For the synthesis of manipulators and robots, an accurate analysis of the movements of the individual links is essential. This thesis deals with motion planning of the effector of a multi-linked manipulator. An important topic in this area is the orientation and position of links and kinematic pairs in space. In particular, attention should be paid to the position of their endpoint as well as other significant points. Trajectory planning allows the manipulator to perform complex tasks, such as picking and placing objects or following a particular path in space. Overall, trajectory planning of a multibody manipulator involves a combination of direct and inverse kinematics calculations, as well as control theory and optimization techniques. It is an important process enabling manipulators to perform complex tasks such as assembly, handling and inspection. In the design of robot kinematic structures, simulation programs are currently used for their kinematic and dynamic analysis. The proposed manipulator was first solved by inverse kinematics problem in Matlab. Subsequently, the trajectories of the end-effector were determined in Matlab by a direct kinematics problem. In Simulink, using the SimMechanics library, the inverse problem of dynamics was used to determine the trajectories of the moments.
The architecture of the digital era, exploring the dimension of time, refers to the concept of so-called time-based art. Present computer technologies allow one to simulate the space-time transformation of architectural objects connected with observer’s movement and to create dynamic movable spatial structures by applying smart materials and technologies to architecture. The purposes of the research are to analyse the influence of the concept of time on the shaping of architectural forms and the directions of the development of architectural forms determined by technologies discovered during the industrial and information revolutions (film techniques, computer visualisations, simulations, and animations). Based on the structural analysis of dynamic mutual relations between the observer, the architectural object, and the context, connected with comparative and critical analysis of modern trends, different types of architecture of time are distinguished. These types are derivatives of the expression of time in three-dimensional space and assumptions related to the degree of changeability and dynamics of the spatial structures (kinaesthetic, kinematic, and kinetic forms), and depend on the expression tools used in the creation and simulation of the mutability of forms. Computer animation is not only a tool, but also a way of thinking about the architectural form as an object immersed in space-time, therefore it will influence the way of designing and contribute to the emergence of a new generation of forms in the near future. Time-based architecture of the information age will explore the idea of streaming architecture.
Architektura ery cyfrowej, eksplorująca wymiar czasu, nawiązuje do koncepcji sztuki tzw. time-based art. Współczesne technologie komputerowe pozwalają na symulację zmienności form architektonicznych i ich percepcji w powiązaniu z ruchem obserwatora w przestrzeni oraz tworzenie dynamicznych struktur przestrzennych dzięki zastosowaniu inteligentnych materiałów i technologii w architekturze. Celem badań było określenie wpływu koncepcji czasu na kształtowanie form architektonicznych oraz kierunków rozwoju form architektonicznych wyznaczonych przez technologie odkryte podczas rewolucji przemysłowej i informacyjnej (techniki filmowe, wizualizacje komputerowe, symulacje, animacje). Na podstawie strukturalnej analizy dynamicznych relacji między obserwatorem, obiektem architektonicznym a kontekstem, oraz porównawczej i krytycznej analizy współczesnych trendów wyróżniono różne typy architektury czasu. Typy te są pochodnymi ekspresji czasu w trójwymiarowej przestrzeni oraz założeń związanych ze stopniem zmienności i dynamiki struktur przestrzennych (formy kinestetyczne, kinematyczne i kinetyczne) i zależą od narzędzi ekspresji użytych w tworzeniu i symulacji zmienności form. Animacja komputerowa jest nie tylko narzędziem, ale też sposobem myślenia o formie architektonicznej jako obiekcie zanurzonym w czasoprzestrzeni, dlatego będzie wpływać na sposób projektowania, a także przyczyni się do pojawienia się nowej generacji form w najbliższej przyszłości. Time-based architecture oparta na wymiarze czasu architektura epoki informacji będzie eksplorowała ideę architektury streamingu.
Referat podejmuje próbę zaadaptowania wariacyjnych metod rejestracji obrazów do kalibracji kinematyki robotów manipulacyjnych. Rozpatrzono możliwość wykorzystania dyfeomorficznego dopasowania punktów charakterystycznych (ang. Diffeomorphic Landmark Matching) jako narzędzia do obliczania przekształceń dla szczególnej metody kalibracji, mianowicie kalibracji przez dyfeomorfizmy. Sformułowano problem rejestracji obrazów oraz przedstawiono idee związane z kalibracją prze dyfeomorfizmy. Efektywność takiego podejścia została zweryfikowana badaniami symulacyjnymi dla modelu kinematyki podwójnego wahadła.
