Problematyka badań eksperymentalnych dużych maszyn elektrycznych, a szczególnie konstruktorskich badań trwałościowych, jest trudnym i kosztownym zagadnieniem. Artykuł zawiera retrospektywny opis prac eksperymentalnych podjętych przed kilkudziesięciu laty w Politechnice Rzeszowskiej, w odniesieniu do wysokonapięciowych silników indukcyjnych klatkowych.
The issues of experimental tests of large electric machines is a complex and costly task, especially constructional endurance tests. The paper contain a retrospective desription of experimental tests of high-voltage squirrel-cage induction motors which have been taken in Rzeszow University of Technology for several decades.
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Rozruch silników klatkowych wysokonapięciowych o napięciach 6000 i 10000 V odbywa się zwykle drogą bezpośredniego załączenia na pełne napięcie sieci. Wiele uszkodzeń silników jest rezultatem termicznych i mechanicznych naprężeń spowodowanych prądem rozruchowym w uzwojeniach stojana i wirnika klatkowego, a także elektrodynamicznych drgań występujących w okresie rozruchu. W artykule analizowano termiczne i dynamiczne efekty działania prądu rozruchowego silnika, podano przykłady uszkodzeń klatek i zalecenia eksploatacyjne.
Industrial AC cage rotor motors of nominal voltage 6000 and 10 000V are usually started by switching direct on line (d.o.l.). Many failures of the motors is often the result of the thermal and mechanical stresses caused by initial starting current surges in stator and rotor (squirrel cage) windings, as well as electro-dynamic vibrations occurred at starting period. In the paper thermal and dynamic effects of starting current of d.o.l. started motors are evaluated, same examples of typical disintegrated squirrel cages showed and recommendations for motor’s exploitation given.
Industrial AC cage rotor motors of nominal voltage 6000 and 10 000V are usually started by switching direct on line. Many failures of the motors is often the result of their design which do not take into account the thermal and mechanical stresses caused by initial starting current surges in stator and rotor (squirrel cage) windings, as well as electro-dynamic vibrations occurred at starting period. Proper choice and proper design of the rotor cage is of high importance for d.o.l. started induction motors of middle and high capacity. In the paper thermal and dynamic effects of starting current of d.o.l. started motors are evaluated, same examples of typical disintegrated squirrel cages showed and recommendations for motor’s exploitation given.
Rotor cage failures are not regarded as the main cause of the induction motors breakdowns. An induction motor with broken squirrel cage bars can still be exploited, consecutive starts may be executed. At durability tests carried out by Komel Centre some years ago on a prototype 800 kW induction motor, it was stated, that even if 80% of the rotor bars were broken, the motor started fairy successfully and could be loaded. But any rotor cage failure (e.g. single bar or end ring fracture) causes electromagnetic asymmetry of the motor; main technical features of the motor are heavily deteriorated. Sound power level and vibration level become higher, efficiency factor lower, temperature rise of the stator winding may by higher. Starting (locked rotor) and breakdown torque is lower. In the paper special laboratory tests of a standard, 4 kW, 1500 RMP, 3 phase motor with aluminium rotor cast are presented. The tests were carried out on symmetric ("healthy") squirrel cage and on the cage with one, three and six broken bars. Several examples of large AC motors with damaged rotors and a reliable method for rotor squirrel cage diagnostics are presented.
The damages of the induction motor rotor's squirrel-cage winding in most cases accumulate gradually, so it is possible to detect them early and protect the user effectively from the damages' consequences. When the induction motor with an asymmetrical rotor is operating with the constant power output, various negative effects can occur, the most serious of which are the decrease in the efficiency and the increase of the motor's temperature. The issue of the steady state occurring in such cases has been discussed in numerous articles, but the majority of them confine themselves to the simulations based on the mathematical model. One of the main objectives of this paper is to investigate experimentally the operating of the motor with a damaged squirrel-cage winding in the transient states. In this article the results of the laboratory tests of the transient states (start-up, reversion) of the cage motor's model are presented. The special construction of the physical model allows for intentional liquidation of the galvanic connection between the bar and the end ring. During the start-up and reversion the torque of the motor, the current of the stator and the motor speed have been measured. The results of the tests carried out on the model of the rotor with various degrees of damages to the squirrel-cage winding are presented. Moreover, the case in which the located together bars are broken is compared with the situation in which the number of the broken bars is equal, but the damage has the property of being symmetrical, and also when it is random. Finally, the conclusions presenting the possible means of diagnosing such damages are drawn.
