In order to achieve the accurate identifications of various electroencephalograms (EEGs) and electrocardiograms (ECGs), a unified framework of wavelet scattering transform (WST), bidirectional weighted two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis (BW(2D)2PCA) and grey wolf optimization based kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) was put forward in this study. To extract more discriminating features in the WST domain, the BW(2D)2PCA was proposed based on original two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis, by considering both the contribution of eigenvalue and the variation of two adjacent eigenvalues. Totally fifteen classification tasks of classifying normal vs interictal vs ictal EEGs, non-seizure vs seizure EEGs and normal vs congestive heart failure (CHF) ECGs were investigated. Applying patient non-specific strategy, the proposed scheme reported ACCs of no less than 99.300 ± 0.121 % for all the thirteen classification cases of Bonn dataset in classifying normal vs interictal vs ictal EEGs, MCC of 90.947 ± 0.128 % in distinguishing non-seizure vs seizure EEGs of CHB-MIT dataset, and MCC of 99.994 ± 0.001 % in identifying normal vs CHF ECGs of BBIH dataset. Experimental results indicate BW(2D)2PCA based framework outperforms (2D)2PCA based scheme, the high-performance results manifest the effectiveness of the proposed framework and our proposal is superior to most existing approaches.
The paper evaluates the effectiveness of reinforcing a damaged earth structure with making counterfort drains in its slope. The system of counterfort drains changed the soil properties significantly over a long-term use. The evaluation was based on many years of field and laboratory tests and stability analysis. The field tests concerned the observation of NWST probing resistance change, and the laboratory tests concerned the change in soil consistency and water content. The paper presents the results of tests that were conducted over 13 years.
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Poczynając od 1999 r. sukcesywnie są wprowadzane do naszej armii nowe samochody oraz przyczepy i naczepy spełniające wymagania odnośnych przepisów państwowych oraz EKG ONZ. Wymienione pojazdy są eksploatowane zarówno w kraju, jak i w polskich kontyngentach międzynarodowych misji stabilizacyjnych. Odnośne wymagania oraz badania kwalifikacyjne i weryfikacyjne zostały wykonane przez specjalistów WITPiS, wg własnych procedur badawczych, uwzględniających także wymagania bezpieczeństwa i ekologii. Zwrócono uwagę na niejednoznaczność przepisów resortu MON w odniesieniu do aktów prawnych państwowych, szczególnie rozporządzenia MI o homologacji.
With effect from 1999 Polish Army is being progressively equipped with new cars, trailers and semitrailers, which fulfil requirements of national regulations and EKG ONZ. Mentioned above vehicles are being exploited both in our country and at polish contingents of international peacekeeping missions. Adequate requirements, governments and verification tests have been made by WITPiS specialists, according to own research procedures, taking into consideration safety and ecological requirements. A special attention has been put into ambiguousment of polish MOD regulations in relation to national legal acts, especially MI homologation decree.
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