Purpose: On the one hand, companies become consumers of a smart city, but on the other, they are also co-creators and/or initiators of new goals. The implementation of the smart city concept requires specific knowledge, especially from businesses, who are active participants in the process. The aim of the paper is to gain new knowledge about the relationship between firms’ level of knowledge on the smart city concept and the size of the company. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was carried out in 2021 using the CATI, CAWI interview method on a random sample of 217 companies in the West Pomeranian region in the Republic of Poland. The Chi-square test for independence and the Kruskal-Wallis test were conducted. Findings: A Kruskal-Wallis H test revealed no statistically significant difference in the level of smart city knowledge across the five analyzed groups based on company size. The study results indicate no significant association between company size and the four selected statements regarding smart city concept. The presented data could be the basis for the preparation of an appropriate strategy for sustainable operation, taking into account the important factor, which is people, including entrepreneurs. Research limitations/implications: The authors suggest conducting the same analysis with a larger sample size to generalize the phenomena. The authors believe that it is worth examining the level of knowledge not only of companies from the West Pomeranian voivodeship, but also from all over Poland, which may precisely illustrate the level of understanding of the smart city concept. Practical implications: Research results are important not only for regional policymakers but also for researchers interested in the field of strategic smart city development. Due to changes taking place in the perception of the city’s role, the concept of a smart and sustainable city is becoming increasingly important not only for city authorities but also for businesses. Social implications: The implementation of the smart city concept requires conscious and thoughtful steps, but also created in cooperation with all participants, especially residents and businesses, who are active participants in the process. Originality/value: Addressing a research gap in association between company size and the knowledge about the smart city concept, this study sought to provide valuable insights.
Purpose: Competing for increasing numbers and more conscious consumers, as well as the emergence of new generations on the market, necessitates the continuous improvement of knowledge about pro-environmental and pro-social consumer attitudes and behavior. Therefore, this study attempts to: - identify the type of actions taken within the framework of sustainable development by selected food brands, - assess the pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes of young consumers purchasing food products, - determine whether environmental and social aspects are a criterion for food choice among young consumers. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in two stages. In the first, an analysis was made of messages posted on the websites of selected food brands. In the second, a quantitative survey was conducted among young consumers (n = 420) by indirect online survey measurement, using a survey questionnaire posted on Google form. Findings: Young consumers have positive pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes. According to the respondents, the social involvement of companies influences the positive image and popularity of the products offered. Nevertheless, almost half of all consumers declared reluctance to pay more for the purchase of goods whose producers are involved in philanthropic and pro-environmental activities. This suggests that, in the opinion of this segment of respondents, it is entrepreneurs who should take financial responsibility for their actions by not raising the prices of the products they sell. It has been shown that concern for others by purchasing socially committed brands and the environmental friendliness of the product have lower rankings in the hierarchy of food product selection factors. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted on a narrow subject basis, so the results obtained cannot be generalized to the entire segment of young consumers. The scope of the presented research is also limited. The results of the research should be considered as a pilot. Practical implications: The findings are relevant to managers implementing brand sustainability campaigns in the food production sector. They point to the need to continue such activities aimed at fostering altruistic and pro-environmental attitudes among the society. Originality/value: This study highlights that sustainability encompasses a wide range of activities with diverse ways of communicating value to consumers.
