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To fill the knowledge gap on the functioning of the river-lake system during the modernisation of the weir, an analysis of the variability of selected physico-chemical indicators was carried out. In the parameter analysis, particular emphasis was placed on phosphorus (P) and orthophosphate(V) (OP) content in the hydrological year 2022 and water quality was compared before, during and after the maintenance work on the discharge weir. Physicochemical parameters were analysed monthly at four stations. Concentrations of P and OP increased significantly as a result of the refurbishment works at the measurement point located downstream of the weir (P4), which contributed to the determination of a statistically significant change point. At the same time, when high P and OP contents were observed, high electrolytic conductivity and ammonium nitrogen in water were also recorded. The content of P and OP indicators was further reduced, but their content was still several times higher than before the renovation. The renovation of the weir below Lake Jeziory Wielkie contributed to a significant deterioration of water quality in the river-lake system. Due to the nature of this system, this was of great importance for the downstream reservoirs. The statistical analysis showed that the renovation of the weir below Lake Jeziory Wielkie contributed to a significant deterioration of water quality in the river-lake system.
Mineral fertilisers are one of the most important nutrients that plants need in large quantities, which help to greatly increase crop yields, and yeast is considered a bio-stimulator of plants. However incorrect implementation of both can make them more susceptible to pest infestations. The mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is an economically important polyphagous pest that destroys okra plants in Egypt. This work focused on the evaluation of mealybug infestations and okra plant productivity responses to mineral fertilisers (nitrogen and phosphorus), yeast (without and with) and their interactions. This study was executed in a private okra field ("Balady" cultivar) in Luxor Governorate, Egypt, during 2021 and 2022 seasons. A split plot design was applied, where two levels (with and without yeast) were used in the main plots, where seven levels of nitrogen and phosphorus were applied in the split plots. The results indicated that the addition of 286 kg N∙ha-1, 143 kg P∙ha-1 and yeast to okra plants led to a maximum increase in the population densities of pest, and this caused a decrease in the vegetative stage of okra that would affect the final yield as compared to the other treatments throughout the two seasons. However, the application of 190 kg N∙ha-1, 107 kg P∙ha-1, and yeast to okra plants gave the highest values for vegetative growth characteristics and resulting yield during the two studied seasons. This work aids farmers in improving okra production by comprehending good farming practices and avoiding the spread of mealybugs.
The article presents the results of agrochemical survey of soils of the Dolyna territorial community of IvanoFrankivsk region. The agro-productive grouping of all soils of the district was carried out. There are five agroproductive soil groups within the district: sod-podzolic soils on ancient alluvial, water-glacial deposits, moraine, and eluvium of magmatic rocks; sod-podzolic and podzolic-sod surface-gleyed medium-loamy soils; deep non-gleyed and gleyed medium-loamy sod soils and their podzolized variants on ancient alluvial, water-glacial deposits, moraine, and eluvium of magmatic rocks; brown-podzolic, sod-brown-podzolic, brown mountain-forest podzolized gleyed and surface-gleyed non-eroded and slightly eroded heavy loamy and light clayey soils; sod gleyed soils; sod-brown and meadow-brown gleyed soils on alluvial and deluvial deposits, medium-loamy stony soils.These soils exhibit acidic pH, are moderately deficient in available phosphorus, and have medium levels of potassium. They are potentially fertile but require liming and the application of organic-mineral fertilizers.
One of the greatest threats to many lakes is their accelerated eutrophication resulting from anthropogenic pressure, agricultural intensification, and climate change. A very important element of surface water protection in environmentally conserved areas is the proper monitoring of water quality and detection of potential threats by examining the physicochemical properties of water and performing statistical analyses that enable possible exposure of unfavourable trends. The article presents the analyses of the results of measurements made in three lakes located in the Sierakowski Landscape Park. As part of the measurements, water quality indicators i.e., phosphorus, nitrogen, BOD5 and COD, were determined monthly for a year at the inflows and outflows of the studied lakes. The test results of selected water quality indicators were analysed using machine learning algorithms i.e., PCA and k-means. The conducted tests enabled statistical estimation of changes in water quality indicators in the reservoirs and evaluation of their correlation.
