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w słowach kluczowych:  sound transmission loss
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The research described in the article addresses the problem of measurement, prediction and practical use of the acoustic properties of materials determined in an impedance tube. The aim of the research was to develop a simple calculation model for the insertion loss of small machinery enclosures, based on the normal incidence sound transmission loss and the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient of porous and fibrous materials. Both experimental and model tests were carried out on materials such as mineral wool, melamine foam and rebonded polyurethane foam. Assessing the absorption properties of the tested porous and fibrous materials was performed using selected theoretical models, relating the calculations of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient to measurements of this parameter conducted using an impedance tube. The application of the modified Allard and Champoux model brought the best results with the smallest discrepancies of the obtained results in relation to the experimental tests. Assessing the sound-insulating properties of the tested mineral wool was carried out using the proposed calculation model for the normal incidence sound transmission loss, relating the obtained results to measurements conducted using an impedance tube. The assessment of the sound-insulating properties of porous and fibrous materials was performed using the proposed calculation model for insertion loss, which was validated using two prototype test stands for determining the insertion loss of cubic enclosures, in this case with walls made of porous and fibrous materials. Satisfactory results were obtained for engineering applications in the calculation results using the proposed models with respect to measurements. The results may have practical applications in assessing the effectiveness of acoustic enclosures, in which the basic construction material is an appropriate porous or fibrous plate, selected to have both sound-absorbing and sound-insulating properties.
This study presents an examination of the transmission properties of multilayered partitions made up of multiple micro-perforated plates (MPPs) coupled to acoustic enclosures with general impedance boundaries. Multi-layered MPPs can lower the transmission while minimizing reflection in the source and receiving enclosure. Previous research has mainly focused on the double MPPs or triple MPPs partition itself. However, it is vital to analyze the in-situ sound transmission loss of the multi-layered MPP and their efficiency in a complex vibro-acoustic environment. The case when the multilayered MPPs are coupled to a receiving enclosure or coupled to both a source and receiving enclosure is investigated. The objective is to provide an analytical method to evaluate the transmission properties of multilayered MPPs coupled to acoustic enclosures while being computationally more efficient than the finite element method (FEM). Using the modified Fourier series for the acoustic pressure, a variational form for the acoustic and structure medium yields a completely coupled vibroacoustic system. A comparison between the sound transmission loss of the double MPPs, when mounted on an impedance tube and coupled to acoustics enclosures, shows the modal effect of the enclosures. The effect of enclosure shape, impedance boundary, perforation ratio, air gap thickness on the sound transmission properties of the double MPPs structure is examined for both cases. Finally, in both situations, the performance of triple MPP structure insulation is evaluated.
The article discusses the requirements for determining airborne sound insulation according to ISO 10140-2, which involves measuring sound pressure levels in the source (L1) and receiving (L2) rooms, as well as reverberation time measurements in the receiving room. The size of the free test opening and the equivalent sound absorption area in the receiving room affect the value of L2. While ISO 10140-5 specifies the dimensions of a full-size test opening, reduced-size openings can also be used. However, testing reduced-size baffles with specific dimensions may be necessary, and measurements on rectangular-shaped baffles may yield higher sound reduction indices than square-shaped ones. The article presents a comparative analysis of the spectral characteristics of different types of single homogeneous baffles with various dimensions using experimental methods. It examines the measurement methodology's influence on determining sound insulation spectra and the weighted sound reduction index Rw. The article also calculates the combined uncertainty in determining the sound insulation properties and partial uncertainties in determining L1 and L2.
The basic parameter of materials used in constructional solutions of anti-noise protection, is sound insulation, which can be determined in laboratory conditions and also using theoretical models. The use of numerical methods in the form of the Finite Element Method to calculate the mechanical impedance of a baffle and then the sound insulation of homogeneous baffles was presented in the article. A 1 mm thick steel plate with a square, rectangular and round shape was analyzed. The boundary conditions for simply supported and clamped plate were taken into account in the numerical calculations. The results of the calculations were compared to both the commonly used the mass law and to the experimental tests. These analyzes will be the starting point for analyzes of multi-layer baffles, for which it is no longer possible to apply the mass law.
