars promoted with Cu exhibited the highest NO conversion of 85% at 250°C (H-Bent-AlFe-Cu) and 75% at 300°C (Na-Bent-AlFe-Cu). What is important, activity of the protonated samples in the high-temperature region was noticeably affected by the side reaction of ammonia oxidation, correlated with the production of NO and resulting in N2O emission during the process comparing to Na-Bentonite catalysts.
Anemia, inaczej nazywana niedokrwistością jest jedną najczęściej występujących chorób hematologicznych. Dotyka osoby w każdym wieku: dzieci, dorosłych, a także osoby starsze. Stan ten jest następstwem pewnych zaburzeń dotyczących krwi. Zaliczamy do nich między innymi zbyt niski poziom hemoglobiny, obniżony hematokryt, czyli stosunek liczby czerwonych krwinek do pozostałych składników krwi, a także niski poziom erytrocytów - czerwonych krwinek. Krew osoby z anemią ma ograniczoną zdolność do transportu tlenu, czego efektem jest niedostateczne utlenowanie tkanek i narządów. Najczęściej występującą postacią niedokrwistości jest ta związana z deficytem żelaza, tzw. niedokrwistość syderopeniczna. Niedobór żelaza jest dość częstym zjawiskiem występującym wśród kobiet ze względu na ich fizjologię, ale może być również spowodowany dietą ubogą w ten pierwiastek. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony żelazu ma za zadanie przybliżyć czytelnikowi, jak dużą rolę odgrywa w naszym organizmie, a także jak ważna jest jego prawidłowa suplementacja i jakie negatywne skutki może wywołać jego niedobór.
Anaemia is one of the most common haematological diseases. It affects people of all ages: children, adults as well as the elderly. The condition is a consequence of certain disorders affecting the blood. These include too low a level of haemoglobin, a reduced hematocrit, or the ratio of red blood cells to other blood components, and a low level of erythrocytes - red blood cells. The blood of a person with anaemia has a reduced ability to transport oxygen, resulting in inadequate oxygenation of tissues and organs. The most common form of anaemia is that associated with iron deficiency known as sideropenic anaemia. Iron deficiency is quite common among women, due to monthly menstruation, but it can also be caused by a diet deficient in this element. This article on iron is intended to give the reader an idea of how big a role it plays in our bodies, the importance of its proper supplementation and the negative effects its deficiency con cause.
This study aimed to determine the ability to modify slow sand filter (SSF) media with silica sand or Anadara granosa shells on the efficiency of removal of turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), and iron in the water of Kali Jagir Surabaya as an effort to achieve clean water in disaster areas, to obtain the influence of variables, and to optimize the obtained results. The research data was processed using Design Expert 11 Software which factors consisted of media type, filtering speed, and running time, for the responses of removal efficiencies for each parameter. The reactor was operated continuously for 6 days, and samples were analyzed for turbidity parameters based on Indonesian standard (SNI 06-6989.25-2005); TSS and Iron Standard Method 23rd 3500A. In addition, the results of the parameters were processed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to show the significant effect of the variables on the efficiency of the elimination of all parameters. Optimal research was achieved in the SSF reactor unit with silica sand media type and filtering speed of 0.1 m/hour turbidity removal efficiency of 82.07%; TSS 89.5%; and 50.14% iron. However, the reactor that was chosen was the filtering speed of 0.1 m/hour with a flow rate of 22.8 L/day, while the SSF was suitable to be applied in disaster areas, which had a large discharge. Hence, the reactor is suitable for use in water sanitation in disaster areas, namely with a filtering speed of 0.3 m/hour which produces a discharge of 68.4 L/day with variations of sand, geotextile, and silica sand media.
