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Hydrofracturing in sandstone is not an easy task. Sandstone is porous; fluid dissipation is common hence unable to obtain breakdown pressures in certain flow rates (0.0000005-0.0001 m3/s). The higher flow rate (0.00025 m3/s) is ascertained to determine the fracturing pressures. Due to this, fracture propagation and delineation are observed (Satya Subrahmanyam, 2022) [1]. To enhance, an experimental method is adopted by carrying out 6 Hydrofracturing tests in a borehole comprising sandstone. A high flow rate of 0.00025 m3/s and viscosity 0.001 Pa s is applied. Later, the fracture simulation was run on 12 core samples collected from the same depths in a lab. The fluid flow rates of 0.0000005-0.0000015 m3/s, viscosity 0.27 Pa- second, pore pressure of 4 MPa, confining pressures in vertical-12 MPa and horizontal 6, 18, 24, 30 MPa is applied. The fracture traces and the stress results exhibit a difference of 80°-300° observed in both cases. The major principle stress orientation obtained in the borehole is 20° and 40°. In lab tests with confining horizontal pressures at 6 and 18 MPa, it is 120° and 130°, and at 24 and 30 MPa is 20°. This indicated that there is fracture delineation occurred. It is observed in the higher flow rate and confining pressures.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of print orientation, using the DLMS method, on the strength of the tested material before and after heat treatment. The heat treatment involved heating the material to 490˚C and subsequently cooling it within the furnace for four hours. Experimental research involves X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5 tool steel. Analysis of the test results indicates a strength increase following heat treatment. Additionally, a numerical study was conducted to investigate the mechanical characteristics of X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5 tool steel fabricated via 3D printing. Fractographic analysis of specimen failure was performed, and the results were subsequently compared.
Non-oriented electrical steels constitute the most important segment of the market of soft magnetic materials. In the paper the usefulness of the model based on hyperbolic tangent nonlinear transformation for the description of quasi-static hysteresis loops for this type of material is verified.
Blachy elektrotechniczne o ziarnach niezorientowanych stanowią najważniejszy segment rynku materiałów magnetycznie miękkich. W pracy zweryfikowano użyteczność modelu opartego na nieliniowej transformacji tangens hiperboliczny do opisu quasi-statycznych pętli histerezy dla tego typu materiału.
In the past ten years, InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice has emerged as a promising technology for high-temperature mid-wave infrared photodetector. Nevertheless, transport properties are still poorly understood in this type of material. In this paper, optical and electro-optical measurements have been realised on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice midwave infrared photodetectors. Quantum efficiency of 50% is measured at 150 K, on the front side illumination and simple pass configuration. Absorption measurement, as well as lifetime measurement are used to theoretically calculate the quantum efficiency thanks to Hovel’s equation. Diffusion length values have been extracted from this model ranging from 1.55 μm at 90 K to 7.44 μm at 200 K. Hole mobility values, deduced from both diffusion length and lifetime measurements, varied from 3.64 cm²/Vs at 90 K to 37.7 cm²/Vs at 200 K. The authors then discuss the hole diffusion length and mobility variations within temperature and try to identify the intrinsic transport mechanisms involved in the superlattice structure.
Hydrogen induced cracking is a form of wet H2S cracking. Blistering or crack propagation is a result of the mechanical tearing of material by high-pressure hydrogen gas forming on internal material discontinuities, like non-metallic inclusions. This failure mechanism is typically associated with low and medium-strength pipeline steels, however, it does also occur in high-strength rolled wire. This evaluation aims to elucidate the mechanism of this susceptibility. The characteristic failure pattern where cracking occurs near the wire centreline and propagates perpendicular to the rolling direction leads to believe that the wire anisotropy, developed during cold rolling, plays a critical role. A mechanical property – flow resistance in principal directions – was measured using the Wheeler and Ireland technique. It was found that the “weak” direction is perpendicular to the crack propagation direction. The failure rate does not correspond to the flow resistance, but rather to the flow resistance ratios. It is proposed that those ratios are not only a measure of anisotropy but also a measure of microstructural damage inflicted by the cold rolling process. This microstructural damage is partially reversible by heat treatment processes.
