Artykuł opisuje implementację systemu zwalniania wątków VRTS, dostępnego na platformie GitHub pod adresem Jest to alternatywa dla systemów czasu rzeczywistego RTOS w systemach wbudowanych. Przedstawiono różne koncepcje programowania mikrokontrolerów, zwracając uwagę na różnice między nimi. Omówiono funkcjonalności biblioteki VRTS, przedstawiając jej wykorzystanie w układzie zasilającym elektrolizer alkaliczny.
The article presents VRTS - cooperative multitasking, searchable on GitHub at It is an alternative to real-time operating systems (RTOS) in embedded systems. Various concepts of programming microcontrollers were presented, paying attention to the differences between them. The functionalities of the VRTS library were discussed, presenting its use in the supply system of alkaline electrolyzer.
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Implementacja interfejsu 1-Wire w systemie wbudowanym, pracującym pod kontrolą systemu operacyjnego czasu rzeczywistego FreeRTOS, wymaga realizacji opóźnień o czasie trwania mniejszym, niż udostępnia to sam system operacyjny. Wykorzystanie opóźnień o pożądanym czasie trwania, realizowanych zwykle na drodze programowej, może prowadzić do niekorzystnego zwiększenia czasu reakcji takiego systemu. W artykule przedstawiono przykładowe rozwiązanie obsługi interfejsu 1-Wire w takim systemie wykorzystujące sprzętowy interfejs SPI.
Implementation of the 1-Wire interface in the embedded system, controlled by the FreeRTOS real-time operating system, requires the realization of delays with a duration shorter than that provided by the operating system itself. The use of delays of a desired duration, usually implemented by software, can lead to an unfavorable increase in the response time of such a system. The article presents an example of the 1-Wire interface implementation in such a system using the hardware SPI interface.
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Tiny Machine Learning is a new approach that is being used for data-driven prediction classification and regression on microcontrollers using local sensor data. The models are typically learned off-line and sent to the microcontroller for use as binary objects or frozen and converted static data. This approach is not universal or flexible. The REXA VM introduced in this work, which can virtualize embedded systems and sensor nodes and includes a general machine learning framework that supports arbitrary dynamic ANN and decision tree (DT) models, is introduced in this study. The models are delivered as text files with highly compressed program code that are enclosed in code frames with embedded data (model parameters). The VM offers fundamental computations for ANN and DT models (Microservices). Using a decompiler, models can be updated (retrained) and sent to other nodes (mobile models). It can be demonstrated that virtualization using a bytecode machine and just-in-time compiler is still appropriate and effective for extremely low-resource processors.
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W artykule opisano sposób implementacji dowolnego okna pomiarowego przedstawiając algorytm transformacji falkowej w postaci macierzowej oraz przedstawiono uniwersalną metodę wyznaczenia niepewności wielkości wyjściowych rozważanego toru pomiarowego. Skuteczność opisywanej metody oraz wpływ parametrów okna pomiarowego zostały zweryfikowane na przykładzie istniejącego toru pomiarowego, a uzyskane wyniki zostały porównane z wynikami metody Monte-Carlo. Artykuł stanowi uzupełnienie referatu wygłoszonego na konferencji PPM2022.
The article describes the method of implementing any measurement window by presenting the wavelet transformation algorithm in a matrix form, and presents a universal method of determining the uncertainty of the output quantities of the measurement chain under consideration. The effectiveness of the described method and the influence of the measurement window parameters were verified on the existing measurement chain. Obtained results were compared with the results of the Monte-Carlo method. The article complements the paper presented at the PPM2022 conference.
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W pracy przedstawiono autorski system wbudowany do badania właściwości elektrolizera. Zaprezentowano koncepcję pracy rozważanego układu, schemat opracowanego układu, projekt płytki drukowanej wraz z opisem sposobu mocowania elementów elektronicznych. Pokazano też przebiegi czasowe napięć i prądów w wybranych częściach układu. Przedyskutowano uzyskane wyniki.
The paper presents the author's embedded system for measurements of the properties of the electrolyser. The concept of operation of the considered system, a diagram of the this system, a design of a printed circuit board with a description of the method of the assembly of electronic components are presented. The waveforms of voltages and currents in selected parts of the system are also shown. The obtained results are discussed.
