Recently in the space there are launched new series of environmental satellites with high time resolution, allowing continuous observations of the Earth’s surface. NOAA series of satellites, launched in 1998 SPOT or TERRA operating since 2000, provide daily data acquisition of large areas. Differences between the construction of instruments and means of processing cause disparity in the received data. This article presents a comparison of NDVI index obtained from these satellites. Compositions used in the ten-day NDVI images made on the basis of NOAA AVHRR images, NDVI compositions performed on the basis of images from SPOT VEGETATION as well as eight-day MODIS TERRA NDVI compositions. Area of the research are agricultural areas of Wielkopolska. NDVI index was measured on 193 polygons with surfaces from 1.5÷68.9 ha during the growing season from 10th to 24th decade of 2006. Another comparison has been made for NDVI values for the region of Wielkopolska in the years 2000÷2008 and the size of yield of wheat.
W artykule przedstawione są wyniki klasyfikacji obiektowej zdjęcia satelitarnego SPOT, o rozdzielczości przestrzennej 20 m. W klasyfikacji zastosowano zasady postępowania zbliżone do stosowanych w metodzie tzw. drzewa decyzyjnego. Podstawowe klasy pokrycia terenu są identyfikowane podczas sekwencji niezależnych procesów, w czasie których analizowane są obiekty jeszcze niesklasyfikowane w toku poprzednich procesów. Dodatkowo przyjęto założenie wykonania klasyfikacji bez stosowania metody Najbliższego Sąsiada (dostępnej w oprogramowaniu eCognition). Treść zdjęcia satelitarnego została podzielona z zastosowaniem parametrów charakteryzujących w sposób bezpośredni obiekty. Wykorzystano również specjalnie w tym celu opracowane funkcje. Algorytm postępowania rozpoczyna się od rozpoznania klasy wody, której obiekty są definiowane w wyniku procesu wielopoziomowej segmentacji. Następnie wykonywana jest nowa segmentacja dla pozostałych klas. Z treści zdjęcia zostaje wydzielana ogólna klasa lasów a po niej zabudowa; obie klasy dzielone są później na podklasy. Pozostałe, jeszcze nierozpoznane, obiekty dzielone są na łąki i pola. W drugim etapie klasyfikacji, na podstawie już sklasyfikowanych obiektów wyłaniane są dodatkowe klasy: tereny podmokłe, działki i sady, zieleń miejska, place budów oraz zmiany w lesie. W sumie rozpoznano 13 klas. Końcowy wynik klasyfikacji został opracowany z zastosowaniem procedury generalizacji mającej na celu uzyskanie danych spełniających kryterium jednostki odniesienia o wielkości 4 ha. Całkowita dokładność klasyfikacji wyniosła ponad 89%.
The paper presents results of object-oriented classification of whole 20-meter resolution SPOT scene covering the Kujawy region. The classification approach applied in this work was similar to that used in the so-called decision tree method. The main land cover classes were identified in a sequence of independent processes, assuming that each subsequent process deals solely with objects not classified yet. Another assumption was to implement rule-based approach rather than the Standard Nearest Neighbor classifier (available in eCognition software). In this approach, contents of satellite image were characterized by various spectral/texture parameters directly describing individual land cover/land use classes; in addition, by pre-defined functions, determined on the basis of graphical analysis of feature space constructed for particular terrain objects were used. The classification process begins with recognition of water class the objects of which were delineated using multiresolution segmentation. New segmentation is prepared for the remaining land cover classes. Subsequently, the general forest class and the urban class are discriminated; at the next stage, both classes are divided into sub-categories. Consequently, broad agricultural and grassland classes are determined. At the second stage of classification, more detailed classes are discriminated within the general land cover categories: wetlands, orchards, urban green areas, construction sites, and deforestations. Overall, 13 land cover/land use categories were discriminated in the work presented. The final classification map was prepared using the aggregation procedure to obtain a map resolution fulfilling the 4ha size of Minimum Mapping Unit. The accuracy was assessed using the method of randomly distributed points; the number of points assigned to each class for checking was proportional to the acreage of that class. The overall accuracy of all classes checked in the verification process reached 89%. The method presented was applied to two other test sites in Poland: the regions of Podlasie and Wielkopolska. Despite differences in land cover/land use patterns, both regions were classified with a comparable, high accuracy.