The paper addresses an attempt to adapt variational methods of the image registration to the calibration of manipulator kinematics. In particular, it considers an application of Diffeomorphic Landmark Matching as a tool for computing transformations for a specific calibration method, namely the calibration by diffeomorphisms. Image registration formalism as well as the ideas underlying the calibration method has been presented. The results of bonding these two theories have been evaluated by means of simulations.
W referacie przedstawiono zasady konstrukcji odpornych algorytmów kinematyki odwrotnej w konfiguracjach osobliwych i ich otoczeniu, uzasadniające także klasyczny algorytm odpornej odwrotności. Zaproponowano sposób addytywny i multiplikatywny wprowadzania poprawki do macierzy źle uwarunkowanej, by przywrócić jej dobre uwarunkowanie.
In this paper additive and multiplicative methods of making inverse kinematics robust at (or around) singular configurations were presented. The methods are provable good and as special case cover also the literature robust inverse kinematics method. A clear advantage of robust methods is their independence on the cornak of singularities and simplicity in implementation.
W pracy rozważa się problem identyfikacji parametrów modelu dynamiki dwukołowego robota mobilnego z napędem różnicowym. Model dynamiki robota sformułowany został przy założeniu, że prędkości kół robota są mierzalnymi sygnałami wyjściowymi, natomiast prądy silników napędzających robota są sygnałami wejściowymi. W celu identyfikacji nieznanych parametrów robota wykorzystano zaproponowany niedawno adaptacyjny obserwator stanu rozszerzonego (PIESO) sformułowany poprzez połączenie klasycznego obserwatora stanu rozszerzonego (ESO) z gradientowym prawem adaptacji. Skuteczność proponowanego podejścia potwierdzono badaniami symulacyjnymi i eksperymentalnymi.
In this paper a problem of identification of parameters of a two-wheeled mobile robot equipped with differential drive is considered. Model of the robot dynamics is formulated under an assumption that velocities of wheels are measurable outputs of the system, while the motor currents are input signals. In order to identify unknown parameters, a recent adaptive parameter identifying extended state observer (PIESO) algorithm is employed, which combines a classic ESO observer with a gradient adaptation law. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by numerical and experimental trials.
The paper describes an innovative design of a bionic robot for applications in felinotherapy supporting hospital and home psychotherapeutic treatment of bedridden children and adults. The project was engineered by biomimicrating a biological cat, reaching its robotic model. Particular attention in this process was devoted to capturing the essence of feline motorics behavior and the possibility of mapping them in a mechatronic model. The geometry, kinematics and kinetics of this model were analyzed, creating assumptions for its practical implementation in the real mechanism of cat skeleton movement. The used software used the topology of elements in Autodesk Fusion 360 Simulation workspace by performing the critical elements of the mechatronic model in print using SLS technology. The work was also supported by a graphical simulation in the PyBullet environment.
W pracy opisano innowacyjny projekt bionicznego robokota dla zastosowań w felinoterapii, wspomagającej szpitalne i domowe leczenie psychoterapeutyczne obłożnie chorych dzieci i dorosłych. Projekt zrealizowano inżyniersko przez biomimikrowanie biologicznego kota, dochodząc do jego robotycznego modelu. Szczególną uwagę w tym procesie poświęcono uchwyceniu istoty kocich zachowań ruchowych i możliwości ich odwzorowania w mechatronicznym modelu. Przeprowadzono analizę geometrii, kinematyki i kinetyki tego modelu, tworząc założenia jego praktycznej realizacji w rzeczywistym mechanizmie kociego ruchu. W wykorzystanym oprogramowaniu korzystano z topologii elementów w obszarze roboczym Autodesk Fusion 360 Simulation, wykonując krytyczne elementy mechatronicznego modelu drukiem, w technologii SLS. Prace wspomagano także symulacją graficzną w środowisku PyBullet.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate kinematic variables at 5 running speeds (8 to 12 km/h), for the asymmetry between lower limbs. We also investigated the effects of running speed on the bilateral asymmetry of the lower limb joints kinematic variables among novice runners. Methods: Kinematic (200 Hz) running data were collected bilaterally for 17 healthy male novice runners (age: 23.1 ± 1.3 years, height: 1.77 ± 0.04 m, mass: 72.3 ± 4.57 kg, BMI: 23.1 ± 1.0 kg/m2) running on a treadmill at 5 fixed speeds (8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 km/h) in a randomized order. Symmetry angles (SA) were calculated to quantify gait asymmetry magnitude at each running speed. Results: Overall, SPM analysis using paired t-tests revealed significant joints kinematic differences between the left lower limb and the right lower limb at each running speed. Significant differences between limbs were found for all joint kinematic variables in the ankle and hip, regardless of running speed. As for the knee angle, significant differences between legs were only found during the running speed of 11 km/h. For knee angle velocity, significant differences between legs were found in all running speeds except for 8 km/h. However, there was no noticeable difference in asymmetry values across running speeds. Conclusions: The findings of the current study indicate that gait asymmetry of joint kinematics variables between lower limbs during running is apparent in healthy novice runners. Meanwhile, running speed does not influence lower limb joints kinematic asymmetry among novice runners.
