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This paper presents the concept of a remotely controlled mobile robot that generates a two-dimensional map of its surroundings. The hardware platform developed relies on the LINUX operating system with the Robot Operating System (ROS) to function properly. The authors focused on discussing the robot's hardware and presenting the software used. In line with the assumptions made, the robot is capable of generating a two-dimensional digital map of its surroundings, as well as of recording images of those surroundings. The robot relies on lidar odometry for identifying its position, meaning that the developed algorithm calculates the vehicle's location based on data from a laser scanner. The main sources of environment-related information acquired by the robot include the following: RPLidar A3M1 laser scanner by Slamtec (generating a digital map) and a 5mpx HD OV5647 camera (capturing images of the surroundings). These devices are coupled with the Raspberry Pi 3B on-board computer via a CSI interface.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zdalnie sterowanego robota mobilnego, generującego dwuwymiarową mapę otoczenia. Opracowana platforma sprzętowa do poprawnego funkcjonowania wykorzystuje system operacyjny LINUX z systemem Robot Operating System (ROS). Autorzy skupili się na omówieniu struktury sprzętowej robota oraz przedstawieniu zaimplementowanego oprogramowania. Zgodnie z przyjętymi założeniami wykonany robot umożliwia generowanie dwuwymiarowej cyfrowej mapy otoczenia i rejestrację obrazu otoczenia. Do lokalizacji w przestrzeni, robot wykorzystuje odometrię lidarową, co oznacza że opracowany algorytm wylicza położenie pojazdu na podstawie danych pochodzących ze skanera laserowego. Głównymi źródłami informacji pozyskiwanych przez robota z otoczenia są: skaner laserowy RPLidar A3M1 firmy Slamtec (generowanie mapy cyfrowej) oraz kamera HD OV5647 o rozdzielczości 5mpx (rejestracja obrazu otoczenia). Urządzenia te współpracują z komputerem pokładowym Raspberry Pi 3B za pomocą złącza CSI.
Currently, the topic of automation of logistic processes in warehouses is relevant. The article considers a control system of high level for a mobile robot with a differential drive with a maximum payload of 200 kg with motion simulation in the Matlab Simulink software product. Optimal control of drives based on brushless DC motors at the lower level has been developed. The transient time of low level control system is 1.067 seconds. The mobile robot control system in the minimum version consists of ten ultrasonic distance sensors located along the perimeter of the mobile robot body and of eight contrast band sensors.
Background: The paper is devoted to mobile robot design problems with a focus on exteroceptive sensor systems for operation in a mixed environment (indoor with outdoor possibility). With a view to the design for logistics, the important concerns are, among others, minimization of the number of parts, reduction of weight, and reduction of dimensions. One of the challenges that arise here is the consideration of environmental factors, which vary among different application systems. It is necessary to reach a compromise between operational requirements and costs involved. Therefore, the relevance of the environmental factors should be evaluated to divide them into those that should be addressed and those that can be ignored. This will translate into the selection of sensors in sufficient quantity to provide the requirements without excessiveness. Methods: We propose a novel three-stage method for assessing the relevance of environmental factors using fuzzy logic with occurrence, recovery, and impact level consideration. We take into account the impact level of each factor on the entire sensor system, restoration of functions lost completely or partially as a result of the factor (recovery), and the frequency of factor occurrence. Results: The identified environmental factors, evaluated in term of their relevance are hierarchized from the most to the least relevant. The application of the method is presented on the basis of an autonomous forklift for indoor and outdoor use. Conclusions: Based on the proposed method, it is possible to design a sensor system with consideration of any operation environment. The three-criteria method allows evaluation of any factor influencing sensor system on a five-point scale, both in terms of occurrence and severity (understood as impact level effect and recovery time). By evaluating the factors and thus prioritizing them using our method, only the most important factors from the designer's point of view can be taken into account. This can translate into minimizing the number of sensors and thus cost reduction and shorter implementation time.
This article concerns the use of an integrated RFID system with a mobile robot for the navigation and mapping of closed spaces. The architecture of a prototype mobile robot equipped with a set of RFID readers that performs the mapping functions is described. Laboratory tests of the robot have been carried out using a test stand equipped with a grid of appropriately programmed RFID transponders. A simulation model of the effectiveness of transponder reading by the robot has been prepared. The conclusions from measurements and tests are discussed, and methods for improving the solution are proposed.