For a simplified sonar dome model, an optimization method for internal gradients of functionally graded material (FGM) acoustic windows is proposed in this paper. This method can be used to design optimized FGM acoustic windows with better turbulent self-noise suppression and sound transmission performances. A theoretical model of FGM acoustic windows to evaluate the reduction of self-noise caused by the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) pulsating pressure and the sound transmission loss (STL) is derived through the double Fourier transform and the wavenumber frequency spectrum analysis, respectively, based on the transfer matrix idea and the classical elastic theory. The accuracy of the theory is verified by the finite element results of COMSOL Multiphysics. Utilizing the genetic algorithm (GA) and taking the monotonic gradient as the constraint condition, the internal gradient optimization method of FGM acoustic windows obtains the optimization variables in the Bernstein polynomial when the optimization objective is minimized by iterating the optimization variables in the deviation function represented by the Bernstein polynomial that is introduced in the gradient function. The STL, the turbulent self-noise reduction or a weighting function of the STL and turbulent self-noise reduction of FGM acoustic windows is chosen as the optimization objective. The optimization calculation of the sound transmission or turbulent self-noise suppression performances is carried out for the FRP-rubber FGM (FGM with fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) as the substrate material and rubber as the top material) acoustic window. The optimized results show that both the sound transmission and turbulent self-noise suppression performance are effectively improved, which verifies the effectiveness of the optimization method. Finally, the mechanism of the sound transmission and self-noise suppression characteristics before and after optimization are explained and analyzed based on the equivalent model of graded materials. The research results of this paper provide a reference value for the future design of FGM acoustic windows for sonar domes.
Sound insulation of the finite double-panel structure (DPS) inserted with a cylindrical shell array is investigated by varying the sound incidence direction to improve its applicability. The effects of the vibro-acoustic characteristics of its constituents on the sound transmission loss (STL) are estimated in one-third octave bands from 20 Hz to 5 kHz for different incidence conditions. It shows that the first acoustic mode in the direction parallel to two panels (longitudinal modes) produces both the sudden variation of sound insulation with frequency and a large dependency on the incidence angle. Mineral wools are placed on two boundaries perpendicular to the panels, and the sound insulation is explored for different thicknesses of the porous materials. An absorbent layer with a certain thickness (more than 30 mm in our work) sufficiently eliminates the longitudinal mode, resulting in the improvement in the sound insulation by more than 15 dB and the decrease of its large variation with incidence direction. STLs with varying shell thicknesses are also assessed. It shows that the natural vibrations of the thin shells can give an enhancement in sound insulation by more than 10 dB in the frequency range of 1600–3700 Hz, corresponding to constructive interference.
In recent years acoustic metamaterials are broadly investigated in many different fields of acoustics and one of them is noise and vibration mitigation. The solution with highest potential are locally resonant metamaterials (LRS), which by creation of band gap effect in flexural wave propagation in structure improve its Sound Transmission Loss (STL). Standard STL simulation procedures can be fully analytical or numerical. Analytical solution, when it comes to metamaterial modelling, is fast but it does not take into consideration metamaterial geometry. On the other hand numerical solution even when considering small part of periodic structure, is time consuming and can generate numerical errors related for example to the mesh. In this work combined analytical - numerical method is analysed as the alternative for STL calculation. This method can be a substitute for basic simulation procedures concerning vibro-acoustic metamaterials, since the simulations results are comparable and it is less time consuming method. Formulas and simulation procedure for the presented method are described and compared with analytical and numerical simulation results as well as with STL measurement results.
The results of acoustic property tests for six types of granular materials: perlite, vermiculite, active coconut carbon, rubber granulates, pumice and wood chips, which can be used in noise protection structures, are shown in the article. The characteristics of the normal incidence sound absorption coefficient and the normal incidence sound transmission loss for material specimens with seven thicknesses in the range of 10-100 mm were determined based on the results of experimental tests carried out with the use of an impedance tube. The relationships between the first resonant absorption frequencies and the thicknesses of material specimens were determined. Single-number indices for the tested materials, in the form of the weighted sound absorption coefficients, were determined. Subsequently, dependencies of these indices on the surface mass of the tested materials were determined. The research showed that three materials, perlite, vermiculite and active coconut carbon, were distinguished among the examined granules with the best sound-absorbing and sound-insulating properties. Active coconut carbon had the best sound-insulating properties among the granular materials tested.
Following the requirements of ISO 10140, to determine the acoustic insulation, measurements of the sound pressure levels in the source (L1) and receiving (L2) rooms and the reverberation time measurements in the receiving room (T) should be performed. However, the standard does not indicate the measuring signal to be used for the measurements. Various measurement methods can be used, including the use of the broadband noise or MLS method. The article examines the influence of the applied measurement methodology on the determined spectra of acoustic insulation and the weighted sound reduction index Rw. The total uncertainty of determining the acoustic insulation properties and partial uncertainties in determining L1, L2 and T were also calculated. The analysis of the obtained results allows concluding that the applied measurement method has no significant impact on the obtained acoustic insulation values, and the obtained measurement differences may rather be the result of an insufficient sample size.
