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Wyczerpywanie się zasobów surowców nieodnawialnych wykorzystywanych do produkcji energii przyczyniło się do szukania nowych możliwości ich pozyskania. Jedną z nich jest wykorzystanie biomasy do celów energetycznych. W artykule autorzy przedstawili możliwości i ograniczenia produkcji biomasy w Polsce i wskazali na ewentualne zagrożenia związane z nieracjonalną uprawą tych roślin.
Depletion of non-renewable resources used for energy production has contributed to seek new opportunities to generate them. One is the use of biomass for energy purposes. In this paper the authors present possibilities and limitations of biomass production in Poland and pointed to the possible risks associated with unsustainable cultivation of these plants.
Content available Możliwości rozwoju wsi polskiej
The systemic transformation of Poland's entire economy and its accession to the European Union have given the countryside new opportunities for development. In the recent years, proponents of the conception of multi-functional development of rural areas have grown in numbers. Non-agricultural businesses set up by country people allow them a fuller use of the existing resources, e.g. a surplus of labour or premises. A change of economic activity to obtain alternative sources of income is often the only way out of an economic impasse for the rural population. Naturally, a common barrier to establishing a non-farming business is the lack of financial means. Non-agricultural activity is known to diversify the functional structure of an area and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants. A dense network, diversity and good location of the elements of technical, social, cultural and tourist development (i.e., infrastructure) provide the necessary skeleton for the multi-functional development of the rural economy. However, the chances of introducing changes are not equal for everyone. There are a number of factors controlling the growth of the Polish countryside, including the geographical location, natural conditions, and spatial development. Poland's accession to the European Union has opened up new prospects, especially before the frontier rural areas in the west of the country. Of some importance for the activation of a place is its close location relative to a major settlement unit, although it may also pose a threat in terms of the form, way and intensity of spatial development. Another factor determining the chances of and barriers to the growth of a unit is infrastructure, since it provides a basis for any economic activity and is responsible for spatial differences in economic growth. The natural conditions of a substantial part of rural areas are favourable to the development of agrotourism, which may help improve the living conditions of villagers and the quality of the local landscape. The distribution of agrotourist farms is closely connected with the natural and cultural attractions of the given area. Tourists prefer regions with a diversified relief, a high percentage of woodiness, and the occurrence of water bodies. It should be kept in mind, however, that an uncontrolled development of tourist traffic may lead to a degradation of the natural environment. Naturally, agro-tourism helps to stimulate the rural economy and allows villagers to augment their incomes. It should be kept in mind, however, that only some farmers can engage in agrotourist activity. Hence, even rapid development of agro-tourism will not solve all the rural problems that Poland faces today.
W opracowaniu dokonano oceny warunków przyrodniczych i przestrzennych prowadzenia produkcji rolnej na obszarze gminy Czarny Dunajec oraz oceny wpływu przemian gospodarczych w rolnictwie na walory i zasoby środowiska przyrodniczego analizowanego terenu. Przedstawiono również propozycje najważniejszych zabiegów urządzeniowych i działań rolno-środowiskowych, które dzięki wsparciu środkami finansowymi z funduszy Unii Europejskiej pozwolą na przebudowę w sposób akceptowany przez lokalne społeczności wysoce wadliwych, zarówno z ekonomicznego, jak i ekologicznego punktu widzenia, struktur użytkowych i agrarnych terenów wiejskich w taki sposób, aby produkcja rolna nic godziła we właściwe funkcjonowanie gospodarki wodnej, turystyki, a zwłaszcza konieczności ochrony unikalnej przyrody.
In elaboration one introduced the estimation of natural and spatial circumstances in leadership of farming production on area of the commune Czarny Dunajec. Taking into account some natural values, low level of pollution of environraent and also cultural values of ground one should aim to guarantee the development and maintemmces as greatest numbers of diverse farms in respect of magnitude of supplies, producthe factors and practical technology of production. That will permit to increase some ecological values of area.
The communes: Czernica and Jelcz-Laskowice are situated within an urban fringe of Wrocław, in the plain Odra river valley. The once actively farmed areas become increasingly redundant and it is necessary to find alternative ways to stimulate their future development. At the same time-with modern communications and new ways of working, people are looking for more friendly environments, away from the hustle of city locations. These accessible rural and wooden areas seem to be very attractive for weekend recreation as well as the new land-use categories, such as housing and industry. The existing land-use policy of the mentioned communes reflects the market-led scenario and the general tendency to the homogenous housing development along the main transport corridors in the neighbourhood of main urban centres: Wrocław and Jelcz-Laskowice. The spatial trends to accelerate the economic goals by residential choice are apparent. But the question is: how to save the countryside from simply becoming an extension of the cities?
The paper present natural an technical aspects, which need to take account when we want to design sports turf. It is necessary to use habitat information like, weather, water and soil conditions. A very important elements is adaptation suitable mixture of grasses, optimal range and level of cultivation lawns and specification of optimal using of designing sport grounds.
Content available Wrocławski system ochrony przeciwpowodziowej
Water always had and still has an influence on places where people settle down. After each bigger flood, man usually did some alterations in already existing buildings and erected new ones. He raised the embankments but scarcely ever noticed the need to verify some spatial solutions in town planning. As the result of this strategy we are facing the mans growing influence on landscape. This process causes the increasing costs of flood losses and renovation of the damaged infrastructure. We can observe here a vicious circle of humans actions and reactions of natural powers. On this background the author describes the history of the waterway regulations and flood protection investments in city of Wroclaw.
Opracowanie zajmuje się problematyką wpływu zróżnicowanych warunków przyrodniczych na organizację i ekonomikę gospodarstw rolniczych. Wnioskowanie i analizę oparto na badaniach empirycznych przeprowadzonych w gospodarstwach rolniczych byłego województwa białostockiego. Prowadząc badania poszukiwano współzależności pomiędzy jakością rolniczej przestrzeni produkcyjnej a organizacją produkcji roślinnej i organizacją produkcji zwierzęcej w gospodarstwach. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wpływ warunków przyrodniczych gospodarstw na wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne. Zaprezentowano gospodarstwa, które przy niskiej jakości warunków przyrodniczych osiągają ponadprzeciętne wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne. Wskazano na ograniczenia, jakie wynikają z prowadzenia gospodarstw w różnych jakościowo warunkach przyrodniczych
This paper is concerned with problems of varied natural conditions and their influence on organisation and economics of farms. Conclusions and analysis are based on empirical research conducted in farms of the former Bialystok voivodship. The research sought to identify relations between the quality of agricultural production environment and plant / animal production in farms. This paper presents the influence of natural conditions on production and economics of farms. There are examples given of farms, which under poor natural conditions obtain production and economic results better than average. The limitations in farming arising from varied qualitative natural conditions are also presented.
Content available remote Regionalne aspekty rolnictwa północno-wschodniej części kraju
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na produkcyjne i rekreacyjne walory północno-wschodniej części kraju. Na podstawie przytoczonych w zestawieniach tabelarycznych informacji stwierdzono, że rolnictwo tej części kraju posiada lepsze, w odniesieniu do przeciętnych warunków rolnictwa kraju, warunki do rozwoju produkcji towarowej. Specjalizacją tego regionu powinien być chów i hodowla bydła mlecznego
The article pays attention to production and recreation values of north-eastern region of Poland. The information presented in tables shows that the agriculture in that part of the country distinguishes with better conditions for developing goods production than in other regions. North-eastern region of Poland should specialise in the cattle - breeding.
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