The capacity to navigate effectively in complex environments is a crucial prerequisite for mobile robots. In this study, the YOLOv5 model is utilized to identify objects to aid the mobile robot in determining movement conditions. However, the limitation of deep learning models being trained on insufficient data, leading to inaccurate recognition in unforeseen scenarios, is addressed by introducing an innovative computer vision technology that detects lanes in real-time. Combining the deep learning model with computer vision technology, the robot can identify different types of objects, allowing it to estimate distance and adjust speed accordingly. Additionally, the paper investigates the recognition reliability in varying light intensities. When the light illumination increases from 300 lux to 1000 lux, the reliability of the recognition model on different objects also improves, from about 75% to 98%, respectively. The findings of this study offer promising directions for future breakthroughs in mobile robot navigation.
This article provides a simulation and laboratory study of a control system for a two-wheeled differential-drive mobile robot with ROS system. The authors propose an approach to designing a control system based on a parametric model of the robot’s dynamics. The values of unknown parameters of the dynamic model have been determined by means of a Levenberg-Marguardt identification method. By comparing the desired trajectories with those obtained from simulation and laboratory tests, and based on errors analysis, the correctness of the model parameter identification process and the control system operation was then determined.
W artykule przedstawiono badania symulacyjne i laboratoryjne systemu sterowania dwukołowym robotem mobilnym o napędzie różnicowym, z systemem ROS. Autorzy zaproponowali podejście projektowania systemu sterowania w oparciu o parametryczny model dynamiki robota. Wartości nieznanych parametrów modelu dynamiki wyznaczono przeprowadzając ich identyfikację metodą Levenberga-Marguardta. Następnie porównując trajektorie zadane z otrzymanymi na drodze badań symulacyjnych i laboratoryjnych, a także na podstawie analizy uchybów określono poprawność procesu identyfikacji parametrów modelu i działania systemu sterowania.
This paper presents problems related to the design and construction of mini-sumo robots. The authors discuss the solutions used in the presented topic using the example of a developed robot. The presented design considers tournament requirements and demonstrates the selection of robot components. Special attention was paid to the presentation of the developed schematics and PCB fabrication.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę związaną z projektowaniem i budową robotów typu minisumo. Autorzy omówili rozwiązania stosowane w prezentowanej tematyce na przykładzie opracowanego robota. Przedstawiony projekt uwzględnia wymagania turniejowe, oraz prezentuje dobór komponentów robota. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na przedstawienie opracowanych schematów i wykonania płytki PCB.
This article presents the concept of an autonomous mobile robot running on the ROS system and using advanced algorithms for 2D map generation and autonomous navigation. The authors focused on presenting the hardware platform, the Linux-based software and the Robot Operating System (ROS) platform. This article also introduces an algorithm that provides the generation of a 2D map of the surroundings, autonomous robot driving and remote control of the device. Measurements of the temperature of the computer helped in the decision on which cooling system to use.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję autonomicznego robota mobilnego pracującego w systemie ROS i wykorzystującego zaawansowane algorytmy do generacji dwuwymiarowej mapy oraz autonomicznej nawigacji. Autorzy skupili się na przedstawieniu platformy sprzętowej urządzenia oraz na zaimplementowanym oprogramowaniu opartym na systemie LINUX oraz platformie Robot Operating System (ROS). W artykule zaprezentowano również algorytm realizujący generację dwuwymiarowej mapy otoczenia, autonomiczną jazdę robota oraz zdalne sterowanie urządzeniem. Wykonane pomiary temperatury komputera pozwoliły na podjęcie decyzji dotyczącej zastosowanego układu chłodzenia.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości zwiększenia kontroli nad ruchem robota sterowanego przez standardowe narzędzia pakietu nawigacyjnego ROS, poprzez zlecanie do wykonania zdefiniowanej przez użytkownika ścieżki. Testowane były następujące konfiguracje wspomagające nawigację: predefiniowana ścieżka i korytarz, korytarz i ścieżka wygenerowana przez robota. Niezawodność realizacji planu była testowana przez co najmniej 8 godz. W pracy wstępnie porównano zachowanie planerów TEB, DWA, EBand, zaś w dalszych testach użyto TEB.