Purpose: Sports surface is one of the known external factors affecting running performance and injury. To date, we have found no study that examined the lower extremity stiffness in habitual forefoot strikers running on different overground surfaces. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate lower extremity stiffness and relevant kinematic adjustments in habitual forefoot strikers while running on different surfaces. Methods: Thirty-one male habitual forefoot strikers were recruited in this study. Runners were instructed to run at a speed of 3.3 m/s (±5%) on three surfaces, named synthetic rubber, concrete, and artificial grass. Results: No significant differences were found in leg stiffness, vertical stiffness, and joint stiffness in the sagittal plane during running on the three surfaces ( p > 0.05). Running on artificial grass exerted a greater displacement in knee joint angle than running on synthetic rubber ( p = 0.002, 95% CI = 1.52–7.35 degrees) and concrete ( p = 0.006, 95% CI = 1.04–7.25 degrees). In the sagittal plane, peak knee moment was lower on concrete than on artificial grass ( p = 0.003, 95% CI = 0.11–0.58 Nm/kg), whereas peak ankle moment was lower on synthetic rubber than on concrete (p < 0.001, 95% CI = 0.03–0.07 Nm/kg) and on artificial grass (p < 0.001, 95% CI = 0.02–0.06 Nm/kg). Among the three surfaces, the maximal ground reaction forces on concrete were the lowest (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This study indicated that running surfaces cannot influence lower extremity stiffness in habitual forefoot strikers at current running speed. Kinematic adjustments of knee and ankle, as well as ground reaction forces, may contribute to maintaining similar lower extremity stiffness.
Purpose: Exoskeleton robots generally have multi-functions and one such function is doing rehabilitation therapy in upper limb and lower limb in stroke-affected patients. A novel hybrid (serial-parallel) robot manipulator was proposed in this paper for rehabilitation of upper limb and its kinematics are studied systematically. This robot manipulator intends to perform wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist radial deviation, wrist ulnar deviation, elbow flexion, elbow extension, elbow pronation and elbow supination motions. The contemporary mechanical designs especially the kinematic structure of upper limb exoskeleton robots have a unique feature that is, almost all of them use serial manipulators, and few others used parallel manipulators. The kinematic structure of the proposed robot is that of a hybrid manipulator (two parallel manipulators connected in series) which has 4-degrees-of-freedom. It is composed of an upper 3SPS-type parallel manipulator and 2SPR-type parallel manipulator connected in series. Methods: The Jacobian and Hessian Matrix method was used to derive the manipulator kinematic formula for solving the displacement, velocity and acceleration. Results: A 3D model of the robotic arm was constructed and analyzed by simulation. The positioning workspace of manipulator was constructed and analyzed. Conclusions: The 3SPS-type parallel manipulator has good kinematic characteristics while performing wrist motions. The 2SPR-type parallel manipulator produced singular configuration, while performing the desired rehabilitation elbow motions, it was found to not be suitable for usage in performing rehabilitation therapy in stroke-affected patients.