Pękanie wodorowe jest mechanizmem degradacji często zachodzącym w środowiskach korozyjnych, w których występuje siarkowodór. Propagacja pęknięć postępuje na skutek fizycznego rozrywania materiału przez cząsteczkowy wodór pod wysokim ciśnieniem, tworzący się na nieciągłościach wewnętrznych, takich jak na przykład wtrącenia niemetaliczne. Praca badawcza dotyczy mechanizmu pękania wysoko wytrzymałego kształtowego drutu stalowego. Drut pęka w charakterystyczny sposób: pęknięcie tworzy się w pobliżu środka drutu i propaguje równolegle do płaskich powierzchni. Obserwacja ta każe przypuszczać, że propagacja związana jest z anizotropią właściwości mechanicznych drutu. Anizotropię zbadano jako opór płynięcia plastycznego materiału pod wgłębnikiem twardościomierza metodą Wheelera i Irelanda. Zaobserwowano, że pęknięcia propagują prostopadle do kierunku, w którym występuje najmniejszy opór płynięcia. Pękanie podczas testów w środowisku korozyjnym z siarkowodorem nie jest skorelowane bezpośrednio z oporem płynięcia, a ze stosunkiem oporów płynięcia w dwu kierunkach, a więc miarą anizotropii. Z badań wynika, że proces walcowania na zimno powoduje uszkodzenia mikrostruktury, które można szacować miarą anizotropii właściwości mechanicznych drutu i które są częściowo odwracalne w procesie obróbki cieplnej.
In this paper, the problem of deformation induced by an open pit excavation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed by FE modelling. The presented research is focused on the influence of material model with anisotropic stiffness on the accuracy of deformation predictions as compared with the field measurements. A new hyperelastic-plastic model is applied to simulate anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff soils. It is capable to reproduce mixed variable stress-induced anisotropy and constant inherent cross-anisotropy of the small strain stiffness. The degradation of stiffness depending on strain is modelled with the Brick-type model. The model formulation and parameters are briefly presented. General deformation pattern obtained in the exemplary 2D boundary value problem of an open pit excavation is investigated considering different values of inherent cross-anisotropy coefficient of small strain stiffness. The numerical simulations are performed as a coupled deformation-flow analysis which allows to properly model the drainage conditions. The excavation phases are simulated by removal of soil layers according to the realistic time schedule. Finally, the monitored case of the trial open pit excavation in heavily overconsolidated Oxford Clay at Elstow, UK is simulated with proposed material model both in 2D and 3D conditions. The obtained calculation results are compared with displacement measurements and discussed.
Modelowanie numeryczne zagadnień geotechnicznych związanych z odciążeniem podłoża (np. tunelowanie, wykopy) wymaga odpowiedniego opisu materiałowego gruntu, który pozwala na prawidłową symulację charakterystyki mechanicznej w zakresie małych odkształceń. Najważniejszymi elementami są tutaj nieliniowość sztywności związana z barotropią oraz degradacją stycznego modułu ścinania z odkształceniem oraz inherentna anizotropia sztywności. Modele konstytutywne dostępne w popularnych systemach obliczeniowych rzadko pozwalają na uwzględnienie anizotropii sztywności w zakresie małych odkształceń. Najczęściej przyczyną jest bardziej skomplikowana procedura implementacji niż w przypadku modeli z izotropową sztywnością, jak również ograniczona dostępność parametrów materiałowych związanych z anizotropią. Rozwój technik pomiarowych w eksperymentalnej mechanice gruntów, obserwowany w ostatnich latach na całym świecie, pozwala jednak na zaprojektowanie i przeprowadzenie badań anizotropii sztywności w warunkach ważnych inwestycji lub projektów badawczych. Najczęściej jest to pomiar współczynnika anizotropii αG w aparacie trójosiowym wyposażonym w elementy sejsmiczne bender zorientowane zarówno w pionie jak i w poziomie. System taki pozwala na bezpośrednie wyznaczenie modułów ścinania w płaszczyźnie pionowej Gvh oraz poziomej Ghh (αG= Ghh/Gvh). W artykule przedstawiono własny hipersprężysto-plastyczny model konstytutywny uwzględniający zarówno nieliniowość jak i anizotropię sztywności w zakresie małych odkształceń. W modelu tym wykorzystano anizotropową hipersprężystość do opisu sztywności początkowej, system zagnieżdżonych powierzchni plastyczności w przestrzeni odkształcenia do opisu degradacji sztywności (tzw. model Brick) oraz konwencjonalne kryterium wytrzymałości na ścinanie do ograniczenia dewiatorowych stanów naprężenia. Model został zaimplementowany w programie metody