Purpose: This study aims to examine the relationships between the use of data-driven solutions in key areas of sustainable city management (urban planning, mobility and transportation management, and environment protection) and city’s position in the global smart cities ranking (the IESE Cities in Motion Index). Design/methodology/approach: A case study methodology is adopted to examine and compare the possibilities of implementing data-driven approaches in sustainable city management, in order to gain a better understanding of this new urban phenomenon. Data and information about data-driven smart city initiatives have been collected from secondary sources. The presented case studies were explored through desk research using online resources, such as the web pages of smart city initiatives. Smart Cities were selected based on their rankings in the IESE Cities in Motion Index 2022. In addition, multiple regressions were used to identify the relationship between the independent variables (environment protection, mobility and transportation management, urban planning) and dependent variable-value of city’s ranking in the IESE Cities in Motion Index. Findings: The results illustrate that the majority of cities use data-driven solutions in all categories to improve city management, efficiency and achieve sustainability goals. All research hypotheses have been accepted, therefore data-driven solutions implemented in all key areas of sustainable city management (urban planning, mobility and transportation management, and environment protection) positively influence performance of achieving sustainability goals. Research limitations/implications: The selection of a limited number of case studies is a limitation of this research. It is therefore important to explore the potential of data-driven smart city solutions in urban development and city management in more detail by considering more cases. Future research should explore the impacts of other variables related to sustainability, which can determinate performance of sustainable city management. A future study should try to validate the result by using a wider sample. Originality/value: The conducted research combines quantitative and quantitative analysis in order to identify the determinants of effective achievement of sustainable development goals in city management. This study provides a form of grounding for further discussion to debate over big data computing on forms of the operational functioning, planning, design, development, and governance of smart sustainable cities in the future.
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to identify and analyze the attitudes of Polish consumers toward practices related to sustainable logistics. Design/methodology/approach: The results will be based on empirical research concerning attitudes toward practices related to sustainable logistics in a research sample of 130 consumers. The research was conducted in November 2023 and covered the entire area of Poland. Findings: The vast majority of respondents are positive when assessing their ecological attitude. Therefore, they have specific preferences in the field of urban transportation. Most often they use electric bicycles or scooters. In addition, they prefer goods to be delivered to parcel machines. They appreciate when shipments are combined into one delivery or the switching of paper transport documents into electronic ones. Priority solutions in sustainable logistics include, in the opinions of consumers, organizing intelligent and ecological warehouses and modernizing the transport fleet. In addition, almost half of the respondents assessed that they are aware of greenwashing in the logistics industry and in their opinion the phenomenon is mainly manifested by the abuse of not insignificant formations in the field of sustainable development. Research limitations/implications: Among the limitations of the research are the small sample size of the empirical study, as well as the limited nature of the survey questionnaire. Practical implications: This research has provided a lot of practical information that can be used in the business environment. Firstly, companies knowing consumer preferences can better adjust their marketing strategies to meet expectations, as well as develop more attractive product offerings. In addition, the research points to the need for public campaigns to educate consumers about sustainable logistics, as well as greenwashing. Social implications: This research can be a systemic shift toward more environmentally and socially responsible practices in both the private and public sectors. By influencing public attitudes, corporate behavior, policy development, and quality of life, it can contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient society for future generations. Originality/value: Up-to-date knowledge of consumer attitudes toward sustainable logistics activities is particularly important for both the business and government communities.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to assess the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, survey questionnaire research, correlation analysis. Findings: The article describes the correlations between the CSR instruments used and the implemented Pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, based on the research conducted using a survey questionnaire. Subjecting the results of the questionnaires, to correlation analysis, made it possible to isolate the most strongly correlated pairs of variables, juxtaposing CSR Instruments and Industry 4.0 Pillars. The overall level of correlation is not at a very high level, which may indicate a moderate or differentiated relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0 Pillars. Despite such results, it was possible to observe distinctive pairs of variables that significantly stand out from the others. These include pairs such as Socially Engaged - Incremental Manufacturing, Investment in Ecology - Cybersecurity and Eco-labeling - Big Data. Despite the existing limitations, the area of research presented in the paper can inspire further research to identify the relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0. Originality/value: An assessment of the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, which may inspire further research in this area.
