Waters of the Białka river are considered as one of the most clean in Poland and a part of the river area is covered by the Natura 2000 programme. However, this area has a growing interest of tourists, particularly in winter, which also affects the quality of natural environment. The presented study was performed in the diurnal system during the so-called “high ski season”. The variability in the number of selected bacteriological indicators of water contamination was determined in three sites located on the course of the Białka river – before the sewage treatment plant, after the treatment plant and at the intake of waters for the purpose of artificial snowing of the slopes of a large ski resort in Białka Tatrzańska. The number of the examined microorganisms was fluctuated significantly during the day. Heavy contamination of water was observed in the site located after the treatment plant, which also resulted in the deterioration of water quality at the intake. It was found that, contrary to common opinion, waters of the Białka river are highly contaminated with sewage.
Wody rzeki Białki uznaje się za jedne z najczystszych w Polsce, a część obszaru rzeki objęta jest programem Natura 2000. Jednak obszar ten cieszy cię rosnącym zainteresowaniem turystów, szczególnie w okresie zimowym, co odbija się także na jakości środowiska przyrodniczego. Przedstawione badania wykonano w układzie dobowym w czasie tzw. „wysokiego sezonu narciarskiego”. Oznaczono zmienność liczebności wybranych wskaźników bakteriologicznych zanieczyszczenia wód w trzech punktach na rzece Białce – przed oczyszczalnią ścieków, za oczyszczalnią oraz w miejscu ujęcia wód do sztucznego naśnieżania stoków dużego ośrodka narciarskiego w Białce Tatrzańskiej. Liczba badanych mikroorganizmów podlegała znacznym wahaniom w ciągu doby. Zaobserwowano silne zanieczyszczenie wód w punkcie za oczyszczalnią, co miało także wpływ na pogorszenie czystości wód w ujęciu. Stwierdzono, że wbrew powszechnej opinii, wody rzeki Białki są w wysokim stopniu zanieczyszczone.
The function and role of a river in the rural landscape of Podhale were analysed on the example of the Biarka River. In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzariska, the river divides the area of Podhale and Polish Spisz. The villages of Brzegi, Jurgow, Czarna Gora and Biaika Tatrzariska are located on the river. The river has always been an element of life in the local community. Czarna Gora, in the vicinity of Bialka, is where Romany people live. The settlement is on a flood plain, close to the river, on the border between the vi 11 ages of Czarna Gora and Bukowina Tatrzahska. At present, the river is an important element in the development of tourism in Bialka Tatrzariska, especially in the summer season. The development of tourism is a threat to the natural environment and leads to increased pollution of the river. In order to preserve the precious ecosystem of the Biatka River, there are plans to create a "Biatka River" nature reserve. The natural biological lining accompanying the river is characterised by the presence of unique vegetation and is habitat for rare animal species. The Biatka River basin is located in Natura 2000 region, in a Special Protection Area (SPA).
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