Fosfor jest mineralnym składnikiem odżywczym koniecznym zarówno dla wzrostu roślin, jak i właściwego funkcjonowania człowieka. Przewiduje się, że złoża fosforytu mogą zostać zużyte w ciągu 100 lat, a duże zasoby fosforu występują jako typowe zanieczyszczenia w zbiornikach wodnych i glebach. W 2014 r. fosfor został zamieszczony w wykazie surowców krytycznych dla Unii Europejskiej. Dlatego niezwykle ważne jest odzyskanie fosforu w kontekście gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym iremediacji środowiska. Jednym z możliwych źródeł dużej dostępności są komunalne osady ściekowe. W pracy przedstawiono najważniejsze techniki stosowane do odzysku fosforu z odcieków, osadów ściekowych oraz popiołu z osadu ściekowego. Zestawiono również wyniki zawartości fosforu w ściekach pochodzących z Oczyszczalni Ścieków Płaszów w Krakowie. Stwierdzono, że w osadach ściekowych i w odciekach znajdują się fosforany w śladowych ilościach. Istnieje możliwość odzysku fosforu z odcieków, osadów ściekowych oraz z popiołów osadów ściekowych.
The test results for the content of total P, orthophosphates, as well as BOD₅ and COD parameters in raw and biol. treated municipal and domestic sewage were obtained from annual reports for 2020-2021 provided by the sewage treatment plant. The content of orthophosphates and total P in raw sewage and sewage after the biological dephosphatation process was analyzed and the degree of P reduction was calculated in the studied time periods. The effectiveness of biological removal of P compounds was assessed based on indicators such as the ratio of BOD₅ :total P, COD:total P and COD:BOD₅.
The article considers the results of studying the thermodynamic computer modeling of the interaction of phosphorite (Karatau basin, Kazakhstan) with carbon and coke performed using the HSC-10 software package and electric smelting of the phosphorite with coke and steel shavings in an arc furnace. The modeling allowed us to determine the equilibrium extraction degrees of phosphorus into gas (Р2, Р4), silicon into ferroalloy in the form of iron silicides (FeSi2, FeSi, Fe3Si, Fe5Si3, Si) and calcium into CaС2. At temperatures above 1500 °C, regardless of the amount of iron, the extraction degree of phosphorus into gas is more 99%. The resulting ferroalloy contains 21.2-23.8% of Si, 1.6-2.8% of Al; the calcium carbide has a capacity of 288-325 dm3/kg. The extraction degree of silicon into the alloy was 89.8%, calcium in CaC2 - 72.5%, phosphorus into gas - 99.4%. The ferroalloy, formed at the electric smelting of the Chulaktau phosphorite together with coke and steel shavings and containing 24.9-29.8% of Si, is FS25 grade ferrosilicon, and the formed calcium carbide has a capacity of 278-290 dm3/kg and belongs to the third and second grades. The developed technology makes it possible to increase the degree of phosphorites’ comprehensive use two times (up to 87.5%).
Soil degradation occurs as a result of the ingress and accumulation of excessive amount of pollutants in the soil. The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the complex effect of soil contamination (concentration of petroleum products, toxic salts, dense residue, sodium ions, sulfate ions, magnesium ions, calcium, chloride ions, bicarbonate ions) on the content of nutrients (alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humus). A detailed analysis of scientific papers has been carried out, based on which the main scientific tasks solved in the article have been formulated. It has been established that soil-salt processes are insufficiently studied and are the object of scientific research in recent years. At the first stage of research, sampling was carried out and the content of nutrients and pollutants in the soil was determined. Determination of element concentrations was performed by collecting soil samples and their subsequent laboratory testing. At the second stage, a correlation-regression analysis of the obtained data was performed and multiple linear regressions were established. The interaction of substances in the soil was determined by analyzing the obtained multiple linear regressions. Two types of soils were studied: with chloride and with sulfate type of salinization. For soils with chloride type of salinity, dependences have been established for the content of humus, alkaline nitrogen and potassium, while in case of phosphorus multiple linear regression does not exist. For soils with sulfate type of salinization, multiple linear regression dependences of concentrations of alkaline nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium have been determined. It is established that the complex influence of the studied elements is decisive. No regression dependence was found for the humus content, which indicates that the concentration of the studied elements has almost no effect on the humus content in the soil. Comparison of the obtained multiple linear regressions with the results of laboratory studies showed a good correlation between these data series. The obtained regularities of pollutant and nutrient interactions in soils are expected in future to enable creation of scientific bases for development of new methods of desalination of soils polluted by formation waters as well as for planning effective reclamation actions.
