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Content available 50 years of history, the present and the future
In this short note, we outline the history of the Journal, present its recent developments, as well as changes that we are going through, with some attempt at sketching the plans for the future. Some illustrations are provided, concerning the publication statistics, especially with respect to the last 15 years.
Sharing research data from public funding is an important topic, especially now, during times of global emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, when we need policies that enable rapid sharing of research data. Our aim is to discuss and review the revised Draft of the OECD Recommendation Concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding. The Recommendation is based on ethical scientific practice, but in order to be able to apply it in real settings, we suggest several enhancements to make it more actionable. In particular, constant maintenance of provided software stipulated by the Recommendation is virtually impossible even for commercial software. Other major concerns are insufficient clarity regarding how to finance data repositories in joint private-public investments, inconsistencies between data security and user-friendliness of access, little focus on the reproducibility of submitted data, risks related to the mining of large data sets, and sensitive (particularly personal) data protection. In addition, we identify several risks and threats that need to be considered when designing and developing data platforms to implement the Recommendation (e.g., not only the descriptions of the data formats but also the data collection methods should be available). Furthermore, the non-even level of readiness of some countries for the practical implementation of the proposed Recommendation poses a risk of its delayed or incomplete implementation.
Studies of forest ecosystems enable gathering important information on the natural environment the development of which is more and more disturbed by the global climate change. The current research on the ecosystem functioning provides data that may be of much value for future analysis and prognostic studies. Modern measurement techniques used in the forest research have a significant influence on the increase in the database resources, especially those concerning the spatial data. Big data requires the use of advanced analytical technologies, such as data warehouses, computer clusters or cloud computing. Consequently, cooperation of specialists from various scientific disciplines, including forestry, geography, climatology and computer science, has become increasingly necessary. The IT system of the Forest Research Institute (FRI) was modernized within the framework of the Operational Programme – Innovative Economy 2007–2013. Its functionality allows integrating, storing and analyzing ever more big databases from dispersed sources. The idea of open access to data is realized by the FRI mainly through publication of research results in domestic and foreign scientific journals, in specialized information services and on scientific portals. On the other hand, open access to raw data still raises a lot of concern and controversies in the scientific community, especially in the context of copyright infringement.
The paper presents the results obtained during the searches conducted in the bibliographic-abstracted databases Web of Science, Scopus, BazTech in May 2016. The results obtained by bibliometric indicators were contribution to write about altmetric indicators. During the work search been done in database BazTech, which however, does not provide data on traditional and altmetrics indicators. The time range was from 2005 to 2015. Results are the contribution to discussion about articles, journals and indicators.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki uzyskane podczas wyszukiwań prowadzonych w bazach bibliograficzno-abstraktowych Web of Science, Scopus, BazTech w maju 2016 r. Uzyskane wyniki o wskaźnikach bibliometrycznych były przyczynkiem do przywolania wskaźników altmetrycznych. Podczas prac korzystano także z krajowej bazy BazTech, która jednak nie udostępnia danych o tradycyjnych cytowaniach ani wskaźnikach altmetrycznych. Zakres wyszukiwań dotyczył publikacji z lat 2005-2015. Uzyskane wyniki stanowią wkład do dyskusji na temat artykułów, czasopism i ich wskaźników.
Artykuł przedstawia krótką historię piśmiennictwa z dziedziny elektrotechniki. Po 1918 r. obserwuje się wzrost liczby publikacji, a wraz z rozwojem nauki zwiększa się obszar tematyczny literatury fachowej. Ogromną zasługę w tym rozwoju miało Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich. W artykule pokazano sposoby wyszukiwania wydawnictw przedwojennych SEP, ich dostępność w bibliotekach, także cyfrowych. Przedstawia w jaki sposób zwiększyć powszechny otwarty dostęp do spuścizny naukowej i wydawniczej SEP.