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The article presents a comparison of micro cameras for video data acquisition. The tested cameras can be used in conjunction with embedded systems, in particular in the system for detecting mechanical damage of airport lamps. The work verified the compatibility of operation with microcomputers: Raspberry Pi 4B, Google Coral, NVIDIA Jetson Nano and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX and cameras: Raspberry Pi Camera HD v2, Waveshare 16579, IMX477 and Logitech C922. Tests were performed under laboratory conditions based on an ISO 12233 standard test chart.
W artykule przedstawiono porównanie mikrokamer do akwizycji danych wizyjnych. Testowane kamery mogą zostać użyte w połączeniu z systemami wbudowanymi, w szczególności w systemie do wykrywania uszkodzeń mechanicznych lamp lotniskowych. W pracy sprawdzono kompatybilność działania z mikrokomputerami: Raspberry Pi 4B, Google Coral, NVIDIA Jetson Nano i NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX oraz kamery: Raspberry Pi Camera HD v2, Waveshare 16579, IMX477 i Logitech C922. Testy przeprowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych, w oparciu o standardową tablicę testową ISO 12233.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu segmentacji sekwencji wizyjnych z wykorzystaniem systemów wbudowanych. Przetestowano wydajność rozwiązań opartych o mikrokomputer Raspberry Pi 4B oraz platformę Nvidia Jetson Nano pod kątem możliwości ich implementacji w platformie pomiarowej do automatycznego badania jakości działania lamp lotniskowych. Porównano szybkość przetwarzania dla różnych rozdzielczości obrazu oraz wymagania związane z zasilaniem modułów.
The article presents the results of experimental research on the video segmentation process using two different embedded systems. The performance of solutions based on the Raspberry Pi 4B microcomputer and the Nvidia Jetson Nano platform was tested for the possibility of their implementation in a measurement platform for automatic testing of the quality of airport lamps. The processing speed for different image resolutions and the module power requirements were compared.
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W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania niepewności wielkości wyjściowych torów pomiarowych wykorzystujących algorytmy dyskretnej transformacji falkowej (DWT). Przedstawiona metoda obejmuje identyfikację właściwości metrologicznych toru pomiarowego, niewymagającą znajomości dokładnej struktury i parametrów tego toru, a następnie identyfikację parametrów dowolnego algorytmu DWT. Artykuł stanowi rozszerzenie referatu wygłoszonego na konferencji SP2022.
The paper presents a method of determining the uncertainty of the output quantities of measuring chain using the algorithms of discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). The presented method includes the identification of the measuring chain, which does not require the knowledge of the exact structure and parameters of this chain, and then the identification of the parameters of any DWT algorithm. The paper also shows an application example of the described method. The article is an extension of the paper presented at the SP2022 conference.
W artykule przedstawiono ćwiczenie laboratoryjne, w trakcie którego studenci poznaj¡ jeden ze sposobów realizacji systemu komputerowego w oparciu o układ logiki programowalnej nie zawierający procesora. Sposób ten wymaga przygotowania specyfikacji systemu np. w języku opisu sprzętu, można w niej wykorzystywać opisy innych układów. Wspomniane na początku rozwiązanie jest możliwe, gdyż producenci układów programowalnych oferują także opisy procesorów.
There is a great range of spectacular coral reefs in the ocean world. Unfortunately, they are in jeopardy, due to an overabundance of one specific starfish called the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish (or COTS). This article provides research to deliver innovation in COTS control. Using a deep learning model based on the You Only Look Once version 5 (YOLOv5) deep learning algorithm on an embedded device for COTS detection. It aids professionals in optimizing their time, resources, and enhances efficiency for the preservation of coral reefs worldwide. As a result, the performance over the algorithm was outstanding with Precision: 0.93 - Recall: 0.77 - F1score: 0.84.
The publication discusses the concept of modern embedded systems that can be programmed and build in bigger systems in order to ensure the safety of people with disabilities. Article presents the definition of embedded system and, also, introduces the definition of the author. What is more, article briefly presents the most popular and developed in the fastest way exemplary systems: ARM, STM32, Raspberry PI, Sony Spresense and NvidiaJetson. Moreover, the main reasons were described why the embedded systems are used in more and more solutions and the factors that strengthen this trend have been noted: labor costs reduction through automation, reduction of costs of development of a new product through the possibility of making quick changes and reduction of product testing time, value creation potential and, also, the way to individualize the possibilities of electronics. Also, the examples of usage of those systems were presented. Finally, the practical side of programming and testing the embedded systems were described: ‘radar‘ (a torch) for blind people, help with balance disorders and the device to help with problems with orientation in space. In the conclusions, author shapes the estimated potential future of electronics supported with modern embedded systems, which as author believes makes this article the comprehensive study.