Problem dostępu do czystej wody na świecie staje się coraz bardziej poważny. Rozwój nowych zasobów wodnych jest kluczowy dla zapewnienia wystarczającej ilości wody pitnej dla ludzi i zwierząt, a także do zaspokojenia potrzeb przemysłowych, rolniczych i innych sektorów gospodarki. Istnieje wiele innowacyjnych rozwiązań, które mogą pomóc w rozwiązaniu tego problemu. Destylacja membranowa (ang. membrane distillation, MD) to obiecująca technologia odsalania wody morskiej ze względu na zdolność przetwarzania wód o wysokim zasoleniu i możliwość wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego lub alternatywnych źródeł energii. Jednakże, praktyczne zastosowania membran do MD są ograniczone przez niski przepływ pary wodnej i problem z porastaniem i zanieczyszczeniami na membranie. Z tego powodu, w ostatnim czasie wzrosło zainteresowanie opracowywaniem nowych materiałów membranowych o zwiększonej hydrofobowości w celu poprawy wydajności odsalania. Niniejsza praca, przedstawia przegląd danych literaturowych dotyczących destylacji membranowej, możliwości jej zastosowania i szans na jej transformację zgodnie z zasadami zielonej chemii i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
The paper presents the port investments and initiatives the Philippine Port Authority spearheaded, including financial performance and operational highlights. The extensive readings on the Philippine Port Authority (PPA) report, online searches, documentary analysis, observations from the press, etc., and interviews were evaluated and divided into Seven Super "S" Trends (SSS-T). This 7S-T includes STEMS, SIZE or SCALE, SPEED, SMARTNESS, SUSTAINABILITY, SAFETY and SECURITY, SCARCITY, and SUPPLY, which together would influence the future of global ports. These "S" Trends will be explained in light of current (2017–2018) projects, trends, best practices, and port investments that are being started and carried out in the Philippines despite obstacles and difficulties. The paper concludes with a few closing thoughts. The views and analysis set out in this paper are those of the author(s) and not the official viewpoint of the Philippine Port Authority (PPA) unless otherwise the statement(s) of the person(s) have been quoted "in toto." The analyses provided in this paper are ideas and interpretations of the author(s) as maritime educators and researchers and are solely intended for academic discourse. Although the Seven Super Trends (SST) may use different terms, they may represent the same trends seen by port specialists because trends in ports are a global concern.
The remarkable feature of rapid urbanisation, which has fundamentally altered the distribution of land cover and land use (LULC), is what sets the contemporary era apart. The impact of these modifications on the resilience of Abuja’s metropolitan infrastructure from 2017 to 2022 is examined in this study. Our study examined the dynamic changes in LULC using information from remote sensing, geospatial analysis software, and land cover categorization techniques. The findings indicate major changes in Abuja’s topography, including a decrease in the number of water bodies, a decrease in the number of trees, the expansion of urban areas, changes in agricultural land use, and fluctuations in the amount of grazing land. The previously mentioned changes have significant consequences for urban infrastructure resilience, affecting various sectors such as water supply, transportation, housing, utilities, and food distribution systems. The infrastructure supporting water supply and sanitation may be severely stretched as the number of water bodies decreases, affecting the quantity and quality of accessible water supplies. As metropolitan areas expand, greater strain is placed on transportation infrastructure, exacerbating traffic congestion and complicating road maintenance difficulties. Changes in agricultural land use can have an impact on food production and distribution, hence affecting food security. Deforestation can cause ecological deterioration, affecting a variety of aspects such as temperature regulation, biological diversity, and atmospheric purity. Adaptive approaches, green infrastructure, and adopting sustainable urban design can all strengthen the resilience of urban infrastructure, according to this study. The significance of renewable energy adoption, community participation, green building laws, the establishment of public-private partnerships, integrated water resource management, and data-driven decision-making is emphasised. Improving legal frameworks that prioritise resilience and sustainability is critical. It is critical to have a complete grasp of the complicated links between changes in LULC, and the resilience of urban infrastructure in order to enable educated urban design and decision-making processes. Policymakers and urban planners may address and minimise the negative consequences of climate change while improving the overall quality of life in cities by using sustainable development practises. The findings of this study have the potential to dramatically improve Abuja’s people’s well-being and sustainability, especially given the variety of urban difficulties they encounter.