This paper presents the possibility of increasing the repeatability of robot motion ROS navigation_stack by commissioning a user-defined path or corridor restricting motion. The following navigation support approaches were tested: predefined path, predefined path and corridor, corridor and path plan created automatically by the robot. The reliability was examinated for at least 8 hours. The behaviour of TEB, DWA and EBand planners was initially compared TED was chosen for long-term navigation tests.
W pracy rozważa się problem identyfikacji parametrów modelu dynamiki dwukołowego robota mobilnego z napędem różnicowym. Model dynamiki robota sformułowany został przy założeniu, że prędkości kół robota są mierzalnymi sygnałami wyjściowymi, natomiast prądy silników napędzających robota są sygnałami wejściowymi. W celu identyfikacji nieznanych parametrów robota wykorzystano zaproponowany niedawno adaptacyjny obserwator stanu rozszerzonego (PIESO) sformułowany poprzez połączenie klasycznego obserwatora stanu rozszerzonego (ESO) z gradientowym prawem adaptacji. Skuteczność proponowanego podejścia potwierdzono badaniami symulacyjnymi i eksperymentalnymi.
In this paper a problem of identification of parameters of a two-wheeled mobile robot equipped with differential drive is considered. Model of the robot dynamics is formulated under an assumption that velocities of wheels are measurable outputs of the system, while the motor currents are input signals. In order to identify unknown parameters, a recent adaptive parameter identifying extended state observer (PIESO) algorithm is employed, which combines a classic ESO observer with a gradient adaptation law. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by numerical and experimental trials.
This study presents an innovative solution for a mobile robotic unit intended for the construction industry, the task of which is to automate time-consuming and burdensome masonry work performed manually using bricklayers. A ZSM mobile robotic bricklaying system (ZSM in Polish Zrobotyzowany System Murarski) was designed and developed in a demonstration version. The mobile ZSM consists of an ABB six degrees-of-freedom (6 DoF) industrial robot with a replaceable hydraulic gripper, a Hinowa tracked undercarriage with a hydraulic unit, hydraulic lifting and leveling module, a brick warehouse, a brick belt feeder, a mortar applicator, a control cabinet, and a control panel. Simulation tests were performed in a virtual ABB RobotStudio environment to verify the functioning of the robot and individual ZSM modules during the bricklaying process. ZSM control is based on the Siemens Simatic S7-1500 programmable controller in the fail-safe version, which supervises the correct operation of all devices. ZSM was tested under laboratory conditions and on the construction site. The robotic technological process of building a wall consists of the following stages: the robot grips the bricks, picks them up, manipulates them, applies mortar to them, and places them on the wall.
W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjne rozwiązanie mobilnej jednostki robotycznej na potrzeby branży budowlanej, której zadaniem jest automatyzacja czasochłonnych i uciążliwych prac murarskich wykonywanych ręcznie przez murarzy. Zaprojektowano i opracowano mobilny zrobotyzowany system murarski (ZSM) Innovative solution of mobile robotic unit for bricklaying automation 32 wwersji demonstracyjnej. ZSM składa się z robota przemysłowego ABB o sześciu stopniach swobody (6 DoF) z wymiennym chwytakiem hydraulicznym, podwozia gąsienicowego Hinowa zagregatem hydraulicznym, modułu hydraulicznego podnoszenia i poziomowania, magazynu cegieł, podajnika cegieł, aplikatora zaprawy, szafy sterowniczej i panelu sterowania. W środowisku wirtualnym ABB RobotStudio przeprowadzono szereg testów symulacyjnych w celu weryfikacji funkcjonowania robota i poszczególnych modułów ZSM podczas procesu murowania. Sterowanie mobilnym ZSM oparte jest na sterowniku programowalnym Siemens Simatic S7-1500 w wersji fail-safe, który nadzoruje poprawną pracę wszystkich urządzeń. ZSM został przetestowany w warunkach laboratoryjnych i na budowie. Robotyczny proces technologiczny budowy ściany składający się z następujących etapów: robot chwyta cegły, podnosi je, manipuluje nimi, nakłada na nie zaprawę i umieszcza je w ścianie.