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The work is dealing with the problem of developing an embedded system for supply voltage converter of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) with advanced functionality, namely - with an embedded ability to measure the Volt-Ampere (V – A) characteristics of structures directly during their operation. The measurement of the V – A characteristics of OLED structures is performed on the transient processes of voltage generation in the drivers boost circuits. Model researches show the operating conditions of the boost OLED power driver with in-situ measurement of its V – A characteristics. In accordance with the results of model researches and requirements for the implementation of modern electronics devices, an embedded system of voltage converter for OLED structure has been developed. The basis of the developed converter is a programmable system on chip PSoC of 5LP Family Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
Praca dotyczy problemu opracowania wbudowanego systemu przetwornika napięcia zasilania organicznej diody elektroluminescencyjnej (OLED) z zaawansowaną funkcjonalnością, mianowicie - z wbudowaną możliwością bezpośredniego pomiaru charakterystyk woltoamperowych (W – A) struktur. podczas ich eksploatacji. Pomiar charakterystyki W – A struktur OLED wykonywany jest na przejściowych procesach generowania napięcia w obwodach doładowania sterowników. Badania modelowe pokazują warunki pracy zasilacza boost OLED z pomiarem in-situ jego charakterystyk W – A. Zgodnie z wynikami badań modelowych oraz wymaganiami dla implementacji nowoczesnych urządzeń elektronicznych, opracowano wbudowany system przetwornika napięcia dla struktury OLED. Podstawą opracowanego konwertera jest układ programowalny na chipie rodziny PSoC 5LP Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
In general, the production processes are more and more complex. This is the result of more and more sophisticated materials used, the pressure to save them as well as other production resources (ecological perspective), also the tendency to buy mobile products lighter and less power consuming than before. In previous years using highly specialized technology was very costly for the company. Nowadays, this situation is possible to be changed because of emerging types of modern micro-controllers and variety of compatible sensors. Some of those micro-controllers are more power saving, some are more powerful in terms of computing power. The common denominator is that both purchasing them as well as programming is possible for ordinary person, a hobbyist building DIY projects. This sheds new light to the professional usage of modern micro-controllers-based solutions that can become possible to offer comparable level of precision at the fraction of cost. The authors recognized the strong potential in modern micro-controllers and made the research among professionals in the area of production companies. The outcome of research showed that the professionals share the opinion of the authors. Therefore, the outbreak of usage of such inexpensive solutions in professional applications is expected. However, the research showed, that there is possible to find single situations, where usage of modern micro-controllers may be limited, for example in the company targeted to produce hand-made products or handicraft (manufacture).
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The article presents how embedded systems can be used to collect data in the long-term traction of a car. It is assumed that the long period is the time of a travelled distance, e.g. a few thousands of kilometres, or a time, e.g. a month. Such data can be used to optimize the control systems and to diagnose unusual faults in mechatronic systems. The research paper presents how, with the use of very cheap devices, it is possible to collect data that quite often could not be collected even with the use of very expensive measuring devices. The possibility of simple analysis of signals in real time was also pointed out.
W pracy omówiono stosowane obecnie techniki wytwarzania systemów automatycznej regulacji. Rozpoczęto od przybliżenia stosowanych w inżynierii oprogramowania pojęć: kryzys oprogramowania, katastrofa oprogramowania oraz cykl życia oprogramowania. To ostatnie zostało w kolejnych rozdziałach poszerzone o najbardziej popularne modele wytwarzania oprogramowania. Następnie przybliżono na bazie modelu V rolę weryfikacji i walidacji w cyklu życia oprogramowania i sterownika oraz przedstawiono techniki testowe stosowane w walidacji sterownika. Są to testy typu: oprogramowanie w pętli, procesor w pętli oraz sterownik w pętli. Ostatni rozdział opisuje technikę projektowania systemów automatyki w oparciu o zaawansowane modele matematyczne Model Based Design.
The paper presents the currently used techniques for the development of the automation control systems. It begins with the introduction of the concepts used in software engineering: software crisis, software disaster, and software life cycle. The subsequent chapters extend the latter by including the most popular software development models. Then, based on the V model, the role of verification and validation in the software and controller life cycle is presented, and the test techniques used in the controller validation are given. These test types include: software in the loop, processor in the loop, and controller in the loop. The last chapter describes the technique of designing automation systems based on the advanced mathematical models Model-Based Design.
