The article describes an example of using a database application to manage customer data in an organization producing products to individual customer orders. The research were carried out in the department of production engineering at the Poznan University of Technology, who conducts research regarding the creation of individual prostheses and ortheses for patients with limb disfunctions. The developed database application with its functionality is included in the area of crm it solutions. The application is an extension of the automedprint system, which is used for fast, automatic designing and manufacturing of prostheses and orthetizes by 3d printing. In automedprint, data concerning clients, products and production orders are saved in different folders, which makes the management of these data very hard. Reason for this, a solution which enables accelerating editing, searching, sorting of data, and therefore providing in a short time information on the status of implementation of individual orders, has been developed.
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Przemysł naftowy przechodzi w ostatnich latach głęboką transformację zmieniając się pod względem technologicznym, głównie w zakresie cyfryzacji, gromadzenia i analizy coraz większej ilości danych. Era aplikacji w centrum zainteresowania powoli mija, ustępując miejsca nowemu podejściu umieszczającemu dane w centrum uwagi. Przykładem odpowiedzi na wyzwania, które stawia rynek jest realizowany w PGNiG Grupa Orlen projekt Smart Field, u którego podstaw leży integracja danych z wielu dziedzin. W niniejszym artykule, zaprezentowane zostało podejście do wdrożenia centralnej bazy danych w ramach projektu Smart Field, który umożliwia wykorzystanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań technologicznych w zakresie poszukiwań i wydobycia węglowodorów.
Nowadays, oil and gas industry undergoes a profound transformation. The main change is connected with technology, particularly in terms of digitalization, collection and analysis of significant data volumes. The era of apps in the spotlight is slowly passing away, giving way to a new approach that puts data at the center of attention. The answer to the challenges posed by the market is the Smart Field project implemented at PGNiG Grupa Orlen, based on the integration of data from many fields. This article presents an approach to the implementation of a central database as part of the Smart Field project, which enables the use of innovative technological solutions in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and production.
Since the 19th century, the irrigation industry on the territory of the Czech Republic has undergone considerable technological development and an increase in irrigated areas. Irrigation has become an important part of the Czech landscape. Large complex irrigation systems of tens to hundreds of km2 have been built. Towards the end of the 20th century, there was a significant decline due to the change of political regime, abolition of agricultural companies, etc. Irrigation systems and buildings were often destroyed, devastated, left without maintenance. There have also been several changes in the administrative management of the irrigation sector. The consequence was that there was no single database of irrigation systems. At present, a database of these irrigation systems is being compiled by the Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation using geographical information systems (GIS). In connection with climate change, the threat of drought, and irregular distribution of precipitation during the growing season, and the issue of irrigation are back on trend. In this study the current state of irrigation systems in the Czech Republic was presented. In the Czech Republic, a total of 175115 ha of irrigation area has been recorded so far (of this area, about 41% is currently in functional). Selected historic irrigation structures were documented by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
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W związku z postępującą cyfryzacją wzrosło zapotrzebowanie na przetwarzanie informacji, a tym samym na zapewnienie ciągłości działania cyfrowej infrastruktury. W 2022 roku rynek klimatyzacji precyzyjnej dla centrów danych osiągnął wartość 3,5 mld dolarów. Szacuje się, że do 2026 roku będzie to już 6 mld dolarów.
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The regulations on the EGiB, GESUT and BDOT500 geodetic databases published in 2013 and 2015 contained a significant number of errors, which significantly hindered the process of updating the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource, lowered the quality of cartographic materials and extended the time of performing geodetic works. The article presents some errors and their impact on the quality and content of cartographic materials. From 2021, new regulations in this area have been in force, but to a large extent they duplicate the errors and shortcomings of the regulations described in the article.
