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The sandstones belonging to the terrigenous deposits of the Macigno Formation (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene) were widely used as building stones in Tuscany (Italy) for the wide distribution of their outcrops and the good qualities of the extracted stone. This research reports the petrographic and mineralogical data, and the physical and mechanical test values collected to evaluate the main technical properties of the Macigno sandstones from the Vellano area, with the purpose of comparing the quality of the stones extracted in this area with those from other quarries in north-western Tuscany. The results, obtained analysing 21 samples from the Vellano quarry and its surroundings, show that sandstones cropping out here are characterized by medium to medium-fine sand-sized grains made up of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclases, phyllosilicates, lithic fragments, and accessory. Clayey materials and calcite are present as matrix and cement, respectively. The clay fraction is made up of mica-like minerals, chlorite, chlorite/smectite interlayers and, in some samples, corrensite and kaolinite. From the physical and mechanical point of view the analysed samples show low porosity and high flexural and compressive strengths. Compared to the other Macigno sandstone samples from north-western Tuscany, the best samples of Vellano stone show rather comparable mechanical resistance than those quarried at Matraia in Lucca province, which today is another active quarry of sure interest for the good quality of the extracted material.
Naturalne wycieki węglowodorów na powierzchni terenu są najwyraźniejszym przejawem ropogazonośności basenów naftowych. Przyczyną ich występowania jest migracja faz węglowodorowych, a ich charakter zależy przede wszystkim od budowy tektonicznej. Makroprzejawy węglowodorów charakterystyczne są dla basenów naftowych cechujących się skomplikowaną tektoniką formacji ropogazonośnych i/lub zaawansowaną erozją skał uszczelniających. Analiza rozmieszczenia i intensywności naturalnych wycieków węglowodorów ma istotne znaczenie dla walidacji modeli systemów naftowych. Wycieki, które objęto badaniami pochodzą z rejonu złóż ropy naftowej: na fałdzie Łodyna-Wańkowa, Czarna, Dwernik, Zatwarnica oraz w rejonie Sanoka (Tarnawa Wielopole). Do określania charakteru geochemicznego wycieków zastosowano badania biomarkerów GC i GCMS oraz badania składu izotopowego węgla. Stwierdzono, że środowisko sedymentacji badanej materii organicznej, będącej źródłową dla wycieków, jest tlenowe. Wiek geologiczny substancji organicznej został określony na kredowy lub młodszy, a stopień dojrzałości termicznej odpowiada fazie procesów termokatalitycznych. Porównanie charakterystyki geochemicznej wycieków i rop naftowych wskazuje na ich podobieństwo genetyczne. Zbieżność między lokalizacjami wycieków i dużych złóż ropy naftowej nie jest przypadkowa, a prześledzenie wszystkich naturalnych wycieków na tle uaktualnionych przekrojów powierzchniowych będzie przesłanką do analizy dróg migracji w modelu generacyjnym.
Visible petroleum seepages are pronounced symptoms of the subsurface petroleum reserves. Their occurrence is caused by the migration of hydrocarbons, and their nature depends primarily on the tectonics. Hydrocarbon macro seepages are characteristic of oil basins with complicated tectonics of oil-bearing formations and/or advanced erosion of sealing rocks. Analysis of the distribution and intensity of natural hydrocarbon seepages is essential for the validation of oil system models. The hydrocarbon seepages that were tested come from the area of oil fields: on the Łodyna-Wańkowa fold, Czarna, Dwernik, Zatwarnica and in the Sanok area (Tarnawa Wielopole). GC and GCMS biomarker analyses and isotopic composition tests were used to determine the geochemical character of the hydrocarbon seepages. It was found that sedimentation environment of the organic matter (which is the primary source of the oil seepage) was oxic. Geological age of the organic matter was determined as Cretaceous or younger. And the degree of thermal maturity corresponds to the phase of thermocatalytic processes. Comparison of the geochemical characteristics of the seepage oils and crude oils collected from fields shows their genetic similarity. The coincidence between the locations of oil seepages and large oil deposits is certainly not accidental. The tracing of all hydrocarbon seepages in the context of updated surface cross-sections will be a premise for the analysis of migration routes in the generation model.
Skały solne typu zubrów (udział substancji ilastej w prze dziale 15-85%) stanowią istotny składnik profilu środkowo mioceskich utworów ewaporatrowych formacji z Wieliczki w południowej Polsce. Badania geochemiczne i petrologiczne 43 próbek tych utworów, pobranych w wyrobiskach kopalń soli w Bochni i Wieliczce oraz z rdzeni 3 otworów wiertniczych (Z-1 i nr 42 koło Łężkowic i H-11 w Wieliczce) wykazały ich niską przydatność jako kopaliny zarówno do pozyskiwania solanki jak i pierwiastków śladowych. Wysoki udział wapnia (3,61-5,03%), siarki i krzemionki (22,32-27,66%), związa ny z występowaniem węglanów i siarczanów wapnia (gips, anhydryt) i substancji ilastej (>15%; illit, smektyt, chloryty), detrytycznego kwarcu i skaleni (analcym), eliminuje zubry jako sól drogową czy konsumpcyjną. Spośród 26 oznaczonych pierwiastków śladowych największy udział (średnio ok. 0,03 0,08%) w zubrach ma stront, zawartość pozostałych jest bardzo niska (średnio <0,007%). Skład mineralny zubrów mioceń skich jest dość bogaty. Obok dominującego halitu, siarczanów wapnia, substancji ilastej i materiału detrytycznego występują: węglany (dolomit, kalcyt, ankeryt, magnezyt), siarczany (baryt, bassanit, celestyn), siarczki (piryt, markasyt, sfaleryt), rutyl, cyrkon, muskowit, biotyt i chalcedon.