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Large part of high power electric motors used in polish industry are at least 20-30 years old products. The motors were designed in 60-ties or 70-ties of the last century. Noise level of industry machinery was regarded as of minor importance in those days. Replacing a high voltage, high power motor just because of its noise level is not always economically justyfied. In the paper methods of diminishing of the noise level of high voltage induction motors are given, several examples are presented, as well.
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At industrial exploitation of a 520 kW, 6000 V induction squirrel cage motor in a turbocompressor driving unit several starting disturbances were observed. It was stated after the investigation that in the starting period short breaks of supplying voltage occurred. The motor started DOL and was connected to the mains by a vacuum switcher. Control tests at starting period with starting current recording were repeated several times. Their results are presented at fig. 1. In the paper the physical phenomena in the electro-magnetic circuit of the motor caused by short breaks of supplied voltage at starting period are discussed. Dynamic strokes of the motor torque occurring at voltage breaks are not very high due to low rotational speed of the rotor. Nevertheless in the cause studied supply breaks occurred several times at every single start of the motor and eventually a break of the rotor shaft key occurred. Very dangerous for motor insulation system are voltage surges occurred at circuit breaks, especially when this breaks takes place at full starting current of the motor.
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Large part of high voltage electric motors used in polish industry are at least 20 - 30 years old products. The motors were designed in 60-ties or 70-ties, the noise level of industry machinery was regarded as of minor importance in those days. Replacing a high voltage, high power motor just because of its noise level is not always possible. In the paper methods of diminishing the noise level of high voltage, medium and large size induction motors are given, several examples of the motors ranging 200 through 1600 kW are presented.
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The paper discusses parameters and phenomena affected by magnetic wedge. Based on field and circuital approach, a proposal for making static calculations of electro-mechanical characteristics more precise is presented. The calculation of magnetizing current, leakage reactance and core losses is of basic importance in the analysis of electro-mechanical parameters of motor with magnetic wedges. The magnetic wedges located directly at the air gap have the effect on the shape of the magnetic field. The presence of magnetic wedge reduce amplitude of variations of induction in the air gap. It is reflected in a reduction of effective width of the air gap. In calculations this phenomenon may by taken into account by a use of corrected value of Carter coefficient. When magnetic wedges are applited the solt leakage field lines concentrate in toot head and in the wedge. The value of motor leakage reactance changes. The Carter coefficient is the basis of making the differential leakage reactance calculations more precise. Field approach may be employed for the calculation of slot leakage reactance. It consists in determining the slot leakage field on the basis of solution of nonlinear equation of vector potential derived from Maxwell equations. The effect of magnetic wedges reveals itself also in reduced motor core losses. It applies mainly to additional losses - pulsatory and surface. The applied approximate method for additional loss determination is possible when the maximum value of magnetic induction in the air gap and the oscillation amplitude are know. An attempt is also made to clarify the phenomenon of wedge sliding out of slots during motor operation.
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In the induction motor with open-slots the non-magnetic wedge was substituted by wedge made of magnetic material of specyfic permeability. The electro-magnetic motor calculation algorithm has been modified while utilising the hitherto knowledge on magnetic wedges. It was assumed that material of which the wedge is made has uniform structure. In the analysis of electro-mechanical parameters of motors with magnetic wedges the calculation of magnetizing current, leakage reactance and core loss is of essential importance. The remaining effects are a consequence of changes in those values. The value of magnetic permeability of the wedge was taken into account in calculations of Carter coefficient. Field approach was used for the calculation of slot leakage reactance. The slot leakage stream only was identified for this purpose. The leakage field distribution was determined on the basis of the solution of non-linear equation of vector potential derived from Maxwell equations. The motor core loss calculations were run with approximate methods applied for non-magnetic wedges. The reduction of induction oscillation amplitude, as a result of magnetic material use for slot closure, was taken into account. The prepared algorithm enables the procedure of calculation of the working point for the motor with non-magnetic and magnetic wedges. The comparative analysis of obtained results enables evaluation of effects of magnetic wedge use.
Przedstawiono metody obniżania hałasu eksploatowanych silników elektrycznych. Wykazano ich skuteczność. Podkreślono, iż w przypadku wymiany wentylatorów można uzyskać także obniżenie strat i poprawę współczynnika sprawności.
Presented are methods of lowering noise level of electric motors. Their efficiency is proved. Emphasised is, that one can also achieve lower losses and improve the efficiency coefficient, when replacing fans.
