This paper presents a study on the specific features of traditional Chinese pavilions. The sources investigated during the study expanded the authors’ outlook on the expression of national characteristics in Chinese architecture as a whole, and became the basis for concluding that the pavilion can act as a vehicle for national identity. In their study, the authors focused solely on researching the architecture of small Chinese pavilions. It was concluded that the architecture of pavilions should be considered together with the general principles of Chinese philosophy, culture, religions, landscape design, the architecture of purely garden pavilions-as together with pavilions with other uses and it allows us to identify similarities and differences between pavilions of various types. Based on the transfer of information from the fundamental sources to specific layouts and landscape paintings of Suzhou gardens in this study, those landscape techniques that were formed based on Feng Shui and their symbolic meaning were concretized in the conclusions. The discussion focuses on the repair, renovation and reinforcement of timber structures susceptible to the effects of aggressive external factors (rainfall, insects, technical wood pests, fire) using methods acceptable in conservation.
W artykule określono specyfikę tradycyjnych pawilonów chińskich. Przedstawiono pogląd autorów na temat sposobu przekazywania cech narodowych w całej architekturze chińskiej, co stało się podstawą do potwierdzenia wniosków o pawilonie jako nośniku znaków tożsamości narodowej. Autorzy skupili się na analizie małych pawilonów z terytorium Chin. Ich wystrój architektoniczny należy rozpatrywać w powiązaniu z ogólnymi zasadami projektowania krajobrazu w Chinach oraz architekturą pawilonów ogrodowych o innych funkcjach, co pozwala na identyfikację wspólnych i odmiennych cech różnych typów pawilonów. Opierając się na przeniesieniu przez autorów przedstawionego studium informacji z wybranych źródeł do konkretnych układów i pejzaży ogrodów Suzhou, w konkluzjach scharakteryzowano te działania krajobrazowe, które powstały z wykorzystaniem Feng Shui, oraz ich symboliczne znaczenie. Podjęto również tematykę naprawy, renowacji i wzmacniania konstrukcji drewnianych podatnych na działania agresywnych czynników zewnętrznych (opady atmosferyczne, owady szkodniki techniczne drewna, ogień) przy użyciu metod akceptowalnych konserwatorsko.
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European semi-natural calcareous grasslands are species-rich ecosystems, considered as priority habitats by the European Union (92/43/EEC Directive) and judged worthy of conservation. They are in strong decline in extension and are threatened by abandonment throughout Europe. It is known that grasslands management (grazing, mowing) acts as driving force in plant community diversity, which in turn is an important conservation aim of European environmental policies. The area of current pastoral landscape (about 1000 ha) of the North Adriatic (Cicarija, Croatia) was studied in order: 1/ to understand which factors drive floristic differentiation . environmental features and/or grassland management conditions, 2/ to identify indicator species sets linked to those factors and 3/ to appraise the effects of management type on the coenological and functional composition of indicator species. 73 phytosociological releves were carried out; for each of them field data (altitude, aspect, slope and land form), productivity measurements and information on grassland management were collected. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified a productivity-related soil moisture gradient as the environmental driving force of grassland floristic differentiation. Indicator species analysis (ISA) detected the indicator species sets related to environmental features and management type. The results indicate that undergrazing and the lack of periodic mowing are responsible for the higher total variance of floristic data set explained by environmental parameters rather than by management (use/not use). For the same reasons, the variations that emerged from comparison of the functional characteristics of the indicator species of grazing and of mowing (avoidance strategy, life form, and storage organs) proved more important than those observed in comparing used and abandoned grasslands. The management system adopted (grazing or mowing) appears in turn to be conditioned by the soil moisture/productivity gradient.
Omówiono definicję klasy zabezpieczenia systemu alarmowego oraz wymagania funkcjonalne decydujące o stopniu zabezpieczenia. Dokonano przeglądu tych cech funkcjonalnych dla różnych elementów system alarmowego włamaniowego, systemu kontroli dostępu, systemu dozorowego telewizji (CCTV). Na podstawie wyników badań elementów systemów alarmowych, prowadzonych od kilku lat w Laboratorium PIE, określono najczęściej spotykane wady badanych obiektów w zakresie zabezpieczenia.
Definition of alarm systems security grades and functional requirements for each grad were discussed. Functional features of different elements of intrusion alarm systems, access control systems and CCTV systems were reviewed. The most frequent defects in the range of security of alarm systems, tested during several years in PIE laboratory, were pointed out.
The functional features of information systems were examined to determine the latter's suitability for the integrated support of enterprise delivery chain logistic processes. The information systems have been classified according to which logistic processes they support.
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