elementów skończonych Plaxis w ramach opcji User Defined Soil Model (UDSM). Analizowanym zagadnieniem brzegowo początkowym jest próbny otwarty wykop wykonany w ile oxfordzkim w Elstow, Wielka Brytania. Szeroka baza danych dotyczących niestandardowych badań laboratoryjnych iłu oksfordzkiego zorientowanych, oprócz wyznaczenia parametrów standardowych, na charakterystykę anizotropii sztywności dostępna jest w literaturze. Dokładny opis realizacji wykonanego próbnego wykopu z danymi pozwalającymi na przeprowadzenie własnych analiz wraz z wynikami monitoringu przemieszczeń dostępne są w publikacji Hird&Pierpoint (Geotechnique 47(3), 1997). Umożliwiło to, kalibrację parametrów anizotropowego modelu hipersprężysto-plastycznego i przeprowadzenie analizy wstecz będącej cenną weryfikacją przydatności opracowanego modelu konstytutywnego. Przed wykonaniem symulacji numerycznych próbnego wykopu w Elstow przeprowadzono również serię obliczeń na uproszczonym przykładowym modelu wykopu otwartego w płaskim stanie odkształcenia w celu rozpoznania wpływu czystej anizotropii inherentnej na deformację powstającą podczas odciążenia podłoża gruntowego takim wykopem. Symulację numeryczną wykopu próbnego w Elstow przeprowadzono zarówno w płaskim stanie odkształcenia jak i na modelu przestrzennym. Metoda symulacji odpowiadała podejściu sprzężonemu konsolidacji z równoczesnym uwzględnieniem przepływu wody w gruncie (coupled deformation flow analysis). Warunki czasowe wykonania wykopu próbnego, jak również parametry filtracyjne oraz mechaniczne zalegających gruntów powodują jednak, że przedmiotowe zagadnienie brzegowo-początkowe zachodzi ostatecznie w warunkach bliskich warunkom braku drenażu. Wyniki przeprowadzonych symulacji numerycznych porównano z wynikami monitoringu przemieszczenia. Uzyskano zadowalającą zgodność obliczonego i pomierzonego pola przemieszczenia. Dokładność wyników obliczeń jest jednak zmienna w zależności od obszaru analizowanego zagadnienia. Odpowiednie porównania przedstawiono na rysunkach w artykule.
Content available remote Anisotropy on the ductile-to-brittle transition for rock in process of drilling
Anisotropy is an inherent property of rocks. It refers to the different response of the rock properties in each direction. Understanding the anisotropy characteristics of rock failure by drilling has practical applications in improving drilling efficiency, especially for engineering applications. In this paper, a criterion is established to clarify the ductile-to-brittle transition in the drilling process of rock. Moreover, a new anisotropy index has been proposed to evaluate the effect of anisotropy on the critical state of the ductile-to-brittle transition. The digital drilling tests are conducted on six types of rock to study the drilling mechanical performance in the X, Y, and Z directions. The anisotropy characteristics of drilling parameters and mechanical specific energy (MSE) are analysed at the critical state of ductile–brittle failure. The results show that the critical state of ductile–brittle failure is manifested as an inflection point of the depth of cut. The evolution of MSE is fitted as two linear functions, which corresponds to the two stages. The order of anisotropy in MSE is obtained as: gneiss > slate > red sandstone > granite > argillaceous sandstone > sandstone. The anisotropy in the uniaxial compressive strength and MSE for different rock types has the same sequences. The advantages of the proposed method in determining rock anisotropy are illustrated.
Interfacial interactions have an important influence on the properties of energetic materials. The anisotropy of interfacial adhesive strength between various 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane (RDX) single crystal faces and a typical binder was studied in this work by experimental and theoretical investigations. An RDX single crystal was prepared and processed into three kinds of orientated crystal faces, including (002), (020) and (210). These crystal slices were used as substrates, and fluorinated polymer F2314 was used as a binder. The surfaces of the RDX slices were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and an atomic force microscope (AFM). The work of adhesion was obtained from direct tensile tests, using designed samples of the sandwich structure of RDX-F2314-RDX, with various RDX single crystal surfaces. The polarity component of the surface energy and the work of adhesion was obtained by Young’s equation and the Fowkes theory, based on surface contact angle tests. The results in this work indicated the anisotropy of the interfacial adhesion of F2314 on various RDX crystal faces.
