There are many benefits of building construction with prefabricated thermo active ceilings technology, and the most highlighted are: short lead time, ease of installation, low price, lack of taking up space in a room and additionally the possibility of working in heating and/or cooling mode. An analysis was carried out to illustrate the factors that influence the thermal output of a ceiling heating system in residential buildings located in 5 climate zones in Poland and 2 in Ukraine. The thermal loads were determined for the entire building, designed in accordance with the regulations in force in each country, for the flats and particular rooms (considering the heat exchange between the flats according to PN-EN 12831:2006). An average heating medium temperature of 34°C was assumed. The results were compared with the achievable heating capacity of the ceiling system, which results from the difference between the heating medium temperature and the indoor room temperature. It was investigated that the system achieves the calculated output in all climate zones in Poland, while it will not be sufficient in Ukraine. This is due to both less stringent building thermal protection regulations and different indoor design temperature values, resulting in a higher average temperature in the flat. When analysed on a room-by-room basis, it became apparent that in all considered locations there were rooms for which the heating capacity was insufficient. In the climate zones I to IV in Poland, the problem concerns only bathrooms, where in this case quite often the surface heating can be combined with a supplementary electric radiator. In the V climate zone in Poland and both in Ukraine, the solution to the power shortage under design conditions may be: building construction according to a higher energy standard, increasing the supply temperature (with the limitation of maximum ceiling surface temperature to 35°C for living spaces) or using additional heating elements not only in bathrooms. A novel part of the article discusses calculated power shortages in relation to climate change and the external design temperatures suggested by sources other than the standard.
Na przykładzie wielorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego przeanalizowano zastosowanie gruntowej pompy ciepła typu solanka/woda z trzema niskotemperaturowymi systemami instalacyjnymi o różnej temperaturze zasilania. Idea rozwiązania pozwala na ogrzewanie i chłodzenie budynku oraz przygotowanie cieplej wody. Wykazano różnice w liczbie wymaganych sond gruntowych i zużyciu energii elektrycznej w poszczególnych systemach. Efektywność działania pompy ciepła przy typowej całorocznej pracy pozwala osiągnąć SCOP ponad 4 w przypadku dwóch systemów płaszczyznowych.
Residential building was used to analyze the utilization of a ground-source brine/water heat pump with three low-temperature heating systems of different supply temperature. The idea of the solution allows heating and cooling of the building as well as hot water preparation. Differences in the demanded boreholes’ number and electricity consumption for these systems are displayed. The efficiency of the heat pump in typical year-round operation allows to achieve a SCOP value of more than 4 for two radiant systems.
Heat pumps are known as zero-emission heating and cooling devices at the point of energy production. In order to exploit their advantages, they are combined with low-temperature heating systems. Using the example of a residential building in five climatic zones in Poland and one in Ukraine, systems analyses were carried out, in which heat into rooms is supplied in two different ways: low-temperature radiators and thermally active ceilings. The energy demand for heating, cooling and domestic hot water preparation was calculated. The seasonal coefficient of performance of the ground source heat pump was estimated to compare the systems. The results of the analysis confirmed that the thermo-active ceiling (with a flow temperature of 35°C) ensures a lower final energy demand when it works throughout the year in the heating and natural cooling mode compared to the low-temperature radiators (with a flow temperature of 45°C) which facilitate only the heating mode in the heating season. Performance analysis demonstrated differences in final electric energy demand from 8% in the I climatic zone to 9% in the V climatic zone in Poland and 10% in Ukraine.
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Ocena wydajności systemu ogrzewania stropowego w budynku wymaga uwzględnienia temperatury zewnętrznej obliczeniowej i średniorocznej w pomieszczeniach oraz współczynników przenikania ciepła przegród. Przeanalizowano właściwości grzejne stropu DX-Therm na przykładzie budynku mieszkalnego zlokalizowanego w trzech sąsiadujących krajach europejskich. Rozwiązanie okazuje się energooszczędne i komfortowe we wszystkich mieszkaniach w Polsce i Niemczech. Poddano dyskusji możliwość dostosowania go do warunków ukraińskich. Scharakteryzowano cechy termoaktywnego stropu prefabrykowanego.
The assessment of the performance of a ceiling heating system in a building requires the consideration of room, external design and average annual temperature values and building envelope heat transfer coefficients. The DX-Therm ceiling heating properties have been analysed for three neighbouring European countries using an apartment building as an example. The solution proves to be energy efficient and comfortable in all apartments in Poland and Germany. The possibility of adapting it to the Ukrainian conditions is discussed. The features of the thermoactive prefabricated ceiling are characterised.
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