Współczesną erę wyróżnia niezwykle szybka urbanizacja, która zasadniczo zmieniła rozkład pokrycia terenu i użytkowania gruntów (LULC). W niniejszym badaniu przeanalizowano wpływ tych zmian na odporność infrastruktury metropolitalnej Abudży w latach 2017-2022. Dynamiczne zmiany LULC zbadano przy użyciu informacji z teledetekcji, oprogramowania do analizy geoprzestrzennej oraz technik kategoryzacji pokrycia terenu. Wyniki wskazują na poważne zmiany w topografii Abudży, w tym spadek liczby zbiorników wodnych, spadek liczby drzew, ekspansję obszarów miejskich, zmiany w użytkowaniu gruntów rolnych i wahania w ilości pastwisk. Zmiany te mają znaczące konsekwencje dla odporności infrastruktury miejskiej, wpływając na różne sektory, takie jak zaopatrzenie w wodę, transport, mieszkalnictwo, usługi komunalne i systemy dystrybucji żywności. Infrastruktura wspierająca zaopatrzenie w wodę i urządzenia sanitarne może być poważnie obciążona, ponieważ malejąca liczba zbiorników wodnych odbija się na ilości i jakości dostępnych zasobów wody. Wraz z rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych rośnie obciążenie infrastruktury transportowej, co zwiększa natężenie ruchu i komplikuje utrzymanie dróg. Zmiany w użytkowaniu gruntów rolnych wpływają na produkcję i dystrybucję żywności, a tym samym na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe. Wylesianie może powodować pogorszenie stanu środowiska, wpływając na regulację temperatury, różnorodność biologiczną i czystość atmosfery. Według naszych badań podejście adaptacyjne, zielona infrastruktura i przyjęcie zrównoważonego projektowania urbanistycznego mogą wzmocnić odporność infrastruktury miejskiej. Podkreśla się znaczenie energii odnawialnej, udziału społeczności, przepisów dotyczących zielonego budownictwa, ustanowienia partnerstw publiczno-prywatnych, zintegrowanego zarządzania zasobami wodnymi i podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o dane. Kluczowe znaczenie ma poprawa ram prawnych, które powinny priorytetowo traktować kwestie odporności miejskiej oraz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Świadome projektowanie urbanistyczne i procesy decyzyjne możliwe są jedynie przy zrozumieniu skomplikowanych powiązań między zmianami w LULC a odpornością infrastruktury miejskiej. Zastosowanie praktyk zrównoważonego rozwoju umożliwi decydentom i urbanistom zminimalizowanie negatywnych konsekwencji zmian klimatycznych oraz podniesienie ogólnej jakości życia w miastach. Wyniki tego badania mogą potencjalnie znacznie poprawić dobrobyt i zrównoważony rozwój mieszkańców Abudży, zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę różnorodność napotykanych przez nich trudności miejskich.
The subject of the research is the restoration of historic window frames in public and residential buildings in Poland. The considerations are based on examples of wooden windows, the preservation of which is the basis when carrying out conservation work. The paper presents a summary of methods for examining the existing condition of the windows, which precede the renovation process. It also points out the important role of the restoration of window joinery in terms of its total environmental impact. When properly repaired and upgraded, old windows can usually be brought to a condition comparable to new windows, and this approach is sustainable on many levels. The paper answers the question of why, how and to what extent it is worth renovating original preserved windows. The aim of the paper is to point out the right direction to take when practicing refurbishment of historic windows and to formulate guidelines as a starting point for detailed considerations.
Przedmiotem badań są zagadnienia renowacji zabytkowej stolarki okiennej w budynkach publicznych oraz mieszkalnych w Polsce. Rozważania opierają się na przykładach okien drewnianych, których zachowanie stanowi podstawę podczas prowadzenia prac konserwatorskich. W opracowaniu przedstawiono podsumowanie metod badania stanu istniejącego okna, które poprzedzają proces renowacji. Wskazano także na istotną rolę odnowienia stolarki okiennej w kontekście jej całkowitego wpływu na środowisko. Przy prawidłowej naprawie i modernizacji, stare okna można zazwyczaj doprowadzić do stanu porównywalnego z nowymi, a takie podejście jest zrównoważone na wielu poziomach. Praca odpowiada na pytanie dlaczego, w jaki sposób i w jakim stopniu warto odnawiać oryginalnie zachowane okna. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie właściwego kierunku, który należy przyjąć podczas praktyki modernizacji oraz sformułowanie wytycznych stanowiących punkt wyjścia do szczegółowych rozważań.
