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W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować wzrastające zainteresowanie metodami systemowego zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w branży hotelarskiej, pomimo że nie ma obowiązku prawnego przygotowywania systemu zarządzania kryzysowego. Jest to spowodowane przede wszystkim rosnącym znaczeniem odpowiedniego poziomu jakości życia ludzi. Wynikiem tego są stale zmieniające się wymagania prawne, a także opracowania i ustanowienia norm określających wytyczne lub specyfikacje systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem. Skutecznie funkcjonujący system zarządzania kryzysowego wpływa na poprawę wyników ekonomicznych organizacji dzięki lepszemu niż dotychczas zarządzaniu procesami, w których może nastąpić zakłócenie ciągłości działania. Można uznać, że zarządzanie kryzysowe obejmuje swoim zakresem zintegrowanie celowo zaplanowanych przedsięwzięć organizacyjnych jak również logistycznych i finansowych, które mają na celu zapobieganie sytuacjom kryzysowym, zapewnienie sprawności struktur decyzyjnych na wszystkich szczeblach zarządzania oraz gotowości sił i środków do podjęcia działań, mających na celu reagowanie i likwidacje skutków powstałej sytuacji. Przedmiotem badań jest system zarządzania kryzysowego branży hotelarskiej i czynniki zewnętrzne go kształtujące. Celem badania jest identyfikacja systemu zarządzania kryzysowego i jego założeń, w kontekście zewnętrznym organizacji. Problem badawczy wyraża się w pytaniu: jakie czynniki zewnętrzne są kluczowe dla funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w branży hotelarskiej? Próbą odpowiedzi na główny problem badawczy jest następująca hipoteza kierunkowa: czynniki ekonomiczne i prawne są kluczowe dla funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w branży hotelarskiej. Na etapie zbierania danych zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i technikę ankiety. Na etapie analizy danych zastosowano metody ilościowe (statystyki opisowe) oraz metody jakościowe (analiza danych tekstowych). Na etapie oceny danych zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i technikę indywidualnego wywiadu pogłębionego (IDI). Wyniki badań ankietowych, jak również wyniki wywiadu eksperckiego potwierdzają, iż czynniki ekonomiczne i prawne są kluczowymi czynnikami zewnętrznymi wskazanymi przez przedstawicieli branży hotelarskiej. Jednakże, już przy określeniu, które z nich są pozytywne, a które negatywne pojawiają się w badaniu rozbieżne opinie.
In last few years, there has been a growing interest in systemic security management methods in the hotel industry, despite the fact that there is no legal obligation to prepare a crisis management system. This is primarily due to the growing importance of an appropriate level of quality of life for people. This results in constantly changing legal requirements, as well as the development and establishment of standards defining guidelines or specifications for safety management systems. An effectively functioning crisis management system improves the economic results of the organization thanks to better than before management of processes in which business continuity may be disrupted. It can be considered that crisis management includes the integration of deliberately planned organizational, as well as logistical and financial projects, which are aimed at preventing crisis situations, ensuring the efficiency of decision-making structures at all levels of management and the readiness of forces and resources to take actions aimed at reacting and eliminating the effects of the situation. The subject of the research is the crisis management system of the hotel industry and external factors shaping it. The aim of the study is to identify the crisis management system and its assumptions in the external context of the organization. The research problem is expressed in the question: what external factors are crucial for the functioning of the crisis management system in the hotel industry? An attempt to answer the main research problem is the following directional hypothesis: economic and legal factors are crucial for the functioning of the crisis management system in the hotel industry. At the data collection stage, the diagnostic survey method and survey technique were used. At the data analysis stage, quantitative methods (descriptive statistics) and qualitative methods (text data analysis) were used. At the stage of data evaluation, the diagnostic survey method and the individual in-depth interview (IDI) technique were used. The survey results, as well as the results of the expert interview, confirm that economic and legal factors are the key external factors indicated by representatives of the hotel industry. However, when determining which of them are positive and which are negative, divergent opinions appear in the study.
Internationalization is an inevitable phenomenon among all contemporary higher education institutions (HEIs) in a globalizing world. It is the driving force for development and progress. In course of the last 30 years, it became an inevitable element of HE management. However, it carries along a number of risks, pitfalls, and organizational challenges. To hedge those, quality assurance (QA) is called to the stage. HEIs therefore need not only to search for chances but also to increase the advancement of methods to safeguard the quality of education and research. It is for this reason that a discussion on the mutual evolution and impact of internationalization and QA is required, and this is the aim of this article to combine the issues dialectically. There are tools and institutions within the internationally and nationally developed QA concepts that have the potential and aim to secure the benefits of internationalization.