Salt rocks of the zuber type, characterized by clay content ranging from 15% to 85%, constitute a significant component within the profile of the Middle Miocene evaporitic Wieliczka Formation in southern Poland. Geochemical and petrological studies of 43 zuber samples collected from salt mines in Wielic zka and Bochnia, as well as from cores of three wells (Z-1 and No. 42 near Łężkowice and H-11 in Wieliczka), have demon strated their limited utility for both brine extraction and trace el ements production. The high content of calcium (ranging from 3.61% to 5.03%), sulfur, and silica (ranging from 22.32% to 27.66%), associated with calcium carbonates and sulfates (such as gypsum and anhydrite), as well as the presence of clay matter (>15%; including illite, smectite, and chlorites), and the occur rence of detrital quartz and feldspars (particularly analcime), preclude the use of zuber rocks as road salt or for consumption. Among the 26 detected trace elements, only strontium exhib its a higher concentration (averaging approximately 0.03% to 0.08%), while the others occur in very low amounts (averaging <0.007%). The mineral composition of zuber rocks is relatively diverse. Dominant minerals include halite, clay minerals, cal cium sulfates, and detrital grains. Additionally, carbonates (do lomite, calcite, ankerite, magnesite), sulfates (barite, bassanite, celestine), sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite), rutile, zircon, muscovite, biotite, and chalcedony have been identified.
The key aspect for evaluation of potential effects of ongoing environmental changes is identification of their controlson one hand, and understanding of their mutual relations on other. In this context, the best source of information about medium and long term coThe key aspect for evaluation of potential effects of ongoing environmental changes is identification of their controlson one hand, and understanding of their mutual relations on other. In this context, the best source of information about medium and long term consequences of various environmental processes is the geologic record. Numerous different-scale palaeoenvironmental events took place during the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition; amongst them, the best documented so far are: long term marine regression during the Tithonian-early Berriasian, climate aridization during the late Tithonian-early Berriasian, and tectonic activity in western parts of the Neo Tethys Ocean during the late Berriasian-Valanginian. This study, which is based on the Ph Ddissertation of Damian Gerard Lodowski, attempts to reconstruct the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous paleoenvironment and its evolution in the area of the Western Tethys, with special attention paid to cause-and-effect relationships between climate changes, tectonic activity and oceanographic conditions (perturbations in marine circulation and bioproductivity). Here are presented the basic results of high-resolution geochemical investigations performed in the Transdanubian Range (Hárskút and Lókút, Hungary), High-Tatric (Giewont, Poland) and Lower Sub-Tatric (Pośrednie III, Poland) series, Pieniny Klippen Belt (Brodno and Snežnica, Slovakia; Velykyi Kamianets, Ukraine) and Western Balkan (Barlya, Bulgaria) sections. The sections were correlated and compared in terms ofpaleoredox conditions (authigenic U), accumulation of micronutrient-type element (Zn) and climate changes (chemical index of alteration, CIA), providinga consistent scenario of the Tithonian-Berriasian palaeoenvironment evolution in various western Tethyan basins. Amongst the first-order trends and events, characteristic of studied sections are the two intervals recording an oxygen deficient at the seafloor: 1) the upper Tithonian-lowermost Berriasian (OD I); and 2) at the lower/upper Berriasian transition (OD II). Noteworthy, this phenomena cooccurred with elevated accumulations of nutrient-type elements (i. e. enrichment factor of Zn). Besides, collected data document the late Tithonian-early Berriasian trend of climate aridization, as well as the late Berriasian humidification. Such record is explained by a model, in which decreasing intensity of atmospheric circulation during the late Tithonian-early Berriasian was directly connected with climate cooling and aridization. This process resulted in lesser efficiency of up- and/or downwelling currents, which induced sea water stratification, seafloor hypoxia and perturbations in the nutrient-shuttle process during the OD I. On the other hand, the OD II interval may correspond to tectonic reactivation in the Neo Tethyan Collision Belt. This process might have led to physical cutoff of Alpine Tethys basins from the Neo Tethyan circulation (both atmospheric and oceanic), driving the limited stratification in the former, and limiting the effect of gradual humidification of global climate (i.e. due to increasing strength of monsoons and monsoonal upwellings). nsequences of various environmental processes is the geologic record. Numerous different-scale palaeoenvironmental events took place during the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition; amongst them, the best documented so far are: long term marine regression during the Tithonian-early Berriasian, climate aridization during the late Tithonian-early Berriasian, and tectonic activity in western parts of the Neo Tethys Ocean during the late Berriasian-Valanginian. This study, which is based on the Ph Ddissertation