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An in-depth anal. of the bioremediation processes applied to the Ożanna reservoir in Kuryłówka, Poland, severely degraded by distillery waste contaminants was carried out. Comprehensive bioremediation techniques (introduction of sp. microbial consortia, and phytoremediation strategies)were implemented to restore the reservoir’s ecol. balance. Addnl., modern environmental monitoring tools were used to assess the efficacy of the bioremediation efforts and track improve ments in water qual., sediment health, and biodiversity restoration. A significant improvement in the reservoir’s ecol. state (55% redn. in bottom sediments and over 228% increase in water transparency) was achieved.
Zbiornik Ożanna, będący ważnym akwenem wodnym w regionie, do znał rozległych szkód ekologicznych spowodowanych zanieczyszczeniami przemysłowymi i rolniczymi. Wdrożono kompleksowe techniki bioremediacji w celu przywrócenia równowagi ekologicznej zbiornika. Badanie obejmowało zastosowanie zaawansowanych metod biotechnologicznych, przez aplikację określonych konsorcjów drobnoustrojów w biopreparatach oraz strategii fitoremediacji. Dodatkowo wykorzystano nowoczesne narzędzia monitoringu środowiskowego do oceny skuteczności działań bioremediacyjnych oraz śledzenia poprawy jakości wody, stanu osadów i odtworzenia bioróżnorodności. Osiągnięto znaczącą poprawę ekologicznego stanu zbiornika, w tym zmniejszenie grubości warstw osadów dennych o 55%, wzrost przejrzystości wody o 228% oraz zwiększenie stężenia tlenu przy dnie do średnio 3,6 mg/L, co potwierdza skuteczność zastosowanych strategii bioremediacji.
świetle postępujących zmian klimatycznych i nasilających się kryzysów geopolitycznych idea zrównoważonego rozwoju stała się wiodącą w osiągnięciu wzrostu gospodarczego przy zachowaniu balansu we wspomnianych i wielu innych kwestiach. Realizacja Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, definiujących sposób implementacji poszczególnych zadań na rzecz osiągnięcia zrównoważonego rozwoju, napotyka wiele trudności i prawdopodobnie nie jest w pełni możliwa w zdefiniowanym horyzoncie czasowym. Pozostaje jednak najważniejszym katalizatorem zmian nie tylko technologicznych, ale także społecznych. W niniejszym artykule, polemizuję na temat możliwości implementacji Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, modeli transformacyjnych, a także przytaczam przykład transformacji, która już odbywa się – transformacji paliwowej w przemyśle lotniczym.
In the light of ongoing climate change and intensifying geopolitical crises, the idea of sustainable development has become a leading factor in achieving economic growth while maintaining balance in the above-mentioned and many other issues. The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which define how to implement individual tasks to achieve sustainable development, encounters many difficulties and is probably not fully possible within the defined time horizon. However, it remains the most important catalyst of not only technological but also social change. In this article, I argue about the possibilities of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, transformation models, and also present an example of a transformation that is already taking place – the fuel transformation in the aviation industry.
Wybór optymalnych rozwiązań technologiczno-materiałowych przegród budowlanych w budynkach stanowi duże wyzwanie, zwłaszcza na etapie projektowania, gdy bierze się pod uwagę wiele różnych kryteriów. W związku z tym istnieje potrzeba wdrożenia prostych i skutecznych narzędzi pozwalających zoptymalizować proces decyzyjny. W artykule proponowane jest podejście oparte na wielokryterialnej metodzie rozwiązań VIKOR. Zastosowano ją do oceny i uszeregowania alternatywnych rozwiązań technologiczno-materiałowych. Do analizy wzięto pod uwagę indywidualny zestaw kryteriów obejmujących aspekty środowiskowe, ekonomiczne, jak i techniczno-projektowe. Przeprowadzono niezbędne obliczenia stanowiące podstawę do przeprowadzenia wielokryterialnych analiz porównawczych. Proponowane podejście zastosowano do wyboru przegród ściennych na wczesnym etapie tworzenia projektu nowego budynku mieszkalnego realizowanego w technologii drewnianej szkieletowej. Wskazano najkorzystniejszą przegrodę ścienną opartą na ekologicznych i naturalnych surowcach: drewno, konopie i gips, których zastosowanie wpłynęło na ocenę priorytetowych kryteriów i wynik analizy porównawczej.