This research presents an experimental study carried out for the modeling and optimization of some technological parameters for the machining of metallic materials. Certain controllable factors were analyzed such as cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed per tooth. A dedicated research methodology was used to obtain a model which subsequently led to a process optimization by performing a required number of experiments utilizing the Minitab software application. The methodology was followed, and the optimal value of the surface roughness was obtained by the milling process for an aluminum alloy type 7136-T76511. A SECO cutting tool was used, which is standard in aluminum machining by milling. Experiments led to defining a cutting regime that was optimal and which shows that the cutting speed has a significant influence on the quality of the machined surface and the depth of cut and feed per tooth has a relatively small impact on the chosen ranges of process parameters.
A house or any other building without walls is truly hard to imagine. The first thing usually associated with walls is, of course, masonry. Today, masonry walls perform a load-bearing function in buildings up to four above-ground floors, in the higher parts of the buildings they perform a protective and stiffening function. However, there is a widespread opinion that the designer does not have to check the bearing capacity of masonry structures because masonry are were stand, are standing and will stand. Not everyone, however, currently works the wall as it should. The problem is that a lot of emphasis is now placed on reducing construction times. Therefore, there are a number of factors affecting the quality of the masonry structure, which overall reduce their safety. The article presents the influence of the quality of masonry on the differentiation of bearing capacity and reliability of an example masonry structure. The analyses included various values γm of the partial factor, recommended in the national annex PN-EN 1996-1, depending on the category of masonry units, class execution of works and type of mortar. In addition, a decrease in load capacity and reliability caused by the increase of the initial eccentric resulting from the inaccuracy of the masonry wall was examined.
Ciężko wyobrazić sobie dom, budynek bez ścian. Jeżeli myślimy o ścianach, to pierwszym skojarzeniem są mury. Dziś mury pełnią funkcję nośną w budynkach do czterech kondygnacji nadziemnych, w wyższych partiach budynków pełnią funkcję osłonową i usztywniającą. Powszechnie panuje jednak jeszcze opinia, że konstruktor nie musi sprawdzać nośności konstrukcji murowych ponieważ mury stały, stoją i stać będą. Nie każdy jednak obecnie mur pracuje tak, jak powinien. Problem polega na tym, że obecnie duży nacisk kładzie się na skrócenie czasu wznoszenia budynków. W związku z tym pojawia się szereg czynników wpływających na jakość wykonania konstrukcji murowej, które sumarycznie wpływają na zmniejszenie ich bezpieczeństwa. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ jakości wykonania muru na różnicowanie nośności i niezawodności przykładowej konstrukcji murowej. W analizach uwzględniono różne wartości współczynnika bezpieczeństwa, rekomendowanego w załączniku krajowym PN-EN 1996-1 [1], uzależnione od kategorii elementów murowych, klasy robót murarskich oraz rodzaju zaprawy. Ponadto zbadano spadek nośności i niezawodności spowodowany zwiększeniem mimośrodu początkowego wynikającego z niedokładności wykonania ściany murowanej.
The quality of manufactured products itself has long been playing significant role in nowadays business as well as in customers satisfaction with all kinds of products and services provided. Since all of us face to the poor quality results on daily basis, it is necessary to deploy an appropriate set of quality tools in order to improve the total quality level. The quality level of supplied parts in terms of the product quality including the design, development, and manufacturing process has significantly been influencing the quality results of serial production. The contemporary business philosophy for supplier`s selection uses merely the only criterion, the lowest price. The article describes some problems stemming from this philosophy and practice, determines a systemic approach and proposes a solution in order to improve supplier`s reliability in terms of quality of supplied parts and customer satisfaction.
The Ni-base superalloys are used in the aircraft industry for the production of aero engine most stressed parts, turbine blades or turbine discs. Quality of aero jet engine components has a significant influence on the overall lifetime of a jet engine as itself as well as the whole airplane. From this reason a dendrite arm spacing, grain size, morphology, number and value of γ' - phase are very important structural characteristics for blade or discs lifetime prediction. The methods of quantitative metallography are very often used for evaluation of structural characteristics mentioned above. The high-temperature effect on structural characteristics and application of quantitative methods evaluation are presented in this paper. The two different groups of Ni-base alloys have been used as experimental material: cast alloys ZhS6K and IN713LC, which are used for small turbine blades production and wrought alloys EI 698VD and EI 929, which are used for turbine disc production. Selected alloys have been evaluated in the starting stage and after applied heattreatment at 850°C for 24 hrs. This applied heat-treatment causes structural changes in all alloys groups. In cast alloy dendritic structure is degraded and gamma prime average size has grown what has a negative influence on turbine blade creep rupture life. Wrought alloys show partially grain boundary melting and grain size changed due to recrystallization what causes mechanical properties decreasing - ultimate tensile strength mainly.