The methods of severe plastic deformation (SPD) of metals and metal alloys are very attractive due to the possibility of refinement of the grains to nanometric sizes, which facilitates obtaining high mechanical properties. This study investigated the influence of SPD in the process of hydrostatic extrusion (HE) on the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the CuCrZr copper alloy. The method of HE leads to the formation of a characteristic microstructure in deformed materials, which can determine their potential applications. On the longitudinal sections of the extruded bars, a strong morphological texture is observed, manifested by elongated grains in the direction of extrusion. In the transverse direction, these grains are visible as equiaxed. The anisotropy of properties was mainly determined based on the analysis of the static mini-sample static tensile test and the dynamic impact test. The obtained results were correlated with microstructural observations. In the study, three different degrees of deformation were applied at the level necessary to refine the grain size to the ultrafine-grained level. Regardless of the applied degree of deformation, the effect of the formation of a strong morphological texture was demonstrated, as a result of which there is a clear difference between the mechanical properties depending on the test direction, both by the static and dynamic method. The obtained results allow for the identification of the characteristic structure formed during the HE process and the more effective use of the CuCrZr copper alloy in applications.
In this study, the effect of the coiling temperature on the tensile properties of API X70 linepipe steel plates is investigated in terms of the microstructure and related anisotropy. Two coiling temperatures are selected to control the microstructure and tensile properties. The API X70 linepipe steels consist mostly of ferritic microstructures such as polygonal ferrite, acicular ferrite, granular bainite, and pearlite irrespective of the coiling temperature. In order to evaluate the anisotropy in the tensile properties, tensile tests in various directions, in this case 0° (rolling direction), 30°, 45° (diagonal direction), 60°, and 90° (transverse direction) are conducted. As the higher coiling temperature, the larger amount of pearlite is formed, resulting in higher strength and better deformability. The steel has higher ductility and lower strength in the rolling direction than in the transverse direction due to the development of γ-fiber, particularly the {111}<112> texture.
The article presents experimental results on orientation of polymer macromolecules in compression moulded high density polyethylene sheets. Properties anisotropy of thermoplastic films or sheets, that are usually formed in the extrusion process, causes deformation of thermoformed products and is a serious technological problem. One of the possible solutions of this problem is application of compression moulded sheets. The paper presents the results of tests of selected strength characteristics of compression moulded PE-HD sheets. A static tensile test was performed and Charpy impact strength was determined. Additionally Chrystler’s orientation test was executed. For comparison the same experiments were performed on extruded sheets. Samples were cut in directions perpendicular and parallel to the direction of polymer flow in pressing and extrusion processes. The obtained results indicate that the compression moulding technique allows the production of sheets that do not exhibit statistically significant anisotropy of the tested strength properties.
Numerical simulations of tension and shear tests for a polycrystalline, anisotropic material were performed using crystal plasticity theory. The slip was considered here as the main mechanism of plastic deformation. Constitutive equations to describe the elastic-plastic deformation caused by the slip are presented. The generation and meshing of various shapes geometries (cubic and paddy shapes) with randomly-orientated grains by means of open source program NEPER program was shown. The Voronoi tessellation was used in order to include morphological properties of a crystalline material. The selected results of elastic-plastic analyses (stress, strain distributions and the macroscopic stress-strain resulting from homogenization) are presented here. The results obtained show the non-uniform distribution of stress and strain for different grains associated with their crystal orientation. The crystal plasticity finite element modelling of materials subjected to plastic deformation is important for microstructure-based mechanical predictions, as well as for the engineering design and to perform simulations involving not only the change of a material’s shape at a macro level but also the phenomena occurring in material in a micro-scale.
