The aim of the article is to present the expectations of industrial enterprises towards suppliers related to quality, environment, occupational health and safety management systems (QEOH &SMS). The article presents the results of empirical research conducted in 151 companies operating on the Polish B2B market. The study was commissioned to a specialised research agency that conducted a targeted selection of companies registered in the Bisnode database, which is a business directory search platform. The expectations of production companies towards their suppliers regarding the implementation of QEOH&SMS were assigned a rank on a scale from one (the least important criterion) to five (the most significant). The methodological apparatus in this study was set so that it was possible to fulfil the research goal based on empirical data. A questionnaire was used to verify the characteristics of the operational process after the implementation of particular managerial systems. This article examines the relationship between the requirements for suppliers and the implementation of management systems by manufacturing companies. The results of the conducted research indicate that expectations of industrial enterprises towards suppliers related to QEOH&SMS are strongly focused on their development. Research shows that companies that adhere to the requirements of standardised management systems have a greater requirement for suppliers than companies that do not implement QEOH & SM requirements. In particular, the implementation of quality and environmental management systems by the surveyed organisations translates into increased requirements for suppliers. The article contributes to the existing scientific literature by analysing the impact of the implementation of individual management systems on the expectations towards suppliers. This study shows which of the 18 examined aspects are particularly important for manufacturing companies. Additionally, the expectations towards suppliers were classified into four groups (Corrective, Preventive, Improvement, Innovation).
W artykule omówiono wdrażanie systemu zarządzania jakością w instytucie, rozumianym jako jednostka naukowa, w aspekcie specyfiki jego działalności. Przedstawiono instrumenty, jakie daje norma ISO 9001, aby móc osiągnąć spełnienie wymagań Klienta i tym samym jego pełną satysfakcję.
The article discusses the implementation of a quality management system in the institute, understood as a research unit, in terms of specificity of its activities. The instruments provided by ISO 9001 standard are presented in order to meet the requirements of the customer and thus achieve its full satisfaction.
The article is one of a series of articles (Molenda, 2020) in which the results of studies on the assessment of the quality policy in industrial enterprises operating in Poland have been described. When carrying out the surveys in the years 2015-2019, in addition to the quality policy, the type of organizational culture of enterprises was identified, among other things. This allowed to divide enterprises into 4 groups, depending on the dominant type of organizational culture identified according to the Cameron-Quinn methodology (Cameron K., Quinn R. 2003). This study compares the quality policies of these enterprises in terms of their orientation towards improvement characteristic of the TQM philosophy. The first part of the article describes the issue of the quality policy in the context of organizational culture. The body of the article contains the results of studies conducted among 166 enterprises. A preliminary statistical analysis of the results allowed to answer the question of what is the level of orientation of the implemented quality policy towards improvement and whether this level varies depending on the organizational culture.
The objective of this article is to present the results of research concerning the assessment of the actually implemented Quality Policy in social and cultural area of selected industrial enterprises. In the first part of the article, the essence of the Quality Policy and its implicational meaning for the functioning of the enterprise in the scope of quality were described. What is more, the study also contains the problems associated with analyzing the quality policy. The main part of the article contains the results of research carried out in the years 2015-2019 among 166 industrial enterprises carrying out their activity in Poland. The objective of the research was the assessment of the actually implemented quality policy in the enterprises. The data was obtained on the basis of survey carried out among representatives of middle management in each enterprise. Statistical analysis of the results allowed to assess the quality policy in groups of enterprises depending on their size, management system and the so-called level of independence in management.
The article presents the issues that arise in the establishment and actual activation of Quality Policies. The first part of the article describes the essence of the Quality Policy and its implications for the structure, functioning and effectiveness of the enterprise management system in the area of quality. It also describes selected factors that mainly determine the Quality Policy, and includes the results of research carried out in 2015-2019 among 166 industrial enterprises operating in Poland. The aim of the research was to assess the actual Quality Policy put in place in each enterprise. The data was obtained on the basis of a survey conducted among persons representing middle management. The article contains the results of research on the assessment of selected aspects of the Quality Policy in the area of enterprise improvement. Statistical analysis of the research results allowed an assessment of the level of focus on improvement of enterprises and to compare the results in groups of enterprises with different employment levels and various degrees of independence in determining and implementing Quality Policy.