Calcium carbide waste (CCW), the rest of the carbide welding workshop industry, is available in quite a lot and is immediately disposed of into the environment. Because CWW has a high pH value and a large specific surface area, it can act as an adsorbent in removing metals from groundwater. The content of metals in groundwater is indicated by a reddish color; however, upon contact with air, groundwater oxidation causes iron ions and manganese ions to precipitate. Synthetic groundwater was prepared in this experiment using reagents containing and . Observations were made in a batch process to assess the potential and ability of CCW to reduce iron and manganese levels in groundwater. In this study, to achieve equilibrium, CCW was mixed with 100 mL of synthetic solution and shaken at 25°C with a shaker. Operating time, levels of Fe(II) and (Mn(II) metals, and the mass of CCW were some of the parameters studied in this study. CCW was very good at reducing levels of iron ions and manganese ions after 60 minutes of operation. The percentage of removal of iron and manganese ions respectively – successively increased from 93.765 to 97.99% for iron ions and manganese ions from 91.83 to 95.14% for the initial concentration range of 40 mg/L, 60 mg/L, 80 mg/L, and 100 mg/L. Furthermore, the adsorption kinetics of CCW adsorbent in a mixture of iron ion and manganese ion solutions is a second-order kinetic equation. This confirms that the adsorption of CCW on iron ions and manganese ions is a chemisorption process. Calcium carbide waste has the potential to act as an absorbent of heavy metals in groundwater, especially iron and manganese ions.
Fe and Mn metal ions in acid mine drainage can contaminate water bodies and soil, endangering human health. In this study, the adsorption of Fe and Mn in acid mine drainage was carried out using manganese greensand. This study aimed to obtain 1) the adsorption model of Fe and Mn isotherms using manganese greensand and 2) the surface morphology of manganese greensand before and after the adsorption process. This study used laboratory-scale experimental methods with variable concentrations of Fe (325, 400, 475, 550, 625 mg/L) and Mn (432, 507, 582, 657, 732 mg/L). The Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherm models were used to determine the adsorption capacity of Fe and Mn by manganese greensand. Test for Fe and Mn content using the AAS method and test the surface morphology and content of manganese greensand using SEM-EDX. The results showed that: (1) the Freundlich equation test yielded for Fe: in a constant R2 of 0.9862, n = 0.6912, KB = 0.2180 mg/g, while the Langmuir equation test yielded in a constant R2 of 0.8836, b = 0.0051 L/mg, qm = 169.4915 mg/g; the Freundlich equation test yielded for Mn: in a constant R2 of 0.9923, n = 0.8651, KB = 1.0445 mg/g, while the Langmuir equation test yielded in a constant R2 of 0.6615, b = 0.0010 L/mg, qm = 500 mg/g; (2) The surface morphology of manganese greensand before contact with acid mine drainage contains needle-shaped particles of uniform size with a hexagonal structure, whereas, after contact with acid mine drainage, the particles are clumped like cotton and form needles with varying sizes.
Purpose: Nowadays, product development is very important to remain competitive in the market, one of which is to reduce the assembly of time and cost design. This article discusses the study of iron products on the market. Based on the problems found in the SMEs of Electronic Services, this iron has many components and complex designs that take time-consuming to assemble. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to redesign the ironing. Design/methodology/approach: Improvements to the design of iron products are based on the problems present in this product. This problem is obtained by distributing questionnaires to Electronic Services SMEs. The improvements are carried out using the Design for Assembly (DFA) method to evaluate the design with ease of assembly processes. Findings: This paper attempt to improve the design of ironing products according to the problems obtained from the initial questionnaire, which is to reduce the assembly time and costs using DFA. Practical implications: The result of these improvements is a reduction in the amount of assembly time and costs and an increase in efficiency. The actual design assembly time is 358.16 to 269.70 seconds on the proposed design. The actual design assembly cost budget is 956.81,- rupiahs, reduced to 720.50, in the proposed design. Then the actual design efficiency of 21.77% increased to 24.74%. Originality/value: Iron design improvements are based on problems and complaints received from the electronic services SMEs, then analysed using the DFA method. Therefore, the improvements in the design of the ironing product are present in two components, that is the back cover and the handle.