of Damian Gerard Lodowski, attempts to reconstruct the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous paleoenvironment and its evolution in the area of the Western Tethys, with special attention paid to cause-and-effect relationships between climate changes, tectonic activity and oceanographic conditions (perturbations in marine circulation and bioproductivity). Here are presented the basic results of high-resolution geochemical investigations performed in the Transdanubian Range (Hárskút and Lókút, Hungary), High-Tatric (Giewont, Poland) and Lower Sub-Tatric (Pośrednie III, Poland) series, Pieniny Klippen Belt (Brodno and Snežnica, Slovakia; Velykyi Kamianets, Ukraine) and Western Balkan (Barlya, Bulgaria) sections. The sections were correlated and compared in terms ofpaleoredox conditions (authigenic U), accumulation of micronutrient-type element (Zn) and climate changes (chemical index of alteration, CIA), providinga consistent scenario of the Tithonian-Berriasian palaeoenvironment evolution in various western Tethyan basins. Amongst the first-order trends and events, characteristic of studied sections are the two intervals recording an oxygen deficient at the seafloor: 1) the upper Tithonian-lowermost Berriasian (OD I); and 2) at the lower/upper Berriasian transition (OD II). Noteworthy, this phenomena cooccurred with elevated accumulations of nutrient-type elements (i. e. enrichment factor of Zn). Besides, collected data document the late Tithonian-early Berriasian trend of climate aridization, as well as the late Berriasian humidification. Such record is explained by a model, in which decreasing intensity of atmospheric circulation during the late Tithonian-early Berriasian was directly connected with climate cooling and aridization. This process resulted in lesser efficiency of up- and/or downwelling currents, which induced sea water stratification, seafloor hypoxia and perturbations in the nutrient-shuttle process during the OD I. On the other hand, the OD II interval may correspond to tectonic reactivation in the Neo Tethyan Collision Belt. This process might have led to physical cutoff of Alpine Tethys basins from the Neo Tethyan circulation (both atmospheric and oceanic), driving the limited stratification in the former, and limiting the effect of gradual humidification of global climate (i.e. due to increasing strength of monsoons and monsoonal upwellings).
Almus agates which are forms of nodules like egg-shaped are located in the Eocene aged Almus volcanics in Tokat (Turkey). These nodules are surprise eggs in spherical or oval form ranging from a few cm to 25-30 cm. It is thought that the most effective reason for the formation of the magnificent texture and color combinations of the agates in the region is the iron element. In thin section studies, agate formations are composed of length-slow zebraic chalcedony and quart zine. In addition, curved fossil like structures composed of iron oxide minerals offer visual richness. The host rock in which the Almus agates are located is trachyte, which consists of sanidine, plagioclase microlites and small opaque minerals, in which microlithic porphyritic and flow (trachytic) texture are observed. As a result of the multipoint eds (field emission scanning electron microscope), it was determined that the quartz is composed of Si, O and Fe. The content of the iron element, which is thought to cause color, was observed in the range of ca 1–1.5 wt.%. According to XRF analysis results, in Almus agates, there is depletion of Fe2O3 content in fine crystalline regions (ca 1 wt.%) compared to coarse crystalline zones (ca 1.5 wt.%). In order to determine the usability of Almus agates as gemstone, various cabochon shapes were made in Ümit Ulus Gemstone Processing workshop. It has been observed that these agates can be used for both collection and gemstone purposes due to their unique patterns and color compensation.
Agaty Almus, które mają formę guzków jajowatych i znajdują się w eoceńskich wulkanach Almus w Tokat (Turcja). Te guzki to jaja niespodzianki w kształcie kulistym lub owalnym, o wielkości od kilku do 25-30 cm. Uważa się, że najskuteczniejszym powodem powstawania wspaniałej faktury i kombinacji kolorów agatów w regionie jest pierwiastek żelaza. W badaniach cienkich przekrojów, formacje agatowe składają się z zebrowego chalcedonu i kwarcytu. Ponadto zakrzywione struktury przypominające skamieliny, złożone z minerałów tlenku żelaza, zapewniają wizualne bogactwo. Skała macierzysta, w której znajdują się agaty Almus, to trachit, na który składają się sanidyna, mikrolity plagioklazowe oraz drobne minerały nieprzezroczyste, w których obserwuje się mikrolityczną teksturę porfirytową i przepływową (trachytyczną). W wyniku wielopunktowego EDS (skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego z emisją polową) ustalono, że kwarc składa się z Si, O i Fe. Zaobserwowano zawartość pierwiastka żelaza, o którym sądzi się, że powoduje barwę, w zakresie od około 1 do 1,5% wag. Zgodnie z wynikami analizy XRF, w agatach Almus następuje zmniejszenie zawartości Fe2O3 w obszarach drobnokrystalicznych (około 1% wag.) w porównaniu do obszarów gruboziarnistych (około 1,5% wag.). Aby określić przydatność agatów Almus jako kamieni szlachetnych, w pracowni Ümit Ulus Gemstone Processing wykonano różne kształty kaboszonów. Zaobserwowano, że te agaty mogą być używane zarówno do celów kolekcjonerskich, jak i kamieni szlachetnych ze względu na ich unikalne wzory i kompensację kolorów.