Choosing the optimal technological and material solutions for the building envelopes in buildings is a major challenge, especially at the design stage when many different criteria are taken into account. Therefore, there is a need to implement simple and effective tools to optimise the decision-making process. In this paper, an approach based on the VIKOR multi-criteria solution method is proposed. It was applied to evaluate and rank technology and material alternatives. An individual set of criteria involving environmental, economic as well as technicaldesign aspects was taken into account for the analysis. The necessary calculations were carried out as a basis for multi-criteria comparative analyses. The proposed approach was applied to the selection of envelope walls at an early stage of the design of a new timber-frame residential building. The most beneficial wall partition based on ecological and natural raw materials: wood, hemp and gypsum was identified, the use of which influenced the evaluation of priority criteria and the result of the comparative analysis.
Information technology already contains one of the main elements of life, as described by people and enterprises. With the emergence of the Internet and its subsequent availability, there is a digital revolution, the source of which is a reality without mobile devices, web browsers, and instant messengers. In this group, cloud computing plays an increasingly important role, enabling the sharing of more data available via the Internet. At the same time, the increasingly growing awareness of sustainable development and its current role means that this issue has been explored in the context of cloud computing for several years. Therefore, this paper aims to perform a systematic literature review on sustainability issues in cloud computing. The study included scientific publications from two databases - Scopus and Web of Science, and the review itself was based on the PRISMA procedure. After conducting an initial quantitative analysis, a detailed review of the publications was carried out to determine the role and impact of cloud computing sustainability on the areas in which it is used, which constitutes the article's novelty. The obtained results show that, firstly, cloud computing sustainability is an issue that is currently gaining popularity, which is reflected in the growing number of scientific publications. Moreover, it is characterized by various impacts on social and environmental issues, depending on the area in which cloud computing is used. Furthermore, the results show that cloud computing is perceived as one of the main elements of digital transformation.
Technologie informatyczne już od wielu stanowią jeden z głównych elementów życia, zarówno w odniesieniu do ludzi jak i przedsiębiorstw. Wraz z powstaniem Internetu a następnie jego upowszechnieniem, dokonała się rewolucja cyfrowa w efekcie której trudno wyobrazić sobie rzeczywistość bez komputerów, telefonów, przeglądarek internetowych czy komunikatorów. W tej grupie, coraz bardziej znacząca role odgrywa chmura obliczeniowa, umożliwiająca przechowywanie i przetwarzanie dużej ilości danych, które są dostępne za pośrednictwem Internetu. Jednocześnie coraz bardziej rosnąca świadomość odnośnie zrównoważonego rozwoju i jego roli jaką obecnie odgrywa, powoduje, że od kilku lat, kwestia ta eksplorowana jest w kontekście chmury obliczeniowej. Dlatego też celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie systematycznego przeglądu literatur dotyczącego kwestii zrównoważenia w chmurze obliczeniowej. Badanie objęło publikacje naukowe pochodzące z dwoch baz – Scopus and Web of Science, a sam przegląd dokonany został w oparciu o procedurę PRISMA. Po przeprowadzeniu wstępnej analizy ilościowej, dokonano szczegółowego przeglądu publikacji w celu określenia roli i wpływu zrównoważenia chmury obliczeniowej na poszczególne obszary, w których jest ona stosowana co stanowi o nowości artykułu. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że po pierwsze zrównoważenie chmury obliczeniowej to zagadnienie, które obecnie zyskuje na popularności, co przejawia się rosnącą liczbą publikacji naukowych. Ponadto charakteryzuje się różnorodnym wpływem na kwestie społeczne i środowiskowe, w zależności od obszaru w jakim chmura obliczeniowa jest stosowana. Ponadto z przeglądu wynika, że chmura obliczeniowa postrzegany jest jako jeden z głównych elementów transformacji cyfrowej.