W wyniku wnikania i gromadzenia się w glebie nadmiernych ilości zanieczyszczeń następuje degradacja gleby. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych złożonego wpływu zanieczyszczenia gleby (stężenie produktów naftowych, toksycznych soli, gęstego osadu, siarczanow, jonów sodu, magnezu, wapnia, chlorków, wodorowęglanów), na zawartość składników pokarmowych (hydrolizowanego alkalicznie azotu, fosforu, potasu, humusu). Przeprowadzona została szczegółowa analiza prac naukowych, na podstawie której sformułowano główne zadania badawcze rozwiązane w artykule. Stwierdzono, że procesy glebowo-solne zbadane są w stopniu niedostatecznym i stanowią one przedmiot badań naukowych w ostatnich latach. W pierwszym etapie badań pobrano próbki i wyznaczono zawartość składników pokarmowych i zanieczyszczeń w glebie. Wyznaczenia stężeń pierwiastków dokonano poprzez pobranie próbek gleb i ich późniejsze badania laboratoryjne. W drugim etapie wykonano analizę korelacyjno-regresyjną uzyskanych danych i ustalono wielokrotne regresje liniowe. Oddziaływanie substancji w glebie określono poprzez analizę otrzymanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych. Badano dwa rodzaje gleb: o zasoleniu chlorkowym i siarczanowym. Dla gleb o zasoleniu chlorkowym ustalono zależności w odniesieniu do zawartośći humusu, azotu hydrolizowanego alkalicznie i potasu, natomiast dla fosforu regresja liniowa wielokrotna nie wystapiła. Dla gleb o zasoleniu siarczanowym wyznaczono zależności wielokrotnej regresji liniowej stężeń azotu alkalicznego, fosforu, potasu. Ustalono, że decydujące znaczenie ma kompleksowe oddziaływanie badanych pierwiastków. Dla zawartości humusu nie stwierdzono zależności regresji, co wskazuje, że stężenie badanych pierwiastków prawie nie wpływa na zawartość humusu w glebie. Porównanie uzyskanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych wykazało dobrą korelację między tymi seriami danych. Uzyskane prawidłowości oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń i składników pokarmowych w glebach pozwolą w przyszłości stworzyć naukowe podstawy rozwoju nowych metod odsalania gleb zanieczyszczonych wodami złożowymi, jak również planować efektywne prowadzenie prac rekultywacyjnych.
The objective of the study was to trace the variability of the hydrochemical conditions in three lakes of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship (Poland) - Starzyca, Maszewskie and Nowogardzkie in the annual cycle. The research was done in 2018-2019, and samples for analysis were collected 4 times a year. All analyses were performed applying standard methods. Such hydrochemical indices were determined as dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, content of orthophosphates, total phosphorus, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, chlorophyll a and iron. The study showed that all lakes in the research cycle were characterised by a polymictic type of water mixing, and the trophic level, based on the adopted criteria, indicated advanced eutrophy, which may also be caused by anthropogenic pressure. Oxygen conditions characterised by deoxidation of the waters in the bottom layer in the spring and summer seasons, and clear oxygenation in the surface water layer (in Lake Maszewskie reaching even 188.5% in the spring) confirm the significant advancement of the eutrophication process. The supply of phosphorus and nitrogen in spring from pelagic waters in the waters of the examined lakes influences concentrations of chlorophyll a in the summer. The influence of “internal supply” (bottom waters and bottom sediments) on the amount of nutrients available for autotrophs is clearly visible in the analysed lakes - an increase in nitrogen and mineral phosphorus concentrations in relation to surface waters was observed in the bottom layer.
The purpose of this study has been to determine the effect of fertilisation with urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution enriched with P, Mg or S on the content of macronutrients in the grain and straw of maize. The following fertilisers were tested in the field experiment: ammonium nitrate, urea, UAN - 32% N; RSM+S - 26% N + 3% S; RSM+P(Medium) - 26% N and 4.80% P; RSM+P(Starter) - 21% N and 7.86% P; UAN + Mg - 20% N + 4% Mg. In each year of the experiment, significant differentiation in the contents of P, K, Ca, Mg and S in maize grain and straw was observed, depending on the applied nitrogen fertilisation. However, considering the average values from each treatment achieved over the three years, it was demonstrated that the fertilisation significantly changed only the content of P and S in grain and K and Ca in straw of maize. The removal of nutrients was the highest in the second year of the research and amounted in kg∙ha-1 : P - about 100, K - about 350, Ca - about 80, Mg - about 35 and S - about 31, which in turn were differentiated over the years of the experiment in the three years. The removal of P, K, Mg and S also significantly depended on fertilisation. Significant differences, however, most often concerned the control treatment relative to the fertilised ones. The contribution of grain to the accumulation of nutrients also varied significantly in the three years of the experiment. Significantly the lowest share of grain in terms of P and S accumulation was noted in maize grown without N fertilisation.