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The article presents a model of fuzzy quality control of a company. The practical relevance of the research consists in the potential use of the developed system as a universal tool to assess efficiency of food production process quality management and to develop a package of actions to increase efficiency of the quality management system. The developed model enables to forecast and manage quality parameters of the manufactured products.
Artykuł przedstawia model rozmytej kontroli jakości firmy produkcyjnej. Praktyczne znaczenie badania polega na potencjalnym wykorzystaniu opracowanego systemu jako uniwersalnego narzędzia oceny efektywności zarządzania jakością procesu produkcji żywności oraz wypracowania działań mających na celu zwiększenie efektywności systemu zarządzania jakością. Opracowany model umożliwia prognozowanie i zarządzanie parametrami jakościowymi produkowanych wyrobów.
The Joint Inspection Group (JIG) standard for aviation fuel quality management assists in the operational process and maintenance of aviation fuel from its point of origin and through distribution systems to airports. Currently, problems arise as the JIG standard and quality management in aviation fuel are isolated and have independent procedures. Merging the JIG standards with ISO 9001:2015 can override original JIG’s philosophy by connecting all quality assessment, and management parties involved, throughout the supply chain. This integration can harmonize auditing tasks, focusing on risk/opportunity, and continue quality improvement focus. This paper proposes a development of quality management system (QMS) under ISO 9001:2015 for aviation fuelling service in a systematic way. The content and critical success factors of ISO 9001:2015 and JIG standards were studied. The beneficial synergies, similarities, and logical linkages between both standards are identified. This QMS was developed in the largest petroleum company in Thailand and 60 selected experts were surveyed, with a response rate of 88.3%, for their agreement on integrated criteria. Two external quality auditors, who have ISO 9001 and JIG expertise, were interviewed to modify our initial proposed QMS. The final QMS was implemented in the into-plane fuelling services as the first phase of this implementation. Results of framework implementation are discussed in a case study. There are mutual benefits resulting from the integration of JIG and ISO 9001:2015 standards. This QMS provides a unified process for quality management practices, and enhances the effectiveness of risk evaluation as well as the opportunity for continued quality improvement. It facilitates the identifi- cation of ISO 9001:2015 requirements and establishes relationships between the roles of JIG standard and the clauses of ISO 9001:2015. The first experience from five airports as the pilot study of proposed QMS implementation minimized conflicts and duplications between JIG and ISO 9001:2015 standards, reduced the number of into-plane fuelling service incidents reported, such as oil spill, machine stoppage, re-inspections, and recall costs.
Głównym celem artykułu jest opisanie procesu zarządzania ryzykiem w jednostce inspekcyjnej weryfikującej technologie środowiskowe oraz koncepcji jego integracji z inteligentnym systemem zarządzania jakością (ISZJ). Proces zarządzania ryzykiem opisano na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w roku 2016 w jednej z polskich jednostek inspekcyjnych oferującej usługi w zakresie weryfikacji technologii środowiskowych ETV (Environmental Technology Verification). W opracowaniu opisano wymagania jakie powinien spełniać system zarządzania jakością takiej jednostki w tym jej proces zarządzania ryzykiem. Wynik badań pozwoliły na opracowanie i zaprezentowanie w niniejszym opracowaniu koncepcji wykorzystania procesu zarządzania ryzykiem jako elementu wspomagającego mechanizmy doskonalenia inteligentnego systemu zarządzania jakością.
The article describes the process of risk management in one of the polish verification bodies. Furthermore, the article provides the concept of the integration process described risk management process with improvement mechanism characteristic for intelligent quality management system (IQMS). The risk management process is described on the basis of research conducted in the verification body offering services in the field of environmental technology verification [ETV]. The study was conducted in 2016.
The article describes the problems of one of the key elements of a quality management system which is the quality policy (QP). The quality policy is an element that determines how the quality management is managed in the organization. The phrase, present documents and the implementation of quality policy is the responsibility of top-level managers, resulting directly from the ISO 9000 standards. In the first part of the article the essence and the importance of quality policy for effective quality management is described. In the second part of the article there is a thorough description of a specially developed procedure for the establishment, implementation and monitoring of quality policy. The following procedure is based on years of experience of the author supported by the results of research, which aim was to create practices in the implementation and monitoring of quality policy in several business organizations. The approach presented in this article procedure is designed to assist managers in the development, implementation and monitoring of policy quality. The approach described as proper to the issue of the quality policy management staff will help in creating intelligent quality management system (IQMS). System, which will focus on permanent improvement based on the knowledge generated in the process of monitoring the implementation of quality policy.