Content available remote Hydrodynamics and turbulence anisotropy for complex flow in a sinuous channel
Sinuous channel flows are the most natural form of alluvial streams. The complex flow in the channel bends has been the main focus of the study. This paper examines the flow velocity and the three-dimensional velocity fluctuations in a pure sinuous channel. The main focus of the study is on the characterization of turbulence anisotropy along the sinuous bend. Experiments were conducted in a sinuous channel of a rectangular cross-section to identify the turbulence present in the flow. Secondary flow, Reynolds shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and anisotropy turbulence were evaluated in the sinuous bend. The bend apex is composed of a large circulation cell at the center of the bend section. The maximum Reynolds shear stress (RSS) is located at the bend apex with the streamwise-transverse and transverse-vertical components of RSS showing high peaks of positive and negative values. This fact is in support of the secondary flow observed in this study. Anisotropic stress tensors were estimated at different bend sections and are shown to have greater contribution toward streamwise and transverse direction. Anisotropic invariant map (AIM) identified the turbulence at bend sections and varying flow depth. Two dimensional, cigar-shaped, and pancake-shaped turbulence was observed at the bend upstream and downstream. Isotropic turbulence was observed at the bend apex. Near the bed (z∕h ≤ 0.2) and away from the bed (z∕h ≥ 0.4), pancake-shaped and cigar-shaped turbulence was observed.
Elastic full waveform inversion (EFWI) in VTI media using velocity model-based parameterization (PARM-VTIEFWI) can improve the sensitivity of anisotropic parameters, but there are still the problems of gradient’s interference and Nonunique. Research has shown that logging data can constrain the Non-unique of FWI. Therefore, in this paper, we use the logging data as a constraint to limit the Non-unique of the PARM-VTIEFWI. We derive the objective function and gradient equation for the PARM-VTIEFWI based on the constraint of logging information. In addition, to reduce the interference between the gradients of parameters in VTI media, we incorporate a pseudo-Hessian matrix to precondition the gradients and derive a gradient preconditioning formula based on the pseudo-Hessian matrix in this paper. In summary, we propose a new PARM-VTIEFWI method based on logging information constraint and gradient precondition, which reduces the interference between the parameter gradients and constrains the Non-unique of the inversion. The correctness and validity of the method were demonstrated by examples.
Artykuł jest poświęcony rozwojowi jednowymiarowego, skalarnego, wielowarstwowego, elektromagnetycznego modelu otwartego rezonatora Fabry-Perot, wykorzystanego do pomiarów własności elektromagnetycznych elektrycznie cienkich warstw dielektryków na częstotliwości od 20 do 110 GHz. Pokrótce omówiono podstawy teoretyczne metody opisującej zachowanie fali elektromagnetycznej w otwartym rezonatorze Fabry-Perot oraz proces projektowania takiego układu pomiarowego. Następnie przedstawiono układ pomiarowy, kolejno zaprezentowano niektóre z wyników pomiarów wykonanych podczas prac związanych z doktoratem autora publikacji. Pod koniec omówiono ograniczenia omawianej metody oraz możliwe ścieżki rozwoju.
This paper is focused on the introduction of a one-dimensional scalar multi-layer electromagnetic model of a Fabry-Perot open resonator and its use in the measurement of electromagnetic properties of electrically thin dielectric sheet materials in frequencies from 20 to 110 GHz. Short theoretical description of an electromagnetic wave inside resonator have been described. Furthermore, results of measurement for frequencies exceeding 50 GHz have been shown as well as unique capability of measurement of the samples with in-plane anisotropy. In the end measurement system limitation have been discussed with possibilities for further system development.
In this study, we analysed the influence of atherosclerosis on the anisotropic and incompressible behaviour of the human thoracic aortic wall under mechanical loads. The mechanical tests involved preparations of the human thoracic aortic wall, which were evaluated based on the six-stage histological classification of atherosclerosis proposed by Stary. Anisotropy was evaluated on the basis of directional tests of mechanical properties, which were determined based on a uniaxial tensile test conducted in two directions, i.e. longitudinal and circumferential. The evaluation of incompressibility was carried out based on the product of the stretch ratios obtained in the x–y and y–z planes and on the basis of Poisson's ratio. The results presented in this study indicate that the blood vessel wall is an anisotropic material only in the case of normal vessels and in early atherosclerotic lesions. Atherosclerosis progression causes a gradual loss of the anisotropic character of the work of the thoracic aortic wall in moderate and very advanced stages of atherosclerosis under mechanical loads. The results show that the wall of the thoracic aorta is an incompressible material. Development of atherosclerosis does not cause a loss of incompressibility of the thoracic aorta. This study is the only one so far that presents changes in the mechanical properties at all stages of atherosclerotic development. A large number of preparations were included in the study, which is important for the results obtained due to the multi-factorial etiology of atherosclerosis development.