Rational use of water resources is one of the urgent problems for arid regions of Kazakhstan. The biocenosis of activated sludge of urban wastewater treatment plants in Zhanaozen periodically encounters stressful situations associated with violation of the operating mode of equipment or emergency discharges of toxicants into the wastewater treatment plant system. It has been established that with sharp fluctuations in the physicochemical parameters of aqueous solutions, protozoal organisms are primarily eliminated from the composition of activated sludge. This pattern was noted with an increase in the content of ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, monoethanolamine and pH fluctuations in wastewater. Under the conditions of a 10-month period of active insolation in Western Kazakhstan, the species diversity of the algoflora of activated sludge correlates with the duration of daylight hours; it was found that diatoms predominate in the autumn-winter period of the year, whereas blue-green and green algae predominate in the spring-summer period.
The paper presents physicochemical studies of nine reactive materials for removing phosphorus from wastewater and water. The materials under analysis are raw forms of marl and travertine along with their thermally treated forms at temperatures of 500 °C, 650 °C, 700 °C (travertine), 700 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C (marl) and the commercial material Polonite®. The scope of the research included morphological analysis and elemental composition, specific surface area, pore volume and diameter, losses on ignition and the amount of elements leached from materials. The results of the research allowed assessing the impact of physicochemical properties and thermal modification on the efficiency of phosphorus binding by these materials. All the tested sorbents show the highest calcium content among the elements with the ability to bind phosphorus. The size of the specific surface does not determine the efficiency of phosphorus retention by the tested materials; therefore it is advisable to study the mechanism of its binding. The thermal modification process, along with the increase in the treatment temperature, improves the regularity of marl and travertine structures, which also manifests itself in increasing the efficiency of phosphorus removal.
Wyczerpujące się zasoby łatwo dostępnego dla roślin fosforu, wzrost cen pasz i fosforytów oraz zanieczyszczenie fosforanami wód powierzchniowych są objawami szerszego zjawiska, określanego jako kryzys fosforowy. W artykule pokrótce wyjaśniono, jakie znaczenie ma fosfor w produkcji rolniczej i żywieniu zwierząt, z czego wynika obecna sytuacja związana ze zmniejszaniem się źródeł fosforu oraz jego udziałem w procesie eutrofizacji wód, a także dokąd prowadzą te zmiany oraz jak można sobie z tym problemem poradzić.
The depletion of readily available for plants phosphorus, the increase in feed and phosphate prices, and the pollution of surface waters with phosphate are symptoms of a wider phenomenon known as the phosphorus crisis. This article briefly explains the importance of phosphorus in agricultural production and animal nutrition, what causes the current situation with decreasing sources of phosphorus and its contribution to process of eutrophication of waters, as well as where we are going and how we can deal with this problem.
Materia organiczna gleby odgrywa istotną rolę w chemicznych, mikrobiologicznych i fizycznych aspektach żyzności gleby. Odpady organiczne przekształcone w humifikowany materiał organiczny w procesie kompostowania można wykorzystać jako organiczne dodatki zwiększające zawartość materii organicznej i poprawiające żyzność gleby. Jakość kompostu różni się w zależności od rodzaju kompostowanych odpadów i technologii procesu kompostowania i jest bardzo istotna, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o optymalną zawartość pierwiastków, takich jak fosfor i azot. Przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości P i N dla czterech różnych rodzajów kompostów.
Four types of compost (household composts, rural compost processed by poultry and 2 composts from the mech.-biolog. treatment plant of municipal waste) were studied for P and N content. The lowest av. P and N content was recorded in rural compost, 1.6 and 1.5% by mass, resp., and the highest in household compost, 3.2 and 2.7% by mass, resp.