The main results of RETwix developmentare presented in the paper. RETwix is an universal hardware and software means for laboratory research, which can be used for investigation both electronic components and arbitrary electrical, thermal, chemical or biochemical processes. Sensors, actuators and signal transducers of the Analog Front-End are used for this purpose. The RETwix means includes two CV-LAB devices (Capacitance &Voltage LABoratory) and UA-LAB (Universal Analog LABoratory). The peculiarities of constructionand examples of RETwix using are described.
Główne wyniki opracowaniaRETwix zostały przedstawionew artykule. RETwix jest uniwersalnymsprzętemi oprogramowaniem do badań laboratoryjnych, któremożna wykorzystaćdobadania zarówno komponentów elektronicznych, jak i dowolnych procesów elektrycznych, termicznych, chemicznych lub biochemicznych. W tym celu zostały wykorzystaneczujniki, aktuatoryi przetworniki sygnału Analog Front-End. RETwix zawiera dwa urządzenia CV-LAB (Capacitance & Voltage LABoratory) orazUA-LAB (Universal Analog LABoratory). Zostały opisane osobliwości budowyorazprzykłady zastosowania RETwix.
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Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) has emerged as a de-facto standard interface for libraries providing linear algebra functionality. The advent of powerful devices for Internet of Things (IoT) nodes enables the reuse of existing BLAS implementations in these systems. This calls for a discerning evaluation of the properties of these libraries on embedded processors. This work benchmarks and discusses the performance and memory consumption of a wide range of unmodified open-source BLAS libraries. In comparison to related (but partly outdated) publications this evaluation covers the largest set of opensource BLAS libraries, considers memory consumption as well and distinctively focuses on Linux-capable embedded platforms (an ARM-based SoC that contains an SIMD accelerator and one of the first commercial embedded systems based on the emerging RISC-V architecture). Results show that especially for matrix operations and larger problem sizes, optimized BLAS implementations allow for significant performance gains when compared to pure C implementations. Furthermore, the ARM platform outperforms the RISC-V incarnation in our selection of tests.
The article presents the design and execution of a startup system based on an Atmel AVR microcontroller. Due to its intended educational use, the system was equipped with a large number of peripherals connected to various microcontroller outputs using pin-cables. The diagram and PCB design feature an ergonomic layout of the microcontroller outputs and peripherals, to ensure clarity of connection. Libraries and examples were written in the C programming language, the code was compiled using Atmel Studio 7 software – the official Atmel programming environment. The startup system provides optimum conditions for learning related to microprocessor technology in the laboratory.
This paper deals with the image processing from the camera for Raspberry Pi connected with real-time communication network to the control system (PLC). The low time delay for receiving and sending commands, data, etc. is very important in the automating production processes. This can be provided by industrial real-time network based on Ethernet. The Ethernet POWERLINK, which is supported on B&R PLCs, is one of them. It is a simple solution for a variety of applications because the POWERLINK is publicly available as the open source. Connecting the PLC and Raspberry Pi with Ethernet POWERLINK opens up many applications in industrial automation. For example, image data obtained using a camera attached to Raspberry Pi can be used to sense image of manufacturing processes and products and evaluate their quality in industrial automation. This article focuses on an image processing unit and the PLC system with CPU redundancy used in the industrial application. Vision systems are often used to improve products quality control, saving costs and time.
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The article is a continuation of research into a stabilization system for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle of vertical takeoff and landing. The stabilization system was designed on the basis of a fuzzy logic Mamdani type controller. In the framework of the research, the authors built a test stand with a Multi Rotor model, which allows "Hardware In The Loop" testing in real time. The control system was written in the Matlab/Simulink software and implemented to the Arduino microcontroller.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację badań nad układem stabilizacji do modelu Bezzałogowego Statku Powietrznego pionowego startu i lądowania. System stabilizacji zaprojektowany został w oparciu o regulator logiki rozmytej typu Mamdani. W ramach badań wykonane zostało stanowisko testowe z modelem quadrocoptera pozwalające na wykonywanie testów HIL „Hardware In The Loop” w czasie rzeczywistym. System sterowania napisany został w oprogramowaniu Matlab/Simulink i zaimplementowany do mikrokontrolera Arduino.
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