The massive dune aquifer of Bouteldja is one of the most exploited aquifers in Algeria; as a result, its piezometric level has declined. Such pressure on the dune aquifer, in addition to its moderate-to-severe vulnerability to pollution, may lead to deterioration of groundwater quality. This study is intended to assess the quality of aquifer groundwater for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes, and also to evaluate health risks. To this end, we analyzed data of 16 physicochemical parameters collected from 25 groundwater samples. Using the Durov diagram, principal component analysis (PCA), and Pearson’s correlation matrix, we found that most major ions show similar origins related to ion exchange and the proximity of the sea. Our results showed that, overall, the groundwater intended for drinking purposes was of good or excellent quality over most the aquifer, where the majority of wells are located. However, the groundwater is mostly unsuitable for irrigation purposes according to the Kelly index (KI), percentage of sodium (Na %), magnesium hazard (MH), and irrigation water quality index (IWQI). Further, calculations of corrosivity ratios (CRs) indicated that the groundwater is unsuitable for industrial uses. Finally, a health risk assessment of iron heavy metal related to the hazard index (HI) for both ingestion and dermal exposure in children and adults showed negligible-to-low risk from iron exposure.
Content available remote The influence of selected transition elements on cell metabolism
The elements are present in the environment. Moreover, they are used in pharmacy and the production of new materials used in medical applications. They are often as environmental pollutants. They can accumulate in organisms and induce toxic effects on the cellular level. HepG2, L929 and Caco-2 cell lines were exposed to known concentrations of chromium chloride, iron chloride, nickel chloride, molybdenum trioxide and cobalt chloride (200 or 1000 μ M used alone and in combinations). Concentrations of chromium, iron, nickel, molybdenum and cobalt in the cell lysate and the culture medium were determined by ICP-MS. Moreover, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations were also measured. What is more, cells were observed under light and scanning electron microscope. The dose-dependent increase in the concentration of chromium, iron, nickel, molybdenum and cobalt in all cell lines after incubation with elements was observed. Potassium concentration decreases while sodium calcium and magnesium increase after incubation of cells with of mentioned elements. The incubation of cells with microelements induces cell morphology changes. The presented study shows the crucial role of tested microelements in the induction of cell death as a result of an imbalance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium concentration inside the cell.
The research presented in this paper concerns the influence of the rate of plastic deformation generated directly in the processes of severe plastic deformations on the microstructure and properties of three metals: copper, iron and zinc. The equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) method was used, and it was performed at a low plastic deformation rate of ∼ 0.04 s−1. The high plastic strain rate was obtained using the hydrostatic extrusion (HE) method with the deformation rate at the level of ∼ 170 s−1. For all three tested materials different characteristic effects were demonstrated at the applied deformation rates. The smallest differences in the mechanical properties were observed in copper, despite the dynamic recrystallization processes that occurred in the HE process. In Armco iron samples, dynamic recovery processes in the range of high plastic deformation rates resulted in lower mechanical properties. The most significant effects were obtained for pure zinc, where, regardless of the method used, the microstructure was clearly transformed into bimodal after the ECAP process, and homogenized and refined after the HE process. After the HE process, the material was transformed from a brittle state to a plastic state and the highest mechanical properties were obtained.
Iron and steel raw materials market evolves rapidly. Global mine production of iron ores and concentrates, metallurgical coal, pig iron and crude steel exceeded 1 billion tonnes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries or in the first 20years of new millennium. International trade in these fields, as well as trade of such products as coke, ferroalloys and scrap, is also huge. Demand growth rate for steel raw materials, finished and semi-finished steel, and cast iron products is currently the highest among other mineral raw materials. Almost 90% of iron ore supplies come from Australia and Brazil, and the dominant consumer - China - is responsible for almost use. A geographic evolution in the steel production and the consumption of derived products has taken place. China has grown from a secondary crude steel producer and secondary steel products user to a leader with over 50% global share of steel production and a leading exporter of finished products. The iron and steel market has concentrated in the East and South Asia due to high consumption of imported steel raw materials in Japan and South Korea, rapid demand growth in India, investment in energy-efficient scrap processing in Turkey and Iran, while simultaneous reductions in the production capacity of the steel industry in the European Union, former Soviet Union and the US. Market disruption due to Covid-19pandemic appears to be short-lived, and China has strengthened its position. In the first half of 2021, the prices of steel products increased dramatically, which immediately resulted in the change in prices of apartments and other constructions based on this most widely used metal.
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