This study aims to examine the physicochemical parameters of seawater (temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter, ammonium-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, and phosphate-phosphorus, burnable organic matter in the sediment), and possible effects of pollution in Sığacık Bay where different anthropogenic activities are carried out. Samples of surface seawater (0 m), bottom seawater (2 m), and sediment were collected monthly from four sampling sites between September 2013 and September 2014. Annual mean nutrient values were determined as 1.6 ± 0.14 μg.at.NH4+-N l-1, 0.1 ± 0.01 μg.at.NO2--N l-1, 0.8 ± 0.08 μg.at.NO3--N l-1, 0.7 ± 0.08 μg.at.PO43--P l-1, SPM 21.4 ± 0.33 mg l-1. The BOM content in the sediment was 5.6 ± 0.39%. As a result of the study, it was determined that Sığacık Bay was polluted by anthropogenic point and non-point source pollution. According to the water quality criteria, the bay was found to be in the group of polluted seawater in terms of phosphate phosphorus.
The article provides an assessment of soil fertility indicators of agricultural lands in the northern forest-steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the Iglinsky region (Russian Federation). The content of humus, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, the thickness of the humus horizon, granulometric composition, morphological properties and soil washout were studied. It was revealed that the soil-forming process occurs on rocks of different ages and genesis, such as diluvial carbonate and carbonate-free clays and heavy loams, limestone eluvium, sandstone eluvium and alluvial deposits, which determine the diversity of the soil cover. In the study area, water erosion processes are developing, influenced by anthropogenic and natural factors such as planar and linear washout on slopes with a steepness of more than 2-3° and high ploughing of agricultural land. In terms of humus content, low-humus and medium-humus soils are widespread, accounting for 45.5 and 40%, respectively. The soil map was corrected and digitised to identify the main types and subtypes of soils, indicating the varieties at a scale of 1: 25,000. Digitised maps, taking into account the current state of soil fertility, are used to develop projects for inter-farm and intra-farm land management of organisations of the agro-industrial complex, state cadastral valuation of agricultural land, determination of land tax and development of measures to improve soil fertility.
The application of fertilizers based on sewage sludge significantly affects the formation of the nitrogen fund of sod-podzolic soil, as well as changes in the content of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium exchange. The application of such fertilizer under Jerusalem artichoke has a positive effect on the nitrogen content of alkaline hydrolyzed compounds, in particular on increasing the content of mineral and alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen fractions. The application of sewage sludge at a dose of 20–40 t/ha and the appropriate compensatory dose of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N90P90K90 helps to increase the content of ammonium nitrogen compounds from 16 to 20–22 mg/kg of soil in the upper (0–20 cm) layer – 28% prevails over the control variant, as well as the content of nitrate nitrogen compounds in the layer 0–40 cm from 1.70 to 2.52–2.64 mg/kg of soil. The ratio of the content of alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen compounds to the nitrogen content of mineral compounds in the experimental conditions changes insignificantly, which indirectly indicates a relatively stable value of this indicator, which changes little under the influence of fertilizers. The application of sewage sludge as a fertilizer significantly affects the change in the content of mobile phosphorus compounds and potassium exchange compounds in the upper (0–40 cm) layer of the soil. However, from a depth of 60 cm, their content decreases sharply and approaches the initial values of the control version. Depending on the application of fertilizers, the indicators of the coefficient of concentration of macronutrients in the soil change significantly, which reflects the ratio of the content of the element in the soil to its content in the control variant. As the rate of sewage sludge increases, the element concentration coefficient increases from 1.27 in the variant with the application of only mineral fertilizers to 2.36 for potassium and for phosphorus – from 1.02 to 1.31. There is a close correlation between the content of phosphorus and potassium in the soil and the coefficients of their concentration. This relationship reflects the multiple coefficient of determination, which for phosphorus and potassium is R2 = 0.69 and R2 = 0.90, respectively. The use of fertilizers in the form of compost with sewage sludge and straw of cereals causes similar trends as the introduction of uncomposted sewage sludge. However, this effect has less radical impact with lower absolute nutrient content compared to the introduction of fresh sewage sludge. The application of sewage sludge in the form of compost and uncomposted form contributes to a significant increase in the content of macronutrients in the soil, providing an improvement in the mineral nutrition of cultivated plants, including Jerusalem artichokes.