Jednym z wielu problemów, z jakimi borykają się użytkownicy, producenci czy właściciele sieci oraz osoby na co dzień zajmujące się cyberbezpieczeństwem, jak pracownicy zespołów CSIRT, jest kwestia podatności w urządzeniach internetu rzeczy. Mimo że najpopularniejsze podatności są często przedstawiane dużemu gronu odbiorców, nadal zdecydowana większość z nich jest znana tylko specjalistom od cyberbezpieczeństwa, a nie użytkownikom, którzy to podatne urządzenie mają. Dlatego to właśnie użytkownicy najczęściej mogą być zagrożeni. W związku z tym jest wskazane zwiększenie świadomości użytkowników zagrożeń płynących z posiadania i używania niezabezpieczonych urządzeń, a także zapewnienie dostępu do informacji o podatnościach. Idealnie byłoby mieć jedno źródło, w którym informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach związanych z urządzeniami IoT byłyby zebrane, zagregowane i skorelowane. Nasze obserwacje po analizach wskazały, że wciąż takiego zadowalającego źródła brakowało, dlatego też zdecydowaliśmy się stworzyć repozytorium, w którym informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach mogą być łatwo dostępne dla każdego. W artykule zostały przedstawione różne źródła użytecznych informacji (actionable information), a także otwarte repozytorium, które w przystępny sposób przedstawia informacje o podatnościach i eksploitach w internecie rzeczy.
One of the many problems facied by users, producers or network owners as well as those who deal with cybersecurity on a daily basis is the issue of vulnerabilities in Internet of Things devices. Although the most popular vulnerabilities are often presented to the general public, the vast majority of them are still known only to cybersecurity specialists, and not to the users who own the vulnerable device. Consequently, it is the users who are most likely to be at risk. It is advisable to increase user awareness of the dangers of owning and using unsecured devices as well as provide access to information about vulnerabilities. Ideally, we would like to have a single source where information about vulnerabilities and exploits related to IoT devices would be collected, aggregated and correlated. Among other things, the article presents various sources of actionable information as well as an open repository that presents information about vulnerabilities and exploits in an accessible way.
Data processing, artificial intelligence and IoT technologies are on the rise. The role of data transfer security systems and databases, known as Big Data, is growing. The main cognitive aim of the publication is to identify the specific nature of Big Data management in an enterprise. The paper uses the bibliographic Elsevier and Springer Link databases, and the Scopus abstract database. The distribution of keywords, drawing attention to four main areas related to research directions, is indicated, i.e., Big Data and the related terms „human”, „IoT” and „machine learning”. The paper presents the specific nature of Big Data together with Kitchin and McArdle’s research, indicating the need for a taxonomic ordering of large databases. The precise nature of Big Data management, including the use of advanced analytical techniques enabling managerial decision-making, was identified. The development of Cyber Production Systems (CPS), based on BD, integrating the physical world of an enterprise with the digitisation of information as the concept of Digital Twins (DTs), was also indicated. CPS offer the opportunity to increase enterprise resilience through increased adaptability, robustness and efficiency. With DTs, manufacturing costs are reduced, the product life cycle is shortened, and production quality increases.
W zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem na popularności zyskuje przetwarzanie dużych zbiorów danych, zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji i technologie IoT. Rośnie rola systemów bezpieczeństwa przesyłania danych oraz baz danych określanych jako Big Data. Głównym celem poznawczym publikacji jest identyfikacja specyfiki zarządzania Big Data w przedsiębiorstwie. W pracy wykorzystano bibliograficzne bazy danych Elsevier i Springer Link oraz bazę abstraktów Scopus. Wskazano rozkład słów kluczowych, zwracając uwagę na główne obszary dotyczące kierunków badań Big Data i związanych z nimi terminów „człowiek”, „IoT” oraz „uczenie maszynowe”. Artykuł przedstawia specyfikę Big Data, wskazuje badania Kitchina i McArdle’a opisujące potrzebę uporządkowania taksonomicznego dużych baz danych. W artykule zidentyfikowano charakter zarządzania Big Data, w tym wykorzystanie zaawansowanych technik analitycznych umożliwiających podejmowanie decyzji zarządczych. Wskazano również rozwój Cyber Production Systems (CPS), opartych na BD, integrujących fizyczny świat przedsiębiorstwa z digitalizacją informacji jako koncepcję Digital Twins (DTs). CPS oferują możliwość zwiększenia odporności przedsiębiorstwa poprzez zwiększoną zdolność adaptacji, solidność i wydajność. Dzięki DT koszty produkcji są zmniejszone, cykl życia produktu jest skrócony, a jakość produkcji wzrasta.