The paper presents partial results of qualitative analyzes conducted on the production line in the automotive industry. The subject of analyzes is the safety element for motor vehicles and meeting the quality requirements. The quality requirements that the manufacturer must meet are based on customer guidelines (automotive concern) for components manufactured for first assembly. The presented analyzes relate to the identification of production discrepancies and the results of statistical analyzes for the cutting process and component control for one type of cable. This work contains basic issues in the field of production management for elements intended for the automotive market, detailing the basic applicable rules and standards in this field. It also contains the results of the analysis and evaluation of the production process of the company operating on this market. A preliminary analysis of the causes of production problems and statistical analysis for the indicated process was presented.
Content available Project portfolio management and quality
Main objective of the study is to analyse the impact of portfolio management on the level of quality in EU projects implemented in public universities. First part of the article is theoretical and prepared on the basis of a critical analysis of literature in the field of quality management in projects and project portfolios. Second part of the text was based on primary data collected during preliminary survey conducted among EU project managers implemented in public technical colleges in the 2014-2020 financial perspective. Literature studies and results of own research allowed to identify and assess threats affecting the quality level in EU projects that result from transition from the level of individual project management to the level of project portfolio management. Continuous improvement of quality is a characteristic feature of organizations using quality management systems, so the article indicates the need to have an internal quality assurance system at universities. Importance of organizational units managing EU projects in universities in ensuring that products and results of a project are of high quality have also been underlined.
Content available Measuring the impact of academic policy innovation
This paper presents application of Data science models to the quality assurance processes at the university. In 2015 Narxoz University in Almaty, Kazakhstan introduced a major change to its academic policy. Final year bachelor students were required to complete team-based diploma projects, focused on solving real business problems, instead of writing standard, often purely descriptive and theoretical diploma theses. This article uses data science models (linear regression, logit and CART) to analyze the effects of this policy change on recent graduates’ employability and wage levels using results of telephone survey conducted among 1956 graduates in 2015 and 2016. Estimated models show that students who have firm plans to find jobs, acquire valuable competences when preparing bachelor diploma and actively participate in student life, have higher probability of employment and earn higher wages. It means that the process of writing bachelor diploma should be carefully designed and monitored and that student learning outcomes also depend on their extra-curricular activity. Such analysis provides deep and interesting insights into the learning and assessment processes and should be a part of annual quality assurance review in every university. For example, results indicate that grading practices at Narxoz require a major review, as graduates with higher GPA did not exhibit higher employability nor higher wages. Similarly, curricula of some specializations (majors) should be reviewed due to low employment rate of graduates. Appropriate changes have already been implemented at Narxoz in 2017. Finally, we found that economic shocks have much stronger short-term impact on recent graduates’ employability and wages than reforms of academic curricula.
Content available remote Deklaracja zgodności WE dla maszyny – niebezpieczna rzeczywistość
W opracowaniu przedstawiono luki w zapisach Dyrektywy Maszynowej, jako wynik bardzo negatywnej ekspertyzy elementu konstrukcyjnego linii technologicznej przetwórstwa spożywczego. Przedstawiono również propozycje zapewnienia sobie przez zamawiającego akceptowalnego poziomu jakości konstrukcji w istniejącej sytuacji.
The article presents regulations or gap in regulations regarding welding in Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The base of the article were tests and analysis of destroyed construction part of transportation line in food industry. The way to ensure right quality of welding structures are presented.
Integracja Polski z Unią Europejską powoduje konieczność zharmonizowania przepisów krajowych z przepisami europejskimi. Wymagania jakościowe złączy spawanych w mostach stalowych wg nowych zaleceń przedstawili autorzy w 11 publikacjach wydanych w latach 2002÷2017. Określone tam wymogi normowe w wielu przypadkach poddano krytycznej ocenie. Próbę rekapitulacji zaleceń konstrukcyjno-projektowych oraz badawczych, dotyczących złączy spawanych w mostach, przedstawionych w tych publikacjach omówiono w artykule.
The integration of Poland with the European Communities induced the necessity for harmonization of national regulations with European ones. Quality requirements for welded joints in steel bridges were presented by the authors in 11 articles published in the years 2002÷2017. Standard requirements given there were subjected to critical remarks in many cases. The effort for recapitulation of structural and research recommendations for welded joints in bridges are presented in this paper.