Intensive use of the chernozem soils of Northern Kazakhstan since the development of virgin lands has led to soil erosion and loss of humus. Since 1954, according to researchers, 1.2 bln tons of organic matter have been irretrievably lost. During this period, the methods of tillage have changed significantly from surface to subsurface tillage, which led to a change in the method of accumulation of organic residues in the soil. The purpose of this study was the short-term monitoring of spring wheat cultivation technologies to observe their influence on crop productivity and soil agrocenosis. A virgin plot was used as a standard of soil fertility. Determination of nutrients in the soil was carried out by using the method of "wet chemistry" with spectrophotometric termination. An infrared analyzer was used to assess the grain quality. The identification of soil microorganisms was carried out on nutrient microbiological media, such as meat-and-peptone agar, starch-and-ammonia agar, and Czapek-Dox agar. The results of three-year studies showed that the humus content in the variants with permanent wheat decreased to 3.26–3.38%. The greatest decrease in humus content was observed in the two-field grain and fallow crop rotation (2.48%). The decrease in the amount of humus occurred as a result of insufficient intake of plant residues and mineral fertilizers. The content of nitrate nitrogen and mobile phosphorus in virgin soil is low. Soil micromycetes dominate on virgin lands, whereas ammonifiers and immobilizers dominate on cultivated soils. The high level of carbon dioxide emissions on virgin land (3.0 C2 kg/ha/hour) is due to the presence of a large amount of plant biomass. The most optimal variant out the considered technological backgrounds from the point of view of increasing yields up to 15.8 c/ha and preserving soil fertility (3.26% humus content) is the cultivation of permanent wheat with the introduction of fertilizers and herbicides. The use of two-field grain and fallow crop rotation leads to irreplaceable losses of organic matter (2.48%).
We investigate the distribution of various fractions phosphorus (P) in sediments at the coastal area of Semarang City. Samples were collected from thirteen locations at the Banjir Kanal Barat, port and Banjir Kanal Timur. Sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay, and organic carbon were analysed in order to find out their relation with various P fractions. The sediment types are predominantly sandy and silty with low clay content. Among all fractions (loosely bound/Ads-P), bound calcium/Ca-P), iron bound/Fe-P), and organic fraction/OP), Ca-P fractions constitute the largest portion (71.2 %) followed by iron-bound (17.0 %), organic fraction (10.4 %) and loosely bound (1.4 %). The bioavailable P fractions range from 20.2 % to 42.0 % of the total P (TP) content with average 28.8 %. Relatively high Ads-P content is observed in offshore locations with comparatively high mud percentage as compared with the near-shore locations. The order of abundance of the main forms of P in the Semarang coastal surface sediments is as follows: Ca-P > Fe-P > OP > Ads-P. The concentration of this fraction causes the abundance of chlorophyll-a from 9.09 to 21.09 mg/m3.
The variety of the chemical forms of phosphorus compounds occurring in plant tissues, accompanied by the complexity of the chemical composition of plants as the analytical matrices, are the reasons why there is no one, the best answer, how those individual substances may be determined qualitatively and quantitatively. Interestingly, if the subject of determination is the total phosphorus content, the spectrum of effective methods and techniques seems to be impressive. However, in case of spectrophotometric measurements and classical variants of absorption (FAAS) or emission (ICP-AES/ ICP-OES) spectrometry techniques, it is necessary at first to isolate various phosphorus forms from the matrix, and then to mineralize them prior determination. The development of combined methods e.g. ETV-ICP- AES or HR-ETAAS, does allow the isolation of the phosphorus analyte and its detection in a kind of “one step” analytical procedure, directly in plant tissues. Similar benefits, while maintaining the sensitivity of determinations, are brought by the use of XRF, SIMS or nanoSIMS - more expensive techniques of imaging the presence of phosphorus in biological matrices. In turn, the application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, especially the 31P NMR technique is thought to be the most universal approach. Using this technique and being aware of higher limit of detection, it is possible to determine various plant phosphorus compounds qualitatively and quantitatively, at the same time.
In the era of circular economies, municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are viewed as resource recovery facilities. At the very minimum, the targeted resources are water, biogas, and phosphorus. However, municipal wastewater streams (sludge and effluent) need to be adequately treated to eliminate the potential for the transmission of microbial pathogens including protozoa, bacteria, and viruses. This paper presents the results from a study demonstrating the use of electron beam technology for sludge hygenization and enhanced methane (biogas) production using municipal wastewater samples. Cogeneration of heat for fertilizer drying and granulation and electricity for powering the electron beam system are also demonstrated.
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