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Maintaining the Terrain Analysis System (TERAS) is the principal task of military geographic service. The system.s main component is Terrain Database. It is a huge set of raster, vector and attribute data. Military analysis of this input data should define: mobility, cover and concealment, line of sight, intelligence reconnaissance elements. This paper describes our experiences in the analysis of image data for military purposes. The analyzed dataset contains panchromatic and multispectral satellite scene: LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS, IKONOS and aerial photos. Different terrain and spectral resolution enables to distinguish from the imagery different quantitative and qualitative features. So, it is also an attempt to show the correlation between resolution and extraction of different kind of information. The basic military product is terrain evaluation map. It integrates information about military elements of geographic environment. Terrain database contains thematic layer data, for example: vegetation, hydrography, soils, relief etc. However, if we consider military aspects, this data could be grouped in three products: DEM, landcover map, soil map. Development of acquisition and processing techniques allows to create such maps from imagery. Is it possible to create terrain analysis subsystem only from digital imagery? This analysis tries to respond to this question. Such a subsystem would enable military terrain evaluation even if we have no others data. But first of all, we must gather the data and elaborate analysis and extraction algorithms. The main tasks are: optimal spectral composition analysis, texture analysis and other methods of processing, continuous-to-thematic raster layer processing, advanced classifying procedures, conditional processing of aggregated data, proper ungrouping and composing output thematic layer. Imagery acquisition systems, especially satellite ones are constantly developed, and spectral and terrain resolution is increased. Therefore, we can obtain more and more information and we should search for new processing methods. The imagery data is especially valuable for military use of environment, because it helps to achieve dominance on the battlefield.
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Maintaining the Terrain Analysis System (TERAS) is the principal task of military geographic service. The system.s main component is Terrain Database. It is a huge set of raster, vector and attribute data. Military analysis of this input data should define: mobility, . cover and concealment, line of sight, intelligence reconnaissance elements. This paper describes our experiences in the analysis of image data for military purposes. The analyzed dataset contains panchromatic and multispectral satellite scene: LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS, IKONOS and aerial photos. Different terrain and spectral resolution enables to distinguish from the imagery different quantitative and qualitative features. So, it is also an attempt to show the correlation between resolution and extraction of different kind of information. The basic military product is terrain evaluation map. It integrates information about military elements of geographic environment. Terrain database contains thematic layer data, for example: vegetation, hydrography, soils, relief etc. However, if we consider military aspects, this data could be grouped in three products: DEM, landcover map, soil map. Development of acquisition and processing techniques allows to create such maps from imagery. Is it possible to create terrain analysis subsystem only from digital imagery? This analysis tries to respond to this question. Such a subsystem would enable military terrain evaluation even if we have no others data. But first of all, we must gather the data and elaborate analysis and extraction algorithms. The main tasks are: optimal spectral composition analysis, .texture analysis and other methods of processing, continuous-to-thematic raster layer processing, advanced classifying procedures, conditional processing of aggregated data, proper ungrouping and composing output thematic layer. Imagery acquisition systems, especially satellite ones are constantly developed, and spectral and terrain resolution is increased. Therefore, we can obtain more and more information and we should search for new processing methods. The imagery data is especially valuable for military use of environment, because it helps to achieve dominance on the battlefield.
Obrazy radarowe stanowią już ważną część metod fotogrametrii i teledetekcji służących potrzebom geodezji i kartografii, w tym kartowaniu upraw rolniczych. W referacie zaprezentowane zostaną wyniki projektu ENVISAT – AO 783 finansowanego również przez KBN w formie grantu indywidualnego (5T12E 038 22), dotyczącego możliwości wykorzystania obrazów mikrofalowych ASAR jako alternatywy dla zobrazowań optycznych wielospektralnych w identyfikacji i kartowaniu wybranych upraw rolniczych. Praca wpisuje się w nurt badań poświeconych zastosowaniom teledetekcji pasywnej i aktywnej w realizacji procedur kontrolnych i monitoringowych przestrzeni rolniczej w ramach IACS.
Przedstawione w artykule badania dotyczą porównania dokładności korekcji geometrycznej zdjęć satelitarnych SPOT wykorzystującej ręczną identyfikację punktów z dokładnością korekcji opartej na automatycznej identyfikacji punktów dostosowania przeprowadzonej przez program TARIFA. We wszystkich przypadkach jako baza odniesienia służyła tworzona przez Spot Image baza Reference3D®. W artykule przedstawiono również podstawowe zasady działania programu TARIFA.
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