High quality is organizations’ competitive advantage. It is beneficial to base this on professional approach, and basic concepts and definitions with scientific foundation. The necessary main concepts consist of quality, quality management, quality improvement and quality assurance. Organizations' top management is responsible of the quality management decisions and implementations. The present practical situation is fragmented and the implementations are most often based on the instrumental means of the different methodological schools, which is confusing and detrimental to the understanding and usefulness of the concept of quality management. It is not beneficial to build a special system for quality management by only following the requirements of the general standard. This cannot ensure competitive business advantage. In this article, we present an alternative approach that is a natural practical way to realize quality management as the teleological solution, Quality Integration, in which the general and specific quality concepts, principles and methodology are embedded within the normal business management activities. Our Quality Integration is based on the thinking of organizational learning. Its framework covers both running the current business and improving the overall business performance. This model has been used as the thinking framework in practical organizational cases since 1990’s. As the business circumstances change constantly, the organization must be constantly ready to renew through both small and radical changes. This change also receives resistance, and the development takes place according to a multi-phase process towards the new integration and requires a proper recognition and decisions. Principles of the organizational learning can help organizations in a consistent way. Evaluation of the overall organizational performance is an important quality management practice and should take into account performance enablers (processes) and also the results obtained thereof. In our approach, the evaluation criteria emphasize organizational learning and integration. The external context of the organization has a crucial role in achieving and developing the business objectives. The organization’s strategy can no longer be based on the value chains but on finding ways to alter them radically through value networking. The organization is influenced by the true and all-inclusive reality, which differs from the apparent reality perceived by the senses, and which is only revealed through consciousness. Understanding this reinforces awareness and trust that are important factors also in quality management and quality assurance.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja aspektów oceny ryzyka w zakresie dostaw wyrobów obronnych i ich pozyskiwania. Na podstawie wyników badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w CCJ WAT w procesach certyfikacji, wspartych przeglądem literatury przedmiotu, dokonano analizy problematyki zarządzania ryzykiem w kontekście nadzorowania wydanych certyfikatów systemu zarządzania jakością na zgodność z wymaganiami ISO 9001, w tym AQAP. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w zakresie identyfikacji ryzyka związanego z potencjalnymi dostawcami wyrobów obronnych i usług z nimi związanych, a także wyniki badania ankietowego postrzegania ryzyka wśród personelu auditującego. Są to źródła wiedzy dla stron zawieranych umów dotyczących wyrobów obronnych i usług z nimi związanych. Prowadzą one do zwiększenia zaufania do dostawcy w procesie zapewnienia jakości, a w efekcie do poprawy jakości pozyskiwanych wyrobów i usług dla wojska.
The aim of the article is to identify the problem of risk assessment in the aspect of defense product supply and acquisition. Based on the results of empirical research conducted in the CCJ WAT (Quality Certification Center) certification processes supported by the literature of the subject, the risk management issues were analyzed in the context of monitoring the quality management system certificates issued for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, including AQAP. The article presents the results of research carried out in the field of risk identification related to potential suppliers of defense products and related services, as well as the results of a survey of risk perception among the audit personnel. These are sources of knowledge for parties to contracts for defense products and related services. They lead to increased trust in the supplier in the quality assurance process and, as a result, to the improvement of the quality of obtained products and services for the army.
Tworzenie systemów zarządzania jakością w medycznych laboratoriach diagnostycznych jest bardzo ważnym czynnikiem, który będzie warunkował jakość świadczonych usług diagnostycznych. Jakość badania laboratoryjnego dotyczy cech analitycznych i mikrobiologicznych wyniku badania i określenia jego wiarygodności i zgodności w granicach przyjętego zakresu błędu dopuszczalnego. Celem tej pracy jest przedstawienie praktycznych elementów zarządzania jakością widzianego z perspektywy diagnosty laboratoryjnego.
Creating quality management systems in medical diagnostic laboratories is a very important factor that will determine the quality of diagnostic services. The quality of laboratory test concerns analytical and microbiological features of a test result and determines its credibility and compliance within the approved scope of possible error. The purpose of this article is to show practical process of the quality management seen from a perspective of health service employee.