Artykuł opisuje kluczowy element systemu zarządzania jakością – politykę jakości (PJ). Sformułowanie, udokumentowanie i realizacja polityki jakości jest obowiązkiem najwyższego szczebla menedżerów, wynikającym z norm ISO serii 9000. Dlatego każda organizacja mająca certyfikat ISO 9001 posiada politykę jakości. W pierwszej części artykułu opisano istotę oraz znaczenie polityki jakości dla skutecznego zarządzania jakością. W kolejnej części artykułu szczegółowo opisano procedurę ustalania polityki jakości, a w szczególności proces jej transformacji na kierunki, mierniki i cele. Przedstawiona procedura powstała w oparciu o wieloletnie doświadczenia autora poparte wynikami badań, których celem była ocena realizacji polityk jakości w organizacjach. Badania miały na celu poznanie dobrych praktyk w zakresie ustalania i realizacji polityki jakości. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na zaproponowanie autorskiej procedury, która ma na celu ułatwienie menedżerom wdrożenie i monitorowanie realizacji ustalonej polityki jakości. Prawidłowe wdrożenie PJ oraz wiedza na temat oceny skuteczności jej realizacji stanowi podstawą trwałego doskonalenia organizacji. Jest to mechanizmy charakteryzujący "inteligentny" systemu zarządzania jakością, który posiada skuteczne mechanizmy reakcji na niedoskonałości występujące w organizacji. W niniejszym opracowaniu czytelnik znajdzie szczegółową procedurę wdrażania polityki jakości charakterystyczną do inteligentnego systemu zarządzania jakością.
Article is devoted to the factors conditioning the improvement of the quality management system (QMS) of industrial company. In this paper, these factors are called determinants of improvement in the QMS. Particular attention was paid to factors which sources should be sought in knowledge management in the organization. These determinants have been identified in the research process which was conducted among the management of one of the large industrial companies. In the research process, degree to which the determinants support forms of professional organization was assessed. These forms are described in the first part of the following process which these are the innovations and Kaizen. The corrective and preventive actions are mentioned as the third form of improvement mechanisms which are in the form of obligatory procedures for quality management systems based on ISO 9001 quality management standard. The last part of the Article is dedicated to chosen aspects of the role of Knowledge Management in the improvement of the quality management system.
In the article the results of the researches of the consciousness pro-quality employees on the example the chosen company are presented. The paper contains the theoretical and practical session. The theoretical session presents characterized issue of quality, describes the role of staff in the pro-quality company and describes the typical types of research methods and techniques. The second part presents the results of the researches. The main goal of the analyze was to get information about: - quality management system, which is implemented in this company, - the role of the top management in this system, - the employees engaging in the system, - using the elaborated and accepted standards. The researches was made in the following areas: - the analyze of the main goals of QMS and quality policy, - the advantages of implementing the quality management system in the production company, - the influence of employees in quality assurance of the products, - the trainings for the production employees and managers, - the engaging the top management in quality management, - the motivation of managers in innovation actions. In the researches participated 54 employees representative all companies areas for example: production area, administration area, top and medium level managers, sales managers, technical support and other. The researches was made with using the prepared questionnaire. The results was taken under the consideration. After the analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the functioning the Quality Management System was identified and the improvements actions was proposed.
W artykule omówiono podstawy prawne oraz główne założenia systemu zarządzania jakości paliw płynnych, obowiązujące w państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. W sposób szczegółowy zaprezentowano ewolucję regulacji prawnych w Polsce w zakresie problematyki monitorowania i kontroli jakości paliw od momentu wstąpienia do UE do roku 2009. Ponadto przedstawiono własną analizę jakości paliw płynnych znajdujących się w obrocie handlowym w Polsce na tle innych państw członkowskich w latach 2004-2009, zestawioną na podstawie wyników sprawozdań sporządzanych corocznie przez poszczególne kraje członkowskie dla Komisji Europejskiej.
This article discusses the legal basis and main assumptions of the liquid fuels quality management system that is in force in the member states of the European Community. In a more detailed way, it presents the evolution of legal regulations in Poland related to the monitoring and control of fuels quality from the accession to the European Union until 2009. Moreover, the author presents his own analysis of the quality of liquid fuels that are traded in Poland in comparison to other member states from 2004 to 2009, made on the basis of the results from reports produced annually by individual member states for the European Commission.