The article presents the results of research on the acoustic properties of materials used as sound-absorbing linings and cores in baffles of anti-noise protection. Using an impedance tube the spectral characteristics of the normal incidence sound absorption and sound transmission loss indices of 12 specimens of mineral wool with different density and thickness were determined. From these characteristics, the single-number weighted sound absorption coefficient αw and the sound reduction index Rw were calculated. To calculate the value of the Rw index on the basis of surface mass of the mineral wool specimen, a new formula was proposed. The insertion loss of an acoustic enclosure with one, two and three-layer walls with dimensions of 0.7×0.7 m, containing mineral wool, was determined. The best efficiency was achieved for the enclosure made of walls of layers: mineral wool, placed on the sound source side, steel plate and aluminium plate.
The problem of reducing noise in transportation is an important research field to prevent accidents and to provide a civilised environment for people. A material that has recently attracted attention in research to reduce noise is acoustic metamaterial, and most of the research projects so far have been limited to the case of static media without flow. We have studied the sound transmission properties of the acoustic metamaterials with turbulent flow to develop the acoustic metamaterials that are used in transportation. In this paper, the effects of geometrical structure, convection, and eddy on sound propagation in the acoustic metamaterials with turbulent flow are investigated, and the relationships between them are analysed. The effects of convection and eddy reduce the resonant strength of the sound transmission loss resulting from the unique geometry of the acoustic metamaterials, but move the resonant frequencies to opposite directions. In addition, when the convective effect and the eddy effect of the airflow, as well as the intrinsic interaction effect generated from the unique geometrical structure of the acoustic metamaterials cannot be ignored, they exhibit competition phenomena with each other, resulting in a widening of the resonance peak. As a result, these three effects cause the shift of the resonance frequency of the sound transmission loss and the widening of the resonance peak. The results of this study show that even in the case of turbulent flow, the metamaterials can be used for transportation by properly controlling its geometric size and shape.
An approach is presented to form and broaden the low-frequency band gap of the double panel structure (DPS) by using a locally resonant sonic crystal (LRSC) in this work. The LRSC is made of cylindrical Helmholtz resonators arranged on square lattice. Their designs are similar to a slot-type resonator, but have different depths of slot. Elongating the slit neck inward and distributing the depths of slots produce a broad local resonant band gap at low frequencies: an average insertion loss (IL) of 10.9 dB covering 520 Hz to 1160 Hz with a LRSC of 12 cm width. Next, the effect of porous material filled into the resonators on the local resonant band gap is evaluated. It is shown that filling of porous material into the resonators decreases the height and width of the local resonant band gap. Finally, the transmission losses (TLs) through the DPS with LRSC are calculated as a function of the incident angle of the sound wave for LRSC embedded in porous material and not. The results show that the porous material can be significantly reduce the incident angle dependency of TL through the DPS with LRSC.
The article presents the results of an experimental study and calculations, using theoretical models, of the insertion loss of acoustical enclosures. The research used a developed prototype stand for testing acoustical enclosures. The sound power levels of the source without and with the enclosure, needed to determine the insertion loss, were determined by the approximate method in accordance with standard requirements. To calculate of the insertion loss for enclosures with sound absorbing and insulating walls, a known calculation model using the transmission loss of baffles was used. A new calculation model for enclosures with sound insulating walls is proposed in the article.
Main aim of this study is to combine the characteristics of the sonic crystal (SC) with acoustic panels and porous materials to improve the sound transmission loss (STL) through the triple-panel structure. SCs cause a bandgap centered around a certain frequency (Bragg’s frequency) due to generation of destructive interference. Initially, an analytical method is developed that extends the previous theory of double-panel structure to predict STL through a triple-panel structure. Finite element (FE) simulations are performer to obtain the STL through the triple-panel, which are validated with the analytical predictions. Various configurations are analyzed using the FE method based on the method of inserting the porous material and SCs between the panels to address the combined effect. STL through the triple-panel structure is compared with that through the double-panel structure having the same total weight and total thickness. It is found that the combined structure of the triple panel and the SC with glass wool as filler gives the best soundproof performance for the same external dimensions. For narrow air gaps, filing with glass wool is more advantageous than inserting one row of SC. In addition, the triple panel combined with a SC has better soundproofing than the two-panel counterparts.
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