The chapter presents examples of innovative approaches to developing sustainable mineral engineering. Global and Polish initiatives related to the energy transition of the mining industry are given. Completed projects related to the green branch of mineral mining are discussed. Reference was made to the issue of mining waste management. The importance of these activities in environmental, technological and economic aspect is highlighted.
In the heart of Moroccan oases, date palm trees stand as the lifeblood of local communities, serving as both a livelihood cornerstone and a dietary treasure trove. Morocco has long been a leading date fruit producer. Yet, amidst the palm groves, several environmental, technical, and socio-economic challenges have threatened the sustainability of this ancient crop. This study assesses the constraints and limitations of the date palm production system in Tafilalet oases that have kept this crop from reaching its full potential. A total of 56 producers were interviewed using an open-closed survey, illuminating interviews with key informants, dynamic focus group discussions, and direct observations in palm groves. The findings reveal that primary restrictions and barriers impeding the progress of this sector are: producers’ moderate education level and the limited adoption of technological innovation, few opportunities given to young producers, palm groves’ fragmentation, poor management of date fruits, low imports of the necessary inputs (fertilisers, irrigation, etc.), and the poor organisation of the marketing circuit (storage and packaging). Advocate renewed commitment to preserve and modernise palm groves, blending heritage with modern practices for thriving, sustainable date palm production. It is entirely conceivable to produce organic dates in the region since producers use a few quantities of chemical products, notably fertilisers and phytosanitary products.
This paper presents a study focused on two pivotal innovations in the field of fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) to significantly enhance its durability and sustainability in construction. First, our research investigates the application of advanced self-healing mechanisms in FRC. By embedding microcapsules containing healing agents within the concrete matrix, we achieved a remarkable reduction in crack propagation and improved structural integrity. Our results demonstrate that the self-healing FRC exhibited a 30% increase in compressive strength and a 40% reduction in crack width, leading to a longer service life for concrete structures. Second, we explore the integration of sustainable materials in FRC production. By incorporating locally sourced and recycled materials, we successfully reduced the environmental impact associated with FRC manufacturing. Our findings reveal a substantial reduction in carbon emissions, with a 25% decrease in the overall carbon footprint of FRC production. This innovation not only contributes to a greener construction industry but also aligns with sustainability goals and regulations. This research underscores the transformative potential of self-healing mechanisms and sustainable material integration in FRC, offering tangible results in terms of increased durability and reduced environmental impact. These innovations promise to reshape the construction landscape, aligning it with the principles of sustainability and long-term structural resilience.
Biostimulants are a broad group of numerous compounds that stimulate plant growth and increase plant resistance to environmental stresses. Pansies are in great demand, so new sustainability strategies for their production are still being sought. This study evaluated the effectiveness of partially hydrolyzed gellan gum (HGG) as a natural biostimulant for the production of high-quality pansy plants. In Experiment 1, the effects of drench concentrations of HGG (0, 25, 50, and 100 mg·dm–3) on morphological and physiological parameters of two pansy cultivars were investigated. In Experiment 2, the objective of study was to determine the effect of HGG on growth, flowering and leaf physiology of pansy grown under increasing sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations (50 and 200 mM). Our results showed in both cultivars growth-promoting effects of HGG, and 100 mg·dm–3 of HGG was the most effective concentration. The increasing salinity imposed as NaCl negatively affected the growth, flowering, visual appearance, relative chlorophyll content (SPAD), stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of plants. However, HGG pretreatment alleviated the adverse effects of salt stress mainly by reducing the decrease of SPAD, Fv/Fm, flower number and biomass in salt-stressed plants at 200 mM NaCl. Overall results indicated that eco-friendly HGG at the proper dose could be used as a tool to enhance growth, flowering and salt stress tolerance in pansy plants.