The derivation of geomechanical properties from petrophysical/geophysical data is not only of great importance in the oil industry but also in mining, geothermal projects and tunnelling, for reduction of costs and to improve security. For the oil industry and geothermal sector, it is mainly important for drilling rate and the stability of the borehole and, as a result, the economic factor. A key issue is that geomechanical properties, which can support a better planning of a project, cannot be measured in the borehole or on the surface directly. In this study, the focus is put on anisotropic efects on the correlation between static and dynamic properties, which is neglected in most studies but important because values can vary extremely. Therefore, measurements in the geotechnical laboratory of compressional and shear wave velocity during uniaxial compression strength test were taken. Additionally, typical properties like bulk and grain density as well as porosity were determined too. Diferent samples (carbonate–silica schist, marble and phyllite) from the "Zentrum am Berg"-research tunnelling centre at the "Erzberg" in Austria were used. Shown are correlations between uniaxial compression strength and compressional wave velocity as well as for static and dynamic Young’s modulus including their anisotropic efect. The results are promising and provide an opportunity for further applications on log data.
The pressure-based acoustic approximation of the elastic wave equations in anisotropic media has advantages corresponding to computational efciency and numerical stability. However, the numerical scattering potentials from the anisotropic parameter perturbations for the pressure wavefeld are not consistent with the elastic scattering theory. In multiparameter full-waveform inversion (FWI), choosing a suitable parameterization, considering the acquisition parameters (e.g., the ofsetto-depth ratio and frequency band) and the accuracy of the anisotropy information in the background initial velocity model, is an important component to a successful anisotropic parameter estimation, because the parameterization determines the trade-of between inverted model parameters and their resolution power. However, because it is difcult to perform multiparameter FWI with various types of parameterization using the pressure-based acoustic wave equation, inaccurate scattered wavefelds cause the gradient direction to lose its unique properties with respect to each model parameter. To overcome these issues, we adopt the combination of pressure- and vector-based acoustic wave equations converted vector virtual sources, which preserves the computational efciency and the angular dependency of the partial derivative wavefelds in elastic media. With the proposed method, we generate the numerical PP scattering patterns for various parameterizations, which are consistent with the elastic scattering theory. Through the numerical tests using the synthetic anisotropic Marmousi-II models and a real ocean bottom cable dataset from the North Sea, we conduct acoustic FWI with three diferent parameterizations using the proposed method and verify that the modifed scattering patterns accurately refect the characteristics of the anisotropic parameter perturbations.
W technologii uszczelniania kolumn rur okładzinowych w otworze wiertniczym zachodzi niekiedy potrzeba zastosowania zaczynu o obniżonej gęstości. Najczęściej ma to miejsce w przypadku uszczelniania otworu wierconego w strefie niskiego ciśnienia złożowego. Aby zaprojektować recepturę zaczynu lekkiego, stosuje się dodatek materiału wypełniającego, którego gęstość jest znacznie niższa niż gęstość cementu. Jednak obecność takiego dodatku w strukturze płynnego zaczynu cementowego może niekiedy powodować destabilizację układu objawiającą się nadmiernym frakcjonowaniem, w wyniku czego lekkie cząsteczki migrują w górne partie zaczynu, a ciężkie ziarna cementu opadają na dno. Ponadto zaczyny zawierające dodatki lekkie wykazują również obniżone wartości parametrów mechanicznych, większą porowatość i przepuszczalność dla gazu. Cechy te mogą dyskwalifikować dany zaczyn pod kątem zastosowania go w warunkach otworowych. W celu wyeliminowania tych niekorzystnych zmian zachodzących w strukturze zarówno płynnego, jak i stwardniałego zaczynu lekkiego, stosuje się domieszki pozwalające na znaczną poprawę parametrów technologicznych projektowanej receptury. Odpowiedni dobór zarówno ilościowy, jak i jakościowy wybranych środków umożliwia wyeliminowanie frakcjonowania zaczynu, w wyniku czego możliwe jest uzyskanie homogenicznej struktury płynnego zaczynu, a powstały po związaniu płaszcz cementowy będzie wykazywał izotropię badanych parametrów. Ponadto dodatki i domieszki drobnocząsteczkowe