W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej firm decyduje się na uruchamianie usług oraz przetwarzanie danych w ramach tak zwanych systemów chmurowych, których przykładem może być m.in. OpenStack. Szeroka gama istniejących rozwiązań pozwala na dostosowanie chmury do potrzeb i wymagań użytkownika. Podczas wyboru systemu chmurowego jednym z ważniejszych aspektów jest analiza oferowanych przez niego mechanizmów oraz zaawansowanych usług sieciowych. Poniższy artykuł zawiera podstawowe informacje dotyczące chmury obliczeniowej, najpopularniejszych modułów wykorzystywanych do wdrożenia chmury OpenStack wraz z omówieniem architektury modułu sieciowego OpenStack Networking. Ponadto, przedstawiono porównanie mechanizmów i usług sieciowych oferowanych przez system OpenStack oraz dwa inne systemy chmurowe, tj. Amazon Web Services oraz Apache CloudStack.
Nowadays, more and more companies decide to launch services and data processing within the cloud environments, e.g., OpenStack. A wide range of existing solutions allows you to adjust the cloud to the needs and requirements of the user. When choosing a cloud system, one of the most important aspects is the analysis of mechanisms and advanced network services offered by it. This paper contains basic information about cloud computing, the most popular modules used to implement the OpenStack cloud, together with an overview of the architecture of the OpenStack Networking module. Additionally, a comparison of the mechanisms and network services offered by the OpenStack system and two other cloud systems, i.e., the Amazon Web Services and Apache CloudStack, is presented.
Artykuł powstał na podstawie materiałów przygotowanych przez autora do debaty technicznej „Narzędzia ICT na rzecz realizacji celów Agendy 2030 wobec wyzwań współczesności”, przeprowadzonej podczas obrad XXI Konferencji Okrągłego Stołu Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich (telekonferencja odbyła się 15.05.2020). W artykule omówiono współczesną strukturę informacyjną internetu rzeczy i wszechrzeczy oraz usług chmurowych pod kątem wykorzystywanych obecnie biometrycznych interfejsów człowiek-komputer. Przedstawiono ogromne znaczenie tych technologii dla bezprecedensowych, wręcz rewolucyjnych procesów zmian sposobu, stylu, organizacji i kultury technicznej życia, zachodzących we współczesnych społeczeństwach, ale także niebezpieczeństwa i zagrożenia wynikające ze znacznej redukcji prywatności ludzi wskutek nieuchronnej, powszechnej inwigilacji za pomocą wszechogarniających technologii biometrycznych.
The article is based on materials prepared by the author for the technical debate on ICT tools for achieving the goals of the 2030 agenda against the challenges of today, conducted during the XXI Conference of the Round Table of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (teleconference on 15.05.2020). The contemporary information structure of the internet of things and the internet of everything as well as cloud services is discussed in this paper in terms of currently used biometric human-computer interfaces. The great significance of these technologies for unprecedented, even revolutionary processes of changes in the way, style, organization, and technical culture of life occurring in modern societies, as well as the dangers and threats resulting from a significant reduction in the privacy of people as a result of inevitable, widespread surveillance using all-encompassing biometric technologies, are presented
In this paper, description of a concept of cloud storage is offered. Cloud data storage is a model of an online storage where the data is being stored in multiple, divided between network servers that are provided for clients’ usage, mostly by a third-party company. The majority of the cloud storages (as opposed to file-exchangers) are offering almost boundless set of functions for free, by only limiting the size of the available storage (mostly a couple of gigabytes). Integrated data mining is being used for extracting potentially useful information from unprocessed data. The methods of data analysis are quite important with cloud computing. The implementation of the methods of integrated data mining inside the cloud will let the users receive the helpful information from non-structured or half-constructed web data sources. The main purpose of this work is to organize huge diverse data coming from different sources into clusters, depending on the type of data.
In the paper analysis of available, free Cloud Storage services for company/enterprise applications is presented. The choice of the most appropriate cloud service will be associated with such features as its compatibility in relation to the terms of use, data security, performance and stability. Performed analysis focuses on solutions which the license does not prohibit the use of their free version of the service for commercial purposes, in the company. An important factor, partly influencing for the choice, will also be intuitiveness, additional functionality and ease of use offered by client applications.
In this paper, description of a concept of cloud Storage age is offered. One of the most practical methods of storing required information to cloud storage is also considered. Method of creating screenshots is proposed. Theoretical research is carried out and there are justified advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storing information in social networks. The best technique of creating screenshots has been practically implemented. Problems that might come up while working with approach given in this article and its solutions are stipulated. There is analyzed a necessity of setting a zoom parameter which is to transfer after transmitting size value of the picture in social networks. In the article the parameter that specifies the width of the final image and clearly affects the quality of the image is also considered. There is analyzed the effectiveness of creating an information system that saves time for such information processes as tracking the photo and its comments. In the paper the task of changing bets, which are not immediately fixed in social networks is optimized. Also there is implemented in practice a scalability problem of information processes in social networks. In the article a separation of the script is also put into practice. One part of which directly performs the request of image and downloads it to cloud storage. With help of another part the information process is transmitted on the photo where the user identifies.
This article describes specific features of cloud technology types and their existing classifications, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation in the process of designing the DDS for Big Data Management. The application of the analytic hierarchy process for the choice of cloud technology within the project of DDS for Big Data Management is suggested and described within this paper. Multi-criteria decision making task with a defined set of options and criteria is solved.
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The rapid growth of visualization technologies and Cloud computing have opened a new paradigm for utilizing the existing resource pools for on-demand and scalable computing, which enables the workflow management system to meet quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of the applications. It becomes crucial for cloud customers to choose the best Cloud services in order to minimize the running costs, and how to match and select the optimum cloud service will be a challenge problem. In this paper, we present an efficient Cloud services workflow scheduling and optimization schema using heuristic generic algorithm, and focus on the hierarchical Cloud service workflow scheduling, Cloud workflow tasks parallel split, syntax and semantic based Cloud workflow tasks matching algorithm, and multiple QoS constraints based Cloud workflow scheduling and optimization, and also presents the experiment conducted to evaluate the efficiency of our algorithm.
Rozwój technik wizualizacji I wykorzystanie chmury w obliczeniach komputerowych otworzyło problem jak wykorzystać zasoby danych do obliczeń skalowalnych i na życzenie. Dla klientów chmury jest bardzo ważne wybór jak najlepszego serwisu dla minimalizacji kosztów. W artykule zaprezentowano skuteczne planowanie przepływu serwisów w chmurze przy użyciu algorytmu genetycznego.
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