The concept of Lean Manufacturing is a set of techniques, methods and tools, whose application in manufacturing processes is expected to eliminate wastes and improve their economic efficiency. The challenges of Sustainable Development determine a new approach to conducting manufacturing activities. Issues related to caring for the environment and the social aspects of the business are becoming crucial from the point of view of business stakeholders. The article attempts to juxtapose the classical approach to Lean Manufacturing, presenting its main principles. The authors also highlighted the key legal and formal requirements that determine a different approach to Lean Manufacturing. The main sources of green wastage were then presented and possible ways of correlating the Lean Manufacturing (classical) concept with Lean Manufacturing seen in the light of Sustainability challenges were analysed. This combination was presented as Lean Green, thus indicating the possible relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Sustainability, in its environmental part. Using examples of specific companies, the potential benefits of implementing a Lean Manufacturing concept oriented not only on economic aspects, but above all on environmental benefits, are summarised. A review of the Polish and world literature, an analysis of available sources and the authors' own experience were used.
Koncepcja Lean Manufacturing to zestaw technik, metod i narzędzi, których zastosowanie w procesach produkcyjnych (wytwórczych) ma wyeliminować marnotrawstwo i poprawić efektywność ekonomiczną tychże procesów. Wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju de-terminują nowe podejście do prowadzenia działalności produkcyjnej. Kwestie związane z dbałością o środowisko i społeczne aspekty działalności przedsiębiorstw stają się kluczowe z punktu widzenia interesariuszy biznesowych. W artykule podjęto próbę zestawienia klasycznego pojęcia Lean Manufacturing, prezentując główne zasady i założenia tejże koncepcji. Autorzy zwrócili uwagę na kluczowe wymogi prawne i formalne, które determinują potrzebę odmiennego podejścia do Lean Manufacturing. Przeanalizowano możliwe spo-soby korelacji koncepcji Lean Manufacturing (rozumianej klasycznie i zorientowanej na efektywność ekonomiczną) z Lean, widzianym w świetle wyzwań zrównoważonego rozwoju. Połączenie to zostało przedstawione jako Lean Green, wskazując tym samym na możliwy związek między Lean Manufacturing a zrównoważonym rozwojem, w jego części środowiskowej. Zaprezentowano także główne źródła ,,zielonych marnotrawstw’’, które można wyeliminować dzięki Lean Green. Na przykładach konkretnych firm zestawiono potencjalne korzyści z wdrożenia koncepcji Lean Manufacturing zorientowanej nie tylko na aspekty ekonomiczne, ale przede wszystkim na korzyści środowiskowe. Wykorzystano przegląd literatury polskiej i światowej, analizę dostępnych źródeł oraz własne doświadczenia autorów.
The availability and sustainability of good quantities and qualities of water supplies for human needs and support development should be warranted; therefore, existing water resources should be managed sustainably. A multidisciplinary rapid appraisal method called multidimensional scaling (MDS) is an approach for a comprehensive analysis of the sustainability statuses of domestic water supplies. This study aims to analyze the index and sustainability status of raw water management from three dimensions of sustainability. The results that were obtained from a specific multidimensional scaling analysis method called Rapid Appraisal for Air Baku (Rapaku) are expressed in the form of indices and sustainability statuses. Based on different dimensions of the sustainability status review, the analysis results showed that Bandung’s domestic raw water was “less sustainable” (42.34%). Of the 35 attributes that were analyzed, there were 13 sensitive attributes that affected the index and sustainability status with a very small error at a 95% confidence level.
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations General Assembly focuses on economic development, poverty cessation, environmental sustainability, and good governance at all levels, including peace and safety. For electric power distribution concessionary companies in Brazil, it is necessary to evaluate their sustainability and performance according to the parameters laid by the National Electric Power Agency (ANEEL). For that purpose, sixty-two indicators were assembled that were directly and indirectly associated with sustainability for 38 companies in the period-2013-2021. This study proposes a new application with a conditional risk matrix and decision rules aimed at the integrated assessment of sustainability and performance of electric power companies using the conditional probability of indicators in the ascent or descent of the companies’ classification. A set of “if..., then...” decision rules were inferred by the algorithm VC-DomLEM using concepts from the Rough Sets Theory and the Dominance principle, Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA).
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