Permian chert and siliceous mudstone in the Soi Dao, Chanthaburi Thailand are extracted the details on radiolarian assemblage and age, change of depositional environment, and geochemical characteristics. Permian radiolarians were obtained in three study areas (ASD01, ASD14 and ASD09); which radiolarian age of each section is as follows: ASD01: Early Asselian to Early Sakmarian, ASD14: Late Sakmarian to Artinskian, and ASD09: Capitanian to Early Changhsingian. Considering the lithofacies, ages, and chemical composition of the rocks, a preliminary stratigraphy consisting of basaltic rock, radiolarian bedded chert, siliceous mudstone, and coarse-grained clastic of alternation of sandstone and mudstone in ascending order can be reconstructed. Data on geochemistry analysis, particularly chondrite-normalized REEs patterns of chert and siliceous mudstone, present a gradual change in that degree of the Ce negative anomaly decrease toward the stratigraphical upper position. These changes indicate that the depositional site of the Permian rocks transferred from a state of high hydrothermal activity to a state of weakened activity and that the influx of terrestrial clastics increased. Permian bedded cherts accompanied by basalts and siliceous mudstones recognized in the study area closely resemble to the Paleo- ‑Tethys bedded cherts in terms of their lithofacies and microscopic features; however, their depositional period is much shorter than that of the Paleo-Tethys, indicating that it was deposited in another oceanic basin. The chemical compositions also show that the influence of hydrothermal activity weakened from the strong state, and the terrigenous clastics rapidly supplied.
The surrounding of the Čoltovo village is a well-known location related to the Meliata Superunit (especially Meliata Unit s.s.). The Meliata Unit is represented by intricate mélange complexes linked to the closure of the ancient Meliata Ocean, as a significant part of the Western Carpathians geological story. In general, Meliata complexes are divided into HP/LT Permian to Jurassic metamorphosed clastic sediments, carbonates and basic volcanics (Bôrka Nappe) and complexes of “mixed chaos” of the Jurassic low grade shales with huge Triassic olistostrome bodies (Meliata Unit s.s.), the latter being the main subject of this work. Outcrops near the village of Čoltovo along the slopes of the W–E trend on the Slaná River bank provided limited information only. Therefore, new parts were excavated in March/2022. After removal of debris, the very complex internal structure of the mélange can be clearly detectable. This new section is composed of six individual outcrops (ČLP1 to ČLP6 from left to right) and consists of two contrasting lithological parts. The eastern part is mainly characterized by strongly weathered gray fine-grained shales and tuffs containing blocks of lithologically variable rocks. These are mainly represented by basic volcanics and dark coarse-grained Jurassic crinoidal limestones. The western part of the section consists of red and white fine-grained siliciclastics with basic volcanic material, and blocks of dark red, green and purple radiolarites. In the upper parts of the outcrops, layers of dark crinoidal limestones, shales and conglomerates of the Jurassic age are present. The connection between these beds and the mélange is documented by their presence as blocks in the left part of the section. The mélange complexes are overstepped by the Lower Miocene organodetritic limestones, sandstones and breccias (Bretka Beds). Three samples from the western part of the new outcrops gave identifiable Middle Triassic radiolarians. In addition, an old outcrop to the east of the newly excavated section, provided a productive sample with Upper Triassic radiolarian microfauna. Our research was also focused on geochemical analyses of radiolaria-bearing siliciclastics and basic volcanics, aiming at understanding the palaeoenvironment of the Meliata Ocean. All of the sediment samples gave similar results, which point to shallow marine environment, close to the continental margin. The geochemical data indicate a mature continental sedimentary provenance. Based on these data, we interpret the source of the samples located to the north of the Meliata Ocean (possibly Permian clastics of the Gemer Unit). Basic volcanics sample from the right side of the section confirms basalt/basaltic andesite composition. From the study of the Čoltovo section it seems the sedimentary matrix of the olistostrome probably originated from a passive continental margin and it is mixed with advanced ophiolite-bearing nappes within a Jurassic accretionary mélange (Meliata Unit s.s.).
Bauxite deposits are residuals of intense lateritic weathering under warm and humid palaeoclimates. The Triassic– Jurassic Boundary (TJB) interval in the Salt Range, Pakistan, provides one such case of bauxite deposits formation along the SW tropical Neo-Tethyan passive margin. Thick, red bauxites/bauxitic clays occur at the contact of the Upper Triassic Kingriali Formation and the Lower Jurassic Datta Formation. These bauxites are rich in kaolinite, haematite, boehmite (Al2O3 and Fe2O3), and are depleted in silica (SiO2). Geochemical proxies of the succession signal intense chemical weathering of the parent siliciclastics under Mesozoic “greenhouse” conditions. Certain trace elements and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are enriched up to seven times compared to mean Upper Continental Crust (UCC) values. These bauxites are synchronous with the Amir-Abad bauxites of the Alborz Mountains, central Iranian Plateau, that occur between the thick Triassic dolomite/dolomitic limestones of the Elika Formation and the Lower Jurassic Shemshak Formation. Thus, the Salt Range, Pakistan, provides evidence for the eastward extension of the Irano-Himalayan bauxites that are extended westward into Mediterranean bauxites, and the western Tethys by correlation with European bauxites. The TJB bauxites in the Salt Range support increased chemical weathering on the SW Neo-Tethyan passive margin and correspond to an associated sea-level fall during this time interval. This supports the Neo-Tethyan tectonics contribution in the formation of bauxite deposits during the Triassic–Jurassic in addition to the widely studied karst-bauxites that formed in response to the subduction and orogenic processes in the Paleo-Tethys.
The Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic accretionary complexes of the Khangai-Daur belt, in central Mongolia, lie between the Siberian craton and the North China block. These complexes consist of Silurian mafic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and gabbro), Silurian–Devonian radiolarian cherts, and Carboniferous clastic rocks. While the mafic rocks are considered oceanic island alkaline, few studies have been conducted, and their classification is still under discussion. Understanding the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of these mafic rocks within the accretionary complexes is crucial for comprehending the tectonic evolution of ancient oceanic plates. This study involves geochemical analyses of 39 mafic rock samples and whole rock Sr-Nd isotopes from 24 mafic rock samples collected from four localities within the Khangai-Daur belt: Uubulan, Ikh-Oortsog, Takhilt area in the Ulaanbaatar terrane, and the Burd area in the Kharhorin terrane. Geochemically, all mafic rocks from the Uubulan, Ikh-Oortsog, and Takhilt area exhibit the signature of ocean island basalt (OIB). They are characterized by alkaline affinity with enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), as well as depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE), resulting in a high concentration of ((La/Yb)cn = 4.5–15.6). In contrast, the mafic rocks from the Burd area exhibit tholeiitic-like affinity with less enrichment in LILE and LREE, and depletion in HFSE and HREE, resulting in a concentration of ((La/Yb)cn = 1.4–3.0). Therefore, the Ti/Y vs. Nb/Y and Ti vs. Zr ratio diagrams suggest that the samples were formed in a within-plate setting. Our latest study reveals that the hornblende K-Ar age (412.7 Ma ±8.6 Ma) of the mafic rocks and the reconstruction of the oceanic plate stratigraphy of the accretionary complex at Uubulan indicate a Late Silurian age. The Sr-Nd isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7040–0.7078, εNd(t) = 5.0–9.3) suggest that the magmas were derived from a deep OIB reservoir, indicating slightly heterogeneous magma sources. Overall, the results of this study suggest that alkaline and tholeiitic magmatism may have occurred during the Late Paleozoic within the oceanic plate between the Siberian craton and the North China blocks.
Groundwater quality determination and age estimation in a desert landscape of El Golea province situated in the south of Algeria has been investigated in the present research paper. For this regard, 57 water samples were collected from an aquifer composed of two superimposed systems; phreatic and deep continental intercalary (CI) aquifers which are a part of the Northern Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS). Samples were analyzed to assess the age and water quality using descriptive, multivariate statistics (PCA and HCA) and stable isotopes. It is revealed that more than 71% of the IC points are characterized by a water type (Ca2+, Mg2+) (HCO3 – )2 and more than 83% of the TC samples are defined by a water type (Ca2+, Na+) (HCO3 – , SO4 2 – ) and very high salt ions contents due to the influence of surface water, evaporate leaching and irrigation water return. The isotopic composition of samples of phreatic and CI aquifers shows a clear difference between the two qualities of water. The phreatic aquifer is characterized by the δ18O range from –4.68 to –6.1, whereas δ2H from –47.25 to –59.48 and CI with values of the δ18O range from –5.96 to –7.6, and δ2H range between –53.7 and –65.78 isotopic signature. The unconfined aquifer above IC forms a special case of a mixture of ancient water from deep horizons and recent water strongly enriched from shallow horizon lands.
The Pb-Zn mineralization in the Cho Don - Cho Dien ore districts often occurs in 2 types: (1) oxidized ore near to the surface and (2) sulfide ore at deeper section. Based on microscopic observations, sulfide ores can be divided into sphalerite-galena-pyrite and/or galena-sphalerite mineralization types. To examine the geochemical features of the Pb-Zn ores, SEM-EDX and ICP-MS analytical methods were performed in this study. Previous δ34S data of Pb-Zn concentrates, and sulfide minerals from various deposits suggest that the Pb-Zn ore-forming fluids might be related to the felsic-granitic magmatic activities rather than a genesis of stratiform type. Geochemical data show that the major, minor, and trace element compositions of lead-zinc ores have wide ranges of variation even in each deposit. The sulfide ores are generally higher in economic components than those in the oxidized ores. The positive correlations between Pb-Ag can be found in the entire dataset, whereas excellent Zn-Cd correlation can only be observed from Cho Don ore samples. Apart from the principal components (Pb and Zn), the ores also contain other accompanying elements that supply high-technological manufacturing industries. Of which As, Cu, Ag, Sb, and Cd could be potential by-products and can be extracted during smelting Pb/Zn concentrate processes, and need more detailed studies for every deposit.
Geologists of the Polish Geological Institute carried out their professional activities abroad as part of geological expeditions, in teams of several people and on individual contracts, including as experts of the United Nations. In terms of the scope of work, most of their activities were focued on research on mineral resources, mapping, geochemistry, hydrogeology and geophysics, as well as on teaching of geology at the university level. The beginnings date back to the turn of the 1950s. It began with a geological expedition to Vietnam. Mongolia was the goal of subsequent expeditions on a much wider scale. The researches were conducted from the beginning of the 1960s until the end of the 1980s. The contracts, performed in groups of several people and individually, covered about 20 countries; most of them on the African continent. They focused primarily on the search for metal ore deposits, hard coal, and chemical and rock raw materials. PGI geologists also worked as UN experts in Benin, Burundi, Chad, Gabon, Haiti, India, Madagascar, Mauritania and Niger. The results of their work on various continents were the discoveries of numerous mineral deposits and the recognition of geological structure over an area of thousands of square kilometres.
Middle Miocene Badenian salt, occurring in the frontal zone of the Carpathian Overthrust (southern Poland), and the Upper Permian (Zechstein) bedded and diapir salt deposits, have been the subject of the research by PGI scientists. Many salt deposits were discovered by the PGI, but in particular, the greatest achievement related to the origin of salt deposits is the reconstruction of sedimentary environments and conditions based on detailed sedimentological and geochemical analyses.
