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The purpose of the study is the determination of heavy metals in soil samples and their circulation in the food chain. In this study, the correlation between the presence of heavy metals in agricultural soils and the quality preservation of wheat, specifically Triticum Aestivum and Triticum Durum, was investigated. The results indicate that over 85% of the samples contain a high presence of metals compared to Kosovar standards. Land surveying was conducted at distances ranging from 20 m to 400 m from the highway. The results for Pb at a distance from 20 m showed a value of 2.11 mg·kg-1, while Zn varied with a value of 5.12 mg·kg-1. However, the amount of heavy metals in agricultural soil is not sufficient to determine their risk in the food chain. The samples studied from the wheat varieties exhibited the accumulation of metals in the wheat cultivated in the studied soils. Some wheat samples showed high levels of heavy metals, with Pb varying significantly with a value of 1.99 mg·kg-1, and Cr with a value of 6.12 mg·kg-1. In this study, the circulation of soil metals such as Pb, Cd, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn was monitored. The study then continued with the monitoring of soil physicochemical parameters as indicators of soil quality, such as organic carbon. The results showed variations depending on the distance and its concentration. The maximum protein value varied at 11.9%, gluten at 22.8%, moisture at 11.4%, etc., especially for Triticum E. and Triticum D. wheat varieties.
Barley is a plant in Europe that occupies an important place in the structure of cultivated plants. The main use of barley is for brewing beer. Even in Kosovo, the main part of barley production is used in the beer industry. The beer industry in Kosovo produces beer prepared from barley; it is liked by the consumer, not only in Kosovo but also in Albania. Our brewing industry mainly uses locally grown barley. Our farmers have planted the traditional cultivars of barley but, recently and in the future, new cultivars have been introduced and introduced, preferring those that give high yields but also with good chemical and technological indicators. Our study aimed to determine the influence of climatic (temperature and humidity) and soil factors on the yield and quality of barley production in both areas of its cultivation. The presence of mineral elements in the soil are necessary for barley such as: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and climatic factors for the production of beer barley.
Bread in Kosovo and beyond is still the most consumed food product, but the increase in consumer awareness of healthy foods has stimulated interest in the addition of various ingredients to improve its nutritional value and sensory properties. This study aimed to identify the ideal percentage of adding pumpkin flour through its influence on the rheological, nutritional, qualitative, and sensory properties of bread. Breads were produced with different amounts of pumpkin flour (control, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 25%). The results of the rheological properties with the Brabender farinograph and extensograph devices showed that the pumpkin flour pulp had an impact on the delay in dough formation, thus affecting the increase in water absorption, development time, stability, resistance, and energy of the dough. The falling number was very high for all types of bread over 350 seconds, and there were no significant differences between them (p < 0.05). The content of nutrients in the bread, such as fat, cellulose, and ash, increased along with the content of pumpkin flour, while the protein content decreased. Also, the content of iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium increased along with pumpkin flour addition, while the content of zinc and manganese decreased. The bread with 5% pumpkin flour had the best specific volume, while the control bread and the bread with 5% pumpkin flour had better acidity. The bread with 5% pumpkin flour and control bread had better sensory properties, but even the breads with 10% pumpkin flour had good sensory properties. Therefore, using less than 10% pumpkin flour is suggested in the production of bread without compromising the quality or sensory properties of the bread.
The object of the study are 6 varieties of spring barley from the region and the EU: Tunika, Ortega, Josefina, Astor, Jaran Askona. The plots where parameters for two different agro-climatic areas and pedological differences are researched are: Dukagjini field in Pejë. The research of the Agricultural Institute of Kosovo and the Kosovo Plain, as in Pestovo, which is privately owned land, in Kosovo. Barley is a strategic crop which is planted every year on an area of 5000–10000 ha. The average yield realized during the last years is about 2.5 t/ha. The agroclimatic and pedological data of Kosovo, compared to the yields obtained in barley culture, show that the genetic potential of barley production is great. Kosovo has an area of 1.1 million ha, of which 53 percent is under cultivation, 41 percent from forests. About 88% of agricultural land is privately owned, while the rest is owned by social enterprises. Of the 577,000 ha of agricultural land, about 300,000 ha are planted with agricultural crops. Cereals are cultivated on 44% of the surface, of which wheat 45%, corn 44%, oats 8%, barley 3% and rye less than 1%.
Barley is a plant that occupies an important place in the structure of cultivated plants in Europe. The main use of barley is for brewing beer. Even in Kosovo, the main part of barley production is used in the beer industry. The beer industry in Kosovo produces beer prepared from barley; it is liked by the consumer, not only in Kosovo but also in Albania. Our brewing industry mainly uses locally grown barley. Our farmers have planted the traditional cultivars of barley, but recently and in the future, new cultivars are being introduced, preferring those that give high yields but also with good chemical and technological indicators. The introduction of new cultivars has laid the need for their study, both quantitatively, i.e. for the amount of production per unit of surface area, but also for qualitative indicators. Such a study needs to be undertaken not only because of the new cultivars but also because of the fact that in our country, in our cultivation conditions, there has not been any real study in these directions.
Water resources management in Kosovo faces many problems such as economic, legal, lack of experts in the field of environment, and various factors for the management of water basins. The study is a special feature for presenting the current, important, situation of water resources in Kosovo. The results of the research show the current state of the rivers, especially the two largest basins such as the river Drin I Bardh and Iber. Water management is of particular importance for the health of flora and fauna. Drinking water quality monitoring, to be analyzed with compliance over 95%, compliance with microbiological water quality standards, and 97.0% with international chemical standards. Assessing the quality of rivers is finding the solution to the problem of water treatment to fully meet the needs of aquatic ecosystems. Determination of physico-chemical parameters such as: (pH, TDS, TH, EC, etc.), are necessary for water quality analysis. Water quality depends on the management of industrial waste, especially heavy metals such as (Pb, Hg, As, Zn, Fe, etc.), determination of parameters of other elements such as: (Na, K, Mg, Ca, etc.), indicate the hardness of the water. The study included different methodologies: qualitative, quantitative analysis, and statistics.
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