Purpose: The main purpose of the research is to devise and present a concept for a solution enabling integration of popular off-the-shelf online forms with a tool aligned with the MiRel concept used for quality measurement by application of the SERQUAL method. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis performed by the author comprised various possibilities of using standard features of popular online forms to store data for purposes of the SERVQUAL method. This involved identification of several potential layouts of the master table where the answers previously received are kept. The analysis concerned the data structure applied in the tool designed, as proposed in the literature, in accordance with the MiRel concept, to support the method in question. The elements identified in this structure were the attributes whose values should be entered directly and manually in tables as well as those whose values should be added automatically on the basis of the answers previously received. Solutions were developed to enable automatic data migration from the master table to the tool’s respective tables. Findings: The data required for purposes of the SERVQUAL analysis, supported by a tool created in a spreadsheet according to the MiRel concept, can be successfully stored by means of commonly available online forms. What proves to be problematic is the impossibility of verifying the correctness of the answers in terms of the relevance of individual dimensions, yet in this respect both the verification and potential adjustment of the answers received can be inherent in the mechanism responsible for data migration from the master table to the tool’s tables. A fully functional solution enabling data to be retrieved from the master table and moved to the tool’s tables can be developed using built-in spreadsheet features only, without the need for any code created in any programming language. Practical implications The solution proposed in the paper can be used in practice when measuring quality using the SERVQUAL method. Originality/value: The concept described in the paper is the author’s original solution.
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) device is mandatory for ships that comply with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). AIS is intended for vessel traffic monitoring to improve shipping safety. In the examined area, the base station received 22 128 345 messages in April 2019. Approximately 80% of these messages included position reports, which were subjected to geospatial analysis. One possible utilization of AIS messages is used in an intelligent maritime transport statistics production system called TranStat in the Gospostrateg project. This specific study compares the speed of executing geospatial queries in a relational PostgreSQL database engine and a non-relational MongoDB database engine. For the purpose of this research, we have defined four AIS datasets, four test polygons of varied number of vertices, and a reference point on a fairway. The tests were used to assess the execution of the queries in a database that returns the number of ships located in a predefined area and the number of ships located at a preset distance from the defined point. It has been determined from the test results that test queries are performed faster and data stored in the database occupy less disk space in MongoDB than in PostgreSQL. Faster geospatial analysis of AIS messages may improve the navigation safety by earlier detection of dangerous situations.
The year 2022 marks half a century since the establishment of HYDRO Bank. It is one of the most important components of the data processing system used by Polish Geological Institute which performs the duties of the state geological and hydrogeological survey. Since its conception in 1972, HYDRO Bank has been using information technology systems. Over the following years, teams of employees repeatedly modernized, expanded and updated the hydrogeological database. The information contained in the database is the basic source of data used for domestic studies in the fields of hydrogeology, cartography, environmental protection and government administration. There is another modernization planned for the upcoming years, along with continuous updates and increase in number of the collected data.
The article shows the results of the preparatory steps taken to create the artificial intelligence used in the automatic recognition of defects in ship thin-walled structures. The above steps are used to create a university private cloud and a computer system maintaining a dataset of vibration signal samples. In the article, a prototype of the private cloud was designed and developed, a model of the vibration sample was prepared, and a microservice was designed aimed at sharing the obtained data. The article demonstrates the results of the completed development.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych działań przygotowawczych do stworzenia sztucznej inteligencji wykorzystywanej w automatycznym rozpoznawaniu defektów okrętowych konstrukcji cienkościennych. Przeprowadzone kroki służą stworzeniu uczelnianej chmury prywatnej oraz systemu informatycznego utrzymującego zbiór danych próbek sygnałów drganiowych. W ramach artykułu zaprojektowano oraz stworzono prototyp chmury prywatnej, przygotowano model próbki drganiowej oraz zaprojektowano mikroserwis służący udostępnianiu uzyskanych danych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki wykonanej pracy.
Use of the information on groundwater collected by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey for the development of strategic, planning and other documents in the water management
An analysis is the process of browsing and searching for specific information from an entire dataset. The simplest analysis that can be performed on the data is visual analysis. However, it does not provide absolute certainty as to correctness and quality. A more advanced way of selecting required data is computer-based analysis. Analytical operations are performed on the data entered into the computer. The user defines the query, and the program performs calculations and displays the answer on the monitor screen. The aim of this publication is to conduct network analyses with the use of spatial databases. Besides focusing on the analysis as the leading research method, the paper also adopts this method to analyze the literature on the subject. In addition, the paper points to the complementary roles of the raster model and the vector model, emphasizing their coexistence. The paper shows a variety of applications of GIS analyses, from simple buffers around selected areas, through selection, and the intersection of layers, to network analyses. The high degree of advancement of GIS tools allows to build advanced models in which analyses that go beyond the original application of the collected databases can be run.
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