Borehole K-1 is an exploratory well that was drilled in the North Makassar Basin (West Sulawesi) in 2011. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass chromatography (GC-MS) analyses have been conducted on extracts from well cuttings from the Paleogene to Neogene interval in order to investigate the characteristics of biomarkers present. Although the well was drilled with oil-based mud and gas chromatographic analysis reveals that the alkane fractions are heavily contaminated, detailed investigation of biomarkers in these rock extracts and comparison with biomarkers in the oil-based mud has revealed that, while there are hopane and sterane biomarkers in the mud, there are also a discrete set of biomarkers that are indigenous to the rocks. These include oleanane, bicadinanes, taraxastane and other higher-plant-derived triterpanes. The presence of these compounds in environments that range from bathyal to marginal marine and even to lacustrine, shows the extent of reworking of terrestrial material into aquatic settings in this region during the Paleogene and Neogene and provides further evidence of a predominance of terrestrial material, even in deep-marine settings, with little ‘in-situ’ material noted. These findings have important implications for the use of biomarkers as indicators of palaeoenvironment in both source rocks and oils.
Praca prezentuje wyniki szczegółowych badań składu chemicznego skał zubrowych dwu głównych wydzieleń litostratygraficznych w cyklotemowej sukcesji osadów polskiego cechsztynu: zubra brunatnego (Na3t; cyklotem PZ3) i zubra czerwonego (Na4t; cyklotem PZ4) oraz innych cechsztyńskich ogniw i formacji zubrowych wyróżnionych na obszarze Polski. Skały te opróbowano w 2 wysadach solnych (Kłodawa i Mogilno) oraz w profilach 7 otworów wiertniczych. Utwory Na3t w wysadzie Kłodawa cechuje wyższy udział halitu w porównaniu ze skałami Na4t, które zawierają więcej materiału terygenicznego (materiał detrytyczny i substancja ilasta) co wyraża się większą średnią zawartością SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 i K2O oraz wzbogaceniem w Mn, Rb, Zn i Zr w porównaniu z osadami Na3t. Skały Na3t w obu wysadach (Kłodawa i Mogilno) charakteryzują się wyższą średnią zawartością CaO, MgO i Sr w porównaniu z wydzieleniem Na4t, przede wszystkim dzięki wyższemu udziałowi węglanów Ca i Mg (głównie magnezytu) i podrzędnie kalcytu i dolomitu. Zawartość bromu w profilach Na3t w obu wysadach jest wyższa niż w osadach Na4t i jest charakterystyczna dla pierwotnych chlorków wytrącanych z morskiej solanki. Podobną zawartość bromu stwierdzono tylko w niektórych partiach sukcesji Na4t. W niektórych skałach profili Na4t zarejestrowany udział bromu <40 ppm sugeruje, że są one mieszaniną pierwotnych i wtórnych chlorków, powstałych wskutek recyklingu (rozpuszczanie i ponowne wytrącanie) wcześniej osadzonych morskich soli. Zmiany zawartości bromu w profilach opisanego wyżej wydzielenia Na4t oraz w profilach skał zubrowych subcyklotemów cyklotemu PZ4, opróbowanych w wybranych otworach wiertniczych z obszaru Niżu Polskiego wskazują, że środowisko depozycji zubrów ewoluowało od basenu morskiego (dolna część profilu Na4t i osady subcyklotemów PZ4a do PZ4b) do kontynentalnego jeziora solnego (górna część sukcesji Na4t i osady subcyklotemów PZ4c do PZ4e), w którym następowała kumulacja materiału terygenicznego i chlorków wytrąconych głównie z wtórnych, recyklingowych solanek. Udział takich składników jak: SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, K2O i Fe2O3, Rb, Zn i Zr, związanych głównie z obecnością substancji ilastej i materiału detrytycznego jest wyższy w przypadku skał typu zubra bezteksturalnego i warstwowanego w porównaniu z solami kamiennymi i zailonym, warstwowanymi i bezteksturalnymi. Obecność Sr i CaO, związanych z węglanami i siarczanami, jest częściej wyższa w solach kamiennych warstwowanych, gdzie pojawiają się laminy ilasto-anhydrytowe.