W artykule przedstawiono algorytmy obliczeń sił elektrodynamicznych działających na pręt w żłobku oraz rozkładu temperatury w pręcie i pierścieniu zwierającym w czasie rozruchu silnika. Zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń tych wielkości w różnych stanach rozruchu silnika. Przeprowadzono obliczenia naprężeń mechanicznych występujących w prętach klatki wirnika oraz przedstawiono analizę wyników obliczeń.
Calculation algorithms of electrodynamic forces acting on a bar in a groove and temperature distribution in a bar and ring during the motor starting are presented. Results in different states of the motor starting are shown. Centrifugal and radial clearances in grooves of rotor core bars are assumed. Calculations of mechanical stresses acting in squirrel-cage winding bars and analysis of the results are made.
W referacie zostaną pokazane wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń nagrzewania silnika dwuklatkowego w awaryjnym stanie pracy z zablokowanym wirnikiem, o specjalnej konstrukcji klatki zapewniającej obniżenie temperatury w pozapakietowej strefie. Zostanie również przedstawione zabezpieczenie silnika przed skutkami zablokowania wirnika lub zbyt częstymi rozruchami bazującymi na modelu cieplnym prętów klatki.
The paper presents the results of measurements and calculations of heating process of a double squirrel-cage induction motor with the locked rotor. The cage of the analysed motor is of special construction assuring the diminished temperature rise of the bars in the rotor overhanging area. In the paper a way of protection against the results of blocking the rotor (or of too frequent starts) basing on the thermal model of rotor bars is described.
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W silnikach indukcyjnych dużej mocy podczas długotrwałego rozruchu lub w czasie zablokowania wirnika w uzwojeniu głównie wirnika wydziela się znaczna ilość energii cieplnej. Dodatkowym niekorzystnym zjawiskiem jest nierównomierny rozkład temperatury w objętości uzwojenia wirnika i związanych z tym niszczących naprężeń mechanicznych. Przedstawiono metodę analizy nieustalonego nagrzewania uzwojeń klatkowych z uwzględnieniem wpływu nieustalonego nagrzewania na parametry elektromagnetyczne decydujące o rozkładzie strat cieplnych w obszarze uzwojenia. Obliczone przebiegi narastania temperatury w wybranych punktach uzwojenia klatkowego zostały zweryfikowane pomiarowo.
There is lots of heat energy emit masthy in rotor winding of high power induction motors during long-lasting starting or during rotor lockont. Additional unfavourable phenomenon is non-uniform temperature distribution in rotor winding volume and destruchiv states of mechanical stresses connected with it. The paper shows the method of transient winding heating analysis regarding transient heating influence on electromagnetic parameters decisive about heat losses distribution in winding area. Tempeature growing diagrams calculated in selected points of squirrel-cage winding were verify in tests.
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Obliczenia cieplne maszyn indukcyjnych mają na celu ocenę odporności uzwojeń w stanach pracy, w których należy spodziewać się znacznych stromości narastania temperatury. Niszczące stany naprężeń pochodzenia termicznego mogą wystąpić przy zablokowaniu wirnika lub w czasie długotrwałego rozruchu. Kilkakrotnie większy od znamionowego, wypierany w części żłobkowej prąd powoduje nierównomierne nagrzewanie się prętów i lokalne ich przegrzanie, przede wszystkim w części żłobkowej. W głębokożłobkowych uzwojeniach klatkowych o trapezowym przekroju prętów efekt ten jest intensywniejszy z uwagi na ich zbieżność. Przedstawiony w referacie model wymiany ciepła pozwala przeprowadzić analizę termiczną nieustalonego procesu nagrzewania uzwojeń dla wskazanych stanów pracy silnika. Jednocześnie daje możliwość powiązania dynamiki rozruchu z procesem termicznym i uwzględnienia wpływu zmieniającej się temperatury na parametry silnika.
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Przyjmując kołowo-symetryczny układ uzwojenia klatkowego i liniowo-sprężyste własności miedzi w całym obszarze nieustalonego pola temperatury, jakie w prostokątnym głębokożłobkowym pręcie i pierścieniu zwierającym wywołuje działanie cieplne składowej ustalonej prądu zwarcia, obliczono stan naprężeń w pręcie oraz jego deformację.
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Optymalnym rozwiązaniem konstrukcji uzwojenia klatkowego wirników silników indukcyjnych przeznaczonych do eksploatacji w warunkach długotrwałego rozruchu jest uzwojenie z biernym prętem rozruchowym. W referacie została przedstawiona analiza stanu termicznego klatki w czasie zwarcia i podczas rozruchu. Pokazane przebiegi rozkładu temperatury uzyskano na drodze obliczeń numerycznych.
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