The article presents a brief history of electric engineering. After 1918, there is an increase in the number of publication, and with the development of science the subject area of professional literature increases. Great achievement in this development was the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP). The article shows how to search for pre-war SEP publication, their availability in libraries, also digital libraries. Presents a way to increase the universal open access to scientific and publishing heritage of SEP.
W artykule opisano wyniki uzyskane podczas wyszukiwań (maj-czerwiec 2015) danych o publikacjach indeksowanych w bazach bibliograficzno-abstraktowych: Web of Science i Scopus oraz przestrzeni sieciowej: w wyszukiwarkach Google i Google Scholar, w bazach Ebsco, ProQuest i serwisie ResearchGate. Wyszukiwania prowadzono dla afiliacji: All countries i Poland. Zakres prac dotyczył wszystkich lat do 2015 roku włącznie. Wpisując te same zapytania w bazach otrzymano różne wyniki: liczbę publikacji, cytowań, czy wyniki dotyczące aspektu dostępu do pełnego tekstu (Open Access) i występowania w serwisie ResearchGate.
This paper reports the results of research conducted in May-June 2015 at two databases: the Web of Science CC, Scopus and in Google and Google Scholar and in databases EBSCO, ProQuest and service for scientists ResearchGate. Searches were conducted for affiliation: all countries and Poland, the scope covered all years up to 2015. The same queries gave different results: number of publications, citations, aspect on access to the full text (Open Access), or the occurrence of the site ResearchGate.
The main objective of creating the open access to databases is to develop of innovation and efficiency in all aspects of socio-economic development. The article discusses the issue of open access to public data and focuses attention on the information of the results of research, useful to entrepreneurs. Open access to the data of the R&D institutions can be practically achieved thanks to implementation of an interactive platform. The proposed platform should uses the procedure for: collecting data from individual R&D institutions websites, translating them into language of benefits, comprehensible to entrepreneurs, distributing the transformed information to the proper entrepreneurs, selected by the code of NACE. The Author tackles the topic of digital knowledge-sharing in the context of the acceleration of socio-economic development in Europe. She discusses her own proprietary software tool - an interactive platform that uses so called “the language of benefits” for transferring the scientific research results to business practice.
This paper reports on research conducted in March 2014 on two databases: the Web of Science and Scopus. These bibliographic databases provide information on publications, citations and other metrics. This research focused mainly on publications from Central and Eastern Europe, indexed in these databases from 2000 to 2013. The same queries produced different results on the number of publications and two bibliometric factors (citations and the Hirsch index), which were then compared and analysed. The results illustrate the differences between the databases and contribute to the discussion on how the number of citations is influenced by the ways of searching, the impact of Open Access and multiple affiliations.
Artykuł opisuje badania prowadzone z wykorzystaniem baz: Web of Science i Scopus- dostarczają one informacji na temat indeksowanych publikacji i danych bibliometrycznych, w tym cytowań. Wyszukiwania koncentrowały się na publikacjach z krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej z lat 2000-2013. Wpisując te same zapytania otrzymano różne wyniki dotyczące liczby publikacji i wskaźników bibliometrycznych: liczby cytowań i indeks Hirsch’a. Zostały one przeanalizowane i porównane także w aspekcie afiliacji autorów publikacji. Wyniki pokazują wiele różnic i mogą być przyczynkiem do dyskusji na temat wpływu na cytowania czynników takich jak afiliacja, open Access.
Artykuł omawia wybrane źródła niekomercyjnych dostępów do czasopism elektronicznych w ramach zasobów Open Access. Przedmiotem zainteresowania są wybrane źródla tematyczne z zakresu rolnictwa i nauk pokrewnych. Zakres artykułu obejmuje charakterystykę źródeł czasopism polskich, czasopism i serwisów zagranicznych oraz repozytoriów.
The article presents chosen sources of non-profitable availability to electronic magazines in the range of Open Access resources. The main area of interest here are specifically chosen thematic sources dealing with both agricultural and alike sciences. The article embraces the characteristics of sources for Polish magazines, foreign magazines and bulletines as well as repositories.
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