Content available remote BIM blisko budowy
The aim of this paper is to elaborate whether there are any needs and possibilities of quality measurement in logistic services provided for the Polish Armed Forces. In order to answer this problem firstly the Polish Armed Forces Logistic System has been described as a logistic services provider. Then the quality areas of the logistic services provided for the armed forces have been identified. Subsequently the author tried to evaluate already implemented solutions for logistic services quality assurance in the light of service quality measurement methods. Finally there has been an attempt made to propose the choice of proper quality measurement methods for selected logistic services provided for the Polish Armed Forces.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena potrzeb i możliwości pomiaru jakości usług logistycznych świadczonych Siłom Zbrojnym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (SZ RP). W pierwszej kolejności opisano system funkcjonalny logistyki SZ RP jako usługodawcę. Następnie zidentyfikowano płaszczyzny jakościowe usług logistycznych dostarczanych wojskom. Autor dokonał również próby oceny stosowanych obecnie systemowych rozwiązań zapewnienia jakości w świetle metod pomiaru jakości usług. Na koniec zaproponowano wariant doboru metod pomiaru jakości dla wybranych usług logistycznych świadczonych dla SZ RP.
The aim of this paper is to elaborate whether there are any needs and possibilities of quality measurement in logistic services provided for the Polish Armed Forces. In order to answer this problem firstly the Polish Armed Forces Logistic System has been described as a logistic services provider. Then the quality areas of the logistic services provided for the armed forces have been identified. Subsequently the author tried to evaluate already implemented solutions for logistic services quality assurance in the light of service quality measurement methods. Finally there has been an attempt made to propose the choice of proper quality measurement methods for selected logistic services provided for the Polish Armed Forces.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena potrzeb i możliwości pomiaru jakości usług logistycznych świadczonych Siłom Zbrojnym Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (SZ RP). W pierwszej kolejności opisano system funkcjonalny logistyki SZ RP jako usługodawcę. Następnie zidentyfikowano płaszczyzny jakościowe usług logistycznych dostarczanych wojskom. Autor dokonał również próby oceny stosowanych obecnie systemowych rozwiązań zapewnienia jakości w świetle metod pomiaru jakości usług. Na koniec zaproponowano wariant doboru metod pomiaru jakości dla wybranych usług logistycznych świadczonych dla SZ RP.
W wyniku spawania mogą pojawić się nieszczelności, które znacząco obniżają wytrzymałość złączy spawanych, a ich małe rozmiary mogą uniemożliwić ich wykrycie. Z punktu widzenia szczelności połączenia oraz jego trwałości eksploatacyjnej jest to cecha niepożądana. W celu wykrycia nieszczelności stosuje się badania nieniszczące szczelności, wśród których można wyróżnić jedną z najbardziej popularnych metod, a mianowicie badania szczelności metodą penetracyjną. Jest to metoda, która bazuje na metodzie penetracyjnej wykrywającej niezgodności powierzchniowe. Po oczyszczeniu złącza nanosi się w pierwszej kolejności wywoływacz od strony lica spoiny, a po odparowaniu cieczy nośnej należy nanieść penetrant na przeciwległą powierzchnię.
In the work, leak testing by penetrant method tests were carried out using the AlMg5 aluminum alloy method with plates simulating slits from the above-mentioned material. The tests were aimed at checking the influence of individual factors, such as the fracture depth, the position of penetrant application and the number of applications for developing time. The research was based on the measurement of development time depending on the set factors influencing this process. The dependencies determined allow the estimation of the minimum development time to detect leaks in the penetration method. Information in this field should make it easier to make decisions about the release of a product into service or its repair.
The recently developed technology of twin-roll-cast (TRC) magnesium strips permits an efficient production of magnesium sheets, primarily for the automotive industry. The focus of the paper is to develop a structural equation model explaining the variance of the thickness profile formation. Hence, the complex and partially unknown relationships between twin-roll casting process parameters and the thickness profile formation are analyzed using latent variables, e.g. the deformation resistance, length of contact arc, etc., which consist of several observed parameters. The fundamental process variables and their effect on the thickness profile formation during twin-roll casting are investigated and evaluated by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) – a statistical method that fits networks of constructs to empirical data. The results of the predictive modeling technique allow an approximation of the existing interrelationships between thickness profiles, rolling force as well as processes in the roll gap which are typically difficult to measure directly using sensors. In this context, it was identified that the thickness profile variation is primarily caused by the forming force, which is mainly driven by the length of contact arc. Moreover, implications for the control of the thickness profile are derived.
In the manufacturing processes there has long been demanded the increasing requirements for high quality products especially in automotive industry. In order to assure such as high quality standards the production process and further the product quality the organization must have implemented tools enabling to monitor and have the ambition to dwindle variability. The low variability provides better process predictability, standardized quality level, less occurrence of non-conformities; the products reveal better longevity and finally the satisfied customers. The long lasting endeavor for widely recognized parameters with ambition to determine current status of quality parameter has brought indicators in a form of Cp and Cpk into the business. The article deals with theoretical approach of previously mentioned indicators, an observation of critical to quality parameters in production process, definition of resulting problems, and finally the proposal of improvement including its verification
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