The paper presents results of detailed studies of chemical composition of zuber-like rocks of main two zuber lithostratigraphic units of the Polish Zechstein succession: the Brown Zuber (Na3t; PZ3 cyclothem) and the Red Zuber (Na4t; PZ4 cyclothem), as well as of other Zechstein zuber members and formations distinguished in Poland. These rocks were sampled from two salt domes (Kłodawa and Mogilno) and profiles of seven wells. Deposits of the Na3t unit in the Kłodawa dome have a higher content of halite compared with the Na4t unit. Deposits of the latter con - tain more terrigenous material (detrital and clay matter). They are characterized by higher average contents of SiO2 , Al2 O3 , Fe2 O3 and K2O and are enriched with Mn, Rb, Zn and Zr, compared with the Na3t succession. Rocks of the Na3t unit in both the Kłodawa and Mogilno domes are characterized by higher average contents of CaO, MgO and Sr than the deposits of the Na4t unit mainly due to their higher contents of Ca and Mg carbonates (with dominant magnesite) and, subordinately, of calcite and dolomite. Bromine content in the Na3t profiles of both domes is higher than in the Na4t deposits and it is characteristic for primary chlorides precipitated from marine brine. Such bromine concentration was found only in some parts of the Na4t succession. The bromine content <40 ppm, observed in some rocks of the Na4t profile, suggests that they are mixtures of primary and secondary chlorides, produced by recycling (dissolution and precipitation) of formerly accumulated marine salts. The bromine content changes, observed in the above-described Na4t unit profiles, as well as in the zuber profiles of the PZ4 subcyclo - thems, show that depositional environment of the zuber deposits evolved from a marine basin (in the lower part of the Na4t profile and in deposits of the PZ4a and PZ4b subcyclothems) to continental saline lakes (in the upper part of the Na4t succession and in deposits of the PZ4c to PZ4e subcyclothems), which trapped a terrigenous material an d chlorides precipitated mainly from secondary (recycled) brine s. The contents of such components as SiO2, Al2O3 , MgO, K2O, Fe2O3 , Rb, Zn and Zr, highly influenced by the content of clay matter and detrital material, are significantly higher in the structureless and layered zuber types, compared with the textural equivalents of clayey and rock salts. The contents of Sr and CaO, connected with carbonate and sulphate admixture, are commonly higher in the layered rock salts with frequent clay-anhydrite laminae.
The Ahmadabad hematite/barite deposit is located to the northeast of the city of Semnan, Iran. Geostructurally, this deposit lies between the Alborz and the Central Iran zones in the Semnan Subzone. Hematite-barite mineralisation occurs in the form of a vein along a local fault within Eocene volcanic host rocks. The Ahmadabad deposit has a simple mineralogy, of which hematite and barite are the main constituents, followed by pyrite and Fe-oxyhydroxides such as limonite and goethite. Based on textural relationships between the above-mentioned principal minerals, it could be deduced that there are three hydrothermal mineralisation stages in which pyrite, hematite and barite with primary open space filling textures formed under different hydrothermal conditions. Subsequently, in the supergene stage, goethite and limonite minerals with secondary replacement textures formed under oxidation surficial conditions. Microthermometric studies on barite samples show that homogenisation temperatures (TH) for primary fluid inclusions range from 142 to 256°C with a temperature peak between 200 and 220°C. Salinities vary from 3.62 to 16.70 NaCl wt% with two different peaks, including one of 6 to 8 NaCl wt% and another of 12 to 14 NaCl wt%. This indicates that two different hydrothermal waters, including basinal and sea waters, could have been involved in barite mineralisation. The geochemistry of the major and trace elements in the samples studied indicate a hydrothermal origin for hematite and barite mineralisation. Moreover, the Fe/Mn ratio (>10) and plots of hematite samples of Ahmadabad ores on Al-Fe-Mn, Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+ Cu)×10, Fe-Mn-SiX2 and MnO/TiO2 – Fe2O3/TiO2 diagrams indicate that hematite mineralisation in the Ahmadabad deposit occurred under hydrothermal conditions. Furthermore, Ba and Sr enrichment, along with Pb, Zn, Hg, Cu and Sb depletion, in the barite samples of Ahmadabad ores are indicative of a low temperature hydrothermal origin for the deposit. A comparison of the ratios of LaN/YbN, CeN/YbN, TbN/LaN, SmN/NdN and parameters of Ce/Ce* and La/La* anomalies of the hematite, barite, host volcanic rocks and quartz latite samples to each other elucidate two important points: 1) the barite could have originated from volcanic host rocks, 2) the hematite could have originated from a quartz latite lithological unit. The chondrite normalised REE patterns of samples of hematite barite, volcanic host rocks and quartz latite imply that two different hydrothermal fluids could be proposed for hematite and barite mineralisation. The comparison between chondrite normalised REE patterns of Ahmadabad barite with oceanic origin barite and low temperature hydrothermal barite shows close similarities to the low temperature hydrothermal barite deposits.
Surowce krytyczne charakteryzują się dużym znaczeniem gospodarczym, ale też jednocześnie dużym ryzykiem niedoboru dostaw. Obecnie podejmowane są działania mające na celu poprawę stanu wiedzy na ich temat, co ma doprowadzić do utworzenia w 2020 roku ogólnoeuropejskiej bazy wiedzy o możliwościach ich pozyskiwania. W grupie wyróżnionych 27 surowców krytycznych znaczną część stanowią pierwiastki krytyczne. Obok źródeł naturalnych pierwiastki krytyczne mogą także występować w materiałach odpadowych, w tym w żużlach po hutnictwie rud Zn-Pb. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że w ich składzie chemicznym w największych ilościach występują: W, Co, Ce, Y, La, Sc, w śladowych ilościach oznaczono: Dy, Pd, Pt, Ir. Żaden z tych pierwiastków nie tworzy w analizowanych żużlach własnych faz krystalicznych; występują one w stanie rozproszonym w substancji amorficznej lub tworzą podstawienia w strukturze wewnętrznej innych faz. Stwierdzono, że precyzyjne oznaczenie zawartości danego pierwiastka oraz określenie form jego występowania wymusza konieczność prowadzenia kompleksowych analiz w oparciu o kilka wzajemnie uzupełniających się metod.