pozwalają doszczelnić matrycę płaszcza cementowego w taki sposób, że wytrzymałość na ściskanie ulega znacznej poprawie i zredukowana zostaje wartość przepuszczalności i porowatości. W artykule zostały omówione wyniki badań nad opracowaniem receptur zaczynów lekkich przeznaczonych do uszczelniania otworów w strefie niskich ciśnień złożowych. Jako próbkę kontrolną przyjęto recepturę, która była stosowana w warunkach otworowych. Zaczyn ten ze względu na brak stabilności sedymentacyjnej został wytypowany do modyfikacji. Kolejne receptury zawierały zróżnicowane ilości materiałów wypełniających. Jako dodatki lekkie użyto: perlit filtracyjny, mikrosferę glinokrzemianową oraz mikrosferę szklaną. Natomiast w celu poprawy stabilności sedymentacyjnej i uzyskania odpowiednich wartości parametrów mechanicznych użyto dwie formy krzemionki: koloidalny roztwór krzemianu sodu oraz nanokrzemionkę hydrofilową. Zaprojektowane receptury zaczynów charakteryzowały się odpowiednimi wartościami parametrów technologicznych i stabilnością sedymentacyjną. Wprowadzone modyfikacje w recepturach zaczynów pozwoliły na osiągnięcie homogenicznej mikrostruktury stwardniałego zaczynu oraz uzyskanie wzrostu wartości parametrów mechanicznych. Opracowana grupa receptur może być stosowana do uszczelniania w strefie niskich ciśnień złożowych w warunkach temperatury około 30°C i w ciśnieniu około 3 MPa.
In the technology of sealing casing columns in a borehole, sometimes it is necessary to use cement slurry with reduced density. This occurs most often during sealing of the borehole in the low reservoir pressure zone. To design lightweight cement slurry, an addition of filler material is used, the density of which is much lower than the density of cement. However, the presence of such an additive in the structure of fresh cement slurry may sometimes cause destabilization of the system manifested by excessive fractionation, as a result of which light particles migrate to the upper parts of the cement slurry and heavy cement grains sink to the bottom. In addition, cement slurries containing light additives also show reduced values of mechanical parameters, greater porosity and capacity for gas migration, which may disqualify a given cement slurry for use in borehole conditions. In order to eliminate these adverse changes occurring in the structure of both fresh and hardened lightweight cement slurry, admixtures are used to significantly improve the technological parameters of the designed recipe. Appropriate selection, both quantitative and qualitative, of selected agents makes it possible to eliminate the cement slurry fractionation, as a result of which it is possible to obtain a homogeneous structure of the fresh cement slurry, and the cement sheath formed after setting will demonstrate the isotropic properties of the tested mechanical parameters. In addition, additives and low molecular weight admixtures allow sealing of the cement sheath matrix in such a way that the compressive strength is significantly improved and the value of permeability and porosity is reduced. The article discusses the results of research on the development of lightweight cement slurry recipes intended for scaling of openings in the zone of low reservoir pressures. As a control sample, a recipe was selected that had been used in well conditions. This cement slurry was selected for modification due to the lack of sedimentation stability. The following recipes contained various amounts of filling materials. As light additives, filter perlite, aluminosilicate microsphere and glass microsphere were used. However, two forms of silica were used to improve sedimentation stability and obtain appropriate mechanical parameters: a colloidal sodium silicate solution and hydrophilic nanosilica. The designed cement slurry recipes were characterized by appropriate technological parameters and sedimentation stability. The modifications introduced to the cement slurries allowed to achieve a homogeneous microstructure of the hardened cement slurry and an increase in the value of mechanical parameters was obtained. The developed group of recipes can be used to seal openings in the low reservoir pressure zone at a temperature of about 30°C and a pressure of about 3 MPa.
A relation connecting stress intensity factors (SIF) with displacement intensity factors (DIF) at the crack front is derived by solving a pseudodifferential equation connecting stress and displacement discontinuity fields for a plane crack in an elastic anisotropic medium with arbitrary anisotropy. It is found that at a particular point on the crack front, the vector valued SIF is uniquely determined by the corresponding DIF evaluated at the same point.
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