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Many factors affect success of organization. Factors as knowledge, capability, personalities, internal motivation, organizational environment are factors of organization. Implementation of the quality management system (QMS) into organization brings great number of changes seeking to the excellence. These changes are very significant also for other factors: policy, planning, organizing, organizational structure, culture of the quality and similar. Certainly, for observable effects of these changes time is needed. This paper presents results of researches of selected organizational factors in organizations in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Results of these researches were obtained by triangulation method. Information were received from 204 certified organizations, 31 consultants and 11 certification houses from B&H. Data were collected using questionnaires. Authors considered data due to the activity of organization (manufacturing and/or service activity), from the point of view company size and due to the time elapsed since the implementation of QMS. Authors especially dealt with the influence of time of possession the certified quality system on selected organizational factors (with keynote statement that quality system should be built "yesterday, but not tomorrow"). Authors studied if organizations which introduced QMS earlier have achieved greater positive effects on organizational factors that other companies.
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W artykule omówiono problematykę związaną z projektowaniem i organizacją budowy Elektrowni Jądrowej na przykładzie realizacji EJ Żarnowiec, której "Energoprojekt-Warszawa" był krajowym Generalnym Projektantem. Omówiono również główne zasady ówczesnego Systemu Zapewnienia Jakości budowy obowiązujące wszystkich uczestników procesu inwestycyjnego EJ.
The article discusses the issues related to designing and organization of Nuclear Power Station construction, basing on Żarnowiec NPS project example, that has been designed by "Energoprojekt-Warszawa" (General Designer). Main principles of Quality Management System, which was mandatory for all project participants, is also discussed.
The adsorption of vapour and liquid mixtures of H2O + c-C6H12 and H2O + C6H5Cl on activated carbon U-03 has been examined at room temperature 293 K. A model of Independent Co-adsorption proposed by Stoeckli et al. [1,2] leads to a good correlation between experimental and calculated mole fractions for each vapour in binary mixtures. This model can improve predicting dynamic systems such as break through curves and PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption). This model shows Independent Co-adsorption which can describe static or dynamic systems including break through curves and PSA systems of binary immiscible vapour mixtures adsorbed by a typical industrial activated carbon U-03. The model assumes that vapours are adsorbed according to their respective Dubinin-Astakhov isotherms. A good mutual agreement was found between the calculated and experimental data.
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Purpose: Growing level of automatism, information technologies and other technological achievements on the one hand and unadjusted production companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the other, impose a need for new knowledge from the aspect of adaptability and increasing eco-efficiency of production systems. Engineers face the problems of growing trends of change in the area of technology, organization, decision making process and management of production systems. Changes cause searching for new solutions, and solutions demand innovative action in changed conditions. New and innovated technologies, also wide appliance of recycle procedures of waste materials and their further use, will lead to appliance of new production principle "production-consumer-waste-recycle-entrance", which demands a need for new knowledge connected with relationship between production system and environment. For production systems, strategy of Cleaner Production is primarily applied to reducing pressure during whole cycle of production and services, from design and use to the final disposal. Design/methodology/approach: This work will show how dangerous and toxic waste can be controlled and reduced by using principles of "Cleaner Production", as well as how that task will be transferred to the lower level of managers, who should predict, plan, manage and control the market. Using control of quantity and quality of raw materials, parameters of workability and reduction of waste risk materials can be influenced. The factory producing tools planned and carried out an experiment with the purpose of substitution of the mineral oils for cutting. That experiment has been carried out by the mathematic apparatus „Box-Wilson” with the usage of two-factor plan of the experiment. Findings: Experiment showed that it is possible to use synthetic oils for cutting in certain intervals of work. Synthetic oils are biodegradable thus they have lesser pressure to the environment. Research limitations/implications: This work justifies possibilities of innovative action in the EMS functioning. Technologist can make plans, with permanent goal of achieving higher eco-efficiency only in the conditions of use that have been already explored. Practical implications: There are implications with the need of researching conditions, and with processing of increased demands for the quality. Every problem needs to be approached in a experimental way and confirm the assumption. Originality/value: This work is original in observed conditions of usage and with the usage of given approach in the research. It is confirmed that that synthetic oils for cuttings can be substituted by mineral oils and in that way increase eco-efficiency.
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