Path planning plays a vital role in a mobile robot navi‐ gation system. It essentially generates the shortest tra‐ versable path between two given points. There are many path planning algorithms that have been proposed by re‐ searchers all over the world; however, there is very little work focussing on path planning for a service environ‐ ment. The general assumption is that either the environ‐ ment is fully known or unknown. Both cases would not be suitable for a service environment. A fully known en‐ vironment will restrict further expansion in terms of the number of navigation points and an unknown environ‐ ment would give an inefficient path. Unlike other envi‐ ronments, service environments have certain factors to be considered, like user‐friendliness, repeatability, sca‐ lability, and portability, which are very essential for a service robot. In this paper, a simple, efficient, robust, and environment‐independent path planning algorithm for an indoor mobile service robot is presented. Initially, the robot is trained to navigate to all the possible desti‐ nations sequentially with a minimal user interface, which will ensure that the robot knows partial paths in the en‐ vironment. With the trained data, the path planning al‐ gorithm maps all the logical paths between all the des‐ tinations, which helps in autonomous navigation. The al‐ gorithm is implemented and tested using a 2D simulator Player/Stage. The proposed system is tested with two dif‐ ferent service environment layouts and proved to have features like scalability, trainability, accuracy, and repe‐ atability. The algorithm is compared with various classi‐ cal path planning algorithms and the results show that the proposed path planning algorithm is on par with the other algorithms in terms of accuracy and efficient path generation.
In recent years, Cyber-Physical Systems have been studied in various application areas. Since there are many robots that need to implement both physical and cyber sides, interact with each other and the environment, and the system has to cope with many faced difficulties, a warehouse system for automated order-picking for online shopping seems to be very suitable for being modeled and implemented as Cyber-Physical systems. In this study, the planning and control of mobile robots in a store warehouse is defined from the perspectives of obstacle avoidance, collision detection, and solving the shortest path problem. Accordingly, a simulation environment is designed and a layered CPS development model is proposed. In the simulation environment, both object avoidance and collision detection algorithms are introduced and implemented, different shortest path-finding algorithms are adapted and implemented and their performances are evaluated.
Content available Design and programming of a walking robot
The paper presents the development of a walking robot. It describes the conditions that have to be fulfilled to achieve the robot's movement. The program aimed at controlling the robot is also described. The classification of mobile robots and the results of the robot operation verification are also presented in the article.
Content available remote Zrobotyzowane mapowanie przestrzeni z wykorzystaniem czujnika LIDAR
W pracy zaprezentowano technikę zrobotyzowanego mapowania przestrzeni. Do testów zaprojektowano i wykonano dwukołowy nieholonomiczny robot mobilny z napędem różnicowym i jednym kołem samonastawnym. Robot, skanując otoczenie za pomocą czujnika LIDAR, umożliwia generowanie dwuwymiarowych map pomieszczeń oraz trójwymiarowych modeli otoczenia. Przedstawiono przykładowe mapy otoczenia uzyskane podczas testów w trybie sterowania ręcznego oraz pracy autonomicznej.
The paper presents a technique of robotic space mapping. A two-wheeled nonholonomic mobile robot with a differential drive and a selfadjusting wheel was designed and manufactured for testing. The robot scans the environment using the LIDAR sensor and generates twodimensional maps of rooms and three-dimensional models of the surrounding. Generated maps of the environment obtained during tests in manual control mode and autonomous operation mode are presented.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt mobilnego robota gąsienicowego wykonanego w ramach pracy inżynierskiej, mogącego poruszać się w zróżnicowanym terenie. Jego zadaniem jest wykrywanie metalowych przedmiotów, co jest realizowane za pomocą wykrywacza metalu umieszczonego na manipulatorze o trzech stopniach swobody. Całość sterowana jest z poziomu telefonu za pomocą dedykowanej aplikacji. Całość prac projektowych została podzielona na trzy segmenty. Dla części mechanicznych (platforma mobilna, manipulator) sformułowano model matematyczny obiektu, na podstawie którego dokonano obliczeń i doboru napędów oraz innych niezbędnych komponentów. Dla wykrywacza przedstawiono opis badań prowadzonych pod kątem doboru cewki układu sensorycznego. W części związanej ze sterowaniem robota została zaprezentowana aplikacja oraz proces testowania za pomocą stanowiska wykonanego na płytce prototypowej. Na zakończenie przedstawiono złożenie całego robota wraz z podsumowaniem wykonanych prac, wnioskami i kierunkami dalszych badań.