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The research aim was to analyse the influence of velocity and size of markers on the accuracy of motion capture measurement utilising image processing with the use of OpenCV. On the basis of the obtained results, the usefulness of the applied measurement method in studying the kinematics of the human body while driving operating a wheelchair was determined. This article presents the test results for a low-budget motion capture measurement system for testing the kinematics of the human body in a single plane. The tested measuring system includes a standard activity camera Xiaomi Yi4K, expanded polystyrene markers with printed ArUco codes, and original software for marker position detection developed by the author. The analysis of the measurement method with regard to its applicability in biomechanical studies has highlighted several key factors: the number of measuring points, measurement accuracy expressed as a relative error and the limit velocity at which the marker trajectory is correctly represented. The article shows that the limit velocity of the marker is 2.2 m/s for 50x50 mm markers and 1.4 m/s for 30x30 mm markers. The number of measured points ranged from 233 to 2,457 depending on the marker velocity. The relative error did not exceed 5% for the marker velocities and thus provided a correct representation of its trajectory.
In the past decade, robots have become the basic tools for the automatization and robotization of industrial production, as they used to be in the 70s programmable controllers, in the 80s processor drive controllers, in the 90s of the twentieth century frequency controlled AC motors and in the first years of the 21st century digitization, expressed in the significant advancement and dissemination of computerization, telecommunications and internetization. This role is evidenced by further, beyond conventional robotics, extension of its application and the emergence of new hardware and software solutions oriented towards joint, by robots and human, undertaking of hitherto not rationalized production tasks. This essay is devoted to these transformations in contemporary robotics.
Roboty stały się w mijającym dziesięcioleciu podstawowymi narzędziami automatyzacji i robotyzacji produkcji przemysłowej, tak jak kiedyś, w latach 70. sterowniki programowalne, w latach 80. procesorowe regulatory napędów, w latach 90. XX wieku nastawniki częstotliwościowe silników prądu przemiennego i w pierwszych latach XXI wieku cyfryzacja, wyrażająca się istotnym zaawansowaniem i upowszechnieniem informatyzacji, telekomunikacji i internetyzacji. Świadectwem tej roli jest dalsze, poza obszary konwencjonalnej robotyki, rozszerzanie jej aplikacji i pojawienie się nowych rozwiązań sprzętowych i programowych ukierunkowanych na wspólne, przez roboty i człowieka, podejmowanie dotychczas nie racjonalizowanych zadań produkcyjnych. Tym właśnie przemianom we współczesnej robotyce poświęcony jest ten esej.
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Various methods are available to compute kinematics and dynamics in the case of spa-tial mechanisms. These methods are cumbersome and laborious for large and multibodyspatial mechanisms. The bond graph technique is a powerful alternative tool for mode-ling. A four-link closed-chain 3R2S (3Revolute 2Spherical) spatial mechanism stands outamong the other four-link closed-chain spatial mechanisms due to its ability to be used ina number of applications. The main aim of this paper is to compute the inverse kinematicsof the mechanism using the bond graph structure of the system. In this paper, modeling ofa four-link closed-chain 3R2S spatial mechanism has been conducted using a multibondgraph approach. Inverse kinematics of the spatial mechanism, under various applications,has been directly obtained from the bond graph modeling. MATLAB coding for simula-tion has been done directly from the multibond graph without explicitly deriving systemequations. The simulation results have been analyzed and discussed using various plots.
This article presents a description and methodology for building a kinematics model for the formation of twowheeled mobile robots transporting a beam using Denavit–Hartenberg notation. The simple and inverse kinematics tasks of this formation were solved. Solutions of kinematics tasks are presented in junction coordinates and global coordinates. The obtained results were simulated using the Matlab–Simulink package together with animation of the solution using a programmed emulator of robot work.
The objective of the work was to define a new comprehensive method of evaluating gait pathology (Gait Kinematics Index, Global Symmetry Index and Gait Deviations Profile). Methods: The article presents in detail a mathematical algorithm of a new comprehensive method of evaluating gait pathology. Input data for the algorithm are the kinematic parameters of gait. The method is based on the determination of the following parameters: standardized angular variables (Wji), kinematic indicators of gait (KIj), gait cycle indicators (GCIi), Gait Kinematic Index (GKI), Gait Deviations Profile (GDP, GDPj), Global Symmetry Index (GSI) and Symmetry Indices (SIj) for kinematic gait values. The algorithm is based on the determination of the difference between results obtained in relation to the kinematics of movement of a given patient and the average value obtained in relation to the standard in each percentage of a gait cycle. The proposed method was tested using results obtained for 59 healthy persons and one patient with locomotor function disorder. Results: The GKI values for the reference group amounted to 0.89 ± 0.23. Information which can be obtained using the proposed gait assessment method was presented using an example of a patient with the disorder of locomotor functions. Areas of gait deviations, which were identified on the basis of the determined indicators, were presented in a graphic form using GDP. Conclusions: The new gait assessment method makes it possible to identify gait using a single numerical value, evaluate movements in individual joints and in subsequent moments as well as to assess the symmetry of gait.