Critical raw materials are characterized by a high economic importance, but also by a high risk of shortage of supplies. Currently, some actions of improving a state of knowledge about them are taken. In 2020, it should be lead to the creation of a pan-European knowledge database about the possibilities of their obtaining. In the group of distinguished 27 critical raw materials, critical elements are a significant part. Apart from natural sources, critical elements may also appear in waste materials, including slags from the Zn-Pb ore industry. Researches showed that in their chemical composition W, Co, Ce, Y, La, Sc are concentrated in the largest amounts. In trace amounts: Dy, Pd, Pt, Ir were also noticed. In the analyzed slags none of these elements creates their own crystalline phases; they are dispersed in an amorphous substance or they form substitutions in the internal structure of other phases. Researches have shown that the precise determination of content of a given element and the determination of its occurrence, require the necessity of conducting comprehensive analyzes based on several complementary methods.
In the Polish sector of the Magura Nappe have long been known and exploited carbonate mineral waters, saturated with carbon dioxide, known as the “shchava (szczawa)”. These waters occur mainly in the Krynica Subunit of the Magura Nappe, between the Dunajec and Poprad rivers, close to the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB). The origin of these waters is still not clear, this applies to both “volcanic” and “metamorphic” hypotheses. Bearing in mind the case found in the Szczawa tectonic window and our geological and geochemical studies we suggest that the origin of the carbon dioxide may be linked with the thermal/pressure alteration of organic matter of the Oligocene deposits from the Grybów Unit. These deposits, exposed in several tectonic windows of the Magura Nappe, are characterized by the presence of highly matured organic matter – the origin of the hydrocarbon accumulations. This is supported by the present-day state of organic geochemistry studies of the Carpathian oil and gas bed rocks. In our opinion origin of the carbon-dioxide was related to the southern, deep buried periphery of the Carpathian Oil and Gas Province. The present day distribution of the carbonated mineral water springs has been related to the post-orogenic uplift and erosion of the Outer (flysch) Carpathians.
The paper presents the results of geochemical analyses of samples from the Poruba Beds of the paralic series and from the Zaleskie Beds of the limnic series Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). The contents of the following trace elements and oxides were evaluated using spectrometric method: Cr, Th, U, V, AL2O3, MgO, K2O, P2O5. The following indicators, most commonly used in chemostratigraphy and in the identification of the marine and non-marine sediments ratios, were analyzed: U, Th, Th/U, K2O, Th/K2O, P2O5, Al2O3, P2O5/ Al2O3, V, Cr, V/Cr, and (K2O/Al2O3) / (MgO/Al2O3). The research showed that those ratios may be used to identify sedimentary environments and geochemical correlations of the sedimentary rock sequences in the USCB. Geochemical ratios discussed in the paper allowed distinguishing two populations of samples representing paralic and limnic series.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań geochemicznych próbek z warstw Porębskich z serii paralicznej i z warstw Załęskich z serii limnicznej Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego (GZW). Metodą spektrometryczną oznaczono zawartość następujących pierwiastków śladowych i tlenków: Cr, Th, U, V, AL2O3, MgO, K2O, P2O5. Analizowano najczęściej stosowane, w chemostratygrafii i identyfikacji osadów morskich i niemorskich, wskaźniki: U, Th, Th/U, K2O, Th/K2O, P2O5, Al2O3, P2O5/Al2O3, V, Cr, V/Cr, (K2O/Al2O3) / (MgO/Al2O3). Badania wykazały, że wskaźniki te z powodzeniem mogą być stosowane do identyfikacji środowisk sedymentacyjnych i korelacji sekwencji skał osadowych w GZW. Geochemiczne wskaźniki zastosowane w pracy pozwoliły wyróżnić dwie populacje próbek reprezentujących serię paraliczną i limniczną.
Otwór badawczo-eksploatacyjny M-35 jest zlokalizowany w południowo-wschodniej części wysadu solnego Mogilno (Ryc. 2). Został odwiercony do głębokości 1755 metrów. Otwór nawierca ewaporaty późnego permu (cechsztynu). W analizowanym rdzeniu wydzielono 13 ogniw cechsztyńskiej serii solnej cyklotemów PZ2, PZ3 i PZ4. Złoże solne w rejonie otworu M-35 jest uformowane tektonicznie. W wyniku procesów halokinetycznych i halotektonicznych warstwy solne zostały silnie sfałdowane i zalegają bardzo stromo. Upad warstw waha się od 35 do 90°. Najczęściej jednak wynosi 70-80°. W wyniku częstych zmian kąta upadu i przefałdowań otwór przewierca kilkakrotnie te same ogniwa. Ponadto wiele wydzieleń jest zredukowanych lub całkowicie wyklinowanych. W profilu nie stwierdzono warstw stropowych cyklotemu PZ4 i ewaporatów starszych niż ogniwo starszej soli kamiennej (Na2).
The M-35 exploratory borehole and operating well is located in the south-eastern part of the Mogilno Salt Dome (Fig. 2). It was drilled down to the depth of 1,755 m penetrating the Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporates. Its core section enabled to distinguish 13 lithostratigraphic members of the Zechstein salt series, represented cyclothems PZ2, PZ3, and PZ4. The observed salt units had been tectonically extremely folded and steeply arranged. The layers dip varies from 35° to 90°, mostly 70-80° and the same salt units repetated several times in the section. Also many of them were reduced in thickness or completely wedged out. The uppermost units of PZ4 cycle or evaporates older than the Older Halite (Na2) unit, were not found in the studied profile.
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