This paper presents the design of a mobile tracked robot capable of moving in varied terrain. Its task is to detect metal objects, which is achieved by means of a metal detector placed on a manipulator with three degrees of freedom. The whole system is controlled from a phone using a dedicated application. For the mechanical parts, a mathematical model was created, which was used to carry out driver selection and other essential components. For the detector, a description of research carried out to select the coil of the sensory system is presented. In the part related to the control of the robot, the application and the process of testing by means of a station made on a prototype board is presented. Finally, the assembly of the entire robot is presented along with conclusions and directions for further research.
This paper presents the design of a mobile tracked robot capable of moving in varied terrain. Its task is to detect metal objects, which is achieved by means of a metal detector placed on a manipulator with three degrees of freedom. The whole system is controlled from a phone using a dedicated application. For the mechanical parts, a mathematical model was created, which was used to carry out driver selection and other essential components. For the detector, a description of research carried out to select the coil of the sensory system is presented. In the part related to the control of the robot, the application and the process of testing by means of a station made on a prototype board is presented. Finally, the assembly of the entire robot is presented along with conclusions and directions for further research.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt mobilnego robota gąsienicowego wykonanego w ramach pracy inżynierskiej, mogącego poruszać się w zróżnicowanym terenie. Jego zadaniem jest wykrywanie metalowych przedmiotów, co jest realizowane za pomocą wykrywacza metalu umieszczonego na manipulatorze o trzech stopniach swobody. Całość sterowana jest z poziomu telefonu za pomocą dedykowanej aplikacji. Całość prac projektowych została podzielona na trzy segmenty. Dla części mechanicznych (platforma mobilna, manipulator) sformułowano model matematyczny obiektu, na podstawie którego dokonano obliczeń i doboru napędów oraz innych niezbędnych komponentów. Dla wykrywacza przedstawiono opis badań prowadzonych pod kątem doboru cewki układu sensorycznego. W części związanej ze sterowaniem robota została zaprezentowana aplikacja oraz proces testowania za pomocą stanowiska wykonanego na płytce prototypowej. Na zakończenie przedstawiono złożenie całego robota wraz z podsumowaniem wykonanych prac, wnioskami i kierunkami dalszych badań.
Recent trends in manufacturing such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing have brought the researchers' attention to the smart intralogistics in production facilities. Automated guided vehicles (AGV), especially mobile robots play a vital role in this development. On the other hand, industrial internet technologies offered new possibilities for the information exchange between devices, data integration platforms and communication interfaces to advance and facilitate the intralogistics for effective material handling and transportation. In order to analyse the feasibility and effectiveness of the mobile robots in the production area, 3D visualization should be combined with simulation, which provides a comprehensive possibility to evaluate and review the potential solution performance and its consistency before implementing practically into the production floor area. This paper describes a conceptual model based on 3D visualization and simulation and experimental study which help to make the decision according to the input data from the factory environment of the movement of mobile robots in production logistics. Moreover, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined to analyse the use-case's process improvement in terms of the time reduction, which leads to increase productivity and cut-down the workers' fatigue.
In the area of mobile robotics, trajectory planning is the task to find a sequence of primitive trajectories that connect two configurations, whereas non-holonomic constraints, obstacles and driving costs have to be considered. In this paper, we present an approach that is able to handle situations that require changes of driving directions. In such situations, optimal trajectory sequences contain costly turning maneuvers – sometimes not even on the direct path between start and target. These situations are difficult for most optimization approaches as the robot partly has to drive paths with higher cost values that seem to be disadvantageous. We discuss the problem in depth and provide a solution that is based on maneuvers, partial backdriving and free-place discovery. We applied the approach on top of our Viterbi-based trajectory planner.
Content available Continuous-curvature trajectory planning
Continuous-curvature paths play an important role in the area of driving robots: as vehicles usually cannot change the steering angle in zero-time, real trajectories must not have discontinuities in the curvature profile. Typical continuous-curvature paths are thus built of straight lines, arcs and clothoids. Due to the geometric nature of clothoids, some questions in the area of trajectory planning are difficult the answer – usually we need approximations here. In this paper we describe a full approach for continuous-curvature trajectory planning for mobile robots – it covers a maneuver-based planning with Viterbi optimization and geometric approximations required to construct the respective clothoid trajectories.
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