This article presents the correct adjustment of the mower’s blade movement relative to the forward movement of the mower. Everywhere around us are gardens, parks and meadow, which gives us reason to solve issues with mowing. The first part of this article shows agricultural machines, which are used today and the principle of correct cut of grass stalks. The next part shows the method of adjusting the mower’s blade speed. Design of a simple model was done with the use of Solid Edge Premium CAD. For computation, MSC Adams was used and post-processing was done with the use of Matlab. The connection between MSC Adams and Matlab was created by co-simulation.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania prędkości punktów znajdujących się na głowie i stopie zęba koła podatnego przekładni falowej. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w funkcji kąta obrotu generatora, przyjmując różne wartości prędkości obrotowych wału wejściowego przekładni falowej z zablokowanym kołem sztywnym. Otrzymane wyniki posłużą w kolejnym etapie badań do określenia prędkości w chwilowych punktach styku znajdujących się na linii przyporu oraz zbudowania charakterystyk kinematycznych tego rodzaju przekładni.
Paper contains information about method of calculation of velocity characteristic points of tooth of flexspline. Velocity is expressed as function of angle of rotation od wave generator. Calculations were made for two different values of rotation speed of wave generator. Calculation result will be used in future researches in purpose of examine kinematics of meshing of flexspline with circular spline.
Omówiono analizę kinematyki docierania powierzchni płaskich w układach jedno- i dwutarczowych. Przedstawiono opracowane modele standardowych układów kinematycznych. Wyznaczono zakresy zmienności prędkości docierania i wartości przyspieszeń w analizowanych układach kinematycznych.
In the paper presented analysis of kinematics of plane surfaces lapping in single-disc and double-disc configurations. The models of standard kinematic systems have been demonstrated. The ranges of variability of machining speed and acceleration in the analyzed kinematic systems were determined.
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Sterowanie dużą ilością osi stanowi problem dla niejednego przedsiębiorstwa. Zaawansowane aplikacje bardzo często wymagają innowacyjnego sprzętu. W takich aplikacjach istotną kwestią jest czas potrzebny programiście do stworzenia kompletnego, optymalnego kodu. W roku 2018 firma Multiprojekt Automatyka Sp. z o.o. wprowadziła do oferty właśnie tak nowatorskie rozwiązanie, pozwalające na realizację zaawansowanych algorytmów niezbędnych przy maszynach wieloosiowych. A to wszystko z poszanowaniem cennego czasu programisty.
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This article presents the process of designing a robot with a magnetic pressure pad for inspections of ferromagnetic ventilation ducts. In compliance with the assumptions, the CAD design of the robot was developed in a 3D programming environment. The designing proces brought about a mathematical model of the robot with one pair of magnetic drive modules, including simulation in a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The model accounted for parameters such as rolling resistance force, transverse resistance moment, magnetic attraction force, solid moment of inertia, and other factors. The magnetic pressure pad allowed for moving the robot in magnetic ventilation systems irrespective of slopes and shapes of ducts.
The golf swing is a complex whole-body motion for which a proximal-to-distal transfer of the segmental angular velocities from the pelvis to the club is believed to be optimal for maximizing the club head linear velocity. However, previous experimental results about such timing (or kinematic sequence) are contradictory. Nevertheless, methods that were used in these studies differed significantly, in particular, those regarding the component of the angular velocity vector selected for the identification of the kinematic sequence. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of angular velocity vector component selection on the identified kinematic sequence. Methods: Thirteen golfers participated in this study and performed driver swings in a motion capture laboratory. Seven methods based on different component selection of segmental angular velocities (vector norm, component normal-to-sagittal, frontal, transversal and swing planes, segment longitudinal component and a method mixing longitudinal and swing plane components) were tested. Results: Results showed the critical influence of the component chosen to identify the kinematic sequence with almost as many kinematic sequences as the number of tested methods for every golfer. Conclusion: One method seems to show the strongest correlation to performance but none of them can be assessed as a reference method for the identification of the golf swing kinematic sequence. Regarding the limited time lag between the different peak occurrences and the uncertainty sources of current materials, development of simulation studies would be more suitable to identify the optimal kinematic sequence for the golf swing.
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